Professor Paula Barrett will give a parenting seminar titled "Strong Not Tough: Building Resilience in Families" on Tuesday, September 17th from 7:15-9:15pm at Pallara State School. Paula is an internationally recognized expert in resilience and child development. She will discuss building resilience in families through her evidence-based resilience programs, which teach relaxation, positive thinking, and behavioral skills to prevent bullying and optimize well-being. Light refreshments will be provided at the seminar.
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Parenting seminar prof-paula_barrett
1. Professor Paula Barrett – Parenting Seminar
Topic - Strong Not Tough: Building Resilience in Families
Date - Tuesday, 17th September, 2013
Timing – Start: 7.00pm for 7.15pm. Finish: 9.15pm
Venue – Pallara State School, 282 Ritchie Road, Pallara.
Cost – a donation of $5, please, which Paula will pass on to the charity, Furry Friends.
RSVP – by Friday, 13th Sept to Kathy at
Light refreshments will be provided.
Professor Paula Barrett, B.Sc (Hons), M.Clin.Psych., MAPS, PhD, is internationally recognized
as a leader in the field of resilience and child development.
Paula is an acclaimed and engaging speaker in both international and national forums, having
delivered numerous keynote addresses worldwide and has been published widely in the area
of prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression and the promotion of resilience.
Recently, Paula received the Telstra Queensland Business Woman of the Year Award and she
has also been recognised nationally for her contribution to the wellbeing of children, youth and
the wider community.
Paula is also the author of the FRIENDS Resilience Programs, which are endorsed by the
World Health Organisation. Chappy Astrid, at Pallara State School, runs Fun Friends every
year in the lower year. The relaxation, positive thinking, and behavioural skills learned prevent
bullying, promote positive peer-teacher relationships and optimise academic and sporting
performance. The skills bring great benefits to families independent of their background.
Paula founded Pathways Health and Research Centre in West End, which empowers families
with a positive psychology approach. For more information on Resilience Programs for your
children OR training courses or talks for teachers and allied health professionals, please call
Pathways Health and Research Centre on 3391 6866 or email
Put this date in your diary and plan to bring along family and friends for
this valuable evening of learning.