This document contains a Maori language lesson plan consisting of:
1. A greeting and questions about the weather and number of days until the holidays.
2. Pronunciation practice of vowel sounds and place names.
3. Recapping numbers 1-10 in Maori.
4. Teaching numbers 11-19 in Maori.
5. Asking a question about someone's age.
6. Providing a challenge question to call in and answer in Maori along with the number to call.
7. Learning a waiata (song) with student participation.
8. Updating house point totals for attendance and scrap metal collection.
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Paraire week 8 term 3
1. 20/09/13
Ko te Paraire te ra rua tekau o
Te Mahuru
E hia nga ra ki nga hararei?
How many days to the holidays?
Mane - Turei - Wenerei - Taite - Paraire - Ra horoi - Ra tapu
2. Kei te pehea te ahua o te
rangi ki waho?
Ring 721 if you know the
answer in Te Reo Maori...
3. Pronounciation practice/
? A E I O U
? Haka mana para tawa nga wha
? Heke mene pere tewe nge whe
? Hiki mini piri tiwi ngi whi
? Hoko mono poro towo ngo who
? Huku munu puru tuwu ngu whu
4. Pronunciation practice
? Repeat after me:
? Rata Tootara Moko
? Koro Patupaiarehe Tohora
? Puu whenua Ootanewainuku Karikari Mauao
? Mangatawa Hikurangi Kopukairoa
? Miro Rimu Kahikatea Tawa Tanekaha
5. Recap 1-10
? Tahi = 1 Waru = 8
? Rua = 2 Iwa = 9
? Toru = 3 Tekau = 10
? Wha = 4 Hold up a finger as you say each
? Rima = 5 number.
? Ono = 6
? Whitu = 7
6. Lesson today
Tekau ma tahi = 11 Tekau ma iwa = 19
Tekau ma rua = 12 Rua tekau = 20
Tekau ma toru = 13
Tekau ma wha = 14 E hia o tau?
Tekau ma rima = 15 How old are you?
Tekau ma ono = 16 E......... aku tau?
Tekau ma whitu = 17
Tekau ma waru = 18
He aha taku nama?
He aha taku nama?
Te roa o tetahi ruri
721 is the number to ring to answer
our wa wero.
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8. Ra whanau waiata:
Ra whanau kia koe
Ra whanau kia koe
Ra whanau ki a .......
Ra whanau kia koe
Blake Rm 8
9. House Points week 7
Week 7
Scrap metal
Week 7
Week 2
Green 15 20 120 155
Red 20 5 125 150
Purple 10 15 160 185
Blue 5 10 140 155