This document discusses how loan officers can develop a competitive advantage by partnering with real estate agents and providing them with valuable mortgage content for their websites and blogs. It suggests that agents are hungry for specialized mortgage content to help educate their clients and answer common questions. By contributing high-quality mortgage-related articles and building backlinks, loan officers can drive targeted traffic to agents' sites from homeowners researching mortgages online. This establishes the loan officer as a trusted resource that agents are happy to refer business to.
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Partnering With Social Media Savvy Agents To Meet More Buyers Online
1. Million Dollar Question.......
Agent to Loan Officer:
"What can you provide me that
your competition can't or won't?"
2. The Main Challenge:
What's Your Unique Selling Proposition?
3. The Good News:
It is possible for loan officers to develop
a true competitive advantage in this
market by leveraging social media.
4. Partnering With The Right Agents
Position yourself as an
invaluable asset to your
social media savvy real
estate agents.
Provide them with something
that they care more about
Leads, Low Rates and
Returned Calls....
5. Hi, I'm a Mortgage Blogger
Mark Madsen Justin McHood
Las Vegas Mortgage Blogger Arizona Mortgage Blogger
Twitter: @mark_madsen Twitter: @jmchood
6. In This Webinar, You'll Learn:
A proven system for partnering with the right social
media savvy agents for the purpose of:
o Getting in front of their clients,
team and competitors
o Establishing yourself as a valuable
marketing asset
o Earning the Trust and Respect you
deserve as a Mortgage Pro
7. What Do Web-Based Agents Care About?
Content Traffic
9. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#1 Specialized mortgage information requires an
experienced lending professional's insight
Guideline Changes
First-Time Home Buyer Lending Tips
County / Program Loan Limits
Credit / Re-Score Education
Appraisal Regulations
Income / Asset FAQ's
Down Payment Assistance
10. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#2 Buyers, Sellers and Agents always have
mortgage related questions
What's the deal with FHA and condos?
How long do I have to wait after a short
Does the home need a stove to pass an
FHA appraisal?
Do I need to prove my income if I'm rich?
Can my baby's momma's momma co-sign
if she has better credit?
How fast can we close?
Will rates go up in 3 months?
11. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#3 Relevant and timely information is excellent to
include in newsletters or email campaigns
Economic Indicators that impact rates
Government incentives with expirations
FHA Mortgagee Letters - updates
Loan Limit changes
Loan Level Price Adjustments
The loss of banks or programs
HVCC concerns
12. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#4 An educated client is more valuable to the
agent, loan officer and community
Important decisions aren't made based on
emotion or fear
Time isn't wasted driving around viewing the
wrong properties and price ranges
Closings move faster with a fully qualified and
informed buyer
Sellers are more patient if they understand the
lending process
Listings get priced properly initially
13. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#5 Moves prospects through a controlled sales
cycle while keeping them on the agent's site
1. Buyer searches Google for listings
2. Buyer finds homes on agent's site
3. Buyer wants to inquire about a loan
4. Buyer finds Mtg. info on agent's site
5. Buyer contacts agent or LO
14. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#6 Establishes Trust / Authority and makes it easier
for agent to refer client to preferred LO
Buyers are on an agent's site for an
avg of 3-5 months researching
homes, communities and culture
Borrowers spend an avg 1.5
minutes on a mortgage site looking
for someone they can trust
15. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#7 Industry related keywords and frequent
content are great for SEO / SEM
16. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
#8 Specific articles will drive targeted
traffic = Motivated and Informed
"The Web is different.
Instead of one-way Long Tail Search Engine Marketing
interruption, Web
marketing is about
delivering useful content at
just the precise moment
that a buyer needs it."
....Seth Godin
17. 8 Reasons Agents Need Mortgage Content
EX: "Las Vegas FHA First Time Home Buyer"
18. Targeted Traffic - Be Where The Buyers Are
Buyers Are Online Looking For Homes
19. Capture Targeted Traffic - 3 Simple Steps
Write blog articles that answer
"Buying" questions
Buyers seeking mortgage info
on Google will find your agent's
Let your agent's MLS search
and CRM convert for you
20. Link Back To Your Agent's Blog
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Back Link Strategy:
Links = "Referral" in the eyes of Google
Use proper anchor text
Las Vegas Real Estate
click here for homes
Link from multiple web sites
21. Link Back To Your Agent's Blog
Example: Proper Use of Anchor Text
22. Finding / Meeting New Agents Online
Get in their space online, establish relationship, call
*Don't be an idiot
1. Google Blogs (City + Real Estate)
2. Google Reader - subscribe
4. Comment on their WP Blog
5. Twitter
6. LinkedIn
7. Facebook Groups / Pages
8. Zillow / Trulia
9. Start a blog - link back
*See Webinar: 7 Strategies For Meeting Agents Online
23. Execution - Change The Game
Agents need: Content, Traffic, Links
Search for RE partners online
Get in their space, don't be a tool
Ask to contribute to their blog
Write excellent Mtg. content
Promote your agent's blog online
Network with other LOs in the game
Twitter: @mark_madsen