Parse um PaaS (platform as a service) que foi criado para auxiliar desenvolvedores a criarem seus aplicativos sem a necessidade de criar um web service para gerenciamento dos dados. Atravs de sua API, possvel gerenciar dados atravs de um banco com interface visual (Parse Data), configurar o envio de push notifications (Parse Push), integrar contas de redes sociais (Parse Social) e ainda escrever cdigo para customiza??o e tratamento de seus dados na nuvem (Cloud Code).
Parse is a PaaS (platform as a service) which was created to support developers to build their mobile apps without a web service managing the data. Through its API, it is possible to manage data through a database using a visual interface (Parse Data), configure push notifications (Parse Push), integrate social networks accounts (Parse Social) and write code to customize your requests in the cloud (Cloud Code).
Tecnolgico Nacional de Mxico
Ing. en Sistemas Computacionales
Base de Datos para Dispsitivos Mviles
Proyecto integrador con Android, Eclipse, SQLite y archivo de texto
La prsentation a pour but de revenir sur diffrents aspects avancs de Doctrine mis en oeuvre au sein de projets Symfony 2.x/3.
Elle abordera, entre autres, les lments suivants :
?tendre le vocabulaire DQL (spcifiquement ou l'aide de bundles existants)
Utiliser les diffrents listeners existants (annotations, listeners, subscribers, utilisation de l'UOW de Doctrine lors d'un flush, etc.)
Crer des hydrateurs spcifiques ou des entits partielles pour amliorer les performances sur certaines oprations.
Astuces diverses pour amliorer les performances (dsactivation des logs, etc.)
Une immense majorit de dveloppeurs connaissent jQuery, mais pas vraiment JavaScript. Nous verrons comment faire en pur JS ce que vous avez lhabitude de faire avec jQuery et jQuery UI, en mettant laccent sur le support par les navigateurs des fonctionnalits JS utilises, et sur les polyfills disponibles.
Aplicacin en JAVA desarrollada con Netbeans 8.2, Jasper, SQL Server 2012, JDBC. Genera las pantallas para Insertar, Modificar y Eliminar, y el reporte general de turbogeneradores.
You finally built that amazing start-up idea you had in mind for years and you did it using Node.js! That's Great! You just launched it on Hacker News and you are very happy and proud... but now more and more people are using it and you start to have a nasty fear that Node.js won't scale because you now... it's single-threaded! Is your project doomed now? Do you have to invest your time on rewriting it in something like C++ or maybe Rust or even Go? You'd rather invest your time on adding valuable features for your users rather than learning a new language and rewriting everything from scratch, but what if nothing works anymore? And... by the way, what the heck "single-threaded" really means?! Fear no more, dear fellow developer! In this talk, we will discuss the architecture of Node.js going through its strengths and its weaknesses. We will then talk about scalability and I will share some valuable tips and tricks to make your Node.js app scale! Spoiler alert: you probably won't need Go or Rust :)
Praktik Pengembangan Konten HTML5 untuk E-Learning (Extended)Muhammad Yusuf
Praktik lebih lanjut mengenai pengembangan konten E-Learning yang menggunakan HTML5 sebagai dasar pengembangannya. Library yang digunakan adalah CreateJS.
RxJava, Getting Started - David Wursteisen - 16 Octobre 2014SOAT
Les applications sont de plus en plus interconnectes. Une architecture type WOA (Web Oriented Archiecture) et lutilisation des micros-services ncessitent de faire de plus en plus appel diffrents services web.
Comment composer un rsultat partir de ces diffrents services, sans avoir ce soucier de lordre dans lequel les serveurs vont rpondre ?
RxJava offre une manire lgante de faire de lasynchrone et de la composition au sein de son application. David vous exposera les concepts de Rx (Reactive eXtension) avant de vous montrer une mise en application avec des exemples de code venant dune application Android.
Este documento proporciona informacin sobre compuestos inorgnicos. Explica cmo se clasifican los compuestos inorgnicos y cmo se utilizan las valencias para la nomenclatura qumica. Tambin describe varios tipos de compuestos inorgnicos como xidos, hidruros e hidrxidos, e incluye ejemplos de cmo se forman estos compuestos. El documento concluye con una actividad prctica para que los estudiantes practiquen la formulacin y nomenclatura de compuestos inorgnicos
This document discusses iPhone app development services offered by an expert mobile app development company. They have expertise in developing apps for iOS platforms like iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. They use agile development methodologies and cross-platform frameworks to build high-quality apps that work across devices. Their services include developing social networking, games, utility and other custom apps for iOS.
El documento define la efusin pleural como la acumulacin anormal de lquido en el espacio pleural entre los pulmones y la cavidad torcica. Explica que puede deberse a sangre (hemotrax) o pus (empiema). Describe los mecanismos de formacin, sntomas como dolor y disnea, y pruebas de diagnstico como rayos X y toracocentesis. Esta ltima permite clasificar el derrame como exudado o transudado segn los criterios de Light e identificar su causa subyacente median
La prsentation a pour but de revenir sur diffrents aspects avancs de Doctrine mis en oeuvre au sein de projets Symfony 2.x/3.
Elle abordera, entre autres, les lments suivants :
?tendre le vocabulaire DQL (spcifiquement ou l'aide de bundles existants)
Utiliser les diffrents listeners existants (annotations, listeners, subscribers, utilisation de l'UOW de Doctrine lors d'un flush, etc.)
Crer des hydrateurs spcifiques ou des entits partielles pour amliorer les performances sur certaines oprations.
Astuces diverses pour amliorer les performances (dsactivation des logs, etc.)
Une immense majorit de dveloppeurs connaissent jQuery, mais pas vraiment JavaScript. Nous verrons comment faire en pur JS ce que vous avez lhabitude de faire avec jQuery et jQuery UI, en mettant laccent sur le support par les navigateurs des fonctionnalits JS utilises, et sur les polyfills disponibles.
Aplicacin en JAVA desarrollada con Netbeans 8.2, Jasper, SQL Server 2012, JDBC. Genera las pantallas para Insertar, Modificar y Eliminar, y el reporte general de turbogeneradores.
You finally built that amazing start-up idea you had in mind for years and you did it using Node.js! That's Great! You just launched it on Hacker News and you are very happy and proud... but now more and more people are using it and you start to have a nasty fear that Node.js won't scale because you now... it's single-threaded! Is your project doomed now? Do you have to invest your time on rewriting it in something like C++ or maybe Rust or even Go? You'd rather invest your time on adding valuable features for your users rather than learning a new language and rewriting everything from scratch, but what if nothing works anymore? And... by the way, what the heck "single-threaded" really means?! Fear no more, dear fellow developer! In this talk, we will discuss the architecture of Node.js going through its strengths and its weaknesses. We will then talk about scalability and I will share some valuable tips and tricks to make your Node.js app scale! Spoiler alert: you probably won't need Go or Rust :)
Praktik Pengembangan Konten HTML5 untuk E-Learning (Extended)Muhammad Yusuf
Praktik lebih lanjut mengenai pengembangan konten E-Learning yang menggunakan HTML5 sebagai dasar pengembangannya. Library yang digunakan adalah CreateJS.
RxJava, Getting Started - David Wursteisen - 16 Octobre 2014SOAT
Les applications sont de plus en plus interconnectes. Une architecture type WOA (Web Oriented Archiecture) et lutilisation des micros-services ncessitent de faire de plus en plus appel diffrents services web.
Comment composer un rsultat partir de ces diffrents services, sans avoir ce soucier de lordre dans lequel les serveurs vont rpondre ?
RxJava offre une manire lgante de faire de lasynchrone et de la composition au sein de son application. David vous exposera les concepts de Rx (Reactive eXtension) avant de vous montrer une mise en application avec des exemples de code venant dune application Android.
Este documento proporciona informacin sobre compuestos inorgnicos. Explica cmo se clasifican los compuestos inorgnicos y cmo se utilizan las valencias para la nomenclatura qumica. Tambin describe varios tipos de compuestos inorgnicos como xidos, hidruros e hidrxidos, e incluye ejemplos de cmo se forman estos compuestos. El documento concluye con una actividad prctica para que los estudiantes practiquen la formulacin y nomenclatura de compuestos inorgnicos
This document discusses iPhone app development services offered by an expert mobile app development company. They have expertise in developing apps for iOS platforms like iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. They use agile development methodologies and cross-platform frameworks to build high-quality apps that work across devices. Their services include developing social networking, games, utility and other custom apps for iOS.
El documento define la efusin pleural como la acumulacin anormal de lquido en el espacio pleural entre los pulmones y la cavidad torcica. Explica que puede deberse a sangre (hemotrax) o pus (empiema). Describe los mecanismos de formacin, sntomas como dolor y disnea, y pruebas de diagnstico como rayos X y toracocentesis. Esta ltima permite clasificar el derrame como exudado o transudado segn los criterios de Light e identificar su causa subyacente median
The document describes the daily routine of a student. They wake up at 4:30 AM to wash and prepare for the day. They go to school and take a nap on the bus ride home. When they arrive home, they turn on their computer and help their sister with chores until bedtime, when they may listen to music before sleeping.
Raman spectrometer: Chemische identificatie voor een veilige omgevingAED Solutions
De Raman spectrometer is een apparaat dat binnen luttele tellen stoffen in vaste en vloeibare vorm herkent. Daarnaast is het mogelijk het apparaat nieuwe stoffen te leren door een sample te nemen en daarbij de naam te vermelden. De oorsprong van dit apparaat ligt hem in de Raman spectroscopie op basis van lastertechnologie. Sertech heeft RescueMate bv de verkooprechten voor de Raman spectroscopie gegund en zijn daarom op zoek naar partijen die dit product in de toekomst wil gaan gebruiken. We denken in eerste instantie aan organisaties die met dit apparaat gemakkelijk explosieven en drugs kunnen opsporen.
Ben of werk jij bij zon organisatie? En ben jij hierin ge?nteresseerd? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact met ons op en vraag naar de mogelijkheden via
The document describes the daily routine of a student. They wake up at 4:30 AM to wash and prepare for the day. They go to school and take a nap on the bus ride home. When they arrive home, they turn on their computer and help their sister with chores until bedtime, when they may listen to music before sleeping.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang syair sebagai karya kreatif tradisional Melayu yang berasal dari puisi Sufi. Syair biasanya berbentuk empat baris dengan rima dan melodi khusus untuk pembacaaan dan penyanyian. Dokumen ini juga memberikan panduan cara menulis, membaca, dan menyanyikan syair secara benar.
This is a presentation about using a transformative English curriculum rooted in critical theory. Please ask for permission when using the original work and research from this presentation. Thank you!
1. China hosts over 50 major tradeshows each year, focused in key economic regions like the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.
2. Major cities that host tradeshows include Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, which attract thousands of exhibitors annually and millions of visitors.
3. The two largest annual tradeshows are the China Import and Export Fair in Guangzhou (Canton Fair) and China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
4. Successful marketing at Chinese tradeshows requires understanding Chinese culture and business practices, as well as partnering with local representatives. Both opportunities and challenges exist for foreign companies entering the
2015 Toyota Sequoia | Toyota Dealer Serving Wilkes-Barrescranton toyota
The document is an advertisement for the 2015 Toyota Sequoia SUV. It highlights the Sequoia's spacious interior that can seat up to 8 people, its powerful V8 engine, and its all-terrain capability. The Sequoia is positioned as the ideal family vehicle for creating lasting memories on adventures and road trips with ample space for passengers and cargo. Safety features like the Star Safety System and eight airbags provide protection.
This document provides an introduction to geology for students. It begins by defining geology and describing the layers of the Earth, including the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. It then discusses plate tectonics, the different types of plate boundaries (divergent, convergent, transform), and features associated with each. Finally, it covers additional topics in geology like volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks, erosion, and more. Key details are presented in a question and answer format to engage students in the material.
This Haiku Deck presentation contains 5 photos from different photographers with captions. The presentation encourages the viewer to be inspired by the photos and create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
Being loved is the strongest and most valid emotion mainly experienced through human heart in large,but also in every organisms created by The Supreme. It is rightly said - Love conquers all. You may be in love with another fellow being, a child, Natural wonders, the Creator, anyone or anything. But first of all, love has to be your own pride possession.
Investor Relations Podcasts Using BuzzsproutIR Smartt Inc.
This document provides guidance on using Buzzsprout to create investor relations podcasts. It outlines setting up a Buzzsprout account, optimizing the podcast profile with company branding and description, submitting the podcast to directories like iTunes, and optionally setting up a custom podcast domain. Burning an RSS feed through Feedburner is also recommended for advanced metrics and features. The goal is to effectively reach investors and audiences with podcasts hosted on Buzzsprout.
11. criando um novo objeto
ParseObject profile = new ParseObject("Profile");
profile.put("age", 45);
profile.put("name", "John Doe");
12. objetos com relacionamento
// Cria um post
ParseObject myPost = new ParseObject("Post");
myPost.put("title", "Estou com fome!");
myPost.put("content", "Vamos almo?ar aonde?");
// Cria um comentrio
ParseObject myComment = new ParseObject("Comment");
myComment.put("content", "Vamos no Esta??o.");
myComment.put("parent", myPost);
13. buscando objetos
ParseQuery query = new ParseQuery("Profile");
query.whereEqualTo("age", 45);
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback() {
public void done(List<ParseObject> profileList, ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
Log.d("profile", "Retrieved " + profileList.size() + " profiles");
} else {
Log.d("profile", "Error: " + e.getMessage());
int age = profile.getInt("age");
String name = profile.getString("name");
14. outras fun??es teis
ParseObject profile = new ParseObject("Profile");
profile.put("age", 27);
profile.put("name", "Mary Moe");
profile.saveEventually(); o pud
19. adicionando a um canal de envio
// Salva a instala??o no Parse.
// Adiciona o usurio no canal Giants.
PushService.subscribe(context, "Giants", YourActivity.class);
21. via cdigo
ParsePush push = new ParsePush();
push.setMessage("Touchdown para os Giants! O time vira contra os Mets.");
36. cloud functions - validations
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Review", function(request, response) {
??if (request.object.get("stars") < 1) {
????response.error("you cannot give less than one star");
??} else if (request.object.get("stars") > 5) {
????response.error("you cannot give more than five stars");
??} else {