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Para normal investigation services - Detective agency in Pune - Private Detective agencies in Pune
1. Para Normal Investigation Services in Mumbai
A Paranormal Investigator (PI) is a person who investigates claims regarding the presence of ghosts,
demons, spirits, aliens, lake monsters, the chupacabra, and other "strange and bizarre" things. The
paranormal investigator should be distinguished from the parapsychologist or laboratory researcher of
psi, although some paranormal investigators also do lab work and technical audio visual investigations.
As such there are very few private investigators in Mumbai who touch upon this subject.
Difference between Field and house Paranormal Private investigator in Mumbai:
Some para normal investigators are field private investigators. Some are "house" private investigators/
The field PI goes on site to investigate the weird occurrence. The house PI reads the reports of field PIs,
but does not travel to the site of weird phenomena. House investigations are essential, since nobody
can travel to all the places that warrant investigation. To get a complete picture of paranormal
investigations, one must rely on the reports of others even if one is a field investigator, being present
onsite during the occurrence with recorded evidence is extremely important.
True Believers, Bebunkers, and Deniers:
There are those who do not go into the field to investigate, nor do they study the reports of those who
do, yet they accept or reject the conclusions of a paranormal investigator. Such people are sometimes
characterized as either "true believers" or "debunkers." It is probably fair to designate someone who
accepts a claim that a ghost or lake monster has been verified, even though he or she hasn't done any
investigation or studied any reports, as a "true believer." I don't think it is accurate to refer to everyone
who rejects a claim that a ghost has been verified, even though he or she hasn't done any field
investigations or studied a specific report, as a "debunker." To debunk is to expose something as false or
as not what it is claimed to be. You can't expose something by simply denying its existence. A better
term for such people would be "paranormal denier," rather than debunker or skeptic. Debunking is
often what a PI does after investigating a place that others have claimed to know is haunted or
inhabited by a monster, etc. Debunking is also something that a house PI might do after studying the
reports of field PIs
The role of a paranormal private investigator:
There are many subjects that a PI might focus on. One of the more popular areas of investigation these
days concerns ghosts and haunted buildings. Although many PIs who investigate ghosts and haunting
claim to be scientific and skeptical, a cursory look at websites and television programs devoted to "ghost
hunting," "ghost busting," or "haunting" indicates that the claim is often hollow.
Indians as such are culturally different from most other countries, thus our beliefs in the supernatural
too are different too, there are various fake god men or tantric about too who end up conning a person
who could very easily have just been effected by gossip or rumors.
There are many methods by which the occurrence is proven to be baised or unbiased, in most cases the
help of technology is taken to record evidences that helps prove the believer or denier. Radio
transmitters, night vision devices, trip wires, thermal detectors, lob detectors etc are used in paranormal
investigations to test out the occurrences.
2. Many Investigators in Mumbai seem to be more interested in fame, fortune, and fun than they are in
serious scientific investigation of the paranormal. I'm thinking of those television programs where
"investigators" keep bumping into each other and shining their flashlights in the dark while uttering
things like "Oh my God! Did you feel that?!" Even police officers are getting into the act.
The Scientific Paranormal Private investigators Approach:
The scientific investigator approaches an investigation with an open mind, collects and examines as
much relevant evidence as is reasonable for the claim being investigated, develops hypotheses, and tries
to falsify them. Yes, a scientist tries to falsify, not verify, his hypothesis. If you set out to verify your
hypothesis you are very likely to be misdirected by confirmation bias. You will look only for those things
that confirm what you believe and you will systematically ignore those things that might disconfirm your
belief. To keep an open mind, the scientist, like a good detective, must not form hypotheses too early in
the investigation, as the tendency of all of us is to confirm, not disconfirm, our hypotheses.