This document provides advice from a technology expert and startup mentor on how to take a tech idea and build it into a successful global company. It outlines key steps and considerations including focusing on solving an important problem, building a team, obtaining funding, validating the idea with customers, establishing marketing and sales, planning for continuous funding and growth, and ultimately exiting through an acquisition. The mentor emphasizes the importance of passion, risk-taking, adapting to changes, and outworking expectations to achieve global success.
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Panmak karagiannis - from a tech idea to a global meaningful company
1. From a Tech Idea to a
Global meaningful
how tech people with a novel idea can
start and grow a global company!
A Mentors view
Sotiris Karagiannis
Information Technology Expert,
Startup Mentor (a)
Twitter: @skaragiannis
2. Who am I ? A Tech Visionary (?)
a life timeline full of changes between Passion, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
1970s Moon, Robot Toys, Air Models, Electronics, Boards, Mini Computers, Games
1980s Computers, Uni (Applied Math), Software, Artificial Intelligence Edinburgh
..1990s ISP in N. Greece, Internet Software, Web Apps, Infrastructure, Cloud ,Future?
3. Your mentor for today
My path was full of changes in a continuous
search for knowledge, innovation,
entrepreneurship and real market value
I NEVER stopped LOVING what I did (passion)
I was many times a self starter (a Serial
Entrepreneur), I was never settled, I failed
many times and learned a lot.
I had mentors myself and I listened to them.
I want to pay that back
4. A piece of the reality
You are HERE
You want to go HERE
Geeks only
6. Software is eating the World!
Marc Andreessen
Over two billion people now use the broadband Internet
software programming tools and Internet-based services make it
easy to launch new global software-powered start-ups in many
the single most dramatic example of this phenomenon of software
eating a traditional business is the rise of Amazon, todays the
world's largest bookseller, which is a software company
Video : Netflix
Music : iTunes, Spotify, Pandora
Entertainment: Zynga, Pixar Photography: Shutterfly, Snapfish, Flickr
Marketing: Google, Groupon, Living Social, Foursquare
Telecom: Skype HR/Recruiting : Linkedin
Transportation: Uber, Tesla News/Media : Twitter
File share: Dropbox, Box Social: Facebook, Yammer
Cloud: Amazon, Azure and . TVs, Home Appliances, Planes, Cars, Oil
and Gas, Financials, Health Care, Education, Knowledge
7. Going to a global War:
The Basics
So do you think youre a (global) entrepreneur ?
Why are you there (desire not fear)?
Which (global) problem are you solving?
Are you afraid of (global) failure?
Do you take risks (calculated or other)?
Do you want to change the World ?
8. A Tech Idea! Is it enough?
Are you solving a (global) problem
Do you know what it takes to solve it?
You wish to try and dont mind to fail?
Do you think that your life is
depending on it?
Is it going to change the
9. Focus on the Problem. Got it?
Focus on the problem!!
If you're only excited about the solution,
you'll lose interest when
your solution doesn't fix
the problem!
10. Q: Why should anyone care ?
A question people hate
What is your value proposition ?
What is your competition (globally)?
Have you got IP protection?
Can you execute (idea -> action) ?
Does it Monetize ? (money talk)
Do customers care ? (metrics)
11. Something to remember about
competing incumbents
Over the next 10 years,
the battles between
incumbents and software-powered insurgents
will be epic
Marc Andreessen
12. Q: Have you thought about .. ?
A TEAM !! Sole Founder vs Having co-founders?
The location : Greece or ?
Funding ? How much do
you need ?
Your secret sauce!!
You sure have one.
Dont you?
The old type Business Plan?
Better have a 3 Year Budget/quick Business Plan
13. So you want money from VCs?
You have a solid Plan
You sure have Customer Validation, no?
You got Pilots / Commitments
You thought about Shares /
Equity / Advisors etc
You have good legal support!!
Thats why Mentoring is useful
14. OK. Ready to take Off ?
Product sales, sales, sales
growth !
Marketing, brand establishment
Continuous funding rounds >>
fill me up
Global Success
Exit Plan !!!
Companies are bought !!
15. Product Advice
If youre not
embarrassed when you
ship your first version
you waited too long
16. The People Who Are Crazy Enough to Think They Can Change the
World, Are the Ones Who Do! - Steve Jobs
And some final advice
Make more effort than
is expected of you.
Adapt to the rapid
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish