Dokumen tersebut mengandungi rekod-rekod peminjaman dan penggunaan bilik perpustakaan sekolah selama setahun. Ia meliputi analisis penggunaan bilik perpustakaan mengikut bulan, rekod harian pinjaman buku mengikut jenis buku dan kelas, serta prosedur pentadbiran dan pengurusan perpustakaan seperti senarai jawatan, jadual tugas, dasar pembelian buku, proses penerimaan dan pengkatalogan bu
This document provides information about teaching poetry to Year Four students in Malaysia. It includes an anthology of eight poems to be covered over 17 weeks, along with suggested activities for one of the poems titled "Woodpecker". The activities for Woodpecker span two weeks and include exploring the characteristics of woodpeckers, reading the poem in pairs using different voices, discussing why woodpeckers peck and what other animals behave strangely, and making beak masks to read the poem with intonation. A worksheet template is also provided for students to investigate and take notes on the woodpecker's appearance, habitat and habits.
The document summarizes an English Day program organized by a class for primary school students to motivate them to learn English. Around 40 students attended activities like icebreakers, games, presentations, and more throughout the day. The program was a success, with students actively using English and forming bonds. It ended with an emotional farewell as both groups wished to continue the program again the following year.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
(1) Kajian ini bertujuan meningkatkan penguasaan murid dalam penggunaan huruf besar pada permulaan ayat dan kata nama khas; (2) Terdapat masalah murid tidak menggunakan huruf besar dengan betul walaupun telah ditegur berulang kali; (3) Penyelidik menggunakan pensel warna untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep daya memusat dan orbit planet serta satelit di sekitar bumi dan matahari. Ia juga menjelaskan hukum-hukum Kepler dan contoh penggunaannya.
[Andrew spencer] morphological_theory( for taha Zainab Dahou
This document provides an overview of Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar by Andrew Spencer. The book covers theories of morphology within generative linguistics, focusing on the interfaces between morphology and other domains such as phonology and syntax. It examines topics including morphemes, words, early generative models, allomorphy, non-linear morphology, theories of the morphology-syntax interface, compounds, and clitics. The book aims to explain how morphological theories have developed and been revised over time within generative grammar frameworks.
This short document discusses framing a reference question. It asks what will be described and signals that a frame of reference question and answers will follow. However, no further information is provided in the document beyond signaling that a question and answers about a frame of reference are forthcoming.
Guru-guru Malaysia berikrar untuk mendukung cita-cita mereka dalam tugas mengajar, berbakti kepada masyarakat dan negara, serta menjunjung Perlembagaan dan Prinsip-Prinsip Rukun Negara.
The drama describes an incident where three bystanders, Patrick, Rebecca and David, come across a man lying injured in the street. They hesitate to help, each thinking it is not their problem. A woman in blue takes charge of the situation, instructing each person on how to assist. She has Rebecca get water, Patrick check the man's pulse, and David call an ambulance. After the man is given medicine from his bottle, he feels better. The ambulance then takes him away. The three bystanders are relieved they helped the man, feeling it was the right thing to do, though they do not acknowledge the woman's role in directing their assistance.
Dokumen ini memberikan ringkasan tentang visi, misi, matlamat, moto dan slogan House of Designs Enterprise untuk mengeluarkan produk kreatif dan berkualiti untuk pasaran tempatan dan luar negara serta menarik minat terhadap pembuatan kraftangan dan pemikiran kreatif. Strategi pemasaran syarikat terdiri dari 4P (harga, promosi, produk, lokasi) ditambah unik.
Dokumen ini merangkum jadual aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk minggu orientasi di sebuah prasekolah. Ia menyenaraikan subjek yang diajar seperti bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggeris, pendidikan Islam dan matematik awal. Aktiviti yang dilaksanakan termasuk bersoal jawab, menyanyi, bermain permainan luar dan membezakan warna serta bentuk. Murid juga didedahkan kepada keselamatan diri dan kebersihan
Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep daya memusat dan orbit planet serta satelit di sekitar bumi dan matahari. Ia juga menjelaskan hukum-hukum Kepler dan contoh penggunaannya.
[Andrew spencer] morphological_theory( for taha Zainab Dahou
This document provides an overview of Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar by Andrew Spencer. The book covers theories of morphology within generative linguistics, focusing on the interfaces between morphology and other domains such as phonology and syntax. It examines topics including morphemes, words, early generative models, allomorphy, non-linear morphology, theories of the morphology-syntax interface, compounds, and clitics. The book aims to explain how morphological theories have developed and been revised over time within generative grammar frameworks.
This short document discusses framing a reference question. It asks what will be described and signals that a frame of reference question and answers will follow. However, no further information is provided in the document beyond signaling that a question and answers about a frame of reference are forthcoming.
Guru-guru Malaysia berikrar untuk mendukung cita-cita mereka dalam tugas mengajar, berbakti kepada masyarakat dan negara, serta menjunjung Perlembagaan dan Prinsip-Prinsip Rukun Negara.
The drama describes an incident where three bystanders, Patrick, Rebecca and David, come across a man lying injured in the street. They hesitate to help, each thinking it is not their problem. A woman in blue takes charge of the situation, instructing each person on how to assist. She has Rebecca get water, Patrick check the man's pulse, and David call an ambulance. After the man is given medicine from his bottle, he feels better. The ambulance then takes him away. The three bystanders are relieved they helped the man, feeling it was the right thing to do, though they do not acknowledge the woman's role in directing their assistance.
Dokumen ini memberikan ringkasan tentang visi, misi, matlamat, moto dan slogan House of Designs Enterprise untuk mengeluarkan produk kreatif dan berkualiti untuk pasaran tempatan dan luar negara serta menarik minat terhadap pembuatan kraftangan dan pemikiran kreatif. Strategi pemasaran syarikat terdiri dari 4P (harga, promosi, produk, lokasi) ditambah unik.
Dokumen ini merangkum jadual aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk minggu orientasi di sebuah prasekolah. Ia menyenaraikan subjek yang diajar seperti bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggeris, pendidikan Islam dan matematik awal. Aktiviti yang dilaksanakan termasuk bersoal jawab, menyanyi, bermain permainan luar dan membezakan warna serta bentuk. Murid juga didedahkan kepada keselamatan diri dan kebersihan
Persatuan Bahasa Tamil di IPGM Kota Bharu ingin ditubuhkan untuk mempromosikan bahasa dan budaya Tamil serta mengeratkan hubungan pelajar berbagai kaum. Persatuan ini akan menganjurkan program seperti seminar, pesta, hari raya dan kerja sukarela untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut.
Celia Melendi Lavandera is a 12-year-old girl from the village of Pola de Siero in Asturias, Spain. She attends IES Juan Escultor de Villanueva high school. Pola de Siero is located in the middle of Asturias and contains important landmarks like Les Campes and Abastos squares and the livestock market. The most important festivities in Pola de Siero are Güevos Pintos, where people dress up and paint eggs, and CarmÃn, where people have picnics dressed in white and blue. In her free time, Celia enjoys playing football in the park with friends, playing volleyball, ballet,
Christmas is deeply religious in Spain and celebrated with traditions like dancing, singing folk songs called Jotas, and lighting oil lamps on Christmas Eve. Families gather for Christmas dinner and attend Midnight Mass. Children receive gifts on Epiphany from the Three Wise Men believed to still travel the countryside each year. Special Christmas foods include turron, an almond candy, and families set up nativity scenes and decorate their homes.
In this game, the player must pass a series of tests in different environments like the mountain, desert, and sea by fighting dangerous animals and overcoming challenges. If the player passes all the tests by catching flags at each location, they will win a prize like money or a princess. The first test takes place in the cold mountain where the player must fight polar bears and start a fire. The second test is in the hot desert where the player must find water and fight snakes. The third test is in the sea among sharks where the player must be careful not to run out of air or get bitten.
The document summarizes the annual festival held in Valdesoto, Spain from August 10-13 in honor of Saint Felix. Over the four days, there are fireworks, a vote for the queen of the festival, traditional dances, children's games, motocross races, a float contest with food, drinks and concerts each night. The festival concludes on the 13th with prizes awarded for the float contest and closing fireworks.
Daniela is a 12-year old girl who lives in Pola de Siero, Spain with her mother Ana, who runs a shop, her father Carlos, who is a math teacher, and her brother Martin. She enjoys rhythmic gymnastics, spending time with her friends, and crafts. Daniela has brown hair, green and brown eyes, and describes herself as creative, cheerful, affectionate, and friendly.
This document summarizes a platform game where the player can fly various vehicles like airplanes and spaceships through different levels and environments like the sea, space, and other galaxies. There are 20 levels with different enemies in each that get stronger, and a final monster boss at the end of each level. Players use buttons to jump, fly, kick opponents, run faster, or bend to overcome enemies and advance through levels, collecting weapons like swords, bows and arrows, and fire guns along the way.
The document summarizes some Christmas traditions in German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Europe. In German traditions, St. Nicholas visits children on December 4th and 6th, leaving gifts for well-behaved children and switches or straw for misbehaving children. In French traditions, Pere Noël visits on December 6th accompanied by Pere Fouettard, who gives coal to misbehaving children. Both traditions involve distributing toys and sweets on December 6th. Christmas markets are also a Belgian tradition where people can find items like hot wine, tree ornaments, and biscuits. Belgian homes and churches also display nativity scenes, some of which are centuries old. Another tradition is eating sav
This document provides clues about a city based on its flag, shield, monuments, stadium, festivals, and symbol. The clues include the flag, shield, Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Olympic Stadium, Love Parade festival, and the golden angel symbol. The city being described is Berlin, Germany.
This document summarizes a school project where students decorated a Christmas tree with cards and ornaments from different European countries. The students read the cards with excitement as they worked to decorate the tree. They also learned about European recipes by cooking dishes from various countries. Finally, on the big day, the students sang carols and shared the foods they prepared while their decorated European Christmas tree welcomed visitors at the school entrance.
Melbourne is a city located in southeastern Australia that was the capital of Australia between 1901 and 1927. It has a population of around 3.8 million people and has hosted major international events like the 1956 Summer Olympics and the 2006 Commonwealth Games. The city is situated on the southeastern coast of Australia along the Tasman Sea and surrounded by the state of Victoria, with the sea bordering it to the south, east, and west. Some typical foods eaten in Melbourne include kangaroo, emu, barramundi fish, trevalla fish, Moreton Bay bugs, freshwater crayfish called yabbies, and even cockroaches and scorpions.
My ideal school would have large steel columns supporting wide corridors and spacious classrooms. It would provide lockers for student belongings. The modern languages department would be a large room equipped with the latest audiovisual technology for language learning, including opportunities for international student exchanges and trips abroad, as well as English teaching assistants.
This document is the April 2011 issue of a Navitas newsletter. It includes the following:
- A recipe for Brigadeiros, a Brazilian dessert.
- An article about cheap things to do in Sydney, such as visiting certain bars, food courts, beaches, and Chinatown.
- Profiles of the Daytime and Evening Students of the Month, who discuss their backgrounds, goals at Navitas, and plans for the future.
- A 10 question quiz about geography and history created by a student.
- Photos from a fundraiser morning tea held at Navitas for Japan relief.
- Upcoming events around Sydney.
- Short messages and comments submitted by students.
This document outlines major historical periods from ancient times to the 20th century in a single line format, including the Old Ages from 800 BC to 500 AD, the Middle Ages from 472 to 1492, the Renaissance from the 15th to 16th centuries, the Baroque period from 1600 to 1750, the Classic period from 1750 to 1827, and the 20th century.
The document describes a European capital city where English is spoken and which has many famous monuments. William Shakespeare was born in the country of this capital city.
This document provides information about the towns of Ribadesella and Arriondas in northern Spain. It summarizes key details about each town, including their flags, maps and populations, local economies and industries, festivals and events, notable monuments and sites, and popular restaurants. For Ribadesella, it highlights the Tito Bustillo cave and festivals honoring the Virgin Mary and canoes. For Arriondas, it mentions the Descenso del Sella river festival and views from Mirador del Fito overlook. Both sections list several recommended local restaurants.
Paperwork pameran persatuan
Pameran Gerko Persatuan Hari Kokurikulum 2012 anjuran pelajar PISMP
Semester 6 Ambilan Januari 2010.
Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kelulusan pihak pengurusan
IPG Kampus Darulaman bagi mengadakan Pameran Persatuan-persatuan
yang telah ditubuhkan oleh pelajar PISMP semester 6 yang mana
merupakan tugasan yang perlu dilaksanakan bagi subjek WAJ 3106. Selain
itu, kertas kerja ini juga akan digunakan untuk memohon kerjasama dan
sumbangan daripada mana-mana pihak yang berkaitan.
Pameran Persatuan bersempena Hari Kokurikulum ini bertujuan
mendedahkan dan memperkenalkan persatuan-persatuan yang telah
ditubuhkan bagi setiap kelas pelajar-pelajar PISMP semester 6, ambilan
Jan 2010 ini kepada warga IPGM Kampus Darulaman. Projek ini juga
dulaksanakan sebagai persediaan awal atau panduan kepada bakal guru
dalam mengurus dan melaksanakan sesebuah persatuan di sekolah kelak.
Diharapkan agar pameran ini akan memberi sedikit ilmu serta pengetahuan
kepada para pengunjung dan ilmu yang ada pada para penganjur dapat
diaplikasikan dan disampaikan kepada orang lain.
Selepas mengikuti dan melaksanakan Pameran Gerko Persatuan Hari
Kokurikulum ini, para pelajar PISMP Semester 6 diharapakan dapat:
4.1 Mempunyai disiplin dan komitmen yang tinggi dalam apa jua
4.2 Mempersiapkan para bakal guru dalam menghadapi cabaran
sebagai seorang pendidik.
4.3 Mengamalkan nilai-nilai murni dalam kehidupan supaya menjadi
idol kepada masyarakat luar.
4.4 Memiliki semangat berpasukan yang tinggi serta memiliki
ketahanan fizikal dan mental yang teguh.
4.5 Memperkembangkan potensi diri sebagai seorang pendidik dan
menonjolkan kebolehan yang ada dalam merancang, melaksana
dan mengurus sesuatu program.
Berikut adalah masa yang dicadangkan:
Tarikh :
Hari : Rabu
Masa : 8.30 pagi – 4.30 petang
Dewan Sri Banai, IPG Kampus Darulaman.
Sebanyak 10 buah kelas dari Semester 6 Ambilan Januari 2010 iaitu
seramai 194 orang akan turut serta dalam Pameran Gerko Persatuan Hari
Kokurikulum 2012. Berikut adalah senarai 10 buah kelas:
7.1 Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Islam
7.2 Pemulihan (Bahasa Melayu)
7.3 Pemulihan (Bahasa Cina)
7.4 Pendidikan Jasmani
7.5 Pendidikan Khas 1
7.6 Pendidikan Khas 2
7.7 Pendidikan Khas 3
7.8 Bahasa Cina
7.9 Matematik
7.10 Sains
Senarai nama fasilitator yang telah dilantik dan dipertanggungjawabkan
untuk mengendalikan pameran ini adalah seperti di LAMPIRAN A.
8.00 pagi : Fasilitator dan penganjur menyiapkan bahan pameran
8.30 pagi : Ketibaan VIP dan pengunjung
9.00 pagi : Gimik majlis perasmian
9.15 pagi : Pameran bermula
: Aktiviti setiap kumpulan persatuan
4.00 petang : Bersurai
10.1 Jawatankuasa Induk
Penaung : Tn. Hj. Mohd Mustafa Bin Ahmad
Penasihat : Tn. Hj. Hashim Bin Ismail
Pengerusi : Pn. Noorashikin Binti ismail
Pensyarah Penasihat : En. Chee Pao Kam
En. Azizi Bin
En. Mohd Nashri Bin Yaakub
En. Yusri Bin Yusoff
Tn. Hj. Abd. Rahim Bin Abdullah
Tn. Hj. Ghazali Bin Omar
Tn. Hj. Wan Aziz Bin Wan Mohammad
Tn. Hj. Zainal Abidin Bin Saad
Pn. Choong Sook Khim
Pn. Rodziah Binti Ismail
10.2 Jawatankuasa Pengelola
Penasihat :
Pengerusi : Muhammad Aqmal Hakim Bin Abdul Rahim
(Pendidikan Jasmani)
Naib Pengerusi : Muhammad Syafeez Izuan Bin Mohd Isa
(Pendidikan Islam)
Setiausaha : Lili Farhana Binti Md Yasin
(Pendidikan Khas 1)
Naib Setiausaha : Nurfarhana Binti Ahmad Tarmizi
(Pemulihan Bahasa Melayu)
Bendahari : Fakriah hamidah Binti Sabri
Naib Bendahari : Yoong Soo May
(Pemulihan Bahasa Cina)
6. Ahli Jawatankuasa:
Siaraya : Muhammad Izzuddin Bin Khalid (Sains)
Persiapan tempat : Muhammad Izzat Bin Badrul (Pend. Jasmani)
Peralatan : Akmal Adibah Binti Dzayaolakmal (Pend. Khas 2)
Dokumentasi : Lim Sze Yuen (Bahasa Cina)
Pengacaraan : W Hanisah Binti Meor Abdul Aziz Suhaimi (PAI)
Buku Program : Atiya Atiqah Binti Abd Halim (Pemulihan BM)
Hadiah : W Mohd Talqiff Iman Bin Wan Ahmad Rafidi (PK 1)
Jamuan : Muhammad Zamir Husaini Bin Abdul Aziz (Math)
Perasmian : Tham Shu Qin (Pemulihan BC)
Tugas-tugas Khas : Abdul Sharil Hazri Bin Nordin (Pend. Khas 3)
ITEM Jumlah (RM) Catatan
1. Bahan-bahan dan Peralatan Pameran - Stor
2. Banner Pameran RM 50
3. Jamuan RM 200
4. Cenderahati - Stor
Akhir sekali, dengan kerjasama dan komitmen yang tidak berbelah bagi
daripada semua pihak yang terlibat, adalah diharapkan semoga
perjalanan program ini dalam keadaan baik dan sempurna seperti yang
telah dirancang. Hasil daripada program ini, diharapkan dapat melahirkan
bakal guru yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang dari aspek fizikal,
emosi, rohani, intelek dan sosial supaya dapat berkhidmat dengan
cemerlang apabila berada di sekolah kelak. Seterusnya dapat
meningkatkan keprihatinan terhadap isu-isu pendidikan masa kini serta
mampu melahirkan guru ayang berminda global dan berfikiran postif
terhadap cabaran dalam dunia pendidikan.
Disediakan oleh :
Jawatankuasa Induk Pengelola,
Pameran GERKO Persatuan Hari Kokurikulum 2012,
PISMP Semester 6, Ambilan Januari 2010,
IPG Kampus Darulaman,
06000 Jitra, Kedah .