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Governing for transformation:
STPs and governance
Professor Paul Stanton
Necessity is the mother of
? System already creaking: coincident austerity:demand pressures
? Historic failure to invest in prevention > growth in lifestyle associated illness
? The compounding impact of deprivation on physical and mental health
? Short termism of former NHS leadership > inadequate preparation for
profound, inexorable & accelerative demography led demand escalation
? Failure to invest wisely in mutually supportive health and social care provision
> structural iatrogenesis (Stanton, Strategic Leadership, 2006)
? England has an inappropriate model of health and social care to cope with
the changed pattern of ill health from an ageing population Ready for Ageing 2014
? People are living longer  strong association between increasing incidence &
increasing age for most diseases (cancer, heart disease, dementia etc), population
change will be the biggest driver of H&SC need over the next decades NESHA,2008
21st Century demography led
demand escalation
? Impact on age profile of inpatient population C complex co-morbidities - not
acutely ill but with no viable discharge options
? Back loaded escalation C 1930s to twilight of the post war baby boomers
? Increase 75+ by 2032 = 57%: 2039 85%: 85+by = 2032 82%: 2039 127%
? Increase 90+ by 2032 90%: by 2039198% - more people 90+than now 85+
? Extreme local variation: 85+ by 2032: Lichfield 139%: Barking 23%
? Local population need, not central diktat > fit for the future provision
? Minimise avoidable admissions C proactive frailty management
? Optimise Ambulance contribution: & assertive outreach to care homes
? Reversing EOL in hospital deaths - should this trend continue, fewer
than 1 in 10 people will die at home by 2030 Health Select Committee 2014
The Five Year Forward View
? England is too diverse for one size fits all  Doing more of the same is
not an option  local choice between radical alternatives
? Action is needed on three fronts: Managing Demand; Delivering Care
more efficiently; Securing additional funding.
? Less impact on any one of them will require compensating action on the
other two FYFV 2014
? It would not be prudent to assume any additional NHS funding over the
next several years Stephens, July 16
? Rising demand, escalating deficits, lack of system wide urgency and
focus > STP process
? Laudable intention C profound centrally driven process shortcomings
? Support the intention C refine and strengthen the process
Sustainability and Transformation
- from planning to implementation
? The impact of place is complex and multidimensional  How overall
policies are translated at area & community level requires local knowledge,
history & experience that no high-level analysis can provide. (KF 2015)
? Many STPs by passed provider Boards (and ? Governing Bodies ?)
? Clear sighted principle based Board appraisal of STP process adequacy
and outcome relevance - an essential aspect of local governance
? Ownership one level down C not management one level up Carver -
Expression of your statutory duty of care to your local population
? The calibre and independence of local STP leadership?
? Robustness of modelling and evidence base that underpinned conclusions?
? Cost saving/postponement or need led/transformative C capital costs
Sustainability and Transformation
- from planning to implementation
? Statutory public and patient involvement C a problem postponed 
? Retro fitting due process The Judge Over Your Shoulder - Real
Involvement C in collaboration with H&SC partners
? Promote inclusion of all NHS and wider provider and commissioning
stakeholders C the law of unintended consequence
? Local government/ H&WB Boards involvement patchy
? Primary care: Ambulance Services; mental health and learning
? Voluntary sector C Leeds 150+ focused on frail elderly + BME sensitive
+ carer sensitive
? Fostering real involvement of front line staff and strong clinical voices -
harnessing the creativity and the energy of those who deliver care
Sustainability and Transformation
- from planning to implementation
? Predicated on fit for transformational purpose central regulation
? Mixed picture: Default direction C support and guidance, forgiveness
? Radical rhetoric  We are entirely open to the prospect that you choose to
abandon [payment by results] as the currency for deciding where funds should
go. Were not buying emergency clicks of the turnstile anymore, this is the way
were going to allocate funding on a programme basis across our population with
the agreement of all the organisations involved, thats absolutely fine with Jim and
me Stevens, Oct 2016
? jumping through the same old hoops
? We want to back leadership momentum where we find it. For the
foreseeable future C by which I mean probably the rest of this parliament C
this supplements rather than replaces the pre-existing statutory
accountabilities. Stevens, October 2016
The priorities for provider Boards
? Pragmatism C STP key in a funding lock
? Political adroitness C understand concerns of the blockers and the allies
? Measured altruism C
? My organisation, right or wrong, is not whats required from a new generation of leaders
Stevens, February 2015 C building informed trust
? Salus populi suprema lex esto [Let the good of the people be the highest law] Cicero
? The startup of a new form of governance needs careful consideration and will take time
Dalton, August 2016 - building informed trust
? Maintain unflinching grip on intra-organisational safety, quality & cost effectiveness
? Address Type A* problems and push forward with aligned improvement
? Type A = A problem whose resolution lies in the hands of the organisation itself: Type B = A problem
whose resolution lies in the hands of those who may be subject to influence; Type C = An insoluble
problem i.e. an unpalatable but inescapable fact of life.
Prioritise Type A; keep energy spent on Type B under review and if others prove
beyond influence, re-categorise problem as Type C. Dont waste time on Type C!
The priorities for provider Boards
? The application of collective wisdom to complex uncertainty Stanton 2008
? A risk sensitive Board culture C neither risk reckless nor risk averse
? In times of major turbulence in external environments, a Boards collective risk
oversight must be strengthened. Different & potentially much more difficult
issues arise in the identification and measurement of risks. Past experience is
an uncertain or potentially misleading guide Walker, 2009
? Competence, creativity, courage, currency and CLARITY
? Excellence, is never an accident.
? It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution;
? it represents the wise choice between many alternatives 
? choice, not chance, determines your destiny Aristotle

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PAS ݺߣs Governance for transformation

  • 1. for more information visit us at - www.hempsons.co.uk Governing for transformation: STPs and governance Professor Paul Stanton paul.stanton@southminster-ca.co.uk
  • 2. Necessity is the mother of transformation ? System already creaking: coincident austerity:demand pressures ? Historic failure to invest in prevention > growth in lifestyle associated illness ? The compounding impact of deprivation on physical and mental health ? Short termism of former NHS leadership > inadequate preparation for profound, inexorable & accelerative demography led demand escalation ? Failure to invest wisely in mutually supportive health and social care provision > structural iatrogenesis (Stanton, Strategic Leadership, 2006) ? England has an inappropriate model of health and social care to cope with the changed pattern of ill health from an ageing population Ready for Ageing 2014 ? People are living longer strong association between increasing incidence & increasing age for most diseases (cancer, heart disease, dementia etc), population change will be the biggest driver of H&SC need over the next decades NESHA,2008
  • 3. 21st Century demography led demand escalation ? Impact on age profile of inpatient population C complex co-morbidities - not acutely ill but with no viable discharge options ? Back loaded escalation C 1930s to twilight of the post war baby boomers ? Increase 75+ by 2032 = 57%: 2039 85%: 85+by = 2032 82%: 2039 127% ? Increase 90+ by 2032 90%: by 2039198% - more people 90+than now 85+ ? Extreme local variation: 85+ by 2032: Lichfield 139%: Barking 23% ? Local population need, not central diktat > fit for the future provision ? Minimise avoidable admissions C proactive frailty management ? Optimise Ambulance contribution: & assertive outreach to care homes ? Reversing EOL in hospital deaths - should this trend continue, fewer than 1 in 10 people will die at home by 2030 Health Select Committee 2014
  • 4. The Five Year Forward View ? England is too diverse for one size fits all Doing more of the same is not an option local choice between radical alternatives ? Action is needed on three fronts: Managing Demand; Delivering Care more efficiently; Securing additional funding. ? Less impact on any one of them will require compensating action on the other two FYFV 2014 ? It would not be prudent to assume any additional NHS funding over the next several years Stephens, July 16 ? Rising demand, escalating deficits, lack of system wide urgency and focus > STP process ? Laudable intention C profound centrally driven process shortcomings ? Support the intention C refine and strengthen the process
  • 5. Sustainability and Transformation - from planning to implementation ? The impact of place is complex and multidimensional How overall policies are translated at area & community level requires local knowledge, history & experience that no high-level analysis can provide. (KF 2015) ? Many STPs by passed provider Boards (and ? Governing Bodies ?) ? Clear sighted principle based Board appraisal of STP process adequacy and outcome relevance - an essential aspect of local governance ? Ownership one level down C not management one level up Carver - Expression of your statutory duty of care to your local population ? The calibre and independence of local STP leadership? ? Robustness of modelling and evidence base that underpinned conclusions? ? Cost saving/postponement or need led/transformative C capital costs
  • 6. Sustainability and Transformation - from planning to implementation ? Statutory public and patient involvement C a problem postponed ? Retro fitting due process The Judge Over Your Shoulder - Real Involvement C in collaboration with H&SC partners ? Promote inclusion of all NHS and wider provider and commissioning stakeholders C the law of unintended consequence ? Local government/ H&WB Boards involvement patchy ? Primary care: Ambulance Services; mental health and learning disabilities ? Voluntary sector C Leeds 150+ focused on frail elderly + BME sensitive + carer sensitive ? Fostering real involvement of front line staff and strong clinical voices - harnessing the creativity and the energy of those who deliver care
  • 7. Sustainability and Transformation - from planning to implementation ? Predicated on fit for transformational purpose central regulation ? Mixed picture: Default direction C support and guidance, forgiveness ? Radical rhetoric We are entirely open to the prospect that you choose to abandon [payment by results] as the currency for deciding where funds should go. Were not buying emergency clicks of the turnstile anymore, this is the way were going to allocate funding on a programme basis across our population with the agreement of all the organisations involved, thats absolutely fine with Jim and me Stevens, Oct 2016 ? jumping through the same old hoops ? We want to back leadership momentum where we find it. For the foreseeable future C by which I mean probably the rest of this parliament C this supplements rather than replaces the pre-existing statutory accountabilities. Stevens, October 2016
  • 8. The priorities for provider Boards ? Pragmatism C STP key in a funding lock ? Political adroitness C understand concerns of the blockers and the allies ? Measured altruism C ? My organisation, right or wrong, is not whats required from a new generation of leaders Stevens, February 2015 C building informed trust ? Salus populi suprema lex esto [Let the good of the people be the highest law] Cicero ? The startup of a new form of governance needs careful consideration and will take time Dalton, August 2016 - building informed trust ? Maintain unflinching grip on intra-organisational safety, quality & cost effectiveness ? Address Type A* problems and push forward with aligned improvement ? Type A = A problem whose resolution lies in the hands of the organisation itself: Type B = A problem whose resolution lies in the hands of those who may be subject to influence; Type C = An insoluble problem i.e. an unpalatable but inescapable fact of life. Prioritise Type A; keep energy spent on Type B under review and if others prove beyond influence, re-categorise problem as Type C. Dont waste time on Type C!
  • 9. The priorities for provider Boards ? The application of collective wisdom to complex uncertainty Stanton 2008 ? A risk sensitive Board culture C neither risk reckless nor risk averse ? In times of major turbulence in external environments, a Boards collective risk oversight must be strengthened. Different & potentially much more difficult issues arise in the identification and measurement of risks. Past experience is an uncertain or potentially misleading guide Walker, 2009 ? Competence, creativity, courage, currency and CLARITY ? Excellence, is never an accident. ? It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; ? it represents the wise choice between many alternatives ? choice, not chance, determines your destiny Aristotle paul.stanton@southminster-ca.co.uk