El documento describe la autonoma municipal y su potestad tributaria. Los municipios tienen la facultad de elegir sus autoridades, gestionar sus competencias, dictar su propio ordenamiento jurdico y crear un sistema de inversiones para beneficiar a la sociedad y cumplir los fines del Estado. La potestad tributaria municipal le permite al municipio determinar obligaciones tributarias de forma espordica o frecuente, ya sea por los propios sujetos pasivos, de forma mixta con la administracin tributaria o de oficio por esta ltima sobre bases ciertas o
El documento describe la autonoma municipal y su potestad tributaria. Los municipios tienen la facultad de elegir sus autoridades, gestionar sus competencias, dictar su propio ordenamiento jurdico y crear un sistema de inversiones para beneficiar a la sociedad y cumplir los fines del Estado. La potestad tributaria municipal le permite al municipio determinar obligaciones tributarias de forma espordica o frecuente, ya sea por los propios sujetos pasivos, de forma mixta con la administracin tributaria o de oficio por esta ltima sobre bases ciertas o
Open source tools and standards dominate the field of information security due to their collaborative development model and widespread availability. This includes programming languages like Python and GCC used to create network security tools, open standards like TCP exploited to build tools like Nmap, and security distributions like Kali Linux that contain hundreds of security tools. However, application layer vulnerabilities still pose major risks despite advantages of open source, and additional training resources are needed to fully leverage the open security ecosystem.
Gender inequality is a significant problem in Bangladesh. Women face discrimination from birth through unequal access to health care, education, employment, and political participation. The literacy rate and percentage of women in the workforce are much lower than for men. Violence against women, including acid attacks, domestic abuse, sexual assault, and murder, remains widespread. To address these issues, policies are needed to promote education for all, end early marriage and violence, raise awareness, control the population growth rate, and change societal mindsets regarding gender.