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Panelists: Chuck Brooks, Innovation, Technology, Homeland Security, Government Relations
Tim Evans, Senior Advisor, Cyber Strategy & Policy; Johns Hopkins University
Ira Hoffman, Law and Policy Expert, Offit Kurman Attorney at Law
R. Admiral (ret.) Norman Hayes, Former Director of Intelligence, EUCOM (J-2)
The panelists were opened to questions from the audience,and a moderator led the workshop exercise.The ability to
compromise ATC towers through cyber means is a reality, and this special workshop has the abilityto create the
dialogue needed to create awareness and educate cyber securityprofessionals interested in safeguarding critical
Chuck Brooks, Innovation, Technology, Homeland Security, Government Relations
Richard Nelson, Chief Software Systems Engineer, SAIC
Workshop HOST
Defensive Cyberspace Operations & Intelligence Conference & Exhibition
Defensive Cyber Operation & Intelligence conference
DCOI ATC (Air Traffic Control) Cyber Security Workshop - "GHOST ATTACK"

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  • 1. Panelists: Chuck Brooks, Innovation, Technology, Homeland Security, Government Relations Tim Evans, Senior Advisor, Cyber Strategy & Policy; Johns Hopkins University Ira Hoffman, Law and Policy Expert, Offit Kurman Attorney at Law R. Admiral (ret.) Norman Hayes, Former Director of Intelligence, EUCOM (J-2) The panelists were opened to questions from the audience,and a moderator led the workshop exercise.The ability to compromise ATC towers through cyber means is a reality, and this special workshop has the abilityto create the dialogue needed to create awareness and educate cyber securityprofessionals interested in safeguarding critical infrastructure. Chuck Brooks, Innovation, Technology, Homeland Security, Government Relations Richard Nelson, Chief Software Systems Engineer, SAIC
  • 2. EVENT GOLD SPONSOR Workshop HOST Defensive Cyberspace Operations & Intelligence Conference & Exhibition Defensive Cyber Operation & Intelligence conference DCOI ATC (Air Traffic Control) Cyber Security Workshop - "GHOST ATTACK"