The document outlines the 5 stages of Christ's death: 1) Arrest, 2) First trial, 3) Second and third trials, 4) Via Delorosa (Way of Suffering), and 5) Crucifixion. It provides biblical citations and details for each stage, including Judas kissing Jesus to identify him, Peter denying knowing Jesus three times, Jesus being tried by both religious and Roman authorities, carrying his cross along the Via Delorosa, and finally being crucified at Golgotha.
Judas leads the guards to find JesusJudas leads the guards to find Jesus
Judas identifies Jesus by kissing him onJudas identifies Jesus by kissing him on
both cheeksboth cheeks
In addition to temple guards, there wereIn addition to temple guards, there were
other men in the groupother men in the group
The group was led by MalchusThe group was led by Malchus
Malchus was the high priests mainMalchus was the high priests main
servant or chief of staffservant or chief of staff
5. Arrest-continuedArrest-continued
Peter draws a sword and cuts off the earPeter draws a sword and cuts off the ear
of Malchusof Malchus
Jesus rebukes PeterJesus rebukes Peter
Jesus heals the ear of MalchusJesus heals the ear of Malchus
Jesus agrees to go peacefullyJesus agrees to go peacefully
The disciples scatter into the woodsThe disciples scatter into the woods
6. Stage 2---1Stage 2---1stst
The mob lead Jesus through the streets toThe mob lead Jesus through the streets to
the home of Caiaphasthe home of Caiaphas
Peter follows at a distancePeter follows at a distance
Jesus is led inside while Peter stops in theJesus is led inside while Peter stops in the
This trial is illegalThis trial is illegal
7. 11stst
Reasons for illegalityReasons for illegality
1-1- Trial at nightTrial at night
2-2- Trial in secretTrial in secret
3-3- Not all members were presentNot all members were present
4-4- False witnesses usedFalse witnesses used
Jesus is charged with blasphemyJesus is charged with blasphemy
8. 11stst
Trial ends at dawnTrial ends at dawn
Peter is questioned about JesusPeter is questioned about Jesus
Peter denies knowing Jesus three timesPeter denies knowing Jesus three times
The third time happens as Jesus is led outThe third time happens as Jesus is led out
of the house at dawnof the house at dawn
Rooster crows after the third denialRooster crows after the third denial
9. 11stst
Jesus is led to the TempleJesus is led to the Temple
Attempted to legalize the convictionAttempted to legalize the conviction
Met at the Chamber of Hewn StoneMet at the Chamber of Hewn Stone
Jesus formally charged withJesus formally charged with
A sin against the name of GodA sin against the name of God
Claimed to have power from GodClaimed to have power from God
10. Stage 3---2Stage 3---2ndnd
and 3and 3rdrd
Jesus is led through the streets toJesus is led through the streets to
Antonios FortressAntonios Fortress
This is the residence of Pontius Pilate, theThis is the residence of Pontius Pilate, the
Roman Governor or ProcuratorRoman Governor or Procurator
Caiaphas demands that Pilate executeCaiaphas demands that Pilate execute
Jesus because he knows the trial can beJesus because he knows the trial can be
called illegalcalled illegal
11. 22ndnd
and 3and 3rdrd
Pilate questions JesusPilate questions Jesus
Pilate and Caiaphas were playing a gamePilate and Caiaphas were playing a game
of politics and one-upmanshipof politics and one-upmanship
Caiaphas wanted Pilate to execute JesusCaiaphas wanted Pilate to execute Jesus
so Caiaphas could deny involvementso Caiaphas could deny involvement
Pilate did not want to execute because hePilate did not want to execute because he
wanted to embarrass Caiaphaswanted to embarrass Caiaphas
Pilate really did not carePilate really did not care
12. 22ndnd
and 3and 3rdrd
Pilate sends Jesus to Herod Antipas, thePilate sends Jesus to Herod Antipas, the
King of GalileeKing of Galilee
Herod wanted Jesus to perform for himHerod wanted Jesus to perform for him
When Jesus refused, he got angry andWhen Jesus refused, he got angry and
sent him backsent him back
13. 22ndnd
and 3and 3rdrd
Jesus is sent to the Praetorium, theJesus is sent to the Praetorium, the
administrative officesadministrative offices
Pilate continues to try to find a way to freePilate continues to try to find a way to free
Pilate offers the people a choicePilate offers the people a choice
14. 22ndnd
and 3and 3rdrd
Barabbas was known asBarabbas was known as
JesusJesus BarBarabbasabbas
Name could have confused Pilate as theyName could have confused Pilate as they
both sounded similarboth sounded similar
Pilate had Jesus scourgedPilate had Jesus scourged
Whipped 39 times to avoid violating lawWhipped 39 times to avoid violating law
Given a crown of thornsGiven a crown of thorns
15. 22ndnd
and 3and 3rdrd
Caiaphas accuses Jesus of namingCaiaphas accuses Jesus of naming
himself a kinghimself a king
This puts him in opposition to CaesarThis puts him in opposition to Caesar
Pilate has no choice but to convict JesusPilate has no choice but to convict Jesus
Pilate washes his hands of the guilt of thisPilate washes his hands of the guilt of this
sentence as a last attack on Caiaphassentence as a last attack on Caiaphas
16. Stage 4---VIA DELOROSAStage 4---VIA DELOROSA
The Way of Sorrow or of SufferingThe Way of Sorrow or of Suffering
Consists of many of the Stations of theConsists of many of the Stations of the
Begins when Jesus is given part of hisBegins when Jesus is given part of his
cross to carrycross to carry
There are three non-biblical storiesThere are three non-biblical stories
There are two biblical storiesThere are two biblical stories
17. Via Delorosa--continuedVia Delorosa--continued
Cross part is only horizontal or crossbarCross part is only horizontal or crossbar
Cross was laid over the shoulders and tiedCross was laid over the shoulders and tied
Guards accompanied Jesus through theGuards accompanied Jesus through the
Was meant to be public spectacleWas meant to be public spectacle
18. Via Delarosa (non-biblical)Via Delarosa (non-biblical)
Veronica wipes the blood off his faceVeronica wipes the blood off his face
Still wearing the crown of thornsStill wearing the crown of thorns
Image stained the clothImage stained the cloth
Name may mean true icon from veraName may mean true icon from vera
ikon or she who brings victory fromikon or she who brings victory from
19. Via Delarosa (non-biblical)Via Delarosa (non-biblical)
Jesus meets his mother along the wayJesus meets his mother along the way
It seems natural that Mary would wait forIt seems natural that Mary would wait for
her son to come byher son to come by
Guards would not do anything to stop herGuards would not do anything to stop her
20. Via Delarosa (non-biblical)Via Delarosa (non-biblical)
Jesus falls three timesJesus falls three times
He probably fell many more timesHe probably fell many more times
Each fall represents a person of the TrinityEach fall represents a person of the Trinity
21. Via Delarosa (biblical)Via Delarosa (biblical)
Simon of Cyrene carries the CrossSimon of Cyrene carries the Cross
Cyrene is in Northern AfricaCyrene is in Northern Africa
Simon was a farmerSimon was a farmer
Sons present as wellSons present as well
Alexander and RufusAlexander and Rufus
22. Via Delarosa (biblical)Via Delarosa (biblical)
Jesus encounters the weeping women ofJesus encounters the weeping women of
Tells them not to weep for him but weepTells them not to weep for him but weep
for themselvesfor themselves
Prophesies the persecution of the JewsProphesies the persecution of the Jews
Masada fallsMasada falls
Jesus carries the cross to CalvaryJesus carries the cross to Calvary
Calvary was local dump for JerusalemCalvary was local dump for Jerusalem
Within Calvary was the location forWithin Calvary was the location for
execution called Golgothaexecution called Golgotha
Golgotha is the Place of the SkullGolgotha is the Place of the Skull
24. Crucifixion--continuedCrucifixion--continued
Jesus is laid on the cross barJesus is laid on the cross bar
Large nails are hammered into his handsLarge nails are hammered into his hands
New tradition says nails in the wrist toNew tradition says nails in the wrist to
support bodysupport body
Recent research shows nails in palms canRecent research shows nails in palms can
support body if feet are nailedsupport body if feet are nailed
25. Crucifixion--continuedCrucifixion--continued
Sign placed above the head of JesusSign placed above the head of Jesus
Sign written in three languagesSign written in three languages
Hebrewlanguage of religionHebrewlanguage of religion
Greeklanguage of commerce and learningGreeklanguage of commerce and learning
Latinlanguage of governmentLatinlanguage of government