Halftoning is one of the key stages of any printing image processing pipeline. With colorant-channel approaches, a key challenge for matrix-based halftoning is the co-optimization of the matrices used for the individual colorants, which becomes increasingly complex and over-constrained as the number of the colorants increases. Both choices of screen angles (in clustered-dot cases) or structures and control over how the individual matrices relate to each other and result in over- versus side-by-side printing of the colorants impose restrictions that are challenging to reconcile. The solution presented in this paper relies on the benefits of a HANS pipeline, where local Neugebauer Primary use is specified at each pixel and where halftoning can be performed using a single matrix, regardless of the number of colorants used. The provably complete plane-dependence of the resulting halftones and an application to security printing will be presented among the solutions benefits.
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PARAWACS: color halftoning with a single selector matrix
1. CIC24, November 7 11, 2016, San Diego, California
color halftoning
with a single selector matrix
Peter Morovi, J叩n Morovi,
Jay Gondek, Matthew Gaubatz,
Robert Ulichney
HP Inc., Spain & USA
2. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
PArallel RAndom Weighted Area Coverage Selection
3. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Basic principles
Plane dependence
Security printing
4. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Color and image processing pipeline of printing system needs to answer:
how to adjust colors to capabilities of printing system (color management)
how to combine colorants to match colors (color separation)
how to translate colorant amounts into discrete colorant placement (halftoning)
Traditional picture:
color separation: how much of each colorant to use for each printable color
halftoning: making spatial choices, given colorant amounts
halftoning colorant amounts one by one leads to unwanted interactions
choose halftoning matrices to minimize moir辿 (e.g., Amidor et al., 1994)
plane-dependency between speci鍖c pairs of colorants (e.g., Zhang et al.,
Color halftoning challenges follow from dif鍖culties of acting on colorant amount
As domain of color separation changes,
so do constraints and opportunities for halftoning
The Emir of Bukhara
1911 color photograph
Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii
5. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
HANS: from colorants to Neugebauer primaries
CMY: 7 degrees of freedom
instead of 3
instead of 10
How many pixels of which
composition instead of how
much of which colorant
6. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
NPacs and their error-diffusion
Neugebauer Primary (NP): composition of single
halftone pixel
e.g., blank, one colorant, several colorants, several
quantities of a single colorant
Neugebauer Primary area coverage (NPac) vector:
relative area coverages of NPs over some unit area /
probability of encountering given NPs
e.g., [w,C,MY]=[0.6,0.3,0.1]
60% of some local area left blank
30% covered by the cyan colorant
10% contain combination of magenta and yellow
BUT: slow
(not parallelizable)
& has randomness
7. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Johnny Appleseed
Couldnt we use matrices for halftoning NPacs?
How would we
all those matrices?
Wouldnt we need
of matrices?
I didnt know you guys
worked with Johnny!?
8. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Back to basics: what does H/T need to do for HANS?
Ink-channel and HANS separation both use relative proportions of
addressable channels
BUT: ink-channel quantities underdetermine halftone patterns (one ink
vector many patterns), while NPacs relate to proportions of at-pixel
device states that have unique statistics
Since area coverages implicitly refer to a unit area, proportions of an
NPac express relative sub-areas that need to be occupied by each NP
Hence, role of halftoning is that
For a suf鍖ciently large area of a constant NPac
Result in placement of individual NPs such that
when counting their frequencies over the area
the original NP area coverages are obtained
Analogous to traditional, ink-channel based separations: ink coverages
speci鍖ed halftoning distributes them so that area of constant ink-
channel coverage, once halftoned, results in speci鍖ed ink amounts
9. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
A 鍖rst, na誰ve approach
128 x 128 pixels
NPac: [w, M, C]= [80%, 10%, 10%]
Halftoning by placing NPs
sequentially from top left corner
of unit area
1638 pixels (10%) each of Magenta
and Cyan
Remaining pixels left blank (80%)
Satis鍖es constraint of distributing
relative area coverages of NPac
BUT: looks bad!
10. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Johnny Appleseed
The likelihood of picking one of the NPs from an NPac
is equal to that NPs area coverage.
11. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Sampling a cumulative distribution
If we uniformly randomly sampled locations of
na誰ve halftone we would have 80% chance of
picking blank location, 10% chance each of
picking cyan or magenta
BUT: an important attribute of halftoning is
missing: a uniform spatial distribution of NPs
Generate uniformly distributed random numbers
& scale them to [0, 100]
Depending on randomly generated value, choose
a different NP, proportionally to its area coverage
To simplify selection, NPac can be expressed
[w, M, C]=[80%, 10%, 10%] becomes [80%, 90%,
De鍖nes intervals for each NP:
[0 to 80) w, [80 to 90) M and [90 to 100] C
12. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Basic Algorithm
CMY CY M Blank
Cumulative NPac
PARAWACS operation at [x, y]:NP Coverage
CMY 10%
CY 10%
M 10%
Blank 70%
13. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
From on-demand selectors to matrices
Ad-hoc random numbers (and
sequential placement) can be thought
of as selector matrices
uniformly distributed random
numbers white noise
sequential placement ~AM line
Can be pre-computed using existing
techniques (green noise, blue noise, )
14. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Blue and green noise
Spatial structure of single
selector matrix is directly
translated into the halftone
15. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
All of these have the same NPac!
Its the exact same pixels, just
differently arranged.
I'm playing all the right notes,
but not necessarily in the right order.
Eric Morecambe
16. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Order! (same NPac, same matrix)
[w, M, C]=[80%, 90%, 100%] [C, M, w]=[10%, 20%, 100%]
18. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
PARAWACS error-diffusion
19. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Security printing
Stegatones replace windows of a halftone
with carefully chosen, rearranged versions
of the contents of the same window
(Ulichney et al. 2010).
For clarity, a simpler modi鍖cation is used
here, applied directly to the halftone matrix:
values within NxM windows of the halftone
matrix are rearranged into ascending order
Clearly modi鍖es spatial characteristics of
the halftone matrix, without affecting the
frequency of each halftone value
Maintains basic constraint of halftone
matrix and only alters local spatial
20. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Color halftoning impacts many aspects of a print (e.g., grain,
smoothness, color)
A novel, predictable, deterministic algorithm was presented
Shown to give a great degree of control over the 鍖nal output
Is well behaved: for different content that shares overall coverage,
halftone pattern is provably constant well suited for applications
such as security printing, watermarking, data carrying
Existing research into patterns that are visually pleasing or exhibit
particular behavior can be directly applied
PARAWACS is therefore a uniquely 鍖exible
color halftoning approach
21. 息 Copyright 2016 HP Inc.
Thanks for stopping by!
Tsuyoshi Yamashita
Ron Burns
Utpal Sarkar
Jordi Arnabat
Annarosa Multari
Africa Real