This document provides an overview of blockchain technology. It discusses the spectrum of decentralization from centralized to decentralized systems. It defines blockchain and describes its key characteristics including digital ledgers, consensus mechanisms, and distributed networks. It outlines several industries where blockchain is being applied such as finance, legal, supply chain, and healthcare. It discusses when and how blockchain should be used, specifically for shared repositories with multiple non-trusted writers seeking disintermediation. Finally, it outlines the business benefits of blockchain including cost reduction and the risks associated with issues like scalability, privacy, and regulation.
Blockchain is a distributed database that allows participants in a network to reach consensus on a digital record of transactions. It uses cryptography and digital signatures to prove identity, making changes to historical records difficult. This solves the Byzantine Generals problem of reaching agreement over an untrusted network. While it provides advantages like removing single points of failure and enabling trustless exchanges, challenges include its nascent nature, high energy use, and cultural adoption barriers. Real-life applications include Yes Bank's use of blockchain with Bajaj Electricals for more efficient vendor financing. The document discusses blockchain concepts and provides examples of its use cases.
This document outlines the agenda and content for a North Atlanta Blockchain Development Group meetup. The agenda includes introductions, a Blockchain 101 overview, a discussion of industry use cases, ideas for future meetups, and a wrap up. The document then provides more detail on the topics, including explaining what blockchain is, different types of blockchain platforms, potential applications like car leasing, blockchain hype vs reality, smart contract architecture, and a request for members to share experiences with blockchain use cases.
Most of us think blockchain seems complicated, but it is not complicated. Its main core is really quite simple. Blockchain is a type of database where you can store information and data in blockchain information and data are saved in blocks and chained together with previous data.
Blockchain is fully decentralized and immutable means the data entered then cant be deleted.
This means that transactions are permanently recorded, and it is visible to every member of that network.
Duncan Johnston-Watt discusses Blockchain Technology Partners' (BTP) open source blockchain platform called Sextant. Sextant allows for one-click deployment of Hyperledger Sawtooth networks on Kubernetes and provides an integrated development lifecycle and support model. BTP aims to simplify enterprise adoption of blockchain through Sextant and accelerate innovation by providing foundational open source tools that businesses can build applications on, rather than focusing on infrastructure development themselves. BTP will distribute Sextant through cloud marketplaces and provide professional services and managed blockchain solutions to help customers leverage Sextant and co-create blockchain-based solutions.
This document provides an overview of blockchain technology and how it can be implemented using Microsoft Azure. It defines blockchain as a secure, distributed ledger that decentralizes data. Transactions are grouped into blocks and added to the chain in a trustless environment without middlemen. Azure provides tools to build blockchain nodes, run transactions and mining, and integrate blockchain into applications. Demos and learning resources are available to help users get started with blockchain on Azure.
This document discusses blockchains and their relationship to the Internet of Things (IoT). It first provides background on Bitcoin and key aspects of blockchain technology like decentralization and immutability. It then explains how blockchains could make financial services faster, safer and cheaper compared to traditional centralized systems. The document outlines core blockchain design principles and how public and enterprise blockchains optimize scalability and consistency while remaining decentralized. It presents examples of implementing enterprise blockchains using a blockchain software stack with layers for applications, the blockchain, and an underlying database. The document argues that MongoDB is well-suited as the database layer due to its scalability, availability, data model flexibility, querying and secondary indexes.
Navigating the Tax and Accounting Implications of CryptocurrenciesSkoda Minotti
This document provides an overview of cryptocurrencies and their tax and accounting implications. It discusses what bitcoin is, key facts about cryptocurrencies and blockchain, and how to account for and tax cryptocurrency transactions. Cryptocurrencies are treated as property for tax purposes in the US. Gains and losses from transactions are taxed similarly to capital assets. Accounting for cryptocurrencies also follows fair value accounting. The document concludes with opportunities blockchain presents for the accounting industry through automation and transparency.
What is Cryptocurrency? | Introduction to Cryptocurrency | CryptocurrencyNikhilAdwani3
The slides let you know about what actually cryptocurrency means and how it works. It also gives you information about different cryptocurrencies and when it evolved.
The document outlines Sasha Ivanov's vision for transitioning to WEB 3.0 through decentralization and digital transformation using blockchain technology. It discusses open and closed blockchains, and how merging the two could ensure global decentralization without compromising security. The Waves ecosystem is described, including the Waves Platform for developers, Vostok for businesses, and various research and compliance divisions. Short and long term plans are provided, such as launching the Vostok platform in fall 2018, adding smart contract functionality over the next year, and integrating Vostok into large enterprises by winter 2019.
Data in a distributed environment needs additional consideration in order to stop disjointed and competing approaches being implemented. This can lead to mistrust of datastores and its consumers re-inventing their own view of business facts.
Based on the blog post:
This document discusses decentralizing authentication using blockchain as a service (BAAS). It introduces BAAS and how it allows different types of blockchains to be set up with a few clicks. BAAS offers scalability, fault tolerance, and removes the need for a trusted third party. Authentication using blockchain hashes data and uses public-key cryptography. Smart contracts facilitate execution and enforcement of agreements on the blockchain. The future of this technology is promising as frameworks like The Coco Framework continue to advance decentralization.
Ta del av presentationen fr奪n Centigos Blockchainfrukost. V奪r expert Ludvig berg delar med sig av hur blockkedjetekniken kan skapa v辰rde i ditt f旦retag.
Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger composed of blocks that record transactions in a verifiable and permanent way. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, linking the blocks together in a chain. This ensures that data in the blockchain cannot be tampered with or altered once recorded. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to operate as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system without the need for centralized control. While it provides advantages like freedom in payments and transparency, it also faces challenges like volatility due to lack of government backing and risk of bans or other currencies becoming more popular. Blockchain has many potential applications beyond cryptocurrency, including more efficient and secure real estate transactions, voting systems, IoT device
NRCLive FinTech event Trends in FinTech Maarten Korz
Samen met het publiek kijken naar de FinTech trends en deze plotten op de HypeCycle van Gartner. Wat zijn de laatste trends op fintech-gebied en hoe kun je daar als organisatie succesvol op inspelen?
Michel Rauchs presented a framework for conceptualizing distributed ledger technology (DLT) systems. The framework establishes three layers - the protocol layer governing the system rules, the network layer implementing the peer-to-peer network, and the data layer recording transactions. It also identifies key components and processes within each layer. The framework provides a standardized structure for comparing different DLT systems based on their technical configurations and tradeoffs across layers, as well as their positioning on open versus closed networks. The goal is to establish unified terminology and a multidimensional analytical tool for evaluating and comparing DLT systems.
The document summarizes the development of a blockchain-based notarization application for digital documents. It describes how the application was built for a hackathon but was missing a key feature of backing the digital agreements with bitcoin payments held in multisignature addresses. The developers then extended the original application to include this crucial feature of depositing funds into a 2-of-3 multisignature address to provide a payment backing for the digitally notarized documents on the blockchain.
This document provides an introduction to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. It discusses the origins of blockchain in Satoshi Nakamoto's 2008 whitepaper proposing Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It then outlines some key aspects of blockchain including how it uses cryptography and proof-of-work to form an immutable record stored across a distributed network without a central authority. The document also briefly reviews topics like cryptocurrency mining, smart contracts, initial coin offerings (ICOs), and the current state and opportunities of blockchain applications.
The Role of Blockchain in Enterprise Commerce and Product Content ManagementSAP Customer Experience
This deck takes you on a deep dive into blockchain -- a timely, interesting technology being used for financial, real estate, and supply chain applications and whose capabilities are provided by SAP Leonardo. Join us as we focus on a proof of concept for integrating a blockchain with enterprise commerce and product content management.
For more about SAP Hybris, please visit us at:
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (Series: Blockchain Basics)Financial Poise
Blockchain is a tool. Samson Williams likens blockchain to a group text message, in which each participant receives a distributed, time-stamped, tamper-resistant (and encrypted) record of data transactions. Each group text has these characteristics. Everyone in the group sees the data, and none can change or gainsay any group message. Smart contracts are computer code put on the blockchain (how, exactly?) that establishes self-executing terms and conditions of a transaction. Are smart contracts smart? If certain data comes in and fulfills a pre-set term or condition, then rights and responsibilities are formed, terminated, modified, or shifted among the parties. Ah certainty and transparency, but also ah garbage in and garbage out. Are some contractual terms not amenable to smart contracting? And are smart contracts necessarily contracts? If not, can they still be useful? If a smart contract is a contract, what is the governing document? Is it the words business people and lawyers use, or is it the code that is supposed to reflect the words?
To view the accompanying webinar, go to:
Introduction to the GIEP Mobile Maternal Child Health ProjectJackie Wolf
As part of the Global Information Engagement Program (GIEP) at the University of Michigan School of Information, I worked with two other individuals on a mobile maternal child health application to improve data collection and communication, and to streamline services. This set of slides is at the beginning of our discovery process in Western Bengal. There are additional slides discussing our final outcomes.
This document summarizes a master's thesis that investigated promoting knowledge work practices in health informatics education. The study explored students' and teachers' views and expectations on knowledge work, and adapted a course to integrate trialogical learning design principles. Ten students and one teacher participated. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and a contextual knowledge practices questionnaire. Results found that participants saw the need to develop modern knowledge work practices. Implementing the course with trialogical learning was received positively, and design principles were implemented to a good degree. The study demonstrated a novel way to transform a course using trialogical learning and further research was suggested.
Rhian was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and earned her Bachelor's of Science in Nursing from Here. She worked as an oncology and intensive care charge nurse for 2 years before receiving an opportunity to work at Marquette Michigan, where she currently lives and works helping to mold young minds. In her spare time, Rhian pursues her dreams of earning her Doctorate of Nursing Practice and becoming a nurse practitioner, and in May 2014 she will graduate with a degree in Community Health Education, moving closer to her dreams one step at a time.
Event insurance is often overlooked upon planning things such as weddings or corporate conferences. However, it's very important as it protects you from liabilities and unforeseen mishaps. Here is the ultimate guide to event insurance from Unique Venues!
Tinjauan pustaka membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tumbuhan kacang hijau, termasuk faktor internal seperti genetika dan hormon, serta faktor eksternal seperti cahaya dan air. Cahaya berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas auksin dan pertumbuhan tumbuhan.
Biologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari makhluk hidup pada berbagai tingkatan organisasi kehidupan, mulai dari molekul, sel, jaringan, organ, sistem organ, organisme, populasi, komunitas, ekosistem, hingga bioma. Cabang-cabang biologi dapat dibedakan berdasarkan tingkat organisasi, kelompok organisme, aspek kehidupan, dan ilmu terapan yang mendukungnya.
Web Design Principles - Jessica, Grant, and RachelRachelMcKinzie
This document discusses design principles for websites, including unity, variety, balance, scale and proportion, rhythm, emphasis, and simplicity. It notes that unity is achieved on a football website through consistent football-related content. Variety is provided through navigational options and mix of words and images. Balance exists through equal content on both sides of pages. Rhythm comes from repetitive images. Emphasis is brought to a teapot through high contrast. And simplicity is the goal of Facebook's login-focused home page.
Content is an important part of the customer experience. This presentation shows how you can improve customer experience design by mapping content to customer journeys. It outlines the content elements you should consider and the steps to take to create and get sign-off on useful, usable content maps. Finally, we share some approaches to get quick wins and an exercise to start you on the way to successful content mapping.
What is Cryptocurrency? | Introduction to Cryptocurrency | CryptocurrencyNikhilAdwani3
The slides let you know about what actually cryptocurrency means and how it works. It also gives you information about different cryptocurrencies and when it evolved.
The document outlines Sasha Ivanov's vision for transitioning to WEB 3.0 through decentralization and digital transformation using blockchain technology. It discusses open and closed blockchains, and how merging the two could ensure global decentralization without compromising security. The Waves ecosystem is described, including the Waves Platform for developers, Vostok for businesses, and various research and compliance divisions. Short and long term plans are provided, such as launching the Vostok platform in fall 2018, adding smart contract functionality over the next year, and integrating Vostok into large enterprises by winter 2019.
Data in a distributed environment needs additional consideration in order to stop disjointed and competing approaches being implemented. This can lead to mistrust of datastores and its consumers re-inventing their own view of business facts.
Based on the blog post:
This document discusses decentralizing authentication using blockchain as a service (BAAS). It introduces BAAS and how it allows different types of blockchains to be set up with a few clicks. BAAS offers scalability, fault tolerance, and removes the need for a trusted third party. Authentication using blockchain hashes data and uses public-key cryptography. Smart contracts facilitate execution and enforcement of agreements on the blockchain. The future of this technology is promising as frameworks like The Coco Framework continue to advance decentralization.
Ta del av presentationen fr奪n Centigos Blockchainfrukost. V奪r expert Ludvig berg delar med sig av hur blockkedjetekniken kan skapa v辰rde i ditt f旦retag.
Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger composed of blocks that record transactions in a verifiable and permanent way. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, linking the blocks together in a chain. This ensures that data in the blockchain cannot be tampered with or altered once recorded. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to operate as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system without the need for centralized control. While it provides advantages like freedom in payments and transparency, it also faces challenges like volatility due to lack of government backing and risk of bans or other currencies becoming more popular. Blockchain has many potential applications beyond cryptocurrency, including more efficient and secure real estate transactions, voting systems, IoT device
NRCLive FinTech event Trends in FinTech Maarten Korz
Samen met het publiek kijken naar de FinTech trends en deze plotten op de HypeCycle van Gartner. Wat zijn de laatste trends op fintech-gebied en hoe kun je daar als organisatie succesvol op inspelen?
Michel Rauchs presented a framework for conceptualizing distributed ledger technology (DLT) systems. The framework establishes three layers - the protocol layer governing the system rules, the network layer implementing the peer-to-peer network, and the data layer recording transactions. It also identifies key components and processes within each layer. The framework provides a standardized structure for comparing different DLT systems based on their technical configurations and tradeoffs across layers, as well as their positioning on open versus closed networks. The goal is to establish unified terminology and a multidimensional analytical tool for evaluating and comparing DLT systems.
The document summarizes the development of a blockchain-based notarization application for digital documents. It describes how the application was built for a hackathon but was missing a key feature of backing the digital agreements with bitcoin payments held in multisignature addresses. The developers then extended the original application to include this crucial feature of depositing funds into a 2-of-3 multisignature address to provide a payment backing for the digitally notarized documents on the blockchain.
This document provides an introduction to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. It discusses the origins of blockchain in Satoshi Nakamoto's 2008 whitepaper proposing Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It then outlines some key aspects of blockchain including how it uses cryptography and proof-of-work to form an immutable record stored across a distributed network without a central authority. The document also briefly reviews topics like cryptocurrency mining, smart contracts, initial coin offerings (ICOs), and the current state and opportunities of blockchain applications.
The Role of Blockchain in Enterprise Commerce and Product Content ManagementSAP Customer Experience
This deck takes you on a deep dive into blockchain -- a timely, interesting technology being used for financial, real estate, and supply chain applications and whose capabilities are provided by SAP Leonardo. Join us as we focus on a proof of concept for integrating a blockchain with enterprise commerce and product content management.
For more about SAP Hybris, please visit us at:
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (Series: Blockchain Basics)Financial Poise
Blockchain is a tool. Samson Williams likens blockchain to a group text message, in which each participant receives a distributed, time-stamped, tamper-resistant (and encrypted) record of data transactions. Each group text has these characteristics. Everyone in the group sees the data, and none can change or gainsay any group message. Smart contracts are computer code put on the blockchain (how, exactly?) that establishes self-executing terms and conditions of a transaction. Are smart contracts smart? If certain data comes in and fulfills a pre-set term or condition, then rights and responsibilities are formed, terminated, modified, or shifted among the parties. Ah certainty and transparency, but also ah garbage in and garbage out. Are some contractual terms not amenable to smart contracting? And are smart contracts necessarily contracts? If not, can they still be useful? If a smart contract is a contract, what is the governing document? Is it the words business people and lawyers use, or is it the code that is supposed to reflect the words?
To view the accompanying webinar, go to:
Introduction to the GIEP Mobile Maternal Child Health ProjectJackie Wolf
As part of the Global Information Engagement Program (GIEP) at the University of Michigan School of Information, I worked with two other individuals on a mobile maternal child health application to improve data collection and communication, and to streamline services. This set of slides is at the beginning of our discovery process in Western Bengal. There are additional slides discussing our final outcomes.
This document summarizes a master's thesis that investigated promoting knowledge work practices in health informatics education. The study explored students' and teachers' views and expectations on knowledge work, and adapted a course to integrate trialogical learning design principles. Ten students and one teacher participated. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and a contextual knowledge practices questionnaire. Results found that participants saw the need to develop modern knowledge work practices. Implementing the course with trialogical learning was received positively, and design principles were implemented to a good degree. The study demonstrated a novel way to transform a course using trialogical learning and further research was suggested.
Rhian was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and earned her Bachelor's of Science in Nursing from Here. She worked as an oncology and intensive care charge nurse for 2 years before receiving an opportunity to work at Marquette Michigan, where she currently lives and works helping to mold young minds. In her spare time, Rhian pursues her dreams of earning her Doctorate of Nursing Practice and becoming a nurse practitioner, and in May 2014 she will graduate with a degree in Community Health Education, moving closer to her dreams one step at a time.
Event insurance is often overlooked upon planning things such as weddings or corporate conferences. However, it's very important as it protects you from liabilities and unforeseen mishaps. Here is the ultimate guide to event insurance from Unique Venues!
Tinjauan pustaka membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tumbuhan kacang hijau, termasuk faktor internal seperti genetika dan hormon, serta faktor eksternal seperti cahaya dan air. Cahaya berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas auksin dan pertumbuhan tumbuhan.
Biologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari makhluk hidup pada berbagai tingkatan organisasi kehidupan, mulai dari molekul, sel, jaringan, organ, sistem organ, organisme, populasi, komunitas, ekosistem, hingga bioma. Cabang-cabang biologi dapat dibedakan berdasarkan tingkat organisasi, kelompok organisme, aspek kehidupan, dan ilmu terapan yang mendukungnya.
Web Design Principles - Jessica, Grant, and RachelRachelMcKinzie
This document discusses design principles for websites, including unity, variety, balance, scale and proportion, rhythm, emphasis, and simplicity. It notes that unity is achieved on a football website through consistent football-related content. Variety is provided through navigational options and mix of words and images. Balance exists through equal content on both sides of pages. Rhythm comes from repetitive images. Emphasis is brought to a teapot through high contrast. And simplicity is the goal of Facebook's login-focused home page.
Content is an important part of the customer experience. This presentation shows how you can improve customer experience design by mapping content to customer journeys. It outlines the content elements you should consider and the steps to take to create and get sign-off on useful, usable content maps. Finally, we share some approaches to get quick wins and an exercise to start you on the way to successful content mapping.
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The document discusses the aims and narrative elements of music videos. It notes that music videos generally aim to sell the artist and song, showcase the star, and reflect the song's lyrics. Narratives in music videos tend to be enigmatic and incomplete, only suggesting a story. Videos without clear narratives instead focus on quick cuts between the performing band to maintain audience interest. The interpretation of any narrative is ultimately up to the viewer based on their reading of the visuals and lyrics.
This document appears to be a timeline of historical events from 1960-1969. It lists major events each year such as the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile, John F. Kennedy being elected president in 1961, Marilyn Monroe and the Beatles forming in 1962, John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963, Walter Disney's death in 1966, Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968, and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. The timeline provides brief descriptions of these pivotal moments from each year during that decade.
This document contains a proposal from Perle and Co. to address the cholera epidemic in Haiti through multiple interventions over 10 years. The proposal includes strategies to control the cholera epidemic through water and sanitation improvements, strengthen the healthcare system through education and coordination, invest in the agricultural sector through reforestation and financing, use moringa to combat malnutrition, create a claims settlement for those affected by cholera, and enhance UN accountability. It provides implementation timelines, estimated budgets, and metrics to evaluate the success of reducing cholera incidence and increasing trained farmers by 2024. Limitations including natural disasters and political instability are also noted.
The document discusses different types of media including print media like newspapers and magazines, and electronic media like radio, television, and the internet. Newspapers are described as the most widely used print media that covers news from villages to around the world. Radio is defined as the wireless transmission of electromagnetic waves to communicate audible signals. Television is highlighted as a visual medium that transmits moving and still images along with sound. The internet is presented as the modern leader in communication due to its widespread use on computers and ability to converge many media formats.
This 7 step design process outlines a method for creating designs. It breaks the process into 7 distinct stages: research, definition, ideation, prototyping, selection, implementation and feedback. The goal is to move from initial research to final implementation through a structured process of defining needs, generating ideas, testing prototypes, selecting the best option and incorporating feedback.
Introduksjon til funksjonell reaktiv programmeringmikaelbr
Foredrag holdt p奪 Javascript Meetup i Trondheim; Bart.js. Kode fra live-koding kan finnes p奪
This document describes an e-Twinning project called "Traditional Games" between schools in Greece and several other European countries. The project aimed to share and preserve traditional children's games through activities like playing games together via Skype, exchanging drawings and songs, and creating a blog about different games. Students learned about each other's cultures and improved skills like collaboration while having fun. The project was well-received and helped socialize students while addressing a lack of physical activity, imagination and joy in modern childhood.
The document is about a traditional games programme at the 3rd Primary School Chalastra. Students at the school designed a logo for the programme. The programme aims to teach traditional games to students.