A avea dintii sanatosi inseamna ca toata viata sa ai grija de sanatatea lor. Chiar daca cineva ti-a spus ca ai dinti
frumosi, este important ca in fiecare zi sa faci lucrurile potrivite pentru a-i ingriji si pentru a preveni problemele de
sanatate. Aceasta presupune atat folosirea produselor de ingrijire orala, cat si constientizarea obiceiurilor zilnice.
This document provides instructions for knitting a tunic with three different stitch patterns (A, B, and C). The tunic consists of a back piece, two front pieces, and two sleeves.
The back and fronts are worked from the waistband up. The waistband is cast on and worked in pattern A, then stitches are picked up along the edge and patterns B and C are worked to the hem. Sleeves are worked similarly from the cuff up. Edgings are added to the hem, cuffs, and collar using crochet.
This document provides instructions for crocheting 16 different winter accessory patterns including scarves, gloves, hats, and sets. It includes detailed materials lists and instructions for projects of varying difficulty levels such as an easy crochet cowl, lacy fingerless gloves, and a beginner crochet hat and scarf set. The patterns allow crafters to make warm accessories for winter using basic crochet stitches.
This document discusses how to use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for job searching. It provides tips for using these social media platforms to build professional networks, share content and expertise, and make oneself discoverable to hiring managers. Specific advice includes connecting with professional associations, alumni groups, and contacts; posting regular updates; and using features like recommendations, questions, and groups to engage one's network.
Purtarea unui aparat dentar vine cu beneficii improtante. Daca vrei sa afli toate detaliile despre acest tratament, te invitam sa intri in legatura cu noi, aici: www.dentist-bucuresti.co
Dr. Maryam Boorboor provides an overview of common dentistry instruments used in basic dental procedures, scaling and root planing, amalgam/composite fillings, anesthesia, radiography, endodontics, prosthodontics, pediatrics, and oral surgery. The document lists and images over 100 instruments categorized by use including mirrors, probes, scalers, handpieces, needles, forceps, elevators, and more. Dr. Boorboor aims to inform readers about the basic and specialized tools involved in dentistry practice and procedures.
This document provides guidance on decontamination processes in primary care dental practices. It aims to progressively raise standards of decontamination to ensure patient safety. The document covers cleaning, sterilization, and setting up a decontamination area according to best practice standards. Adherence to the guidance seeks to minimize the risk of transmitting infection between patients via contaminated dental instruments.
The document provides instructions for making a Cable Chevron Hat. It uses two skeins of Berroco Blackstone Tweed Chunky yarn and circular and double pointed knitting needles. The hat is made using a k2,p2 ribbing and then the main Cable Chevron pattern from a knitting pattern book. It involves slipping stitches over cables and knitting them to create the cable design. Decreases are made in subsequent rows to shape the hat. The hat is completed by threading the yarn through the remaining stitches and sewing in the ends.
This document provides the instructions to knit a tunic with multiple pattern stitches. It includes:
1) Materials and gauge needed for the tunic which uses 14 skeins of wool yarn.
2) Detailed instructions for knitting the back, front, sleeves and finishing the tunic with edgings.
3) Multiple pattern stitches including Pattern A, B, C1 and C2 that are used in different sections.
4) Measurements for each section and shaping steps like increases, decreases and bind offs.
This document provides instructions for a classic ripple afghan crochet pattern. The pattern uses four colors of yarn and requires two different sized crochet hooks. It consists of zigzags created by alternating between 9 and 10 single crochets separated by chain stitches. The afghan measures approximately 46 by 58 inches. Detailed instructions are provided for creating the ripple pattern and completing the project.
This document provides 16 free crochet patterns for winter accessories including hats, scarves, gloves and mittens. It includes easy patterns for beginners as well as more advanced patterns. Some of the highlighted patterns are a cowl, bowtie neckwarmer, cupcake scarf, and double potato chip scarf. Instructions, materials lists, photos and diagrams are provided for each pattern.
Purtarea unui aparat dentar vine cu beneficii improtante. Daca vrei sa afli toate detaliile despre acest tratament, te invitam sa intri in legatura cu noi, aici: www.dentist-bucuresti.co
Dr. Maryam Boorboor provides an overview of common dentistry instruments used in basic dental procedures, scaling and root planing, amalgam/composite fillings, anesthesia, radiography, endodontics, prosthodontics, pediatrics, and oral surgery. The document lists and images over 100 instruments categorized by use including mirrors, probes, scalers, handpieces, needles, forceps, elevators, and more. Dr. Boorboor aims to inform readers about the basic and specialized tools involved in dentistry practice and procedures.
This document provides guidance on decontamination processes in primary care dental practices. It aims to progressively raise standards of decontamination to ensure patient safety. The document covers cleaning, sterilization, and setting up a decontamination area according to best practice standards. Adherence to the guidance seeks to minimize the risk of transmitting infection between patients via contaminated dental instruments.
The document provides instructions for making a Cable Chevron Hat. It uses two skeins of Berroco Blackstone Tweed Chunky yarn and circular and double pointed knitting needles. The hat is made using a k2,p2 ribbing and then the main Cable Chevron pattern from a knitting pattern book. It involves slipping stitches over cables and knitting them to create the cable design. Decreases are made in subsequent rows to shape the hat. The hat is completed by threading the yarn through the remaining stitches and sewing in the ends.
This document provides the instructions to knit a tunic with multiple pattern stitches. It includes:
1) Materials and gauge needed for the tunic which uses 14 skeins of wool yarn.
2) Detailed instructions for knitting the back, front, sleeves and finishing the tunic with edgings.
3) Multiple pattern stitches including Pattern A, B, C1 and C2 that are used in different sections.
4) Measurements for each section and shaping steps like increases, decreases and bind offs.
This document provides instructions for a classic ripple afghan crochet pattern. The pattern uses four colors of yarn and requires two different sized crochet hooks. It consists of zigzags created by alternating between 9 and 10 single crochets separated by chain stitches. The afghan measures approximately 46 by 58 inches. Detailed instructions are provided for creating the ripple pattern and completing the project.
This document provides 16 free crochet patterns for winter accessories including hats, scarves, gloves and mittens. It includes easy patterns for beginners as well as more advanced patterns. Some of the highlighted patterns are a cowl, bowtie neckwarmer, cupcake scarf, and double potato chip scarf. Instructions, materials lists, photos and diagrams are provided for each pattern.
This article summarizes the findings of a three-year international survey of public relations practitioners examining the impact of blogs and social media on public relations practice. Key findings include:
1) Blogs and social media are dramatically changing public relations by enhancing communications and complementing traditional media.
2) These new media have changed how organizations communicate externally and made communications more instantaneous by encouraging quicker responses to criticism.
3) While blogs and social media offer huge potential, only a small percentage of large companies are actively using them.
This document discusses social media as a new hybrid element of the promotion mix. It argues that social media enables companies to communicate with customers, while also allowing customers to communicate directly with each other, outside of companies' direct control. This contrasts with traditional integrated marketing communications which gives companies more control. The document aims to propose treating social media as part of the promotion mix and provide methods for companies to shape customer discussions through social media in a way that aligns with their goals.
C3 impact of target marketing on advertising attitudes[1]SNSPA, Bucharest
This study examines the impact of target marketing on both the intended target audience and unintended "nontarget" audience. Three experiments show that target marketing can have unfavorable effects on nondistinctive groups in the nontarget market, such as Caucasian or heterosexual individuals, whereas distinctive groups in the target market, such as African American or homosexual individuals, respond more favorably. Experiment 2 demonstrates that feelings of similarity or targetedness influence these effects differently for distinctive versus nondistinctive groups. Experiment 3 shows these feelings are associated with the psychological processes of identification and internalization. The findings have implications for understanding the effects of distinctiveness in persuasion and potential social impacts of target marketing.
This document discusses brand equity and the development of tools to measure brand value. It introduces a project by BBDO Group Germany to create a modular model to quantify brand value. The model aims to illustrate the complex dimensions that determine a brand's worth, and identify leverage points to increase a brand portfolio's value. The first volume provides an overview of existing brand valuation models and initial integrated tools to advance the development of a comprehensive brand equity valuation system. The goal is a scientifically sound approach to measure brand value and guide strategic decisions.
1. Iata cum va puteti Vindeca de Paradontoza intr-o Saptamana
Gingivita este cea mai usoara forma a paradontozei. Gingivita netratata poate avansa la parodontita, la
care exista mai multe grade. Parodontita agresiva apare la persoanele care au boli ale gingiilor, dar
par a fi sanatosi sau cel putin nu au nici o alta boala pe care medicina conventionala a considerat-o
cauza de parodontita. Parodontita cronica include inflamatia tesuturilor de sustinere a dintilor
mergand pana la pierderea dintilor. Necrotizanta bolii parodontale este o infectie grava in tesuturile
gingivale, in ligamentele parodontale si in oase.
In toate celelalte cazuri de boli ale gingiilor, gingiile pot fi vindecate intr-o saptamana chiar in cateva
zile. Fiind o boala care cauzeaza parodontoza, boala in sine trebuie sa fie remediata pentru a repara
gingiile, iar gura trebuie sa fie adusa la un nivel mult mai ridicat de sanatate utilizand urmatoarele
practici, indiferent de celelelate afectiuni cronice de sanatate. Pentru orice persoana care a suferit o
obturare a canalelor radiculare sau care are plombe de metal, urmatoarele proceduri trebuie urmate pe
termen nelimitat.
Dintii pot fi mai sanatosi, daca se aplica aceleasi reguli. Atata timp cat ei sunt acolo si nu sunt
complet plini de material de umplutura, exista speranta pentru ei, chiar si pentru cei cu smaltul epuizat.
Pierderea smaltului dintilor incepe cu dieta. Mancarurile acide conduc la deteriorarea dintilor
inclusiv pierderea smaltului, practic a elementului de aparare a dintilor. O nutritie corecta iti poate
repara gingiile , restul corpului ramanand sanatos.
Legumele organice, proaspete sunt cea mai importanta parte a dietei noastre. Fructele sunt un al
doilea factor la fel de important. Orice alt tip de alimente vin in completare pe locul trei. Elimina
alimentele rafinate, prelucrate. Zaharul rafinat, lichidele acidulate, sunt atat de acide incat extrag
literalmente mineralele si vitaminele din dinti si gingii.
Nu fumati. Fumatul introduce o concentratie foarte mare de radicali liberi si carbon in gura provocand
reactii chimice, ce vor avea ca efect deteriorarea celulelor si epuizarea stratului de vitamine si minerale
din gura.
Mesteca usturoi. E neplacut insa merita pentru o sanatate a gurii de invidiat. Consuma usturoi regulat,
fie simplu, fie in salate , secretul consta in mestecarea lui cu gura deschisa iar respiratia sa se faca tot pe
Bolile interne. Orice infectie este in gura ta, este si in intestine, si de asemenea se prelinge in fluxul
sanguin. Asa ca vindeca-ti bolile interne ca sa ai o sanatate buna a cavitatii bucale.
Incearca ulei de nuca de cocos. Acesta te va ajuta sa elimini microbii care se acumuleaza in cavitatea
bucala, si totodata a intregului organism. Clateste gura dimineata cu acest ulei si rezultatele nu vor
intarzia sa apara.
Foloseste ata dentara. Chiar si atunci cand ai gingiile inflamate, chiar daca sangereaza, folosirea atei
2. dentare nu face altceva decat sa grabeasca vindecarea.Ori de cate ori exista infectie, exista aproape
intotdeauna candida si bacterii rele (ceea ce inseamna ca ne fac rau ). De aceea trebuie utilizat acest
ulei, tocmai pentru a scapa de ele.
Fa-ti propria pasta de dinti!
Apa de gura si pasta de dinti pe care cei mai multi dintre noi o folosim este sub orice critica. Pe langa
fluorul care-l contine, si multe alte chimicale complet nefolositoare, costa si destul de mult si in
plus...nu te ajuta cu nimic. Asa ca, mesteca usturoi (asa cum am mentionat mai sus) si executa un periaj
cu sare de mare. Vei vedea ca aceasta procedura va face de 100 de ori mai bine decat orice pasta de
dinti cumparata din magazine, fie si cea din magazinele naturiste.
Pentru parodontita cronica foarte grava, sau doar pentru a avea o sanatate a cavitatii bucale de invidiat,
incearca cele relatate mai sus si vei observa cum in numai cateva zile, ameliorarile nu vor intarzia sa
Te-am trecut in co in perioada 08-19 iunie, ca avem colegi care se casatoresc la anul si au decalat
putin graficul.
Impotriva cancerului
Dintre cele trei ingrediente, cel mai valoros este turmericul, un condiment care are proprietăți
antiinflamatoare. Dacă este consumat în combinație cu ulei de măsline și boabe de piper negru,
rezultatele benefice sunt mult mai puterncie.
Specialiștii susțin că această combinație alimentară previne și combate cancerul la sân, de colon, de
prostată și pe cel cerebral.