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Learning Computer Basics
  in a Step by Step practices
          Presentation By:

      Vijay Kumar Ratre
  Contact: vijayratre@outlook.com
PART 3: All about Windows

After this lesson you will be familiar with:
 A. Parts of a window
 B. Multi-Tasking

PART 3: Parts of a Window

    Title Bar

            Menu Bar



     Status Bar
                       Scroll Bar

PART 3: Application & Document Windows

Title Bar             Application


PART 3: Sizing & Closing Windows

   The size of a window can be changed in several ways. One way is to
   use the three buttons on the top right corner.
   1. Minimize          Reduces the window to a button on the Task Bar.
   This is handy when you want to keep a program open, but you dont
   want to see it on the screen.
   2. Maximize            (One Window) Enlarges the program window to
   full-screen size. It then changes into a Restore button.
   3. Shrink/Restore           (Two windows) Changes the program
   window to a smaller size.
    4. Close Button:      Closes window and shuts program down

Note: If a window is maximized, the Restore button appears as the middle
button in the top right. If the program window is Restored, the Maximize
PART 3: Menu Bars

Menu bars help perform many different tasks in a program. They provide
options for saving files, cutting and pasting text, printing documents, etc.
    A.   File  Gives options for saving, opening, and creating new files.
    B. Edit  Gives options for changing the text or objects in a
    document or file (cut, copy, paste, etc)
    C.   Help  Provides online help on the current program

PART 3: Scroll Bars & Status Bar

 Title Bar                        Application


                 Scroll Buttons
                                                Scroll Bars

Status Bar
PART 3: Tool Bars

Tool bars contain small icons that help you perform common, frequently-
used functions such as Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste etc., without having to
access these functions through the Menus on the Menu Bar.

Tool bars are designed for specific uses -- i.e., there are different tool-bars
for Formatting, working with Pictures and Drawing.

You can access the different toolbars from the View Menu                Toolbar

Most Windows programs contain similar layouts and icons on menu bars
and tool bars. If you cannot identify an icon, try moving your mouse cursor
over it and hold still for a few seconds. A little tool tip will pop up to clue
you into what the icon represents.

PART 3: Tool Bar Exercise

                      1. Can you
                      identify the
                      shown in this

                      2. How can
                      you add on
                      the different

PART 3: Organizing Windows

Move: To move a Window around on the desktop, click on the Title
Bar, and while holding down the mouse button, drag the window to a
new location on the desktop. This is helpful when you are using more
than one program at a time and need to see them both simultaneously,
such as when you are editing a picture in Paint and then want to import
the picture into a Word document.

Resize: To make a window larger or smaller you can use the resize
pointers. To see the resize pointer, you have to move the cursor to the
edge of the window. The cursor will change to a short line with arrows
at both ends. Then hold the left mouse button and drag any part to
make it wider or smaller.

Organize: When you right-click on the taskbar, a menu appears. This
handy menu contains commands for cascading and tiling windows,
and for minimizing all open windows.

PART 3: Multi-tasking

Active Window: A window that is currently selected and whose
contents will be affected by all mouse actions, commands and
text entries (typing, using buttons, menus, etc.).
Inactive Window: A window that is open but unavailable for
performing any work in. An inactive Window will always be
grayed out.
Notice the difference between an active and inactive window
in the taskbar display. Can you describe it?
Moving Windows: Windows can be moved around by clicking
and holding the title bar with your mouse, then dragging the
window to another location and letting go of the mouse.
Note: Although you may have several windows open -- you
can only work in one window at a time.
PART 3: Quick Review


    What can you tell from task bar 1 and 2 about the open

                                      Is this an active or inactive
                                      What can you tell about the
                                      size of the window?
                                      Hint: Is it maximized or


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Part 3 elements of windows

  • 1. Learning Computer Basics in a Step by Step practices Presentation By: Vijay Kumar Ratre Mumbai-49 Contact: vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 2. PART 3: All about Windows After this lesson you will be familiar with: A. Parts of a window B. Multi-Tasking vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 3. PART 3: Parts of a Window Title Bar Menu Bar Window Buttons Document Window Status Bar Scroll Bar vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 4. PART 3: Application & Document Windows Title Bar Application Window Document Window vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 5. PART 3: Sizing & Closing Windows The size of a window can be changed in several ways. One way is to use the three buttons on the top right corner. 1. Minimize Reduces the window to a button on the Task Bar. This is handy when you want to keep a program open, but you dont want to see it on the screen. 2. Maximize (One Window) Enlarges the program window to full-screen size. It then changes into a Restore button. 3. Shrink/Restore (Two windows) Changes the program window to a smaller size. 4. Close Button: Closes window and shuts program down Note: If a window is maximized, the Restore button appears as the middle button in the top right. If the program window is Restored, the Maximize vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 6. PART 3: Menu Bars Menu bars help perform many different tasks in a program. They provide options for saving files, cutting and pasting text, printing documents, etc. A. File Gives options for saving, opening, and creating new files. B. Edit Gives options for changing the text or objects in a document or file (cut, copy, paste, etc) C. Help Provides online help on the current program vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 7. PART 3: Scroll Bars & Status Bar Title Bar Application Window Document Window Scroll Buttons Scroll Bars Status Bar vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 8. PART 3: Tool Bars Tool bars contain small icons that help you perform common, frequently- used functions such as Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste etc., without having to access these functions through the Menus on the Menu Bar. Tool bars are designed for specific uses -- i.e., there are different tool-bars for Formatting, working with Pictures and Drawing. You can access the different toolbars from the View Menu Toolbar Most Windows programs contain similar layouts and icons on menu bars and tool bars. If you cannot identify an icon, try moving your mouse cursor over it and hold still for a few seconds. A little tool tip will pop up to clue you into what the icon represents. vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 9. PART 3: Tool Bar Exercise 1. Can you identify the toolbars shown in this window? 2. How can you add on the different toolbars? vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 10. PART 3: Organizing Windows Move: To move a Window around on the desktop, click on the Title Bar, and while holding down the mouse button, drag the window to a new location on the desktop. This is helpful when you are using more than one program at a time and need to see them both simultaneously, such as when you are editing a picture in Paint and then want to import the picture into a Word document. Resize: To make a window larger or smaller you can use the resize pointers. To see the resize pointer, you have to move the cursor to the edge of the window. The cursor will change to a short line with arrows at both ends. Then hold the left mouse button and drag any part to make it wider or smaller. Organize: When you right-click on the taskbar, a menu appears. This handy menu contains commands for cascading and tiling windows, and for minimizing all open windows. vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 11. PART 3: Multi-tasking Active Window: A window that is currently selected and whose contents will be affected by all mouse actions, commands and text entries (typing, using buttons, menus, etc.). Inactive Window: A window that is open but unavailable for performing any work in. An inactive Window will always be grayed out. Notice the difference between an active and inactive window in the taskbar display. Can you describe it? Moving Windows: Windows can be moved around by clicking and holding the title bar with your mouse, then dragging the window to another location and letting go of the mouse. Note: Although you may have several windows open -- you can only work in one window at a time. vijayratre@outlook.com
  • 12. PART 3: Quick Review 1 2 What can you tell from task bar 1 and 2 about the open windows? Is this an active or inactive window? What can you tell about the size of the window? Hint: Is it maximized or minimized? vijayratre@outlook.com

Editor's Notes

  • #4: The tool bar will be introduced later on in the session.
  • #6: Explore some other ways to resize windows
  • #12: Windows 98 allows for more than one program to be open at one time. When you open more than one program and swap between them you are multi-tasking. On the Task bar you will notice a "button" for each open program. The Active Program will be indented or pushed in and the Inactive Windows will be "protruding". The title bar of an active window is darker. To move between active and inactive windows you can click on any part of an inactive window on your desktop which will bring it forward and make it active or you can click on the program button on the task bar which will make that window active and bring it forward on your desktop. When multiple windows are open on the desktop they can be moved by clicking your mouse on the Title bar and holding the mouse button down, then move the window up or down, left or right as needed. When you have moved the window to a suitable place on the desktop release the mouse button and the window will remain at that location. This is helpful when you wish to see information in a window behind the active window you are working in. You move the active window to observe the information and then replace the active window and continue working. The title bar of an active window is darker.