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• Starting Video – “Where in Heaven is Mozart?”
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn9rDTZj-m4
Parents’ Workshop
“The IB Learner Profile ”
Parents’ Workshop Rules
 Turn phones onto silent
 Questions should be
  general to the group.
 Questions should always
  be in the best interest of a
 When the leaders call
  time, it is time.
Time        Item
5-10 mins   Video “Where in the world is Mozart?”
            *Welcome from Principals*
6 mins      The new Curriculum models
2 mins      Video “the Learner Profile”
11 mins     Draw a Learner Profile
10 mins     Unpacking the the Learner Profile
17 mins     Rate the Learner Profile “Diamond Activity. “
30 mins     Roleplaying a Learner Profile attribute
5 mins      CTRICKPROBS and Q&A
Parents’ IB LP Profile workshop goals
         (Student learning expectations)

          This workshop
          will have been
          a success for
          me if…
The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
IB Learner Profile Movie
• http://blogs.ibo.org/ibtv/?p=495
IB learner profile ( PROFIL PEMBELAJAR IB )
• The IB learner profile is the IB mission
  statement translated into a set of learning outcomes
  for the 21st century.
• The learner profile provides a long-term vision of
  education. It is a set of ideals that can inspire,
  motivate and focus the work of schools and teachers,
  uniting us in a common purpose.
Inquirers (pelaku inkuiri)
Knowledgeable (berpengetahuan)
Risk-Taker (pengambil risiko )
Caring (peduli)
Principled (berprinsip)
Thinker pemikir)
Communicator (komunikato)
Open-minded (berpandangan terbuka )
Balanced (seimbang)
Reflective (reflektif)
What are the IB learner profile (PROFIL PEMBELAJAR IB)
    1. inquirers               pelaku inkuiri
    2. thinkers                pemikir
    3. communicators           komunikator
    4. risk-takers             pengambil risiko
    5. knowledgeable           berpengetahuan
    6. principled              berprinsip
    7. caring                  peduli
    8. open-minded             berpandangan terbuka
    9. balanced                seimbang
    10. reflective             reflektif
Activity One - Draw a LP
1. Each group has an
   envelope with a single
   Learner Profile in it.
2. You are required to draw
   your Learner Profile
   without words,
3. then we’ll share and other
   groups guess which one
   each group has drawn!
Activity Two - Unpacking the LP
1. Each group has an
   envelope with a group of
   LP indicators
2. You are required to glue
   the indicators to the
   correct posters around the
3. finish with a gallery walk
explore ideas and possibilities

enjoy seeking solutions to problems

Based on an activity from Tony Shillitoe
Activity Three - Rate the LP
1. Each group has an
   envelope with a group of
   laminated LPs and a
   Template with a diamond
2. You are required place
   each LP in the diamond
3. a gallery walk
4. a chance to reflect and
   adjust your diamond
    Most important!

importance !

     Least important!
Activity Four - Roleplaying the LP
1. Choose your favourite LP
2. You are required to design
   a song, act or roleplay to
   show your LP
3. 10 minutes practise
4. 1 minute each to perform!
C ommunicators
      T hinkers
      R isk-takers
      I nquirers
      C aring R O B
      K nowledgeable
      P rincipled
      R eflective
      B alanced
IB Coordinators at GJIS
•   PYP Coordinator – B.Felcity
•   PYP Associate – B.Windy
•   MYP Coordinator – P.Liam
•   DP Coordinator – P.Todung
•   MYP & DP Associate – B.Popy
Any Questions ?

  This presentation is available on our school
  portal website and Pak Liam’s MYP Blog at

Don’t forget to complete the feedback forms please….

More Related Content

Parents’ workshop lp without videos attached

  • 1. • Starting Video – “Where in Heaven is Mozart?” • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn9rDTZj-m4
  • 2. Parents’ Workshop “The IB Learner Profile ” “PROFIL PEMBELAJAR IB”
  • 3. Parents’ Workshop Rules  Turn phones onto silent  Questions should be general to the group.  Questions should always be in the best interest of a participant.  When the leaders call time, it is time.
  • 4. Agenda Time Item 5-10 mins Video “Where in the world is Mozart?” *Welcome from Principals* 6 mins The new Curriculum models 2 mins Video “the Learner Profile” 11 mins Draw a Learner Profile 10 mins Unpacking the the Learner Profile 17 mins Rate the Learner Profile “Diamond Activity. “ 30 mins Roleplaying a Learner Profile attribute 5 mins CTRICKPROBS and Q&A
  • 5. Parents’ IB LP Profile workshop goals (Student learning expectations) This workshop will have been a success for me if…
  • 6. The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
  • 7. The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
  • 8. The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
  • 9. The New IB Curriculum Models (model kurikulum )
  • 10. IB Learner Profile Movie • http://blogs.ibo.org/ibtv/?p=495
  • 11. IB learner profile ( PROFIL PEMBELAJAR IB ) • The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. • The learner profile provides a long-term vision of education. It is a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of schools and teachers, uniting us in a common purpose.
  • 22. What are the IB learner profile (PROFIL PEMBELAJAR IB) attributes? 1. inquirers pelaku inkuiri 2. thinkers pemikir 3. communicators komunikator 4. risk-takers pengambil risiko 5. knowledgeable berpengetahuan 6. principled berprinsip 7. caring peduli 8. open-minded berpandangan terbuka 9. balanced seimbang 10. reflective reflektif
  • 23. Activity One - Draw a LP 1. Each group has an envelope with a single Learner Profile in it. 2. You are required to draw your Learner Profile without words, 3. then we’ll share and other groups guess which one each group has drawn!
  • 24. Activity Two - Unpacking the LP 1. Each group has an envelope with a group of LP indicators 2. You are required to glue the indicators to the correct posters around the room 3. finish with a gallery walk
  • 25. explore ideas and possibilities enjoy seeking solutions to problems Based on an activity from Tony Shillitoe
  • 26. Activity Three - Rate the LP 1. Each group has an envelope with a group of laminated LPs and a Template with a diamond 2. You are required place each LP in the diamond 3. a gallery walk 4. a chance to reflect and adjust your diamond
  • 27. Example Most important! Medium importance ! Least important!
  • 28. Activity Four - Roleplaying the LP 1. Choose your favourite LP 2. You are required to design a song, act or roleplay to show your LP 3. 10 minutes practise 4. 1 minute each to perform!
  • 29. C ommunicators T hinkers R isk-takers I nquirers C aring R O B C TRICK P K nowledgeable P rincipled R eflective Open-minded B alanced
  • 30. IB Coordinators at GJIS • PYP Coordinator – B.Felcity • PYP Associate – B.Windy • MYP Coordinator – P.Liam • DP Coordinator – P.Todung • MYP & DP Associate – B.Popy
  • 31. Any Questions ? This presentation is available on our school portal website and Pak Liam’s MYP Blog at http://gjismyp.wordpress.com Don’t forget to complete the feedback forms please….

Editor's Notes

  • #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn9rDTZj-m4 “Where in Heaven is Mozart?”
  • #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn9rDTZj-m4 “Where in Heaven is Mozart?”