The document appears to be a template for student report cards from a preschool class. It includes fields for the school name, date, class/grade level (preschool), subject area (initially language and then switching to mathematics), teacher name, and student name. The template is repeated many times with empty fields to be filled in.
This document appears to be a form for a student's school with fields for the school name, date, and student's name. It requests basic identifying information but does not provide much additional context within its few fields.
The document contains repetitions of letters from the alphabet in Portuguese, presented by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian as a way to teach inclusion and the alphabet. Each letter is written out multiple times on its own page, with the letter repeated in various formats, including as single letters, words made of the letter, and letter shapes made of the letter. This continues for all 26 letters of the Portuguese alphabet in a repetitive format aimed at early education.
Conte炭do para ensino online elo叩 camposElo叩 Campos
O documento descreve as principais figuras de linguagem, divididas em quatro categorias: figuras de som, figuras de constru巽達o, figuras de pensamento e figuras de palavras. Exemplos s達o fornecidos para cada figura, mostrando como elas podem ser usadas para tornar a linguagem mais expressiva.
O documento descreve as etapas da aquisi巽達o e desenvolvimento da linguagem desde o nascimento at辿 os 4 anos de idade. Come巽a com sons vegetativos como choro e tosse, seguido por palreio e risos. Mais tarde surgem lala巽達o e primeiras s鱈labas e palavras. Entre 2-4 anos a crian巽a domina a articula巽達o correta da l鱈ngua materna, embora ainda ocorram algumas deten巽探es. Fatores como problemas auditivos ou motores podem dificultar este processo.
1 actividades para o desenvolvimento auto estimaLeo Silva
Este documento descreve um programa para desenvolver a auto-estima em crian巽as e jovens entre 8-9 anos atrav辿s de atividades reflexivas individuais e em grupo. O programa aborda t坦picos como identidade, seguran巽a, autonomia, linguagem interna e resolu巽達o de problemas para ajudar os participantes a desenvolverem uma vis達o positiva de si mesmos.
O documento discute o desenvolvimento da linguagem e afetividade das crian巽as entre 2 e 7 anos. Aprendem a falar atrav辿s da intera巽達o social e da matura巽達o biol坦gica, evoluindo de uma linguagem egoc棚ntrica para comunicativa. Seu pensamento tamb辿m se desenvolve, saindo de uma vis達o egoc棚ntrica para compreender outros pontos de vista, e sua moralidade passa de depender das regras dos adultos para respeitar os companheiros.
O documento discute temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento da linguagem e aprendizagem em crian巽as. Aborda o relacionamento entre linguagem e fala, os est叩gios normais de desenvolvimento, e a import但ncia da estimula巽達o ambiental fornecida pela fam鱈lia e escola. Tamb辿m explica os processos respons叩veis pela leitura e escrita e as etapas de aquisi巽達o destas habilidades.
O documento discute os conceitos de linguagem, l鱈ngua e fala. Define linguagem como um sistema de signos que permite interpretar a realidade atrav辿s de sons, letras e outros s鱈mbolos. Explica que existem diferentes linguagens como l鱈nguas naturais, pintura e m炭sica. Define l鱈ngua como um c坦digo formado por palavras que permite a comunica巽達o entre pessoas. Apresenta varia巽探es na l鱈ngua de acordo com fatores como regi達o e idade. Distingue linguagem verbal da n達o-verbal.
The document contains a series of assignments for students. It lists the school, teacher, student name, and date for each assignment. The assignments include completing a crossword with adjectives, writing the number of nouns, and other unstated tasks. Information is provided about the class, teacher, and student for each assignment but no details about the assignment topics are given.
The document contains a school form with fields for the school name, student name, grade/year, date, and teacher name. This form is repeated multiple times with empty fields, suggesting it is a blank template to be filled out for individual students.
The document contains information about a student's school, name, grade/year, date, and teacher. This template is repeated many times with blank fields for the data.
The document contains information about a student's Portuguese class, including the school name, student name, date, and class or grade level. This information is repeated multiple times in a standardized format. The document focuses on recording class details for Portuguese language studies.
The document appears to be an educational workbook or textbook for teaching mathematics concepts to young students. It includes exercises involving matching numbers to quantities, writing numbers corresponding to amounts, ordering numbers in sequences, and other basic numeracy tasks. The workbook prompts students with questions and leaves spaces for them to write their answers.
The document is a school project about commemorative dates in April created by Simone Helen Drumond Ishkanian. It includes sections with the alphabet, congratulating the lunch lady, and celebrating books and Brazil. The project covers different topics to teach students about April holidays and events through various exercises and activities.
The document is an alphabet of transportation vehicles created by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian. It lists a different vehicle beginning with each letter of the alphabet from A to Z, including tractor, truck, helicopter, jet ski, locomotive, and more. The vehicles are intended to teach children the alphabet through means of transportation.
The document appears to be part of a lesson plan for a school project on packaging, labels, and a supermarket in the classroom. It includes instructions and worksheets for students to complete related to identifying different and equal packaging, circling different items, counting items, and covering letters to spell words. The project is aimed at teaching concepts like equal and different. It is authored by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian.
Dedicar-se a constru巽達o dos materiais 辿 algo que amo, principalmente por que tenho recebido muitos e-mails de educadores e pais, pedindo os materiais para trabalhar com seus filhos. Tamb辿m tenho recebido retorno de educadores, relatando que a proposta dos portf坦lios tem dado certo.
Todas as constru巽探es necessitam de tempo, para pesquisas, testes e elabora巽達o escrita e digital.
Tenho enviado gratuitamente todos os portf坦lios sobre AUTISMO E EDUCAO, para todos que necessitam.
Se voc棚 deseja colaborar com a amplia巽達o desse materiais oferte qualquer valor na conta:
Simone Helen Drumond
Ag棚ncia 2395 5
Conta 0017614 1
Banco Bradesco
The document is a teaching guide for developing reading skills in people with autism using colors and shapes. It includes sections on planning, assessment, and teaching basic shapes like circles, triangles, rectangles and squares. The guide was created by Simone Helen Drumond Ishkanian and aims to educate students with autism through visual identification of colors and forms.
The document contains materials for teaching geometric shapes to children with autism, including cut-out shape cards, worksheets, and guidance. It discusses games and activities to help children learn shapes, colors, sequences, and associations through visual matching, sorting, and naming exercises. The materials were created by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian for use in autism education programs.
The document appears to be a series of pages from a workbook or educational material about facial expressions and emotions. Each page includes space for information about the student's school, teacher, name, grade, and class. It then lists an emotion and has a place for the student's name and to identify what emotion they are expressing. The pages work through different emotions like happy, sad, angry, afraid, etc. The final page provides a reference to the source of the material.
The document contains templates for student information forms and name tags. The forms request the student's name, school, class, phone number, and details of a field trip. The name tags include fields for the student's name, school, and class. The templates provide a way to collect and display student details for activities like field trips.
The document contains materials for an educational activity on opposites for students. It includes sections for identifying the student's name, age, educator, and content area. There are templates for activity cards to cut out and plasticize, as well as instructions to assemble the materials into an album or folder. The document provides guidance on methodological procedures, resources, evaluation, and observations for the activity. It references an autism and education project using the TEACCH method developed by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian.
The document appears to be a series of activities for students in Portuguese. It includes activities to practice letters like tracing the letter A, finding the initial letter of the student's name, and drawing the letter A in balloons. Other activities include observing the letter E, gluing colored paper strips on a larger popsicle stick, and being reminded that March 22nd is World Water Day with instructions to paint a raindrop in blue gouache. One activity involves painting the wider window and scratching out the narrower one.
The document appears to be a series of activities for students in Portuguese. It includes activities to practice letters like tracing the letter A, finding the initial letter of the student's name, and drawing the letter A in balloons. Other activities include observing the letter E, gluing colored paper strips on a larger popsicle stick, and being reminded that March 22nd is World Water Day with instructions to paint a raindrop in blue gouache. One activity involves painting the wider window and scratching out the narrower one.
The document contains instructions for educational activities related to numbers for students. It includes lists of numbers from 0 to 50 that could be used for activities with pots or a safe. It also includes instructions to build and play with placing numbers inside a safe. The document was written by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian and is about autism and education involving numbers.
The document is a series of pages from a workbook about autism and education. Each page contains spaces to fill in information about a school, teacher, student, grade, and class. Below this is repeated text about facial expressions and the author's name. There is no other substantive information provided across the many pages.
The document describes a school project to create an alphabet book for children. Each page features a letter of the alphabet handwritten five times, along with blank fields for information about the school, teacher, student, grade and class. The project was created by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian for National Book Day.
The document is a series of worksheets for a Portuguese literacy lesson on syllabic reading and writing. It guides students through activities like matching pictures to initial syllables, writing names of pictures by filling in vowels and consonants, copying sentences by replacing pictures with words, and identifying words that begin with a given letter.
The document contains a series of assignments for students. It lists the school, teacher, student name, and date for each assignment. The assignments include completing a crossword with adjectives, writing the number of nouns, and other unstated tasks. Information is provided about the class, teacher, and student for each assignment but no details about the assignment topics are given.
The document contains a school form with fields for the school name, student name, grade/year, date, and teacher name. This form is repeated multiple times with empty fields, suggesting it is a blank template to be filled out for individual students.
The document contains information about a student's school, name, grade/year, date, and teacher. This template is repeated many times with blank fields for the data.
The document contains information about a student's Portuguese class, including the school name, student name, date, and class or grade level. This information is repeated multiple times in a standardized format. The document focuses on recording class details for Portuguese language studies.
The document appears to be an educational workbook or textbook for teaching mathematics concepts to young students. It includes exercises involving matching numbers to quantities, writing numbers corresponding to amounts, ordering numbers in sequences, and other basic numeracy tasks. The workbook prompts students with questions and leaves spaces for them to write their answers.
The document is a school project about commemorative dates in April created by Simone Helen Drumond Ishkanian. It includes sections with the alphabet, congratulating the lunch lady, and celebrating books and Brazil. The project covers different topics to teach students about April holidays and events through various exercises and activities.
The document is an alphabet of transportation vehicles created by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian. It lists a different vehicle beginning with each letter of the alphabet from A to Z, including tractor, truck, helicopter, jet ski, locomotive, and more. The vehicles are intended to teach children the alphabet through means of transportation.
The document appears to be part of a lesson plan for a school project on packaging, labels, and a supermarket in the classroom. It includes instructions and worksheets for students to complete related to identifying different and equal packaging, circling different items, counting items, and covering letters to spell words. The project is aimed at teaching concepts like equal and different. It is authored by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian.
Dedicar-se a constru巽達o dos materiais 辿 algo que amo, principalmente por que tenho recebido muitos e-mails de educadores e pais, pedindo os materiais para trabalhar com seus filhos. Tamb辿m tenho recebido retorno de educadores, relatando que a proposta dos portf坦lios tem dado certo.
Todas as constru巽探es necessitam de tempo, para pesquisas, testes e elabora巽達o escrita e digital.
Tenho enviado gratuitamente todos os portf坦lios sobre AUTISMO E EDUCAO, para todos que necessitam.
Se voc棚 deseja colaborar com a amplia巽達o desse materiais oferte qualquer valor na conta:
Simone Helen Drumond
Ag棚ncia 2395 5
Conta 0017614 1
Banco Bradesco
The document is a teaching guide for developing reading skills in people with autism using colors and shapes. It includes sections on planning, assessment, and teaching basic shapes like circles, triangles, rectangles and squares. The guide was created by Simone Helen Drumond Ishkanian and aims to educate students with autism through visual identification of colors and forms.
The document contains materials for teaching geometric shapes to children with autism, including cut-out shape cards, worksheets, and guidance. It discusses games and activities to help children learn shapes, colors, sequences, and associations through visual matching, sorting, and naming exercises. The materials were created by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian for use in autism education programs.
The document appears to be a series of pages from a workbook or educational material about facial expressions and emotions. Each page includes space for information about the student's school, teacher, name, grade, and class. It then lists an emotion and has a place for the student's name and to identify what emotion they are expressing. The pages work through different emotions like happy, sad, angry, afraid, etc. The final page provides a reference to the source of the material.
The document contains templates for student information forms and name tags. The forms request the student's name, school, class, phone number, and details of a field trip. The name tags include fields for the student's name, school, and class. The templates provide a way to collect and display student details for activities like field trips.
The document contains materials for an educational activity on opposites for students. It includes sections for identifying the student's name, age, educator, and content area. There are templates for activity cards to cut out and plasticize, as well as instructions to assemble the materials into an album or folder. The document provides guidance on methodological procedures, resources, evaluation, and observations for the activity. It references an autism and education project using the TEACCH method developed by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian.
The document appears to be a series of activities for students in Portuguese. It includes activities to practice letters like tracing the letter A, finding the initial letter of the student's name, and drawing the letter A in balloons. Other activities include observing the letter E, gluing colored paper strips on a larger popsicle stick, and being reminded that March 22nd is World Water Day with instructions to paint a raindrop in blue gouache. One activity involves painting the wider window and scratching out the narrower one.
The document appears to be a series of activities for students in Portuguese. It includes activities to practice letters like tracing the letter A, finding the initial letter of the student's name, and drawing the letter A in balloons. Other activities include observing the letter E, gluing colored paper strips on a larger popsicle stick, and being reminded that March 22nd is World Water Day with instructions to paint a raindrop in blue gouache. One activity involves painting the wider window and scratching out the narrower one.
The document contains instructions for educational activities related to numbers for students. It includes lists of numbers from 0 to 50 that could be used for activities with pots or a safe. It also includes instructions to build and play with placing numbers inside a safe. The document was written by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian and is about autism and education involving numbers.
The document is a series of pages from a workbook about autism and education. Each page contains spaces to fill in information about a school, teacher, student, grade, and class. Below this is repeated text about facial expressions and the author's name. There is no other substantive information provided across the many pages.
The document describes a school project to create an alphabet book for children. Each page features a letter of the alphabet handwritten five times, along with blank fields for information about the school, teacher, student, grade and class. The project was created by Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian for National Book Day.
The document is a series of worksheets for a Portuguese literacy lesson on syllabic reading and writing. It guides students through activities like matching pictures to initial syllables, writing names of pictures by filling in vowels and consonants, copying sentences by replacing pictures with words, and identifying words that begin with a given letter.