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惡悋惘悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠惘惡愀  悋愀惘 悋惶忰忰PANORAMA ITConnecting you the right way..
IntroductionPanorama IT (PIT) is a recognized solution provider based in Riyadh-Saudi Arabia and beginning operation across the Middle East. The Company has grown to become one of the trusted vendors in the market. Through specializing in Security & Voicesolutions, PIT has established dynamicity in these major departments:油Infrastructure Valuation.
Network security solutions.
Network optimization solutions.
Voice and video solutions.
Routing and switching solutions.
Data center solutions.
Wireless networking solutions.
Network management solutions.
Server and storage infrastructure solutions.
Network audit services.
Network consultancy services.
Disaster recovery solutions.
IT Staffing
Maintenance and support services.
Quality control.PIT's workforce of people is led by a professional and well-qualified team. They are guided by a clear vision and strategy for growth, and a set of core values that include integrity, excellence and social responsibility.PANORAMA IT
悴惺悸 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠		惠惺惠惡惘 悴惺悸 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 悋忰惆 愆惘悋惠 悴惺悸 惡 悴悋惘 悋 悋惠 惠惠悽惶惶  悴悋 惠惘 悋忰 悋惠悸 悋惠惶悋悋惠 悋惺悋惠 悋 惘悋 悋悧  惆悸 悋惘悋惷 惡悋悸 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愕惺惆悸 惠愀忰   悋愕 悋惆悋悽 悋惠愕惺 悋 愕 悋愆惘 悋悋愕愀 惠惶惡忰 悋忰惆 悋愆惘悋惠 悋惓 惡悋  悽悋 愆惘悋惠悋 悋惠悋惡惺悸 惡悋愆惘悋悸 惺 悋悴惺悋惠 悋惆悸.	惆 悋愆悖惠 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 惆悋悸  悋悋惆悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋悸 :		惠惺惠惆 悴惺悸 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 惺 惘 悋 悋惺悋悸 悋悗悸 惠悖悋 悴惆悋  惠愕惠惘愆惆 惡惘悗悸 悋惷忰悸 悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悸   悴惺悸  悋 悋悖愕悋愕悸 悋惠 惠愆 悋愕悋悸 悋惠慍 悋愕悗悸 悋悋悴惠悋惺悸.悋  愆惘忰 惠惶 悽惆悋惠 悋惠 惠惆悋 悋悴惺悸PANORAMA IT
Infrastructure ValuationOur professionals have the knowledge and experience to provide complete valuations of complex technological solutions. We combine our extensive knowledge of IT Infrastructure and Network systems design and engineering expertise with specific product design criteria to provide complete infrastructure valuations which have a high quality to cost ratios.Valuations and cost estimates are based on the newest available technologies and aim to provide and optimize our customers return on investment and business benefits.PANORAMA IT
Network Security SolutionsOne of the biggest challenges faced by IT today is securing the network. As organizations embrace the latest technologies in implementing IT enabled systems, security, confidentiality and privacy concerns as well as legal and regulatory compliance are issues that need immediate action Many organizations today are focused in implementing network architecture based upon business urgency rather than security. Architecture design flaws are almost awakening for many organizations today. Security must be a multi-layered approach and PIT ensures that all the layers stack together well to form a strong security posture for your organization. PIT provides personalized security solutions for small to large organizations, telecommunication companies and government concerns. PIT possesses proven competence in Information Security Risk Analysis and Management which is backed by a very remarkable resource pool of talent and experience in network security and privacy protection.PANORAMA IT
Network Optimization SolutionsGiven the importance of anytime, anywhere application access, a comprehensive solution to problems that plague enterprise applications operating across the WAN is required. These problems include poor application performance, insufficient or congested network bandwidth, difficulties in IT consolidation and increasing demands of the mobile workforce. Whether an organization is seeking to make the most of its existing investment in WAN bandwidth by reducing traffic, aims to accelerate the performance of its global applications by addressing latency and chatty protocols, the optimal solution addresses all aspects of the problem at once. Our market-leading solutions address all of the issues that affect application performance over the WAN, improving the throughput of applications enterprises rely on every day - including file sharing, email, backup, SSL, document management systems, and IT tools, as well as ERP and CRM solutions. PANORAMA IT
Voice & Video SolutionsReplacing circuit switched technology with a more cost effective and efficient packet-based architecture, today data, voice and video can all be handled over a single IP network. This has made way for Unified Communications integration of fixed and mobile services like voice, e-mail, messaging, presence, voice-mail and web conferencing to a single environment offering the user a more complete but simpler and more effective experience. Unified communications helps businesses, small and large alike, to streamline information delivery and ensure ease of use. Human delays are also minimized or eliminated, resulting in better, faster interaction and service-delivery forthe customer, and cost savings for the business. Unified communications also allows for easier, more direct collaboration between co-workers and with suppliers and clients, even if they are not physically on the same site. This allows for possible reductions in business travel, especially with multi-party video communications, reducing an organization's carbon footprint. PANORAMA IT
Routing & Switching SolutionsWith an emphasis on security and reliability, our engineers carefully work with you to design the right network configuration to enable increased innovation and capacity, combined with reduced costs and complexity. Proper design and configuration of routers and switches is a vital part for an effective network. Our certified internetworking experts provide professional consultancy and recommendations on converged IP communications and enhancing your network capabilities. Our extensive experience in providing Advanced Routing and Switching solutions allow you to benefit from investments in information and communications technology. Leveraging fruitful partnerships with industry defining brands, PIT has handled networks of immense size and complexity with remarkable ease. We focus on your organization and the processes you perform  taking everything into account  from existing equipment and applications, to growth planning and future system needs.PANORAMA IT
Data Centre SolutionsPIT offers a broad range of project expertise. We specialize in planning, designing, deploying and maintaining data centers and server rooms that integrate critical infrastructure technologies.

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Panorama IT Introduction V1.2

  • 1. 惡悋惘悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠惘惡愀 悋愀惘 悋惶忰忰PANORAMA ITConnecting you the right way..
  • 3. IntroductionPanorama IT (PIT) is a recognized solution provider based in Riyadh-Saudi Arabia and beginning operation across the Middle East. The Company has grown to become one of the trusted vendors in the market. Through specializing in Security & Voicesolutions, PIT has established dynamicity in these major departments:油Infrastructure Valuation.
  • 6. Voice and video solutions.
  • 11. Server and storage infrastructure solutions.
  • 17. Quality control.PIT's workforce of people is led by a professional and well-qualified team. They are guided by a clear vision and strategy for growth, and a set of core values that include integrity, excellence and social responsibility.PANORAMA IT
  • 18. 悴惺悸 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 惠惺惠惡惘 悴惺悸 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 悋忰惆 愆惘悋惠 悴惺悸 惡 悴悋惘 悋 悋惠 惠惠悽惶惶 悴悋 惠惘 悋忰 悋惠悸 悋惠惶悋悋惠 悋惺悋惠 悋 惘悋 悋悧 惆悸 悋惘悋惷 惡悋悸 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愕惺惆悸 惠愀忰 悋愕 悋惆悋悽 悋惠愕惺 悋 愕 悋愆惘 悋悋愕愀 惠惶惡忰 悋忰惆 悋愆惘悋惠 悋惓 惡悋 悽悋 愆惘悋惠悋 悋惠悋惡惺悸 惡悋愆惘悋悸 惺 悋悴惺悋惠 悋惆悸. 惆 悋愆悖惠 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 惆悋悸 悋悋惆悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋悸 : 惠惺惠惆 悴惺悸 惡悋惘悋悋 悋悋 惠悸 悋惺悋惠 惺 惘 悋 悋惺悋悸 悋悗悸 惠悖悋 悴惆悋 惠愕惠惘愆惆 惡惘悗悸 悋惷忰悸 悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悸 悴惺悸 悋 悋悖愕悋愕悸 悋惠 惠愆 悋愕悋悸 悋惠慍 悋愕悗悸 悋悋悴惠悋惺悸.悋 愆惘忰 惠惶 悽惆悋惠 悋惠 惠惆悋 悋悴惺悸PANORAMA IT
  • 19. Infrastructure ValuationOur professionals have the knowledge and experience to provide complete valuations of complex technological solutions. We combine our extensive knowledge of IT Infrastructure and Network systems design and engineering expertise with specific product design criteria to provide complete infrastructure valuations which have a high quality to cost ratios.Valuations and cost estimates are based on the newest available technologies and aim to provide and optimize our customers return on investment and business benefits.PANORAMA IT
  • 20. Network Security SolutionsOne of the biggest challenges faced by IT today is securing the network. As organizations embrace the latest technologies in implementing IT enabled systems, security, confidentiality and privacy concerns as well as legal and regulatory compliance are issues that need immediate action Many organizations today are focused in implementing network architecture based upon business urgency rather than security. Architecture design flaws are almost awakening for many organizations today. Security must be a multi-layered approach and PIT ensures that all the layers stack together well to form a strong security posture for your organization. PIT provides personalized security solutions for small to large organizations, telecommunication companies and government concerns. PIT possesses proven competence in Information Security Risk Analysis and Management which is backed by a very remarkable resource pool of talent and experience in network security and privacy protection.PANORAMA IT
  • 21. Network Optimization SolutionsGiven the importance of anytime, anywhere application access, a comprehensive solution to problems that plague enterprise applications operating across the WAN is required. These problems include poor application performance, insufficient or congested network bandwidth, difficulties in IT consolidation and increasing demands of the mobile workforce. Whether an organization is seeking to make the most of its existing investment in WAN bandwidth by reducing traffic, aims to accelerate the performance of its global applications by addressing latency and chatty protocols, the optimal solution addresses all aspects of the problem at once. Our market-leading solutions address all of the issues that affect application performance over the WAN, improving the throughput of applications enterprises rely on every day - including file sharing, email, backup, SSL, document management systems, and IT tools, as well as ERP and CRM solutions. PANORAMA IT
  • 22. Voice & Video SolutionsReplacing circuit switched technology with a more cost effective and efficient packet-based architecture, today data, voice and video can all be handled over a single IP network. This has made way for Unified Communications integration of fixed and mobile services like voice, e-mail, messaging, presence, voice-mail and web conferencing to a single environment offering the user a more complete but simpler and more effective experience. Unified communications helps businesses, small and large alike, to streamline information delivery and ensure ease of use. Human delays are also minimized or eliminated, resulting in better, faster interaction and service-delivery forthe customer, and cost savings for the business. Unified communications also allows for easier, more direct collaboration between co-workers and with suppliers and clients, even if they are not physically on the same site. This allows for possible reductions in business travel, especially with multi-party video communications, reducing an organization's carbon footprint. PANORAMA IT
  • 23. Routing & Switching SolutionsWith an emphasis on security and reliability, our engineers carefully work with you to design the right network configuration to enable increased innovation and capacity, combined with reduced costs and complexity. Proper design and configuration of routers and switches is a vital part for an effective network. Our certified internetworking experts provide professional consultancy and recommendations on converged IP communications and enhancing your network capabilities. Our extensive experience in providing Advanced Routing and Switching solutions allow you to benefit from investments in information and communications technology. Leveraging fruitful partnerships with industry defining brands, PIT has handled networks of immense size and complexity with remarkable ease. We focus on your organization and the processes you perform taking everything into account from existing equipment and applications, to growth planning and future system needs.PANORAMA IT
  • 24. Data Centre SolutionsPIT offers a broad range of project expertise. We specialize in planning, designing, deploying and maintaining data centers and server rooms that integrate critical infrastructure technologies.
  • 25. Our design engineers ensure data center availability by implementing a fully redundant, fault-tolerant, and concurrently maintainable IT and support infrastructure architecture in which all possible hard failures are predictable and deterministic.
  • 26. Flexibility is achieved by implementing a modular IT and support infrastructure architecture allowing it to adapt quickly to unanticipated growth.
  • 27. We guarantee that your data center is always intact - enough space, adequate security & fire protection, ample power, sufficient cooling and, of course, your network services. PANORAMA IT
  • 28. Wireless Networking SolutionsFrom WLAN solutions using 802.11 a/b/g/n, to WiMAX, free space optics (FSO) or proprietary solutions, our engineers provide the right technology to meet your needs. We develop wireless solutions that address security concerns, bridge buildings that are miles away, allow VoIP to travel wirelessly or simply solutions that allow employees to hot desk.
  • 29. As the mobile workforce continues to grow, creating a unified mobile workspace becomes increasingly important to ensuring seamless collaboration and business efficiency. Our solutions include site evaluationsand surveys for the appropriate technology, plus design, test, integration, and installation, whether in a building or exposed to the environment.
  • 30. We offer industry standard point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and full mesh solutions. We know the importance of security as well as flexibility, and will make sure that you have the best of both.
  • 31. Our experience ensures network implementations that will work as designed and handle future growth.PANORAMA IT
  • 32. Network Management SolutionsIn the modern technology era, applications requiring high levels of availability must be managed with network and systems management disciplines to avoid unnecessary and potentially devastating outages. By investing in these processes, enterprises can mitigate their exposure to the majority of application service downtime risks involving people and process error.
  • 33. A Network Management System (NMS) is used to monitor and administer a network by collecting and correlating performance and other system, network and application parameters to predict and, thus, avoid potential downtime.
  • 34. PIT Networks offers a variety of scalable management products designed to monitor & maintain the performance, availability & security of network operations. Providing full FCAPS functionality; Fault management: LAN/WAN monitoring, root cause analysis,notification. Configuration management: Network device inventory, configuration and software image control. Accounting: Traffic insight, resource usage and traffic profiling Performance: Trend analysis, capacity planning, key performance indicator/service level reporting. Security: Collation and intelligent parsing of security alerts, threat assessment and audits.PANORAMA IT
  • 35. Server & Storage Infrastructure SolutionsMore times than not, today's organizations are looking for ways to reduce costs as they align technology with strategic goals to drive better business results. How you design, deploy, and manage your server infrastructure including large, distributed deployments of Microsoft速 technology incorporating Windows速 Servers, Exchange messaging servers, Active Directory, and SQL Server databases will certainly impact your ability to reach your objectives. The design and specification of enterprise wide as well as specific infrastructure solutions is a key function of PIT. Data, and its handling, is becoming increasingly important. The challenge for enterprise storage is therefore to make data easier to manage and protect, and to make it available from any location at any time, regardless of the platform used. PIT implements SAN solutions to manage exploding data volumes through their lifecycle from storage to high availability to data archiving and local and remote backup and recovery. PANORAMA IT
  • 36. Network Audit ServicesThe cause of network outages can often be difficult to identify, and may require costly and time consuming investigations. An essential component of any risk management strategy or program; a network audit will assess the risks to the business network and provide valuable insight and information.
  • 37. A network audit conducted by PIT provides clientswith detailed systems documentation, including a list of all hardware and software being used. PIT auditing services put your current network architecture through a security orientated battery of tests to show strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement.
  • 38. Our audit services aim to present an objective and detailed reporting of the current security mechanisms and controls already in place on the network as well as to show the level of protection on a relative scale.
  • 39. Our test results elaborate on vulnerabilities not just at the network level and what threat agents the network is most vulnerable to. PANORAMA IT
  • 40. Network Consultancy ServicesYour network is more central to your business processes than ever before. Today's networks are complex and with new technologies regularly being introduced you need to be sure that your network infrastructure is efficient and providing value for money to maximize your business investment. PITs consulting team is composed of experienced and certified engineers and technicians with areas of expertise spanning our complete solution and services portfolio. PIT provides consultancy services based on network statistics such as throughput, packet efficiency, loss ratio's and other factors which are vital in network planning, expansion and architecture. Our consulting services save you time, money, confusion and annoyance in collecting and analyzing information, optimizing systems, evaluating alternatives, implementing changes and working with vendors. Our goal is to not only lower your costs, but work with your management team to increase productivity. Let us handle the technology so that you can focus on what you do best, your business. PANORAMA IT
  • 41. Disaster Recovery SolutionsIts not about how hard you hit. Its about how hard you can get hit and still stand up. Disaster recovery is the process of regaining access to the data, hardware, and software necessary to resume critical business operations after a natural or human-induced disaster.
  • 42. Today the complexity of distributed and networked computers, assorted hardware and operating systems, virtualization, and automated external data feeds have greatly complicated disaster recovery planning.
  • 43. Our services include disaster recovery planning services and business continuity services that cover legal, preventive, and mitigating factors. We also provide email business continuity solutions to keep your email communication flowing running even when your email server is out of order and more.
  • 44. We provide best-of-breed solutions for delivering failover of downed systems, covering both intra-data center recovery and disaster recovery across multiple data centers. PANORAMA IT
  • 45. IT StaffingWith over hundreds of networking professionals joining our training facilities each month, PIT is more than equipped to provide you with experts that can not just meet expectations and deliverables but ones that exceeds expectation. PIT transforms HR service delivery with a comprehensive set of outsourcing services that dramatically reduce costs and improves organizational capabilities. As a premiere HR outsourcing services provider PIT will develop with you a custom recruitment strategy, based on your company's needs, business strategies, and the type of applicant needed. Our clients realize significant and sustainable performance improvement, and can focus on long-term business value such as talent acquisition, management and employee productivity. PIT enables you to save money, reduce risk and reallocate resources to concentrate on your core business. PANORAMA IT
  • 46. Maintenance & Support ServicesPITs flexible maintenance portfolio enables you to achieve maximum value from your network investments by delivering dependable in-service levels and improved network performance. PIT's Support Services portfolio provides the convenience of a single point of contact for the support of multi-vendor networks with the flexibility and choices in maintenance plans tied to Service Level Agreements (SLAs). You get the support services and priority you need depending on criticality of your business with response times as low as 24x7 hrs. With offerings for technical support, repair and return, sparing and software management, PIT's certified professionals provide on-site, on-call and ongoing IT support services. Our support services web portal ensures that customers can track the status and automated escalation of their complaints in a customized online complaint handling and escalation system. PANORAMA IT
  • 47. Quality ControlPIT ensure that the design and deployment of the IT Network infrastructure and systems have been carried in compliance with industry standards and specified requirements and recommendations.Task and Documentation provided:Design documentation.Review of Engineering and Technical requirements.Follow-up and mid project certification of the entire installation.Deployment testing.End-of-Project verifications, measurement, certification and documentation.PANORAMA IT
  • 48. Expertise40+ Technical staff.Certified Computer Engineers:CCIECCNPCCDPCCVPCCSPCCIPCCNACCDAMCSEPMPCISAJNCIAJNCISJNCIPITIL CertifiedDiversified experience.
  • 49. ISO 9001-2000 Certification for Quality Management System
  • 51. Focus on Pre-Sales & Post-Sales
  • 54. The TeamZaherAlBakriGeneral Manager0507 3646 13Abdus Saboor Business Development Manager (Team Lead)MSc IT Security, MCP, MLPM, CSSA, ITIL v30502 1111 04HusnainIqbalSr. ConsultantMBA Marketing, MSc HR
  • 55. SyedKhurramAbbasShamsiSr. ConsultantMSc Computer Sciences, B.Sc. Electrical EngineeringCWLSS, ASAM, CSE, CCNA, MCP, Certified Internal Quality Auditor (1SO 9001-2000)PANORAMA IT
  • 56. The Team (cont)SyedKhurramAbbasShamsiSr. ConsultantMSc Computer Sciences, B.Sc. Electrical EngineeringCWLSS, ASAM, CSE, CCNA, MCP, Certified Internal QualityAuditor (1SO 9001-2000)
  • 57. TauseefAmjadLatifSr. Consultant Technical (Pre-Sales & Post-Sales)B.Sc Electrical EngineeringCISA, CCNA, CCDA, WLANFE, AWLANSE, LCSAWLAN, SSSE, LCSAS, MCP, VSP, VTSP, JNCIA-EX, JNCIS-ES, JNCIA-ER, JNCIS-ER, 3M Volition Certified Cable Installer, Panda Security GD Certified Installer, F5 Big-IP LTM Specialist, Motorola Canopy / BH Certified Installer, Certified Internal Quality Auditor (1SO 9001-2000)
  • 58. HamidRazaConsultant ServicesMBA-Marketing, M.Sc Computer Sciences,PMP, ITIL Foundation Certified, MCSE, MCDB, CCNA, JNCIA-EX, JNCIS-ES, JNCIA-ER, JNCIS-ER, Certified Internal Quality Auditor (1SO 9001-2000)PANORAMA IT
  • 60. info@PanoramaIT.com.saWe look forward to host your valued BusinessPANORAMA IT