2. Editorial
Aliti as assi ommolup tibeaque sin ne odistia quatquis none cum dolupta tioneca estrum cor
Obis dus, sitint, sa samendi con plant.
Ro il il inciusti con pra dis reperspient, quid min ra essim ne deliqui aut mo et labora acepedi
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dolent qui atemque sinimus moditios ea cus am quide commodi squiam doluptatust et a
quibusci repratus ant.
Imincidus. Ibus, quatis pernatem haribus esti consequod etureste volorem reptat.
Vellest orepele caborem rerfernam aut estempore nossecea volene as ut rersperferum esto qui
que voluptatur, sandae omnimusamet, offic tem. Custo modions enectio. Sae. Nemque id que
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nosant, ut magnimaio modis atur accuptatem.
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Gendis perferepra invelenieni que none netur?
Pliberrores Magnim
3. Content
4 Snippets
Record performance in 2010
Did you know
From history
Passport Adalat
Important Events
Passport Officers Conference for Southern Region
Estimates Committee of Lok Sabha
EAMs visit to RPO Kochi
(Cover Story: From the Desk of the Regional Passport Offices-
EAMs visit to RPO Kochi)
Knowledge Sharing Appeal Procedure
Status Scan
Project Updates
Go Live The Road Ahead
Voice of the customer Citizen Feedback
Chief Passport Officers List
Retirement from the Central Passport Organization
Appointments in the CPV Division
Appointments as RPOs
PSP: Frequently Asked questions
Successful completion of 3rd Party Audit
RPO Mumbai Plays Key Role in Libyan Evacuation
13th National Conference of All India Passport
Employees Association
Partners in the PSP
4. Snippets
Record performance in 2010
Over the last five decades, there has been considerable expansion in both the
scope and volume of services rendered by the Passport Offices. The number
of passports issued by all the Passport Offices in India in 1979 was a mere 8.51
lakh which has gone up to 52.51 lakh in 2010. Similarly, 2010 witnessed highest
number of new passports Issued and miscellaneous services rendered, at 59.27
lakh and are a record ever achieved in a year.
Did you know
A small State like Kerala with a population of 31 million has four Passport Offices
which together issued 7.21 lakh Passports and rendered 1.35 miscellaneous
services during 2010.
From history
The first four Regional Passport Offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai
were established in 1955.
Passport Adalat
All Passport Offices will hold a Passport Adalat on last Friday of every month.
Please check with your area Passport Office for more details.
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
5. Important Events
Passport Officers Conference for Southern Region
A Passport Officers Conference for Southern Region held in Kochi.
RPO conference was held on 26-27 December, 2010 in Kochi for the Regional
passport Officers of Southern Indi a. 16 passport officers from passport offices in
Tamil Nadu (4), Kerela (4), Karnataka (1), Andhra Pradesh (2), Maharashtra (4) and
Goa(1) attended this conference. Foreign secretary Ms. Nirupama Rao, Additional
Secretary Mr. Basant Gupta, VP and Government ISU head , TCS Mr. Tanmoy
Chakrabarty along with senior leadership from MEA and TCS addressed the RPOs
and highlighted their role as ambassadors of change in this transition to the
new PSP system. The sessions were well received and provided a good forum for
addressing any queries the participants had. The RPOs were enthused and eagerly
await the arrival of the transformational program in the coming year.
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
6. Estimates Committee of Lok Sabha
The Estimates Committee of the Lok Sabha visited the RPOs
in Mumbai and Kochi and presented a report.
Study Tour of the Committee on Estimates to Mumbai
and Kochi
Committee on Estimates of Lok Sabha lead by Shri. Francisco
Sardinha undertook an on-the-spot study tour of the RPO
Mumbai on 09.02.11 and the RPO Kochi on 10.02.11. The
Committee focused on the subject Customer Services in
Passport offices. During the on-the-spot study tour, the
members of the committee interacted with members of the
public as well as the officials of the passport offices along
with other officials of Government departments viz. Postal
Department, etc.
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
EAMs visit to RPO Kochi
The EAM visited the RPO Kochi.
External Affairs Minister announces PSK launch
schedule for Kerala
Shri S.M Krishna, Hon. Minister for External Affairs, Govt.
of India visited the Regional Passport Office, Kochi on Feb
01, 2011. He was given a very warm and cordial welcome
by the officers and staff of the Office as well as the project
personnel of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). After a brief
interaction with the concerned officials, he addressed a press
The Hon. Minister declared that thirteen Passport Seva
Kendras (PSKs) would be started by July this year in Kerala, in
addition to the four passport offices in the State.
7. Elaborating further, he stated that these PSKs would
be located at Neyyatinkara, Thiruvanthapuram, Kollam,
Alapppuzha, Kottayam, Kochi, Aluva, Thrissur, Malappuram,
Kozhikode, Vadakara, Kannur and Payyanoor. It was revealed
that of the 8.75 Lakh applications received last year, the four
passport offices in the State had succeeded in issuing as
many as 8.56 Lakh passports till date.
Explaining the situation in the country at large, the Minister
stated that a record number of 62.13 Lakh passport
applications were received across the country in 2010, and
that the passport offices had successfully issued 59.27
Lakh new passports during the same period. The Ministry
anticipates the numbers to cross one Crore this year.
The Minister also pointed out that police verification had
been made a must for issuance of a passport and that
there would not be any compromise on such security checks.
According to him, the Foreign Secretary has communicated
this to the Chief Secretaries of all states, in order to ensure
better support from the Local Police to the Passport Offices in
faster clearance of the pending Police Verification files. Such
co-ordination and support are essential, as Police Verification
is a time-consuming process involving an onerous
Shri. Krishna also added that the Ministry of External Affairs
has decided to upgrade the infrastructure facilities in all
passport offices across the country for speedy issuance
of passports. With the demand for passports expected to
reach one Crore soon, the government is planning to take
up a project to link Passport Seva Portal to district police
headquarters so that reports are received expeditiously. In
this regard, a data centre and a network operation centre
have been opened in Delhi and a disaster recovery centre in
The complement of officers and personnel welcoming and
briefing the Minister, included Mr.B.K.Gupta, Additional
Secretary, MEA, Mr.T.Cherian, Under Secretary, Mr.
B.Sreekumar, Regional Passport Officer as well as TCS PSK
Regional Head, Mr. Lijo Mannaraprayil and Mr. Sharat. Rajan,
Manager, Passport Seva Project Team.
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
8. Knowledge Sharing
Appeal Procedure
1. There is a two tier system of appeals under the Passports Act:
(i) JS (PSP& CPO) is the Appellate Authority against decisions taken U/s.6 or the 10 by the Passport Authorities
(Passport Offices/ Missions/ Posts) and U/s 10A by Pos, and
(ii) Additional Secretary (CPV) in the Ministry of External Affairs is the Appellate Authority in respect of passports
suspended/ impounded/ revoked decisions taken by the Chief Passport Officer himself.
2. However, there is no appeal if the decision is taken by the Central Government under section 6(2) (i) (when the issue
of passport or travel document is rejected to an applicant in the interest of public.).
3. A person, whose passport application is refused U/s 6 or passports is suspended/ impounded/ revoked U/s.10, is first
expected to avail the remedy of appeal U/s.11 before approaching the High Court/ the Supreme Court.
4. While conveying the decision to the passport applicant/ holder on denial of passport facilities, the Passport Authority
should invariably inform the applicant/ passport holder of their right of appeal to the Chief Passport Officer.
5. The aggrieved applicants have to apply within 30 days from the date of receipt of the order.
6. They have to deposit Rs.25/- towards the appeal fee in Passport Office or Treasury/ Mission. The appeal fee, if paid in
Treasury is to be credited in Account No. 065- Other Administrative Services- Other Receipt.
Status Scan
Project Updates The story so far
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
9. Project Statistics*
*Number of citizens managed daily 3,500
*No of applications processed under PSP lakhs
*No of passports dispatched lakhs
*No of apps pending for Police verification (>21 days) 46K
*No of calls received at call centre daily - 3000
*No of hits to online portal daily 15000+
*No of eforms uploaded daily 1300+
*The above mentioned statistics are as of 31st December 2010
Go live the road ahead
It is our endeavor to reach out to the staff at the RPOs and keep them informed and updated on the project progress. Several
critical milestones from a site readiness, staff readiness and support availability perspective need to be accomplished before a
PSK can become functional and serve the needs of the citizens.
To stay up to date on the progress of the project, keep viewing the poster at your site regularly!
The first step in the journey is the approval of the Passport Seva Kendra site by Ministry of External affairs. Once the site is
approved, construction of the building begins. This is followed by training of RPO staff. Training of RPO staff includes training
on how to use the new application and also training on soft skills. After successfully completing these trainings you will feel
confident of using the new system.
Since police staff is closely involved in the issue of a passport, they are also trained on the new application. Once trainings are
completed, the RPO is equipped with the necessary IT Infrastructure such as computers and networks etc. In the meanwhile,
the PSK site construction is completed.MEA and NSIG officials then audit the PSK to ensure that all security and equipment
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
10. standards are met. On successful completion of the audit, trial runs begin at the PSK. Once the staff is comfortable in using
the new system and the operations run smoothly during the trial runs, the site reaches the final milestone of Go-Live!
A Countdown Poster depicting this journey has been specially designed to keep you updated on the progress at your RPO.
The Index box on the poster, lists these major milestones to be achieved before Go-Live at each PSK. As each milestone is
achieved, the flying passport will move on the poster. Project updates from other RPOs will appear on the left hand side, in
the space provided. This space will also give updates on the achievements of the Passport Seva Project.
Voice Of customer
citizen feedback
All the 7 Pilot PSKs continue to deliver exemplary service to
the citizens in a convenient and transparent manner. With
the Wave 1 of expansion on the cards, it is essential that
the best practices followed across are replicated to ensure
continuity of citizen delights across all upcoming PSKs also.
Proper feedback management plays an important part
not only in tracking and monitoring of services but also in
suggesting improvements to take the citizen satisfaction
to the next level. Over a period of time, our experience
in Project execution has enabled us to appreciate the
importance of well executed feedback management to
capture timely, accurate and relevant information.
Across all the PSKs, a well designed and robust feedback
mechanism has been put in place and a comprehensive
methodology of collation and analysis has been devised to
indicate and properly reflect the trends in citizen satisfaction.
Various channels used for feedback collection are as follows
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
hysical feedback forms at PSKs
n ouch screen facility installed at PSKs (Currently installed
South PSKs only)
n -Mails received at PSP Helpdesk
n nline through the Passport Seva Portal
n all Centre
Collection of feedback is done on the following four
leanliness and ambience
fficiency / service delivery
verall Experience
This document intends to present an overview of the trends
in citizen satisfaction gathered over a period of 3 months
(January- March2011)
11. Feedback at Passport Seva Kendras
Seven pilot PSKs that are fully operational are:
Bangalore Lal Bagh
Bangalore RPO
Bangalore Sai Arcade
Bangalore RPO
Hubli Bangalore RPO
Bangalore RPO
Chandigarh RPO
Chandigarh RPO
Chandigarh RPO
Feedback from more than 30000 applicants collected
through various channels in the month of Jan, Feb and
n Services delivered by all the seven Pilot PSKs have
been highly appreciated by the applicants.
n Citizen Satisfaction level overall for all PSKs has been
consistently above 98% at all the times in the month
of Jan, Feb and Mar2011.
n Parameters Cleanliness & Ambience and Courtesy
have been rated high by the applicants at Hubli,
Mangalore, Ludhiana and Ambala PSKs.
n Parameters Efficiency/Service delivery and Overall
Experience have been rated very well by the citizens
for all the PSKs.
Overall Citizen Feedback
of 99.17 % Citizen Satisfaction level overall for all PSKs.
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
12. Crossings
Chief Passport Officers List
S. Name
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
March 1954
July 1955
August 1957
December 1959
November 1962
August 1964
April 1967
August 1970
September 1973 July 1975
I. J. Broughton
K. D. Bhasin
Ranbir Singh
P. S. Kotada Sangani
Muni Lal
V. A. Kidwai
A. K. Nag
A. R. Sethi
S. J. S. Chhatwal
M. Kutty
C. V. Ranganathan
L. N. Rangarajan
K. D. Sharma
H. C. S. Dhody
M. K. Mangalmurti
P. S. Sahai
Y. M. Tiwari
O. P. Gupta
R. B. Mardhekar
Smt. L. K. Ponappa
T. C. A. Rangachari
B. K. Mitra
K. C. Singh
Francis Vaz
S. R. Tayal
Banbit A. Roy
Dr. A. K. Amrohi
R. R. Dash
R. Swaminathan
A. Manickam
Muktesh Pardeshi
August 1976 March 1977
March 1977 July 1978
July 1978 July 1980
July 1980 January 1981
January 1981 September 1981
September 1981 August 1984
August 1984 March 1986
March 1986 April 1991
April 1991 July 1992
July 1992 August 1992
August 1992 July 1994
July 1994 June 1995
June 1995 June 1996
June 1996 April 1998
April 1998 January 1999
January 1999 September 2002
September 2002 February 2003
February 2003 July 2005
July 2005 May 2007
May 2007 March 2009
March 2009 October 2010
October 2010- till date
13. Retirement from the Central Passport Organization
List of the Retiring officers from the Central Passport Organization (2011 2012)
Date of
Date of
Retierment from
Shri S Y Chavan
24.03.1951 31.03.2011 Thane
Shri Marshal Kujur
08.03.1951 31.03.2011 Lucknow
Shri I M Sabharwai
07.03.1951 31.03.2011 Chandigarh
Shri Dhanjibhai R Gamit
02.04.1951 30.04.2011 Ahmedabad
Smt V B Kamble
25.04.1951 30.04.2011 Nagpur
Smt N A Saraswathy
26.04.1951 30.04.2011 Cochin
Shri C G Rajan
10.04.1951 30.04.2011 Cochin
Shri K S D Thameem
11.04.1951 30.04.2011 Chennai
Shri M A Nalinakshan
11.05.1951 31.05.2011 Bangalore
Shri S B Hire
15.05.1951 31.05.2011 Mumbai
Shri P Narayanan
02.05.1951 31.05.2011 Cochin
Shri M K Satam
01.06.1951 31.05.2011 Mumbai
Smt Lalitha Chacko
01.06.1951 31.05.2011 Cochin
Appointments in the CPV Division
a. Mr. A.K. Sobti took charge as Director (PSP) in April 2011
b. Mr. R.K. Singh took charge as Director (CPV) in May 2011
Appointments as RPOs
a. Mr. C. Santhil Pandian took charge as RPO, Chennai in April 2011
b. Mr. Rajesh Sharma took charge as RPO, Shimla in May 2011
Passport seva project: frequently asked questions (faqs)
Why there was a need of Passport Seva Project in place
of the existing system?
This initiative is to be driven by the following Vision
statement of the Passport Seva Project (PSP):
To deliver all Passport-related services to the citizens in
a timely, transparent, more accessible, reliable manner
& in a comfortable environment through streamlined
processes and committed, trained & motivated
What are the desired outcomes of the PSP?
The followings are the desired outcomes for the various
stakeholders of the PSP.
For Citizens:
a. Delivery of all Passport-related services within defined
service levels
b. Closer access points for services
c. Ease of availability of all Passport-related information
d. Portfolio of online services with certainty and speed and
with a real-time status tracking and enquiry facility
e. Availability of good public facilities at the Passport
Facilitation Centres
f. Anywhere service
g. Multiple service delivery channels
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
14. h. Ease of payment of fees for the services received
i. An effective Grievance Redressal Mechanism
j. Transparency in availing the services
For Employees:
a. Uniform and well-defined work procedures
b. Rationalized work norms and clear accountability for
c. Incentives for higher productivity
d. Recognition to efficient employees
e. Trainings for requisite skill enhancement
f. High growth opportunity in areas of value-added services,
on account of outsourcing of non-core activities
g. Better work environment
For Ministry of External Affairs(MEA):
a. Improved service delivery to citizens
b. Standardized practices and procedures across all Passport
c. Centralized decision support system to monitor and
evaluate the performance of all Passport offices across
d. Capability to handle increased demand
e. Better utilization of Government resources in areas of
value-added services, on account of outsourcing of non-
core activities
Is PSP a privatisation drive?
No. The Passport Seva Project is undertaken by the Ministry
of External affairs and the ownership lies fully and solely
with the Ministry. All the sovereign assets including data and
information is owned by the Ministry both de-jure and defacto.
How is Application Security concerns addressed in PSP
when the software has been developed by the private
Service Provider?
When it comes to Software development, major clients
worldwide including Government clients, Banks etc, the
Software development is entrusted to specialist software
companies which the client select through open bidding
process. In case of PSP too, the software development has
been taken up by M/s TCS Limited, the SP of the Passport
Seva Project selected through open bidding process.
However, when it comes to the security concern of the
software Codes being written by SP, standards procedures
has been followed in PSP, as being followed worldwide.
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
What are Passportv Seva Kendras (PSK)?
PSKs are the front-end delivery channels to be located across
the country as part of the Passport Seva Project. 77 PSKs will
be built under the Passport Seva Project. 7 PSKs out of 77
has already been functioning from past 6-8 months as part
of the pilot project and has been verified and okayed by the
Third Party Audit Agency.
Who owns the PSKs and who is heading it?
PSK is owned by the Ministry and is headed by Assistant
Passport Officer from the CPO Cadre.
How will Passport Offices(PO)/Regional Passport
Offices function(RPO)?
The POs/RPOs will continue to function as usual like printing
of passport, lamination, Quality Check, Dispatch etc. Also,
the escalated/complex cases from PSKs are dealt in the
Passport Office. Under each POs/RPOs there may be one
or more than one PSKs. Passport Officer/Regional Passport
Officer will be the overall administrative head of the PSKs
associated with the concerned Passport Office.
Will the Passport Seva Project lead to downsizing of
CPO Cadre?
No. In fact, after launch of the pilot project in Bangalore
and Chandigarh, it has been observed that the demand of
the passport seekers have increased one and half times (1.5
times). This will result into requirement of more man-power
resources from the Ministry side.
Will it hamper career prospects of Central Passport
Office(CPO) personnel?
No. Ministry is constantly reviewing the promotion and other
policies that will lead to better career growth of the CPO
What are the advantages which PSP offers to
Following are the noticeable advantages employees can
experience in light of the Passport Seva Project:
World Class Passport Seva Kendras with better
amenities and comfortable working environment.
ii. Cluttered and time consuming tasks have been
outsourced to the SP and employees have to deal
with only filtered application coming from front-end
delivery channel.
iii. Availability of support staff provided by SP during
working hours.
15. iv.
Employees do not have to deal with the crowds.
Centralize application and Database ensuring better
availability and uniformity.
Improved performance due to state
of the art infrastructure and system deployment.
Audit trail that ensures the legality of the task being
performed by the user.
Performance based incentive.
What is the implementation status of the PSP? What is
the roll-out plan across the Country?
Till date 7 Passport Seva Kendras are running under the
jurisdiction of RPO Chandigarh and Bangalore. Wave-I PSKs
covering the POs/RPOs under TN, Kerala, AP and Delhi is
expected to be completed by June-July 2011. Final rollout
covering all the PSKs across the country is expected to be
completed by the end of 2011.
Successful completion of 3rd Party Audit
7 pilot sites are operating successfully in various parts of the
country. On Jaunary 11, 2011, the Third Party Audit Agency
(3PAA)- Standardization Testing and Quality Certification
(STQC) Directorate, Department of Information Technology,
Ministry of Communications and IT, Govt. of India
satisfactorily completed the compliance verification due at
the end of the pilot phase of the project. The project is now
rearing to go-ahead for roll out across the country.
RPO Mumbai Plays Key Role in Libyan
Regional Passport Mumbai, headed by the RPO Shri Vinoy K.
Choubey was the nodal agency to oversee the returning of
Indian citizens from Libya via Mumbai because of disturbed
domestic conditions in Libya. The first Flight carrying
passengers from Libya landed at Mumbai International
Airport on 28.2.2011. Since then a total of 28 flights have
arrived at Mumbai carrying a total of 3257 Indian citizens
from Libya. These flights comprised of flights chartered by
Government of India and some scheduled service flights
carrying Indian evacuees from Libya along with other
passengers. These flights originated from airports in Libya or
in the neighboring counties.
On arrival at Mumbai International Airport, air tickets /
financial assistance were provided to the passengers for
onward journey to their respective destinations by RPO
Mumbai officials. A total of 1300 - 1400 (as per estimates
provided by M/s Balmer & Lawrie ) passengers were given air
tickets. The air tickets were booked by M/s Balmer & Lawrie
on authorization of RPO, Mumbai.
Similarly, 1239 passengers were provided financial assistance.
Rupees 2000/- & rupees 1000/- were given to adult and
child below 12 years respectively. A total amount of Rupees
24,29000/- were disbursed. Assistance with respect to
getting confirmed railway reservation or placement of new
railway bogie was provided through Railway officials present
at the airport. A number of evacuees were employees of
well known companies. Many a times the representatives of
these companies took responsibility of their staff returning
from Libya at the airport itself, provided them assistance and
made suitable arrangements for their onward journey. Such
passengers were not provided any assistance by us.
Service of more than 25 officers and staff from RPO, Mumbai
were utilized for this operation. They were manning the
operations at the airport round the clock, at times even after
working in the office during office hours. At later date, 3
officials from PO, Thane, 2 officials from PO, Pune and 2
officials from PO, Surat reported to this office and were also
roped in to assist in the operations.
Apart from officials of RPO, Mumbai, officials from protocol
department of State Government, Indian Railway, Protector
of Emigrants, GVK and M/s Bamler & Lawrie were actively
involved in the process of assisting the Indian citizens
returning from Libya. GVK provided food, tea, coffee, water
and free mobile facilities to the passengers.
Since holding area at Mumbai International Airport is very
small it used to become very crowded especially on arrival of
charted flights. Since the control room was remote from the
holding area not much use could be made of telephone and
Xerox facility available there.
The blue print for the above operation was prepared by
AS(CPV) and JS(PSP)&CPO when they visited Mumbai just
before the onset of operation. AS(CPV) chaired the meetings
which was attended by senior officials from State Protocol
Department, GVK, POE, M/s Balmer & Lawrie apart from
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
16. JS(PSP) and RPO Officials etc. in which detailed modalities were worked out. Later on the operations were supervised and
guided by JS(Cons) and JS(PSP)&CPO.
Officials from RPO, Mumbai were the key implementing agency who were involved in actual execution and were also main
coordinating authority wherever assistance of other agencies were required by the Indians returning home. RPO Mumbai
officials worked round the clock with enthusiasm at the airport to make the operation a big success.
13th National Conference of all india passport employees association
13th National Conference of All India Passport Employees Association was held on 30th April and 1st May, 2011 at Viswa
Yuva Kendra, New Delhi where election for all posts of Central Committee were conducted and following were declared
elected to the post stated against their names.
Vice President
General Secretary
Secretary Organisation
Joint Secretary Organisation
Finance secretary
Zonal Secretary (N)
Zonal Secretary (C)
Zonal Secretary (E)
Zonal Secretary (W)
Zonal Secretary (S)
Joint Zonal Secretary (N)
Joint Zonal Secretary (C)
Joint Zonal Secretary (E)
Joint Zonal Secretary (W)
Joint Zonal Secretary (S)
Shri M. Vasudev
Shri B. S. Rana
Shri Venugopalan TK
Shri G. Shrinivasa Rao
Shri Giriraj Sharma
Smt Anita Bhatnagar
Shri Dipankar Das
Shri Harinarayan Juhare
Shri Debasish Bhattacharjee
Shri C. G. Solanki
Shri N.K. Suriyaprakash
Shri Hari Om
Shri Lalit Kumar
Shri Santosh Kumar
Shri Piyush Vaghela
Shri P. K. Behera
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
Shri S. Ajithkumar
Shri Naresh Kumar
Shri Ram Kripal Singh
17. Partners in the PSP Project
The Passport Seva Project is being implemented by the
Ministry of External Affairs in partnership with a number of
organizations who have played a key role in conceiving and
implementing this pioneering scheme. These include:
Consultancy Services: TCS, one of Indias leading
providers of IT and business solutions, is the designated
Service Provider for the Passport Seva Project.
n Tata
Institute for Smart Governance: NISG, a
body envisaged to lead private sector competencies
in the implementation of e-governance projects and
registered under S. 25 of the Companies Act, has been
closely involved with the development of the detailed
project report and the final RFP. It continues to monitor
the progress of the project to ensure compliance with
the RFP.
n National
for the Development of Advanced
Computing: C-DAC, a premier R&D institution under
the Department of IT, Ministry of Communication and
IT carries out research in areas of IT, electronics and
related areas. C-DAC, being a government agency,
holds the strategic control over the data from the
Project thus ensuring its security and protection from
n Centre
Testing and Quality Certification:
STQC Directorate, under the Department of Information
Technology is the principal agency of the Government
that provides assurances for software quality,
information security and IT service management. In the
PSP, it has been instrumental in providing the third party
audit that has been undertaken in the seven Passport
Seva Kendras.
n Standardization,
Passport Patrika (Jan-June 2011)
18. VOL 01 | Jan June 2011
Editor: Mr Muktesh Pardeshi
Editorial Team: Abu Mathen George, Maneesha Gupta, Shweta Singh
Passport Patrika is published by MEA, New Delhi.
For viewing online version of Passport Patrika, please visit http://passportindia.gov.in
Editorial contributions and letters should be addressed to the Editor, Passport Patrika.
Voice your opinions/suggestions/feedback at passportpatrika@gmail.com