This document provides an overview of a kindergarten classroom schedule, curriculum, and policies. It includes:
- A detailed daily schedule outlining academic blocks for reading, writing, math, and enrichment.
- An explanation of guided reading, phonemic awareness lessons, and the Daily 5 framework for literacy.
- Details about the math curriculum including number sense, patterns, and problem-solving.
- Behavior expectations and reward systems to promote positive choices.
- Information about assessments, field trips, celebrations, and resources for parents to support learning at home.
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Parent orientation 13 14
3. 1. Every child will love
coming to school!
2. Every child will see
themselves as a reader
and as a writer!
3. Every child will see themselves as a
mathematical problem solver!
5. Making books
Writing stories
Making lists
Writing about
Writing about things
they know about
6. Guided Reading groups look like:
Before Reading:
Pre-teaching words that do not follow phonics rules
Reviewing Good Reader Strategies
Activating our prior knowledge about the subject of the text (ex.
thinking of a trip to the beach when reading a beach text)
Making a prediction about what they think will happen in the text.
(Giving students a purpose to read.)
During Reading:
Scaffolding support to help students read the text
Reminding students which Good Reader Strategy to try
Re-reading again with less teacher support
After Reading:
What was the book about? Were our predictions right?
What parts were tricky for you? What strategy did you use?
What type of book is this? (Fiction or Non-fiction) Why do you think
the author wrote this book?
7. Components of
the Daily 5
Read to Self
Read to
Listen to
Work on Writing
Word Work
8. Beginning of year
Letter sounds
Hearing syllables
Middle of year
Blending sounds in
Segmenting sounds in
Matching letter
sounds to letters
End of year
Deleting initial
sounds in words
deleting final
sounds in words
Making word
9. Popcorn words are words that Pop up
in books all of the time! These are
sight words.
Students should be able to:
Read them quickly
Copy from a list to use in writing
beginning of year
Write independently end of year
10. What should we do when it comes home?
Have your student read the story to you
Look for the weeks popcorn word(s)
Use your Good Reader Strategies
Sign the cover to show you read together
Put all of the books back in the bag and
return to class on Monday.
11. Point to the words
Look at the picture
Get your mouth ready
Check the whole word
Look for chunks
Think about what makes
Go back and re-read
12. Problem of the Day
Content Lesson
Workshop Rotation
Number talk
14. Sorting and
One-to-one counting
to 20
Rote counting skills
to 20 by Nov.
100 by March
Numeral recognition
to 20
Number writing to 20
16. Rule #1 Follow directions quickly!
Rule # 2 Raise your hand to talk.
Rule # 3 Use inside voices.
Rule # 4 Use helpful hands and
Rule # 5 Make smart choices.
Rule # 6 Make your dear teacher
Clip Chart:
Clip will be moved to reflect
17. Cheers, High Fives, Praise
Way To Go Board!
Students move
clothespin around based
on good choices in
virtues, behavior,
homework etc
When students reach the
finish line, reward is
given. (Treasure box)
This chart continues each
day and does not start
over until student has
reached the finish line.
18. 10:51 11:121
If you wish to have lunch with your
child, you will need to sit at the
designated visitors tables in the
cafeteria. It is helpful to send a
note if you are planning on eating
with your child.
Please review the lunch menu with
your child and help them pick 2
vegetables and 1 fruit for their
19. Snack Policy Due to
food allergies we do
NOT have snack time.
We love to celebrate
birthdays. Please make
sure it is a NUT FREE,
store bought item.
PLEASE do not forget
No birthday treats may
be eaten before or
during lunch. We will
celebrate at 1:15.
20. We are hoping to have two field trips this
Time and place TBA.
We will be accepting donations for the trip
when it is planned.
Parents must have background check prior to
trip. You can complete the form on-line at It can take up to 2 weeks to
process so if you are interested, please
complete the background check ASAP. The
sooner, the better!
21. I send home
Scholastic book
orders throughout
the year.
These are inexpensive
ways to add books to
your homes.
When the book
orders come
home, you can choose
to order/pay online
OR send the
order/money to me.
22. Pony Express Binder
Daily comments
Daily behavior
Information for
teacher please put
notes to me in your
childs binder, not
their backpack.
Work is sent home in
their Pony Express
Email Me!-
23. Read with your child monthly reading logs
Practice writing your childs name
Practice identifying letters and sounds
Practice identifying high frequency words (popcorn words)
Practice rhyming!
Talk about letters and words around you
Play letter games (I spy something that begins with ..)
Use school tools to create (scissors, glue, pencils, and paper)
Discuss importance of rules in the home and the community
Count to 100
Model counting and writing numbers to 20
Investigate and ask questions about observations made in
everyday activities
* Work on fine motor skills play-dough, tweezers/beads,
punching holes. This helps strengthen the hands and improves
the childs grip.
24. Each 9 weeks your child will be individually assessed on
curriculum covered.
Reading level assessments begin in January or sooner if
TPRI skills are mastered.
The TPRI is administered at the beginning of October,
January and May.
It covers letter/sound identification, rhyming,
blending onset and rime and phonemes. A story will
be read and your child will be asked comprehension
AMC is administered in late October and April.
The October administration will cover counting sets
of objects to 18 and changing the sets.
25. If you are going to pick up your kids
early, please do so before 2:25.
Let me know in writing if your child will be
going home a different way than usual.
Kids can wear Bulverde Creek spirit shirts on
Fridays and for special occasions like field
trips. Spirit Day is on Friday!
Wear tennis shoes every day for PE. If your
child wears a skirt, please wear shorts
26. Whats in my packet?
Free e-book
Entire list of popcorn words
Daily 5 explanation
Letter formations
Number formations
Online resources
Kindergarten How-Tos
Good Fit Books
Volunteer Form
Blog Note
28. We all hope to make this
year school the best it can
be. I am so excited to have
the opportunity to work
with your children and
this wonderful community.
Thank you in advance for
all of your support this
~Miss Montemayor