Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher. He made important contributions to many fields, including projective geometry, probability theory, and the development of the syringe and hydraulic press. As a Christian, he emphasized God's grace and authored Pens辿es to argue for Christianity using reason and experience. Pascal developed early concepts of calculus and probability theory that demonstrated rational reasons for believing in God even without proof. He lived his life seeking to glorify God in all areas of work and thought.
2. The Beginning
Born in Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 19, 1623
His father, Etienne, was a royal tax officer
Probably grew up in wealthy circumstances
He was taught by his father with an unorthodox
First learned methods of reason and judgment -
discovering the why behind facts.
At age 12, Pascal was allowed to learn Latin, but not
3. Pascals greatest achievements
By age 12, he proved Euclids theorems (The Elements) on
his own!
By 16, Had published a book on conic sections
Invented projective geometry
Proved that vacuums could be created
Invented the syringe and hydraulic lift
Unified and proved much in fluid mechanics
Came up with the basis for much of modern insurance and
probability work, together with Pierre de Fermat
Cleared up many question concerning cycloids
4. 1642- Pascals Adding Machine
Many prototypes were constructed
Never had a large market, probably because of price
5. The faith of the man
Christ was the center of his theology
In [Jesus] is all our virtue and all our
happiness. Apart from Him there is only vice,
misery, error, darkness, death, despair.
He converted to Jansenism, a branch of
Catholicism, in 1646
They rediscovered Augustine and opposed
Major beliefs sound quite similar to Reformers
Stressed moral purity
6. The faith of the man
Provincial Letters
-These were Jansenist letters
that were written in opposition to the Jesuits
Pens辿es (Thoughts) - chapters include discussion on
mathematics & reason
fundamentals of Christianity
proofs for Jesus Christ
General distinguishing belief:
Man cannot do any act truly
pleasing to God without the
grace of God. (regeneration)
Gods grace effectively
accomplishes His will.
7. His mathematics applied to faith
His work with probability produced what has
become known as Pascals wager
It demonstrates a method of coming to a reasonable decision.
Either God is or God is not. One has no choice but to
wager on which of these statements is true, where the
wager is in terms of ones actions.
Which way should one act?
In complete indifference to God or
In a way compatible with the (Christian) notion of God.
8. His mathematics applied to faith (cont.)
Which way should one act?
If God is not, it does not matter much.
If God is,
wagering that there is no God will bring damnation while
wagering that God exists will bring salvation.
Because the outcome of the latter is infinitely more desirable
than the former, the outcome of this decision-problem is
clear, even if one believes that the probability of Gods
existence is small:
The reasonable person will act as if God exists.
"If God does not exist, one will lose nothing by believing in Him, while
if He does exist, one will lose everything by not believing." -Pascal
9. Development of Calculus
From 1653-1654 he wrote
Trait辿 du triangle arithn辿tique
Trait辿 des ordres num辿riques (published in 1665)
Trait辿 de la sommation des puissances
Here Pascal laid down the principles of
differential and integral calculus
10. Pascal,
a man who lived and worked in light of the
existence of a Sovereign, Personal God who
revealed Himself in the person of the Lord Jesus
grew gravely ill in 1659 and died in August 1962
11. Pascal & Beyond
Unlike the Protestant Reformers, Pascals religious order saw an
unscriptural dichotomy between secular and ecclesiastical activities.
Instead of doing all to the glory of God, Pascal felt an unnecessary
tension between his mathematical studies and his faith.
Pascals independent discovery of Geometrys postulates testifies
that mathematics is a discovery of the works of God and not merely
an invention of man.
One could believe that calculus was a work of art produced by the
free will of man if one could believe the possibility of a symphony
arising from the scores of a number of composers who supposed they
were writing only tone poems for solos or chamber groups. This
symphony comes together without changing even the key, though the
artists wrote during hundreds of years in different corners of the globe
without the knowledge of each others work. - Zimmerman Truth and the
12. Pascal & Beyond
Many discoveries even occurred simultaneously in the history of
mathematics despite great distances and slow communication
Law of Inverse Squares by Newton and Halley
Logarithms by Burgi and Napier/Briggs
Calculus by Newton on the island and Leibniz on the continent
Two geometries of Russian Lobachevski and Hungarian Bolyai
Modern vector calculus by both Hamilton and Grassman
Contradiction Hypothesis by H.A. Lorentz and Fitzgerald
The double Theta functions by Gopel and Rosehain
The rectification of the semi-cubal parabola by Van Heauraet, Neil, and Fermat
Geometric law of duality by Oncelet and Gergone
Principle of Least Squares by Gauss and Legendre
It seems to be my fate to concur in nearly all my theoretical works with
- Gauss quoted in Bells Men of Mathematics