Este proyecto propone la realizaci¨®n de un cortometraje por grupos de estudiantes sobre si recomendar¨ªan su instituto. Los estudiantes analizar¨¢n aspectos formales de los videos como planos y ¨¢ngulos de c¨¢mara, grabar¨¢n y editar¨¢n su propio corto aplicando estas t¨¦cnicas, y presentar¨¢n el resultado final. El proyecto se desarrollar¨¢ en varias sesiones para analizar conceptos, planificar el guion, grabar, editar y presentar el corto.
Raconteur_Data analytics is transforming employees into team playersPetew01
Business transformation is necessary for companies to thrive in today's rapidly changing digital world. Successful companies like Apple, Amazon, and Facebook have repeatedly transformed their businesses over decades by adapting to new technologies and markets. While transformation is challenging and requires resources, standing still is not an option. The document discusses how even large listed companies like ITV have successfully transformed while facing pressures from stakeholders and shareholders. It also notes that breaking corporate taboos and fostering a startup culture can help drive innovation and transformation.
The document provides an overview of the mobile value-added services (MVAS) market in India. It discusses the key stakeholders in the MVAS ecosystem, including network operators, content owners, technology providers, and customers. It notes that the MVAS market in India is approximately 6000 crores in size and growing at over 60% annually. The largest segments are entertainment, information, and emerging commerce services. The document also outlines the technologies currently used, strategies of major players, and trends like rural penetration, new operators and 3G that will influence future growth of the MVAS market in India.
This document discusses mental health issues and aviation security. It describes how untreated mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and paranoia can pose threats on aircraft if a passenger's condition causes disruptive behavior. Effective identification of psychological issues at airports and restraint techniques that monitor passengers' vital signs can help manage risks. The best approach is preventative intervention on the ground before a situation escalates during flight. Video analytics and engagement with individuals displaying concerning behaviors may identify at-risk passengers and prevent security issues.
This document discusses strategies for effective classroom management. It notes that many students who fail in school are kinaesthetic learners or dyslexic boys, and recommends varied teaching techniques tailored to students' learning styles. The basics of positive behavior management are outlined, including being definite, positive, calm and consistent while avoiding confrontation. Specific strategies are provided for how to address misbehavior without disciplining students in front of the class or personalizing issues. Common comments from struggling students are also listed.
H1N1, also known as swine flu, is a strain of influenza that emerged in 2009 and caused a global pandemic. The virus is a combination of genetic elements from human, avian, and swine influenza viruses. It spreads through coughing and sneezing and causes symptoms like cough, fever, fatigue and sore throat. While most people recover without treatment, those at higher risk for severe illness include pregnant women, children, and people with chronic health conditions. Prevention strategies include vaccination, hand washing, and maintaining a healthy immune system through nutrition, lifestyle factors and herbal remedies.
Venture capital involves private equity funding for early stage, high-growth companies. Venture capital funds are typically structured as limited partnerships with general partners investing on behalf of limited partner investors. General partners earn management fees and carried interest based on fund performance. Venture capital funding rounds involve evaluating company teams, opportunities, financial projections, and negotiating term sheets that determine share prices, liquidation preferences, and board control between investors and companies. The goal is for funds to return 3 times their capital over 10 years through a small number of highly successful portfolio company exits through acquisition or IPO.
Borang refleksi kursus menilai 14 komponen Hasil Pembelajaran Program (HPP) termasuk tanggungjawab sosial, menghargai alam sekitar, etika dan profesionalisme, kemahiran kerohanian, komunikasi, kepimpinan, kerja berpasukan, berfikir kritis, teknologi maklumat, pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, globalisasi, keusahawanan, pengurusan dan kepelbagaian budaya. Mahasiswa perlu merefleksi peningkatan
Born to be creative, dedicated to thinking outside the box to give life more meaning. You can create your own ideas because only you can. Think think think, plan for success despite difficulties, as those who don't believe in themselves cannot. Feel, talk, hear - what do you think, what do you feel? Love can make the world smile.
The document discusses the mobile value-added services (MVAS) market in India. It outlines the key stakeholders in the MVAS ecosystem, including content owners, technology providers, network operators, and customers. It notes that the traditional model involves operators taking the majority of revenue share. The document also analyzes market size, growth drivers, current technologies used, strategies of major players, and emerging trends in rural areas, new operators, 3G adoption, and mobile commerce guidelines.
This document appears to list important dates from 1949 to 2008. It includes years from the 1940s through the early 2000s without any additional context for the significance of each date listed. The high-level information provided is a chronological listing of years without descriptions of the events or happenings associated with each date.
Este manual fornece orienta??es sobre os procedimentos a adotar no ?mbito do Programa de Contratos Locais de Desenvolvimento Social+, abordando temas como o ?mbito e objetivos dos projetos, as entidades envolvidas, as a??es eleg¨ªveis, os limites de financiamento e as regras de execu??o e monitoriza??o. O documento tem como base o Regulamento do Programa e fornece informa??es t¨¦cnicas e normativas para a correta implementa??o dos CLDS+.
The Apache HTTP Server version 2.2 was released in 2006. It included several changes and improvements over version 1.3 including updated modules, new features, and changes to the architecture and APIs to improve performance and extensibility. Key changes included updated modules for caching, proxying, authentication and more. The MPM and event model was overhauled for better threading and processes.
This document discusses strategies for effective classroom management. It notes that many students who fail in school are kinaesthetic learners or dyslexic boys, and recommends varied teaching techniques tailored to students' learning styles. The basics of positive behavior management are outlined, including being definite, positive, calm and consistent while avoiding confrontation. Specific strategies are provided for how to address misbehavior without disciplining students in front of the class or personalizing issues. Common comments from struggling students are also listed.
H1N1, also known as swine flu, is a strain of influenza that emerged in 2009 and caused a global pandemic. The virus is a combination of genetic elements from human, avian, and swine influenza viruses. It spreads through coughing and sneezing and causes symptoms like cough, fever, fatigue and sore throat. While most people recover without treatment, those at higher risk for severe illness include pregnant women, children, and people with chronic health conditions. Prevention strategies include vaccination, hand washing, and maintaining a healthy immune system through nutrition, lifestyle factors and herbal remedies.
Venture capital involves private equity funding for early stage, high-growth companies. Venture capital funds are typically structured as limited partnerships with general partners investing on behalf of limited partner investors. General partners earn management fees and carried interest based on fund performance. Venture capital funding rounds involve evaluating company teams, opportunities, financial projections, and negotiating term sheets that determine share prices, liquidation preferences, and board control between investors and companies. The goal is for funds to return 3 times their capital over 10 years through a small number of highly successful portfolio company exits through acquisition or IPO.
Borang refleksi kursus menilai 14 komponen Hasil Pembelajaran Program (HPP) termasuk tanggungjawab sosial, menghargai alam sekitar, etika dan profesionalisme, kemahiran kerohanian, komunikasi, kepimpinan, kerja berpasukan, berfikir kritis, teknologi maklumat, pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, globalisasi, keusahawanan, pengurusan dan kepelbagaian budaya. Mahasiswa perlu merefleksi peningkatan
Born to be creative, dedicated to thinking outside the box to give life more meaning. You can create your own ideas because only you can. Think think think, plan for success despite difficulties, as those who don't believe in themselves cannot. Feel, talk, hear - what do you think, what do you feel? Love can make the world smile.
The document discusses the mobile value-added services (MVAS) market in India. It outlines the key stakeholders in the MVAS ecosystem, including content owners, technology providers, network operators, and customers. It notes that the traditional model involves operators taking the majority of revenue share. The document also analyzes market size, growth drivers, current technologies used, strategies of major players, and emerging trends in rural areas, new operators, 3G adoption, and mobile commerce guidelines.
This document appears to list important dates from 1949 to 2008. It includes years from the 1940s through the early 2000s without any additional context for the significance of each date listed. The high-level information provided is a chronological listing of years without descriptions of the events or happenings associated with each date.
Este manual fornece orienta??es sobre os procedimentos a adotar no ?mbito do Programa de Contratos Locais de Desenvolvimento Social+, abordando temas como o ?mbito e objetivos dos projetos, as entidades envolvidas, as a??es eleg¨ªveis, os limites de financiamento e as regras de execu??o e monitoriza??o. O documento tem como base o Regulamento do Programa e fornece informa??es t¨¦cnicas e normativas para a correta implementa??o dos CLDS+.
The Apache HTTP Server version 2.2 was released in 2006. It included several changes and improvements over version 1.3 including updated modules, new features, and changes to the architecture and APIs to improve performance and extensibility. Key changes included updated modules for caching, proxying, authentication and more. The MPM and event model was overhauled for better threading and processes.
1. Una jove esperava l'embarcament del seu vol en un gran aeroport .....
2. Com que havia d¡¯esperar bastant, va decidir comprar-se un bon llibre, i tamb¨¦ es va comprar un paquet de galetes.
3. Va asseure¡¯s el m¨¦s c¨°modament que va poder, i es va posar tranquil¡¤lament a llegir, disposada a passar una bona estona de descans.
4. Al costat del seu seient on es trobava el paquet de galetes, un home va obrir una revista i es va posar a llegir.
5. Quan ella va agafar la primera galeta, l'home tamb¨¦ en va agafar una. Ella es va sentir irritada per aquest comportament, per¨° no va dir res, acontentant-se amb pensar : ¡° Quina barra !¡±
6. Cada cop que ella agafava una galeta, l'home feia el mateix. Ella s'anava enfadant cada vegada m¨¦s, per¨° no volia fer un espectacle.
7. Quan nom¨¦s quedava una galeta, va pensar: ¡° I ara qu¨¨ far¨¤ aquest imb¨¨cil ?¡± L'home va agafar l'¨²ltima galeta, en va fer dos trossos i li va donar la meitat.
8. B¨¦, aix¨° ja era massa ... Ella estava molt enfadada ! En una arrencada de geni, va agafar el seu llibre i les seves coses i va sortir disparada cap a la sala d'embarcament.
9. Quan va seure en el seu seient de l'avi¨®, va obrir la seva bossa i ... amb gran sorpresa va descobrir el seu paquet de galetes intacte i tancat !!!
10. Es va sentir tan malament ! No comprenia com s'havia pogut equivocar... Havia oblidat que va guardar el seu paquet de galetes a la seva bossa.
11. L'home havia compartit amb ella les seves galetes sense cap problema, sense ranc¨²nia, sense explicacions de cap mena...
12. ...mentre ella s'havia enfadat tant, pensant que havia hagut de compartir les seves galetes amb ell.... i ara ja no tenia cap possibilitat d'explicar-se ni de demanar excuses...