Tara Tabassi (Liga de Resistentes a la Guerra) y Andrew Dey (Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra)
Si uno ve a la polic鱈a como lo que es una serie de pr叩cticas facultadas por el Estado para hacer cumplir la ley y mantener el control social y la hegemon鱈a a trav辿s del uso de la fuerza tal vez le sea m叩s f叩cil reconocer que el objetivo quiz叩s no deber鱈a ser mejorar la labor de la polic鱈a sino reducir su papel en nuestras vidas
Amnesty International, 4 November 2015, Index number: AMR 23/2615/2015
El desplazamiento forzado y la apropiaci坦n indebida de tierras, a menudo mediante la violencia y la intimidaci坦n, han sido un elemento distintivo del conflicto armado interno de Colombia. Estos abusos y violaciones de derechos humanos han estado dirigidos sobre todo contra las comunidades ind鱈genas, afrodescendientes y campesinas.
5属 Informe VDH: Defender los derechos humanos en M辿xico:- La normalizaci坦n de...Cr坦nicas del despojo
Este documento presenta el 5属 Informe del Comit辿 Cerezo sobre las violaciones a los derechos humanos en M辿xico entre junio de 2015 y mayo de 2016. Reporta un incremento en detenciones arbitrarias contra quienes protestan reformas neoliberales, mientras que las agresiones contra defensores de derechos humanos han pasado de amenazas a hostigamientos y ataques directos, mostrando un aumento en la intensidad de la represi坦n estatal. El informe tambi辿n compara las tendencias represivas entre los gobiernos de Calder坦n y
El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz Indepaz
presenta su X Informe de seguimiento a la presencia de los grupos narcoparamilitares, actividad que viene realizando desde 2006.
El estado de las comunidades ind鱈genas en el Per炭 Informe 2016Cr坦nicas del despojo
El documento describe la importancia de las tierras comunales en Per炭 y en todo el mundo. M叩s del 49% de la superficie de Per炭 est叩 bajo un r辿gimen comunal, aunque el 38% a炭n necesita ser formalizado. A nivel global, entre 2 y 3 mil millones de personas dependen de reg鱈menes comunales sobre m叩s de la mitad de la tierra. Reconocer formalmente estos reg鱈menes es clave para asegurar el futuro de las personas y comunidades que dependen de estas tierras. Invertir en los sistemas comunales de gesti坦n de tier
Galer鱈a Fotogr叩fica: Caravana por la defensa del territorio nari単enseCr坦nicas del despojo
La Caravana por la defensa del territorio nari単ense busca visibilizar el contexto del conflicto social y armado en los municipios de Samaniego y T炭querres en Nari単o, as鱈 como las violaciones a los Derechos Humanos y al Derecho Internacional Humanitario que ocurren all鱈. La caravana tiene como objetivo dar a conocer esta situaci坦n a trav辿s de fotograf鱈as publicadas en una galer鱈a en el sitio web del Congreso de los Pueblos.
The document discusses how social networks like Facebook present an idealized version of people's lives that does not reflect reality. While networks appear beautiful and positive on the surface, examining one's own profile can reveal inner suffering and fragility caused by social conditioning and the need for attention. Users struggle to create a unique identity and feel connected when comparing themselves to others. Ultimately, social networks grow in popularity despite highlighting mental health issues in their users.
This document discusses choosing the right dress for an occasion and presents dresses created by Barbara Llabidi. It includes copyright notices and contact information for Barbara Llabidi's dress designs. The document suggests picking from Barbara's collection of dresses but does not provide many details about the specific dresses or occasion. It promotes Barbara Llabidi's dress designs and services through her email for further information.
The mobile phone is the only device carried by 30% of the world's population, according to Tomi Ahonen in The Financial Times on September 1, 2005. Ahonen is an author and consultant who has written and presented extensively on mobile topics. The document includes extracts from several of Ahonen's publications discussing various aspects of mobile phone usage globally such as the percentage of people who sleep with their phones and cultural practices around mobile phones in places like China.
This document discusses dioptrija, which is a Greek word referring to optics and vision. It mentions Marko Samastur and the Vitruvian Man, as well as references to 20/20 vision and two Flickr URLs containing related images.
The document discusses how people have many online friends and connections through social media but may not remember all of their names. It suggests augmenting friends by adding their profile photos and names to contacts so they are more easily recognizable and memorable. This could help avoid awkward situations of not remembering someone's name who looks familiar from social networks.
The document appears to be about a mobile DJ app called Jaemo that allows users to mix music tracks on their phones. Some key points:
- Jaemo was originally developed for Nokia's Maemo mobile operating system
- It allows 2-4 music tracks to be mixed at once from various sources like a user's music library, online streams, or audio input
- Users can scratch tracks like a turntable and adjust pitch and timing for beatmatching
- The app supports both freeform and tempo-matched mixing modes as well as remote social mixing with other users
- Effects like EQ, reverb and modulation can be applied to tracks being mixed
- The Nokia N900 phone is
This Twitter thread discusses different filters that can be applied to obscure reality, including ASCIIart, CACA, and web streaming filters. The thread expresses a desire to obtain phones through the mention of "GIVE ME PHONEZZZZZ!".
The document discusses how social networks like Facebook present an idealized version of people's lives that does not reflect reality. While networks appear beautiful and positive on the surface, examining one's own profile can reveal inner suffering and fragility caused by social conditioning and the need for attention. Users struggle to create a unique identity and feel connected when comparing themselves to others. Ultimately, social networks grow in popularity despite highlighting mental health issues in their users.
This document discusses choosing the right dress for an occasion and presents dresses created by Barbara Llabidi. It includes copyright notices and contact information for Barbara Llabidi's dress designs. The document suggests picking from Barbara's collection of dresses but does not provide many details about the specific dresses or occasion. It promotes Barbara Llabidi's dress designs and services through her email for further information.
The mobile phone is the only device carried by 30% of the world's population, according to Tomi Ahonen in The Financial Times on September 1, 2005. Ahonen is an author and consultant who has written and presented extensively on mobile topics. The document includes extracts from several of Ahonen's publications discussing various aspects of mobile phone usage globally such as the percentage of people who sleep with their phones and cultural practices around mobile phones in places like China.
This document discusses dioptrija, which is a Greek word referring to optics and vision. It mentions Marko Samastur and the Vitruvian Man, as well as references to 20/20 vision and two Flickr URLs containing related images.
The document discusses how people have many online friends and connections through social media but may not remember all of their names. It suggests augmenting friends by adding their profile photos and names to contacts so they are more easily recognizable and memorable. This could help avoid awkward situations of not remembering someone's name who looks familiar from social networks.
The document appears to be about a mobile DJ app called Jaemo that allows users to mix music tracks on their phones. Some key points:
- Jaemo was originally developed for Nokia's Maemo mobile operating system
- It allows 2-4 music tracks to be mixed at once from various sources like a user's music library, online streams, or audio input
- Users can scratch tracks like a turntable and adjust pitch and timing for beatmatching
- The app supports both freeform and tempo-matched mixing modes as well as remote social mixing with other users
- Effects like EQ, reverb and modulation can be applied to tracks being mixed
- The Nokia N900 phone is
This Twitter thread discusses different filters that can be applied to obscure reality, including ASCIIart, CACA, and web streaming filters. The thread expresses a desire to obtain phones through the mention of "GIVE ME PHONEZZZZZ!".
Re:Tweet is a native Twitter client for the Maemo OS that offers commonly used Twitter features like showing a personalized timeline through content-based filtering of unwanted tweets and priority of preferred tweets first. It integrates with popular photo and video services and uses keyboard shortcuts, learning user habits to further personalize the Twitter experience.
This document describes Video3plet, a contextual live video app that allows users to share video content across multiple screens and connect with others socially. The app enables private or public sharing of video to communities. Users can message others within the app, with thumbnails providing URLs to shared videos. The app utilizes a 3-screen, 3-content, 3-connect model and can be developed once for all devices using the Qt framework.