This document is a research paper proposal form for a student to plan their final project. It asks the student to identify the time period and topic they will research, the categories within the topic they will cover, and to list at least 5 sources they will use for their research. The form requires the teacher's approval and is due by April 18th.
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Paper proposal
1. Name/#_______________________Teacher_________<br />The Fabulous Final Project!<br />Research Paper Proposal<br />Directions: Turn this page in to Mrs. Lynch once you have finalized your research plans for your area of interest. Due by the end of class on Monday 4/18.<br />Time period chosen: __________________________________<br />Topic to be researched: ________________________________<br />____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />Categories to research within topic: <br />Historical Context
9. ____________________________________________(You don’t need to use all of these lines, but you have the room if you so choose! )<br />Sources to be used for research: <br />1.__________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________3.__________________________________________________<br />4.__________________________________________________<br />5.__________________________________________________<br />6.__________________________________________________<br />What I would like teacher help with:<br />Approved by Mrs. L: __________________________________<br />