This document summarizes a study on the impacts of thunderstorms in Portugal from 2003-2011. 234 accidents were recorded in the database, with an average of 12 damaging thunderstorm days per year. 70% of accidents were caused by lightning and 30% by hail. The severe hailstorm that hit Lisbon on April 29, 2011 was examined as a case study. Over 800 emergency calls were received that day, most from the municipality of Amadora. A survey found that 91% remembered the storm and 69% were affected, with flood damage being most common. Losses ranged from under 500 euros for half of respondents to over 5000 euros for 12.5%.
Citta paper morais_p.costan.mPedro MoraisThis document discusses a study analyzing the accessibility of public transportation for motor disabled citizens in Lisbon, Portugal. The study used a geographic information system to model Lisbon's public transportation network, including pedestrian, road, rail, and river networks. It evaluated the accessibility of subway and river stations, as well as bus routes. The goal was to understand where improvements are needed to accessibility infrastructure and services to increase mobility for motor disabled citizens. Key findings from municipal regulations and analyses of the multimodal network model identified accessibility problems and barriers that need to be addressed.
ConferenciaCitta2013 Pedro Morais et al.Pedro MoraisThe document discusses a study on public transportation and mobility for motor disabled citizens in Lisbon, Portugal. The study aims to understand problems faced by disabled citizens, map the public transportation network, identify accessible services, and find vulnerabilities. Researchers used GIS tools to analyze transportation data and design routes. Results showed that only 45% of bus routes are accessible and influence areas of adapted stations are smaller. The best and adapted routes between locations were determined and proximity to hospitals from a residential area was analyzed. Researchers recommend further adaptations and an app to help disabled citizens navigate the transportation system.
Modelo de Revestimento de PasseioPedro MoraisThis short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on ݺߣShare.
Increasing Relevance of Weather Reports for Different UsersTanja LiksoThis document discusses climate monitoring in Croatia in 2014. It notes that 2014 was one of the warmest years on record for Zagreb. Heavy precipitation in May 2014 led to catastrophic flooding across eastern Croatia and neighboring regions. International cooperation on meteorological and hydrological data sharing is important for flood forecasting and management, as weather events do not stop at political borders.
Flood services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood...FLOOD-serv EU ProjectFlood Services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood risk management - Flood Serv Project
Nichersu Iuliana (DDNI), Petroschi Daniela (IP Tulcea), Nichersu Iulian (DDNI)
During the 25th International Scientific Event “Deltas and Wetlands” 2017, the FLOOD-serv Partners from IP Tulcea presented the paper: “Flood Services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood risk management– FLOOD-serv Project”.
This paper presented the main concept of the FLOOD-serv project along with the tools that are created in order to support flood resilience and awareness. According to the abstract: «The study is documented by parallel descriptions of how the provisions of the European Directives are transposed into the national legislation and it will provide key country characteristics and differences of the governance structure of the flood risk management, which are crucial elements for the effectiveness of the societal risk reduction».
FLOOD- serv is a project funded under the Topic INSO-1--2015 ICT-enabled open government of the EU HORIZON 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 for Societal Challenge 6 (Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies). The aim of the project is to provide a complete solution for floods awareness, response actions and education regarding flood risks
The Geneva Association: World Fire StatisticsFrancisYee1For several years now, the World Fire Statistics Center (WFSC) has been moving beyond only collecting and disseminating data on fire deaths, injuries and damage (to structures and property), and embracing the wider view of “fire as a vulnerability”. We wish in this sense to pay close attention to fires as they are associated with other natural disasters and view fire in the broader risk management and disaster mitigation perspective.
Impact of summer 2003 heat wave in EuropeSimoneBoccucciaThe extreme drought and heat wave that hit Europe in the summer of 2003 had widespread adverse effects. Temperatures were 20-30% higher than average over much of the continent from June to mid-August. This caused over 30,000 heat-related deaths across Europe. Agricultural production decreased as crops withered and forests burned, with over 650,000 hectares destroyed by the over 25,000 fires reported. The economic losses from impacts on agriculture, forestry, and infrastructure exceeded 13 billion euros. Alpine glaciers lost an unprecedented amount of mass, around 10% of their total volume, as global warming trends lead to more frequent extreme heat events.
DIGITAL SOCIETY : A REVIEW OF E-SERVICE AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN EARTHQUAKES ...IJMIT JOURNALDeveloping countries lacking technology infrastructures experience most disasters such as tsunami, hurricane Katrina, earthquakes. Even though, many lives are saved in developed countries through the use of high-level or sophisticated technology, only the technology that is easy to use, inexpensive, durable and field-tested should be introduced and used during the relief operation. The effect of climate change andrapid population growth are probably exposed people inhabiting areas to substantial environmental risks. The authors highlight and identify current practices, particularities, and challenges in earthquakes relief operations with the aims of reviewing the roles E-Service and Mobile Technology tools in real-life situations and practices could do to help in disaster operations. This study focuses on victims of earthquakes worldwide. The study will review and provide insights into the roles of E-Service and Mobile Technologies in earthquakes relief operations and how the internally displaced person could benefit from these services. The limitations of these services will be discussed and how the technology could be used to further predict natural disaster such as earthquakes is also considered.
Digital society a review of e service and mobile technology in earthquakes re...IJMIT JOURNALThis document provides a literature review of the roles of e-service and mobile technology in earthquake relief operations. It discusses how GPS, Bluetooth, VSAT, RFID, and GIS technologies can help to track affected individuals, facilitate emergency response, enable communication when infrastructure is damaged, identify people and objects, and monitor hazardous areas. The review finds that these technologies can improve relief efforts by expediting the resettlement of displaced persons and aiding organizations responding to disasters. However, it notes limitations that must be addressed and ways technology could further help predict natural disasters.
DIGITAL SOCIETY : A REVIEW OF E-SERVICE AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN EARTHQUAKES ...IJMIT JOURNALDeveloping countries lacking technology infrastructures experience most disasters such as tsunami,
hurricane Katrina, earthquakes. Even though, many lives are saved in developed countries through the use
of high-level or sophisticated technology, only the technology that is easy to use, inexpensive, durable and
field-tested should be introduced and used during the relief operation. The effect of climate change and
rapid population growth are probably exposed people inhabiting areas to substantial environmental risks.
The authors highlight and identify current practices, particularities, and challenges in earthquakes relief
operations with the aims of reviewing the roles E-Service and Mobile Technology tools in real-life
situations and practices could do to help in disaster operations. This study focuses on victims of
earthquakes worldwide. The study will review and provide insights into the roles of E-Service and Mobile
Technologies in earthquakes relief operations and how the internally displaced person could benefit from
these services. The limitations of these services will be discussed and how the technology could be used to
further predict natural disaster such as earthquakes is also considered.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POLLUTION LEVELS AND POVERTY: REGIONS OF ANTOFAGASTA, V...AproximacionAlFuturoThe document analyzes the relationship between pollution levels and poverty in three regions of Chile - Antofagasta, Valparaiso and Biobio. It finds that income poverty, multidimensional poverty, and energy (fuel) poverty are positively correlated with higher levels of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) based on regression models using pollution, meteorological and socioeconomic data from 2017-2021. Specifically, areas with greater poverty tend to have higher air pollution, indicating environmental policies are needed to address both issues.
4.3 Pour la gestion des risquesgrisicapThe document discusses the use of geomatics tools to help manage natural disaster risks in Europe. It describes how geomatics allows decision makers to integrate various types of territorial data, like infrastructure maps, zoning plans, and flood risk zones, to help support decisions. The document also discusses several European Union directives and initiatives aimed at improving risk management, such as INSPIRE, which establishes guidelines for spatial data infrastructures.
GMFRS wildfire report Updated 300615Richard DonlanThis document summarizes a study of vegetation fire data from 2009-2014 in Greater Manchester, England. It finds that vegetation fire density was highest near urban areas and along river valleys. The driest springs in 2010, 2011, and 2013 saw the most fires. While weather influences fire occurrence, the timing of holiday periods also impacted it. The study defines wildfires using two approaches and finds patterns vary significantly depending on the definition used. Risk is influenced by land cover type and the interface between rural and urban areas.
#3Agustin BrenaThis document analyzes the hydrological conditions that led to flooding in Mexico in September 2013. Two tropical storms, Manuel and Ingrid, made landfall simultaneously, affecting 77% of Mexico and causing over $5.7 billion in economic losses. The storms produced record-breaking rainfall, with some areas receiving over 50% of their average annual rainfall in just over two weeks. Analysis of rainfall data found return periods of 25-70 years for some areas, with some stations experiencing their highest daily rainfall on record. Streamflow gauges also recorded peak flows with estimated return periods of 20-50 years. The flooding was most severe along Mexico's southern Pacific coast near the city of Acapulco.
ASSESSMENT OF PARTICULATE MATTER CONCENTRATION AMONG LAND USE TYPES IN OBIGBO...IAEME PublicationAir pollution has become a serious issue especially in fast developing urban areas. Particulate matter (PM) inhalation is injurious to man at significant concentration because it can accumulate in the lungs and some of the particulate compositions have been established as carcinogenic. This study assessed the level of particulate matter (PM) mass concentration in selected oil operating areas in Rivers State in Nigeria. Areas around other land use types were considered such as schools (SCH), market (MKT), commercial center (COM), bus stops (BST), residential areas (RES), hospitals (HSP) and vegetation (VEG). PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM7 and PM10 were monitored using a digital read out electronic instrument, Aerocet Model 531. Meteorological parameters (wind speed, temperature and humidity) were monitored using Kestrel 3000 portable weather tracker.
Forecasting and communication key elements for low-cost fluvial flooding earl...IJECEIAESThis document summarizes and compares ten early warning systems for fluvial flooding in urban areas from different countries. It identifies the key monitoring instruments and communication methods used in each system. The systems are found to monitor variables like water level, rainfall, and weather conditions using sensors like rain gauges, ultrasonic sensors, and weather stations. Communication methods with low power consumption like Zigbee and LoRaWAN are identified. The document then simulates and compares wireless sensor networks using Zigbee and LoRaWAN technologies in two Colombian cities to determine which provides better performance for an early warning system.
Ip232 villani-ePaola VillaniThis document discusses the characterization and management of extreme weather events on Italian roads. It provides a history of extreme events in Italy over the past 130 years, including major landslides and floods. Specific examples of extreme events are described, such as heavy rains in 2010 in the Province of Lucca and Massa Carrara that triggered landslides and flooding. The document also discusses the impact of geological and hydrological events in Italy, noting that between 1279 and 2002 there were over 4,500 damaging events related to landslides, flooding, and other hazards according to an Italian catalogue of vulnerable areas.
Environment and climate: The space perspective - Simonetta CheliestelconferencePress Conference, Rome 21 Dec 2012.
Simonetta Cheli, Head of Coordination Office, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA, ESRIN
Big data and remote sensing: A new software of ingestion IJECEIAESThe document describes a new software for ingesting big remote sensing data. The software developed an efficient ingestion layer that acquires, filters, and preprocesses large volumes of satellite data. It discarded 86% of unnecessary daily files and cleaned 20% of erroneous data. The preprocessed output was integrated into the Hadoop system for further processing using HDFS, HBase and Hive. The results showed the ingestion layer efficiently handled remote sensing big data with high accuracy, low data volume and reasonable execution time.
Decades to Accumulate, Seconds to fall A Case Study on Meethotamulla Garbage ...ijtsrdThis investigation presents a case study on one of Sri Lanka's most devastating man made environmental catastrophes. Three decades ago, a marshland paddy field was converted into a dumping site for municipal garbage. With the increasing population and urbanization, the country lacked a more suitable method for waste disposal. The continued practice resulted in a large mountain of solid waste. Experts suggest that physical characteristics, instability of the bottom layers and increase in the water table caused the collapse. Mountainous shaped dump has been growing in size and reached ~50 m in height and was occupying ~40 acers. The extent of the area has not undergone any significant change. Spreading chemicals, intense rain and heavy garbage loading has contributed to the collapse. Residents did not come across any signs of danger prior to the incident. Chathumani D | Deepthi Wickrama Singhe | Isuru Gunarathna ""Decades to Accumulate, Seconds to fall: A Case Study on Meethotamulla Garbage Dump Collapse in Sri Lanka"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL:
Paper URL:
The Role of Machine Learning in Predicting Natural Disasters ( disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and storms have a profound impact on human life and
infrastructure. Despite advancements in early warning systems and disaster preparedness, predicting
these events with high accuracy remains a significant challenge. Machine learning (ML) offers promising
solutions for enhancing prediction accuracy and mitigating the adverse effects of natural disasters. This
paper explores the role of ML in predicting various natural disasters by analyzing large datasets,
extracting relevant features, and applying advanced algorithms. The study also examines the challenges
associated with data quality, model transferability, and the nonstationary nature of natural disasters. Case
studies demonstrate the practical applications of ML in real-world scenarios, highlighting its potential to
revolutionize disaster prediction and risk management. Finally, the paper discusses future directions for
research in ML, focusing on improving model robustness, feature engineering, and the integration of
synthetic data to better predict natural disasters.
Early warning and communication teamabisheksriramThe early warning and communication team provides early warning systems to both professionals and the population. For professionals, the Crisis Management Center, 112 Call Center and Emergency Situations Department are responsible for early warning activities. For the population, local media is used to alert people of hazards and provide recommendations, while workshops and campaigns raise public awareness. The team also utilizes improving technologies like satellite communication, crowd-sourcing data, and forecasting models to strengthen early warning systems and disaster relief communication.
Francoise Benichou, Lessons Learned From France Vigilance SystemDawn DawsonThe document discusses France's Awareness System for Emergency Preparedness and Response, which was developed after major storms in 1999 and floods in 2002 and 2005 to better inform the public and authorities of dangerous weather events. It outlines the genesis and implementation of the color-coded Awareness map starting in 2001, lessons learned from adding heat waves in 2003 and integrating flood warnings in 2006. Feedback shows the system improved awareness, preparedness, timely response, and reduced false alarms for authorities and the public.
Salzburg2014 keynote2 staudingerknow4drrThis document discusses MeteoAlarm, a pan-European platform providing weather alerts. It was created by the EMMA consortium at the request of EUMETNET to (1) provide alerts for a variety of weather parameters that cause damage, (2) be understandable to all public and private actors, and (3) be harmonized where possible. National meteorological services provide the alert information. MeteoAlarm communicates alerts using a standardized color-coded system. It has been highly successful, receiving about 6 billion hits since launching in 2007. Key to its success has been establishing effective communication between meteorological services and civil protection organizations.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDBWeighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDBUnderstanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
Flood services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood...FLOOD-serv EU ProjectFlood Services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood risk management - Flood Serv Project
Nichersu Iuliana (DDNI), Petroschi Daniela (IP Tulcea), Nichersu Iulian (DDNI)
During the 25th International Scientific Event “Deltas and Wetlands” 2017, the FLOOD-serv Partners from IP Tulcea presented the paper: “Flood Services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood risk management– FLOOD-serv Project”.
This paper presented the main concept of the FLOOD-serv project along with the tools that are created in order to support flood resilience and awareness. According to the abstract: «The study is documented by parallel descriptions of how the provisions of the European Directives are transposed into the national legislation and it will provide key country characteristics and differences of the governance structure of the flood risk management, which are crucial elements for the effectiveness of the societal risk reduction».
FLOOD- serv is a project funded under the Topic INSO-1--2015 ICT-enabled open government of the EU HORIZON 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 for Societal Challenge 6 (Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies). The aim of the project is to provide a complete solution for floods awareness, response actions and education regarding flood risks
The Geneva Association: World Fire StatisticsFrancisYee1For several years now, the World Fire Statistics Center (WFSC) has been moving beyond only collecting and disseminating data on fire deaths, injuries and damage (to structures and property), and embracing the wider view of “fire as a vulnerability”. We wish in this sense to pay close attention to fires as they are associated with other natural disasters and view fire in the broader risk management and disaster mitigation perspective.
Impact of summer 2003 heat wave in EuropeSimoneBoccucciaThe extreme drought and heat wave that hit Europe in the summer of 2003 had widespread adverse effects. Temperatures were 20-30% higher than average over much of the continent from June to mid-August. This caused over 30,000 heat-related deaths across Europe. Agricultural production decreased as crops withered and forests burned, with over 650,000 hectares destroyed by the over 25,000 fires reported. The economic losses from impacts on agriculture, forestry, and infrastructure exceeded 13 billion euros. Alpine glaciers lost an unprecedented amount of mass, around 10% of their total volume, as global warming trends lead to more frequent extreme heat events.
DIGITAL SOCIETY : A REVIEW OF E-SERVICE AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN EARTHQUAKES ...IJMIT JOURNALDeveloping countries lacking technology infrastructures experience most disasters such as tsunami, hurricane Katrina, earthquakes. Even though, many lives are saved in developed countries through the use of high-level or sophisticated technology, only the technology that is easy to use, inexpensive, durable and field-tested should be introduced and used during the relief operation. The effect of climate change andrapid population growth are probably exposed people inhabiting areas to substantial environmental risks. The authors highlight and identify current practices, particularities, and challenges in earthquakes relief operations with the aims of reviewing the roles E-Service and Mobile Technology tools in real-life situations and practices could do to help in disaster operations. This study focuses on victims of earthquakes worldwide. The study will review and provide insights into the roles of E-Service and Mobile Technologies in earthquakes relief operations and how the internally displaced person could benefit from these services. The limitations of these services will be discussed and how the technology could be used to further predict natural disaster such as earthquakes is also considered.
Digital society a review of e service and mobile technology in earthquakes re...IJMIT JOURNALThis document provides a literature review of the roles of e-service and mobile technology in earthquake relief operations. It discusses how GPS, Bluetooth, VSAT, RFID, and GIS technologies can help to track affected individuals, facilitate emergency response, enable communication when infrastructure is damaged, identify people and objects, and monitor hazardous areas. The review finds that these technologies can improve relief efforts by expediting the resettlement of displaced persons and aiding organizations responding to disasters. However, it notes limitations that must be addressed and ways technology could further help predict natural disasters.
DIGITAL SOCIETY : A REVIEW OF E-SERVICE AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN EARTHQUAKES ...IJMIT JOURNALDeveloping countries lacking technology infrastructures experience most disasters such as tsunami,
hurricane Katrina, earthquakes. Even though, many lives are saved in developed countries through the use
of high-level or sophisticated technology, only the technology that is easy to use, inexpensive, durable and
field-tested should be introduced and used during the relief operation. The effect of climate change and
rapid population growth are probably exposed people inhabiting areas to substantial environmental risks.
The authors highlight and identify current practices, particularities, and challenges in earthquakes relief
operations with the aims of reviewing the roles E-Service and Mobile Technology tools in real-life
situations and practices could do to help in disaster operations. This study focuses on victims of
earthquakes worldwide. The study will review and provide insights into the roles of E-Service and Mobile
Technologies in earthquakes relief operations and how the internally displaced person could benefit from
these services. The limitations of these services will be discussed and how the technology could be used to
further predict natural disaster such as earthquakes is also considered.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POLLUTION LEVELS AND POVERTY: REGIONS OF ANTOFAGASTA, V...AproximacionAlFuturoThe document analyzes the relationship between pollution levels and poverty in three regions of Chile - Antofagasta, Valparaiso and Biobio. It finds that income poverty, multidimensional poverty, and energy (fuel) poverty are positively correlated with higher levels of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) based on regression models using pollution, meteorological and socioeconomic data from 2017-2021. Specifically, areas with greater poverty tend to have higher air pollution, indicating environmental policies are needed to address both issues.
4.3 Pour la gestion des risquesgrisicapThe document discusses the use of geomatics tools to help manage natural disaster risks in Europe. It describes how geomatics allows decision makers to integrate various types of territorial data, like infrastructure maps, zoning plans, and flood risk zones, to help support decisions. The document also discusses several European Union directives and initiatives aimed at improving risk management, such as INSPIRE, which establishes guidelines for spatial data infrastructures.
GMFRS wildfire report Updated 300615Richard DonlanThis document summarizes a study of vegetation fire data from 2009-2014 in Greater Manchester, England. It finds that vegetation fire density was highest near urban areas and along river valleys. The driest springs in 2010, 2011, and 2013 saw the most fires. While weather influences fire occurrence, the timing of holiday periods also impacted it. The study defines wildfires using two approaches and finds patterns vary significantly depending on the definition used. Risk is influenced by land cover type and the interface between rural and urban areas.
#3Agustin BrenaThis document analyzes the hydrological conditions that led to flooding in Mexico in September 2013. Two tropical storms, Manuel and Ingrid, made landfall simultaneously, affecting 77% of Mexico and causing over $5.7 billion in economic losses. The storms produced record-breaking rainfall, with some areas receiving over 50% of their average annual rainfall in just over two weeks. Analysis of rainfall data found return periods of 25-70 years for some areas, with some stations experiencing their highest daily rainfall on record. Streamflow gauges also recorded peak flows with estimated return periods of 20-50 years. The flooding was most severe along Mexico's southern Pacific coast near the city of Acapulco.
ASSESSMENT OF PARTICULATE MATTER CONCENTRATION AMONG LAND USE TYPES IN OBIGBO...IAEME PublicationAir pollution has become a serious issue especially in fast developing urban areas. Particulate matter (PM) inhalation is injurious to man at significant concentration because it can accumulate in the lungs and some of the particulate compositions have been established as carcinogenic. This study assessed the level of particulate matter (PM) mass concentration in selected oil operating areas in Rivers State in Nigeria. Areas around other land use types were considered such as schools (SCH), market (MKT), commercial center (COM), bus stops (BST), residential areas (RES), hospitals (HSP) and vegetation (VEG). PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM7 and PM10 were monitored using a digital read out electronic instrument, Aerocet Model 531. Meteorological parameters (wind speed, temperature and humidity) were monitored using Kestrel 3000 portable weather tracker.
Forecasting and communication key elements for low-cost fluvial flooding earl...IJECEIAESThis document summarizes and compares ten early warning systems for fluvial flooding in urban areas from different countries. It identifies the key monitoring instruments and communication methods used in each system. The systems are found to monitor variables like water level, rainfall, and weather conditions using sensors like rain gauges, ultrasonic sensors, and weather stations. Communication methods with low power consumption like Zigbee and LoRaWAN are identified. The document then simulates and compares wireless sensor networks using Zigbee and LoRaWAN technologies in two Colombian cities to determine which provides better performance for an early warning system.
Ip232 villani-ePaola VillaniThis document discusses the characterization and management of extreme weather events on Italian roads. It provides a history of extreme events in Italy over the past 130 years, including major landslides and floods. Specific examples of extreme events are described, such as heavy rains in 2010 in the Province of Lucca and Massa Carrara that triggered landslides and flooding. The document also discusses the impact of geological and hydrological events in Italy, noting that between 1279 and 2002 there were over 4,500 damaging events related to landslides, flooding, and other hazards according to an Italian catalogue of vulnerable areas.
Environment and climate: The space perspective - Simonetta CheliestelconferencePress Conference, Rome 21 Dec 2012.
Simonetta Cheli, Head of Coordination Office, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA, ESRIN
Big data and remote sensing: A new software of ingestion IJECEIAESThe document describes a new software for ingesting big remote sensing data. The software developed an efficient ingestion layer that acquires, filters, and preprocesses large volumes of satellite data. It discarded 86% of unnecessary daily files and cleaned 20% of erroneous data. The preprocessed output was integrated into the Hadoop system for further processing using HDFS, HBase and Hive. The results showed the ingestion layer efficiently handled remote sensing big data with high accuracy, low data volume and reasonable execution time.
Decades to Accumulate, Seconds to fall A Case Study on Meethotamulla Garbage ...ijtsrdThis investigation presents a case study on one of Sri Lanka's most devastating man made environmental catastrophes. Three decades ago, a marshland paddy field was converted into a dumping site for municipal garbage. With the increasing population and urbanization, the country lacked a more suitable method for waste disposal. The continued practice resulted in a large mountain of solid waste. Experts suggest that physical characteristics, instability of the bottom layers and increase in the water table caused the collapse. Mountainous shaped dump has been growing in size and reached ~50 m in height and was occupying ~40 acers. The extent of the area has not undergone any significant change. Spreading chemicals, intense rain and heavy garbage loading has contributed to the collapse. Residents did not come across any signs of danger prior to the incident. Chathumani D | Deepthi Wickrama Singhe | Isuru Gunarathna ""Decades to Accumulate, Seconds to fall: A Case Study on Meethotamulla Garbage Dump Collapse in Sri Lanka"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL:
Paper URL:
The Role of Machine Learning in Predicting Natural Disasters ( disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and storms have a profound impact on human life and
infrastructure. Despite advancements in early warning systems and disaster preparedness, predicting
these events with high accuracy remains a significant challenge. Machine learning (ML) offers promising
solutions for enhancing prediction accuracy and mitigating the adverse effects of natural disasters. This
paper explores the role of ML in predicting various natural disasters by analyzing large datasets,
extracting relevant features, and applying advanced algorithms. The study also examines the challenges
associated with data quality, model transferability, and the nonstationary nature of natural disasters. Case
studies demonstrate the practical applications of ML in real-world scenarios, highlighting its potential to
revolutionize disaster prediction and risk management. Finally, the paper discusses future directions for
research in ML, focusing on improving model robustness, feature engineering, and the integration of
synthetic data to better predict natural disasters.
Early warning and communication teamabisheksriramThe early warning and communication team provides early warning systems to both professionals and the population. For professionals, the Crisis Management Center, 112 Call Center and Emergency Situations Department are responsible for early warning activities. For the population, local media is used to alert people of hazards and provide recommendations, while workshops and campaigns raise public awareness. The team also utilizes improving technologies like satellite communication, crowd-sourcing data, and forecasting models to strengthen early warning systems and disaster relief communication.
Francoise Benichou, Lessons Learned From France Vigilance SystemDawn DawsonThe document discusses France's Awareness System for Emergency Preparedness and Response, which was developed after major storms in 1999 and floods in 2002 and 2005 to better inform the public and authorities of dangerous weather events. It outlines the genesis and implementation of the color-coded Awareness map starting in 2001, lessons learned from adding heat waves in 2003 and integrating flood warnings in 2006. Feedback shows the system improved awareness, preparedness, timely response, and reduced false alarms for authorities and the public.
Salzburg2014 keynote2 staudingerknow4drrThis document discusses MeteoAlarm, a pan-European platform providing weather alerts. It was created by the EMMA consortium at the request of EUMETNET to (1) provide alerts for a variety of weather parameters that cause damage, (2) be understandable to all public and private actors, and (3) be harmonized where possible. National meteorological services provide the alert information. MeteoAlarm communicates alerts using a standardized color-coded system. It has been highly successful, receiving about 6 billion hits since launching in 2007. Key to its success has been establishing effective communication between meteorological services and civil protection organizations.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDBWeighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDBUnderstanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
Agentic AI: The 2025 Next-Gen Automation GuideThoughtmindsIntroduction to Agentic AI: Explains how it differs from traditional automation and its ability to make independent decisions.
Comparison with Generative AI: A structured comparison between Generative AI (content creation) and Agentic AI (autonomous action-taking).
Technical Breakdown: Covers core components such as LLMs, reinforcement learning, and cloud infrastructure that power Agentic AI.
Real-World Use Cases (2025 & Beyond): Examines how Agentic AI is transforming industries like insurance, healthcare, retail, finance, and cybersecurity.
Business Impact & ROI: Discusses case studies from Unilever, FedEx, and more, showcasing cost savings and operational efficiency improvements.
Challenges & Risks: Highlights bias, security threats, regulatory compliance, and workforce reskilling as critical challenges in AI adoption.
5-Step Implementation Strategy: A practical roadmap to help organizations integrate Agentic AI seamlessly.
Future Predictions (2025-2030): Forecasts on AI-driven workforce evolution, industry disruptions, and the rise of Quantum AI.
Webinar: LF Energy GEISA: Addressing edge interoperability at the meterDanBrown980551This webinar will introduce the Grid Edge Security and Interoperability Alliance, or GEISA, an effort within LF Energy to address application interoperability at the very edge of the utility network: meters and other distribution automation devices. Over the last decade platform manufacturers have introduced the ability to run applications on electricity meters and other edge devices. Unfortunately, while many of these efforts have been built on Linux, they haven’t been interoperable. APIs and execution environment have varied from one manufacturer to the next making it impossible for utilities to obtain applications that they can run across a fleet of different devices. For utilities that want to minimize their supply chain risk by obtaining equipment from multiple suppliers, they are forced to run and maintain multiple separate management systems. Applications available for one device may need to be ported to run on another, or they may not be available at all.
GEISA addresses this by creating a vendor neutral specification for utility edge computing environments. This webinar will discuss why GEISA is important to utilities, the specific issues GEISA will solve and the new opportunities it creates for utilities, platform vendors, and application vendors.
Big Data Analytics Quick Research Guide by Arthur Morgan (PREVIEW)Arthur MorganThis is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
Benchmark Testing Demystified: Your Roadmap to Peak PerformanceShubham JoshiBenchmark testing is the cornerstone of understanding your system’s performance, and this guide breaks it down step-by-step. Learn how to design tests that simulate real-world conditions, measure key performance metrics, and interpret results effectively. This comprehensive roadmap covers everything from selecting the right tools to creating repeatable tests that help identify bottlenecks and optimize resource usage. Whether you're dealing with web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software, this guide offers practical tips and real-life examples to ensure your system runs at peak efficiency.
Bedrock Data Automation (Preview): Simplifying Unstructured Data ProcessingZilliz Bedrock Data Automation (BDA) is a cloud-based service that simplifies the process of extracting valuable insights from unstructured content—such as documents, images, video, and audio. Come learn how BDA leverages generative AI to automate the transformation of multi-modal data into structured formats, enabling developers to build applications and automate complex workflows with greater speed and accuracy.
Blockchain for Businesses Practical Use Cases & Benefits.pdf Yodaplus Technologies Private Limited Blockchain is revolutionizing industries by enhancing security, transparency, and automation. From supply chain management and finance to healthcare and real estate, blockchain eliminates inefficiencies, prevents fraud, and streamlines operations.
What You'll Learn in This Presentation:
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Explore the future of blockchain and its practical benefits for businesses!
Combining Lexical and Semantic Search with Milvus 2.5Zilliz In short, lexical search is a way to search your documents based on the keywords they contain, in contrast to semantic search, which compares the similarity of embeddings. We’ll be covering:
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What is the BM25 distance metric
How exactly does Milvus 2.5 implement lexical search
How to build an improved hybrid lexical + semantic search with Milvus 2.5
GDG Cloud Southlake #40: Brandon Stokes: How to Build a Great ProductJames AndersonHow to Build a Great Product
Being a tech entrepreneur is about providing a remarkable product or service that serves the needs of its customers better, faster, and cheaper than anything else. The goal is to "make something people want" which we call, product market fit.
But how do we get there? We'll explore the process of taking an idea to product market fit (PMF), how you know you have true PMF, and how your product strategies differ pre-PMF from post-PMF.
Brandon is a 3x founder, 1x exit, ex-banker & corporate strategist, car dealership owner, and alumnus of Techstars & Y Combinator. He enjoys building products and services that impact people for the better.
Brandon has had 3 different careers (banking, corporate finance & strategy, technology) in 7 different industries; Investment Banking, CPG, Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, Consumer application, Automotive, & Fintech/Insuretech.
He's an idea to revenue leader and entrepreneur that helps organizations build products and processes, hire talent, test & iterate quickly, collect feedback, and grow in unregulated and heavily regulated industries.
Supercharge Your Career with UiPath CertificationsDianaGray10Join us on February 25th as we discuss how you can supercharge your career with the updated 2025 UiPath Certifications.
Diana Gray, UiPath Senior Community Marketing Manager, Americas, will walk us through:
-- Workforce Trends
-- Value of UiPath Certifications
-- Certification Program
-- Steps to Earning a Certificate
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1DianaGray10Welcome to UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1.
In this session, we will cover the following topics:
Introduction to RPA & UiPath Studio
Overview of RPA and its applications
Introduction to UiPath Studio
Variables & Data Types
Control Flows
You are requested to finish the following self-paced training for this session:
Variables, Constants and Arguments in Studio 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Control Flow in Studio 2 modules - 2h 15m - https:/
⁉️ For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
Dev Dives: Unlock the future of automation with UiPath Agent BuilderUiPathCommunityThis webinar will offer you a first look at the powerful capabilities of UiPath Agent Builder, designed to streamline your automation processes and enhance your workflow efficiency.
📕 During the session, you will:
- Discover how to build agents with low-code experience, making it accessible for both developers and business users.
- Learn how to leverage automations and activities as tools within your agents, enabling them to handle complex and dynamic workflows.
- Gain insights into the AI Trust Layer, which provides robust management and monitoring capabilities, ensuring trust and transparency in your automation processes.
- See how agents can be deployed and integrated with your existing UiPath cloud and Studio environments.
👨🏫 Speaker:
Zach Eslami, Sr. Manager, Product Management Director, UiPath
⏩ Register for our upcoming Dev Dives March session:
Unleash the power of macOS Automation with UiPath
This session was streamed live on February 27, 2025, 15:00 GMT.
Check out future Dev Dives 2025 sessions at:
10 FinTech Solutions Every Business Should Know!.pdf Yodaplus Technologies Private Limited FinTech is reshaping the way businesses handle payments, risk management, and financial operations. From AI-driven fraud detection to blockchain-powered security, the right FinTech solutions can streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This guide explores 10 essential FinTech tools that help businesses stay ahead in an increasingly digital economy.
Discover how digital payments, credit risk management, treasury solutions, AI, blockchain, and RegTech can enhance efficiency, security, and profitability.
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TrustArc Webinar: State of State Privacy LawsTrustArcThe U.S. data privacy landscape is rapidly proliferating, with 20 states enacting comprehensive privacy laws as of November 2024. These laws cover consumer rights, data collection and use including for sensitive data, data security, transparency, and various enforcement mechanisms and penalties for non-compliance.
Navigating this patchwork of state-level laws is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and requires a combination of strategic planning, operational adjustments, and technology to be proactive.
Join leading experts from TrustArc, the Future of Privacy Forum, and Venable for an insightful webinar exploring the evolution of state data privacy laws and practical strategies to maintain compliance in 2025.
This webinar will review:
- A comprehensive overview of each state’s privacy regulations and the latest updates
- Practical considerations to help your business achieve regulatory compliance across multiple states
- Actionable insights to future-proof your business for 2025
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris WahlRecording:
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
AMER Introduction to ThousandEyes WebinarThousandEyes
Paper 83 ecss2013 queirós et al_
1. 7th
European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2013) , 3 - 7 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland
M. Queirós1, N. Costa1, P. Morais, E. Correia1, M. Fragoso1
1Institute Name, Institute Address, Country, e-mail address (Times New Roman 10-normal center justified)
2Different Institute Name, Different Institute Address, Country, e-mail address (Times New Roman 10-normal)
nDifferent Institute Name, Different Institute Address, Country, e-mail address (Times New Roman 10-normal)
The research on severe storms impacts requires the
availability of data with high spatial and temporal resolution
taking into account that convective phenomena are mainly
controlled by local or mesoscale processes. With regard the
detection of ground effects of thunderstorms (e.g. hail,
downbursts, heavy rainfall and lightning), the observations
made by conventional weather stations are generally
insufficient since the density of observation sites and the
temporal frequency of records are not suitable to provide an
adequate detection of the associated phenomena. Therefore,
the production of databases by gathering and compiling
press news, reports, photos, videos and descriptions from
eyewitnesses may contribute to fill the lack of information
about damages caused by storms, providing important
details and evidences related with its intensity, spatial
incidence and evolution. The creation of the European
Severe Weather Database (Dotzek et al, 2009) exemplifies
how this crucial need was recognized by several national
meteorological organizations. Moreover, disasters associated
to natural hazards have been gaining increasing scientific
interest in the last decades due to their significant
socioeconomic and environmental impacts (e.g. Guzzetti and
Tonelli, 2004; Llasat et al 2009; Pereira et al, 2012;
Papagiannaki et al, 2013). Some of these scientific studies
have been devoted on severe storms, addressing tornados,
hail and/or lightning damage, as are the case of Elsom
(2001) for the United Kingdom, Collino et al (2009) for the
Po Valley region (Italy), Tuovinen et al (2009) and Rauhala
(2012) for Finland and Papagiannaki et al (2013) for Greece.
In all these investigations is pointed out the relevance of
gathering information from different eventually available
sources, namely reports from meteorological journals, news
media and voluntary observers.
The present study is focused on the assessment of
material and human damage caused by thunderstorms in
Portugal. A systematic search over the 2003-2011 period on
the web archived material by 19 mass media national
sources, complemented by the available online published
news from 47 regional newspapers, allowed to gather
information related with the impacts of thunderstorms in
Portugal, including accidents affecting living beings (people
or animal deaths, injured) and occurrences of material
damages in several structures (e.g. buildings, vehicles, social
equipments) or forested (wildfires) and agricultural areas.
All selected occurrences in this (MsAccess) database are
related with lightning and hail damage. In Fig. 1 is shown
the location of all head offices of media sources used in this
survey. The study period starts in 2003 because is the first
year with available data on lightning activity, collected by
the Portuguese lightning network, providing instrumental
observations of cloud-to-ground discharges to check the
origin of the accidents. Temporal and spatial variability of
the occurrences are analysed applying GIS (geographical
information system) tools. A total of 234 accidents were
registered in the database, occurring in 111 days with
thunderstorm damage (DTD), which means an average
frequency of 12 DTD/year. Hail related occurrences
accounts for 30% of the total of the accidents, being 70%
caused by lightning. The case study of the severe hailstorm
occurred in the Lisbon area in the 29th April 2011 was
selected to carry out a detailed survey of the produced
damages during this extreme event. This case illustrates the
complex diversity of impacts triggered by a severe hailstorm
in this urban area resulting in a very harmful and costly
natural disaster, responsible for inundations in several
locations and disruptions on public and private services.
As it was stated in the previous section, the present
research encompasses two sequential studies. Firstly, a
database of accidents caused by lightning (CGD) and hail in
mainland Portugal was produced, covering the 2003-2009
period. This study period was established in the frame of a
contracted research (RAIDEN Project) devoted for the study
of lightning activity in Portugal, whose objectives and first
results were divulged respectively in Fragoso et al (2011)
and Santos et al (2012); Secondly, a high-impact hailstorm
event was selected from the database of accidents to carry
out a case study dedicated to the assessment of the
associated impacts.
The database of thunderstorm related occurrences
was constructed searching and collecting news from all
available online media sources in mainland Portugal,
including newspapers and other periodicals, TV and radio
channels with archived material accessible via internet. This
systematic compilation covered a total of 19 national media
sources and 47 regional publications, whose head offices
location is illustrated in Fig.1. The published material was
carefully analysed in order to identify occurrences
undoubtedly related with CGD and hail impacts. Only
occurrences mentioned at least by three different sources
were selected, a validation procedure to avoid not confirmed
or insufficiently described accidents. Additionally, all
reported occurrences were cross-checked with observations
of CGD from the Portuguese lightning network, allowing a
verification of causality relationship between ground effects
and proximity of thunderstorm activity.
2. 7th
European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2013) , 3 - 7 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland
FIG. 1: Location of the head offices of media sources (e.g.
newspapers, journals, TV and radio press with online publishing)
used to collect information on thunderstorm-related accidents,
including lightning and hail damage.
FIG. 2: Amadora´s population distribution and location of the two
major spots severely affected by the 29th
April 2011 hailstorm.
The hailstorm event occurred on the 29th April 2011
in the Lisbon area affected all the north bank of the Tagus
River in Lisbon, but with particular intensity the
municipality of Amadora. In that day, more than half of the
eight hundred incoming calls requesting support to the
District Civil Protection Operational Command came from
that municipality. In order to establish the damages scope
related to the hailstorm, an inquiry was launched to
commercial and industrial units located in two of the most
affected areas, according to the reports and the Municipal
and Civil Protection officers. Those areas were hardly
affected by hailstones accumulation, flood and clogging.
Seventh six personal questioners were carried out,
representing more than 13% of the economic units located in
the area (Figure 2).
The data analysis shows that thunderstorms have a
no negligible social and economic impact. The results will
be presented in two sections. The first related to the
accidents database from 2003 to 2011 analysis and the
second related to the hailstorm occurred on 29th
April 2011.
Thunderstorms 2003-2011
From 2003 to 2011 we could identify trough media
collection, 163 incidents related to lighting and 71 incidents
related to hail in mainland Portugal.
Damages associated with lighting and hailstorms are
quiet different. While hailstorm damages are mainly related
to crops destruction and traffic interruption, lighting
damages are related with wildfires and electric supply
Central coastal region, Lisbon and Alentejo were the
regions with the highest incidence of lighting storms. Major
damages associated to lighting along the period were
wildfires (51 incidents), power supply interruptions (33),
building and collective equipment’s damages (32),
communications disruptions (9) and, unfortunately, 4 killed
and 11 wounded persons.
The northern and northeast plateaus were the regions
with highest incidence of hailstorms. Major damages were
related to crops destruction (42), road accidents (13) or road
interruption (7), and 2 wounded persons.
The economic value of damages could not be
seriously evaluated due to the absence of more detailed
information about the incidents.
April 2011 hailstorm
On 29th
April 2011 a hailstorm came over the Lisbon
region, causing a chaotic situation all over the region in that
late afternoon. On that day more than 800 emergency calls
was received from 16 municipalities of Lisbon region,
namely 90 from Sintra, 73 from Oeiras, 70 from Lisbon and
445 from Amadora. In fact, Amadora was the municipality
most affected by the storm, with hailstone accumulation,
flood and clogging that special affect high risk areas (Figure
The inquiry conducted almost two years after the
hailstorm, shows that it was not forgotten. Indeed, 91% of
the inquired remember clearly that day and 69% of the
questioned said they had been affected by the hailstorm of
3. 7th
European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2013) , 3 - 7 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland
FIG. 3: Amadora´s elevation and flood risk (low, moderate, high)
Flood, water infiltration and energy supply
interruption was the main damage that was pointed by the
Questioned about the value of the material losses,
almost half declared less that 500€, 35% a value between
500€ and €1000€, but 12.5% mentioned losses exceeding
5000€ and we know that one optical shop closed
definitively. On the other hand, the affected units were
closed for a period from one hour to more than one day. A
quarter of the affected units were only closed for one hour,
but another quarter for more than six hours and 12% for
more than one day.
Fortunately, there was only one injured during the
storm. The major health problems affected the emergency
personnel with hypothermia symptoms due to the rapidly
temperature drop and the contact with hailstones for a long
period during the removing work.
The main emergency contact was the fire
department, both directly and through the national
emergency number (112). The opinion expressed about the
efficiency of the emergency service was neither good nor
bad. The majority of the questioned marked with 3 in a scale
of 5. In fact, the surprise and the unusual atmospheric
phenomena put major problems to the emergency actions.
The hailstone accumulation on a depressed area required the
use of machinery that was not at the disposal of the
emergency units. On the other, that accumulation occurred
on a central node of the municipal road network generating
more problems to the displacement of the emergency units.
The individual prevention actions after the incident
developed by respondents were insure they assets and some
investment on prevention mechanisms, namely in relation
with the floods.
After this episode, all agree that the population need
more information about how to deal with natural hazards
and more deep prevention actions, namely trough
infrastructure maintenance and improvement works.
The present research was undertaken within the project
“Lightning activity in Portugal: variability patterns and
socioeconomic impacts (RAIDEN)”, funded by Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under the contract
number PTDC/CTE-ATM/101931/2008.
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