BlackBerry aims to initiate the greatest comeback in tech history with the launch of BlackBerry 10 in order to regain market share and satisfy loyal BlackBerry users. The new OS hopes to increase sales by 20% and stabilize the company by targeting current BlackBerry users and demonstrating to businesses how BB10 improves productivity and status compared to other devices. BlackBerry will promote BB10 through carrier partnerships, a strong digital presence, outdoor advertising, and personalized demonstrations in order to spread by word of mouth.
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2. WHAT ?
Initiate the greatest comeback in the tech history
Regain market share, satisfy the believers.. the BlackBerry people
Increase sales by 20%
BlackBerry - A start-up with a huge legacy
Blackberry is taking it to the next level
Productivity & Image
BB10 is not a TOY
It is a TOOL
Status Symbol