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Application                                                                              Changing Your World by Degrees
                                                                                              Pass the Truth Along
8. Think about a time when you observed or heard about                                              Titus 2:1-8; 15
   someone living by the motto, Do as I say, not as I do. What
                                                                                               April 18, 2010  Pastor Tom
   have you learned through this study that will keep you from
   falling into this mindset?                                                In Gods Church Character Leads the way!

9. How much have you focused on self-control and doing what
   is good in your own life? How can you improve?
                                                                             Leadership is a high calling and so is Followership!

10. What attitude or action do you need to change in order to
  be more effective in your influence for Christ? Who can help

                                                                             Behavior, not words, makes truth ring true.

                   Help us make a Welcome DVD
We are in process of developing a Welcome DVD for those who visit
Oregon City Evangelical Church for the first time, and you can help by
briefly telling us what makes OCEC your chosen church. We want your
You can fill out the survey online. Go to: www.ocec.net. On the home
page, under News and Announcements, click on the Headline that
reads, Help Us Make a Welcome DVD. Then on the left hand side,
click Read More, you will be taken to a page where you can choose to         This week, change an attitude, change a behavior and change
do the survey by clicking on Take a moment to fill out this quick survey!     a mind!
Will you take a moment and help us?
     Questions in the Survey
     1. Why did you start attending OCEC?
     2. What made you come back?
     3. Describe the church in a sentence.
     4. Would you be interested in sharing your testimony about how
          OCEC has impacted your life?
                                                                                       Oregon City Evangelical Church ~ www.ocec.net
Growth Group Study Guide                           5. In Titus 2:1-8, what is Paul implying about the importance of
                 Week of _April 18, 2010_                            mentors (trusted guides or models)?

Getting Started
1. Who is your favorite elderly person and why?

                                                                  6. Why such an emphasis on self-control? (Titus 2:2, 5, 6, 12)

2. Tell about a favorite teacher. What made them such an
   effective teacher?

                                                                    What impact will self-control have on your influence and
                                                                    effectiveness as a teacher? (Remember, we are all teaching
3. Sometimes truth hurts. Tell of a time when that saying was     others whether we are aware of it or not.)
   true for you.

Into the Word
4. What can you learn about passing the truth along from the      7. According to Paul, what are the consequences of a persons
   following passages?                                               life not matching what they teach? (Titus 2:1-8)
   a. Deuteronomy 6:1-9

  b. Matthew 28:16-20

  c. 2 Timothy 1:5

  d. 2 Timothy 2:2

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Pass the Truth Along

  • 1. Application Changing Your World by Degrees Pass the Truth Along 8. Think about a time when you observed or heard about Titus 2:1-8; 15 someone living by the motto, Do as I say, not as I do. What April 18, 2010 Pastor Tom have you learned through this study that will keep you from falling into this mindset? In Gods Church Character Leads the way! 9. How much have you focused on self-control and doing what is good in your own life? How can you improve? Leadership is a high calling and so is Followership! 10. What attitude or action do you need to change in order to be more effective in your influence for Christ? Who can help you? Behavior, not words, makes truth ring true. Help us make a Welcome DVD We are in process of developing a Welcome DVD for those who visit Oregon City Evangelical Church for the first time, and you can help by briefly telling us what makes OCEC your chosen church. We want your testimony! You can fill out the survey online. Go to: www.ocec.net. On the home page, under News and Announcements, click on the Headline that reads, Help Us Make a Welcome DVD. Then on the left hand side, click Read More, you will be taken to a page where you can choose to This week, change an attitude, change a behavior and change do the survey by clicking on Take a moment to fill out this quick survey! a mind! Will you take a moment and help us? Questions in the Survey 1. Why did you start attending OCEC? 2. What made you come back? 3. Describe the church in a sentence. 4. Would you be interested in sharing your testimony about how OCEC has impacted your life? Oregon City Evangelical Church ~ www.ocec.net
  • 2. Growth Group Study Guide 5. In Titus 2:1-8, what is Paul implying about the importance of Week of _April 18, 2010_ mentors (trusted guides or models)? Getting Started 1. Who is your favorite elderly person and why? 6. Why such an emphasis on self-control? (Titus 2:2, 5, 6, 12) 2. Tell about a favorite teacher. What made them such an effective teacher? What impact will self-control have on your influence and effectiveness as a teacher? (Remember, we are all teaching 3. Sometimes truth hurts. Tell of a time when that saying was others whether we are aware of it or not.) true for you. Into the Word 4. What can you learn about passing the truth along from the 7. According to Paul, what are the consequences of a persons following passages? life not matching what they teach? (Titus 2:1-8) a. Deuteronomy 6:1-9 b. Matthew 28:16-20 c. 2 Timothy 1:5 d. 2 Timothy 2:2