From accordion folds to z-folds we provide a variety of folding options to our clients on their print jobs. Click through our menu to the left to read more about some of the options we can provide.
2. p a p e r f o l d i n g o p t i o n s
Half Fold
The half fold is typically used
for newsletters, invitations,
greeting cards and other
personal messages.
For high GSM paper stock a
score is applied to give the
finished product a smooth
folded edge.
We recommend this folding
method for inserting for direct
marketing purposes.
Other Titles: Single fold
A common style typically used
for folding brochures, letters
and newsletters. This folding
method creates a ziz-zag ‘z’
We recommend this style for
folding multi-page letters.
Other Titles: Zigzag fold,
Concertina fold
3. p a p e r f o l d i n g o p t i o n s
Letter Fold
Another common folding
method typically used for direct
marketing pieces. The designer
must factor in this panel order
during the design phase.
We recommend this folding
style for paper that is to
be inserted via automated
envelope inserters.
Other Titles: 3-Panel fold
Gate Fold
This folding method creates an
impact by having a minimum
of 2 panels fold into the centre
from opposite sides.
A complex folding style which
requires technical knowledge
and specialised equipment.
Lining up images that must
go over the inside flaps can
be unsuitable.
4. p a p e r f o l d i n g o p t i o n s
Accordion Fold
Similar style to a ‘z’ fold, but for
4+ panel jobs. The end result is
an easy opening piece.
Typically it is folded so that
the front cover panel will be
the widest.
Please note this folding style
cannot be machine-inserted
into envelopes.
Right Angle Fold
This method requires a page
to be first folded in half
horizontally and then again
It is commonly used for cards
and typically has printing on
only one side.
Other Titles: French fold
5. p a p e r f o l d i n g o p t i o n s
Z-Fold with Angled Trim
This folding method has the
same attributes as the z-fold
but with a trim across 2 panels.
The result in an innovative and
attractive end piece.
Roll Fold
Roll folds require 3+ panels to
roll in on the other.
Because of the paper thickness
this method requires each
panel to be slightly smaller that
the other.
Other Titles: Barrel fold, Over and over
6. p a p e r f o l d i n g o p t i o n s
Crash Folding
Crash folding is when a bound job is folded again. This method is
typically limited to only a single or letter fold.
On larger documents the crash folding method creates creasing on
the folded edges. This is unavoidable and as such we encourage
documents that must be folded to be instead designed for their end
output (e.g. DL sized document).
We recommend using this method of folding only for insertion into
DL or DLX envelopes.