This document provides information and tips for students searching for part-time job opportunities. It outlines various types of part-time roles including campus jobs, hospitality, retail, and tutoring. It also discusses how to find opportunities through networks, job boards, and recruitment agencies. The document warns about scam jobs and provides details on national minimum wage and tax requirements for part-time work. Students are directed to campus career services for additional support with CVs, interviews, and researching employers.
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Part time job search presentation
1. Part-time job search
Tahira Majothi
careers consultant
Flickr: Jacob Haas not the least important object in the place. Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)
2. Session Aims
Tips on where to look for part-time work
Awareness of scam jobs
National Insurance and Income Tax
Part-time Job CV
Careers and Employability Service
3. What types of opportunities are out there?
Flickr: Gideon Tsang, hide & seek. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0
14. Charity fund raisers
Flickr: Thunderchild7, Kiss Rocks. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)
15. Market Research /
Mystery Shopping
Flickr: Daniel Lee,Tough Choices.. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
16. How to find the opportunities?
Flickr: dynamosquito, Holmes!!... Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
17. Networks university staff, friends, family, peers etc
Advertised roles
Clubs, societies, networking events, voluntary/paid
work contacts
Google alerts and social media (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Recruitment Agencies
Jobs boards - fish4jobs, Monster,
Universal Jobs Match
Local Council websites
Professional associations / Learned societies
19. Recruitment Agencies
Recruitment consultants usually have
temporary or p/t job opportunities.
Specialist consultancies may have the latest
labour market information about specific
sectors and can provide useful application tips.
Short-term experience will help you to see if
the industry is the right fit for you.
20. Making the most
of Recruitment Agencies
Manage expectations
Give recruitment consultants an up-to-date CV
Be specific about the type of work you are
looking for
Contact recruitment consultants on a regular
basis to let them know you are still looking for
Dont feel obliged to take on an opportunity if its
not right for you!
21. Working Abroad
Salford International Travel Bursaries
BUNAC work abroad
Japanese teaching and exchange programme (JET)
Work or Volunteer overseas (British Council)
Erasmus Salford
Advice on working abroad
22. Watch out for
scam job adverts!
Piece work or data entry to be done at home
Employers who ask for bank details or money
upfront to pay for stock delivery
Commission only work
Pay at a lower level than the National
Minimum Wage (NMW)
23. National Minimum Wage
Year 21 and over 18 to 20 Under 18 Apprentice*
贈6.50 贈5.13 贈3.79 贈2.73
2013 贈6.31 贈5.03 贈3.72 贈2.68
2012 贈6.19 贈4.98 贈3.68 贈2.65
2011 贈6.08 贈4.98 贈3.68 贈2.60
2010 贈5.93 贈4.92 贈3.64 贈2.50
24. Tax and National Insurance
Income Tax is payable, if you earn more than 贈192 a
week or 贈833 a month - this is your Personal Allowance
National Insurance if you earn more than 贈153 a week
Your employer will usually deduct Income Tax and
National Insurance from your wages through Pay As You
Earn (PAYE).
25. Target CVs and cover letters
Flickr: Luke Chapman. Gift wrapping.
27. Summary
Know yourself
Know the job specifics
Know the organisation
Know why you want the
28. Careers events
Personal Branding: How to market BRAND YOU 30th
Industry Insights Cooperative Bank, 4th November
GOThinkBig: Manchester (Entertainment- Sport- PR, Advertising &
Marketing- Food & Drink industries) 5th November
Industry Insights Matalan, 11th November
Computing, Science and Engineering Fair 19th
Upcoming: CV workshops, Careers in China, IBM and
Chemical Scientist online events, job hunting and
social media.
29. Careers and Employability Service
CV Clinics at University House:
Tuesdays (10am - 12pm) & Thursdays (2pm 4pm)
CV and Cover Letter Guides:
Guide to finding part-time work:
Salford (On-campus) Recruitment Fairs 2014-2015: