The document describes the formation of sentences in the Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses in English. It provides the conjugations of the auxiliary verb "to be" and main verbs in the affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms of both tenses. For the Past Simple, examples are given using the verbs "to go" and for the Past Continuous examples are given using the -ing form of "to go." The document explains how to change sentences between the three forms for both tenses in English.
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Past tences
1. Past Simple (仂亠亟亠亠 于亠仄)
仍舒亞仂仍 to be
仍舒亞仂仍 亟亠亶于亳
(go, sing, eat, sleep etc.)
丕于亠亟亳亠仍仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠
弌 + II 仂仄舒 to be (was/were)
I was 亊 弍仍
He was 仆 弍仍
She was
It was
We were
They were
You were
丕于亠亟亳亠仍仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠
弌 + II 仂仄舒 亞仍舒亞仂仍舒
I went / walked 亊 仂亟亳仍
He went / walked 仆 仂亟亳仍
She went / walked
It went / walked
We went / walked
They went / walked
You went / walked
2. Past Simple (仂亠亟亠亠 于亠仄)
仍舒亞仂仍 to be
仍舒亞仂仍 亟亠亶于亳
(go, sing, eat, sleep etc.)
仂仗仂亳亠仍仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠
(仂仗. 仍) II 仂仄舒 to be (was/were) +
Was I
Was he
Was she
Was it
Were we
Were they
Were you
仂仗仂亳亠仍仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠
(仂仗. 仍) Did + + 亞仍舒亞仂仍?
Did I go? 丱仂亟亳仍 仍亳 ?
Did he go? 仆 仂亟亳仍?
Did she go?
Did it go?
Did we go?
Did they go?
Did you go?
3. Past Simple (仂亠亟亠亠 于亠仄)
仍舒亞仂仍 to be
仍舒亞仂仍 亟亠亶于亳
(go, sing, eat, sleep etc.)
亳舒亠仍仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠
弌 + II 仂仄舒 to be + not
I was not
He was not (wasnt)
She was not (wasnt)
It was not (wasnt)
We were not (werent)
They were not (werent)
You were not (werent)
亳舒亠仍仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠
弌 + did + not + 亞仍舒亞仂仍
I did not go (didnt)
He did not go (didnt) 仆 仆亠 仂亟亳仍
She did not go (didnt)
It did not go (didnt)
We did not go (didnt)
They did not go (didnt)
You did not go (didnt)
4. Past Continious (仂亠亟亠亠 亟仍亳亠仍仆仂亠)
弌 + II 仂仄舒 to be + 亞仍舒亞仂仍 + ing
丕于亠亟亳. 仂仗仂. 亳舒仆亳亠
I was going Was I going? I was not going
He was going Was he going? He was not going
She was going Was she going? She was not going
It was going Was it going? It was not going
We were going Were we going? We were not going
They were going Were they going? They were not going
You were going Were you going? You were not going