This document discusses various statistics related to education and careers, including the percentage of high school graduates not eligible for military service or employable, college dropout rates, levels of college degree required for jobs, and average student loan debt. It also defines key terms like college, career, ready, and career pathways, describing pathways as sequences of educational opportunities that prepare students for career fields or further education.
12. Why Career Pathways?
What is college?
community college, university, technical or
vocational program, apprenticeship, or
significant on-the-job training
13. Why Career Pathways?
What is a career?
an occupation you have for a significant portion of
your life and with opportunities for progress.
14. Why Career Pathways?
What is ready?
knowledge and skills needed to qualify for
and succeed in the postsecondary job
training and/or education necessary for
their chosen career.
15. Why Career Pathways?
What is a Pathway?
Pathways are a sequence of educational opportunities
including classes, student organizations and work
experience that prepare students to enter a career field or
further prepare for a career through postsecondary
#3: 70% of high school aged youth are not eligible for military service (no diploma. Fail ASVAB, drugs, in jail)
#5: 89% of high school teachers say college freshmen are very well or well prepared. Only 26% of college professors say that!
#6: 45% of2-year college students drop out after the first year. 35% of 4-year college students drop out after the first year.
#8: 54% of college graduates 25 or under are either unemployed or under-employed
#9: 48% of employed 4-year graduates are in a position that requires less than a 4-year degree. 37% are in a position that requires less than a high school diploma.