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(iovcrnmcnt of Kcrala
ca,og mrdoocr0
Regn. No. KtiRllll.20 I 2/45073
datcd 5-9-2012 with RNI
Rcg. No. oMl. m<nlr6
Kr-/'rv( N)t 63 4 I 2Ot 2-t 4
Geog om)od
rurgtr.fl o,co1a ac co.r'l Lo-rmfl rilo gls]<on'rlcmcfi
Vrrl, It
otcnSo 2
'fhiruvananth&puram, lTth .Ianuary 20I3
Thursdar* 2013 ut<n:orc1 17
l'inancc (Rules-B) Department
G. O. (P) No. 27l20134in. Dated, Thiruvananthctpuram, Iilth January, 2013.
S. }l. O. No. 33/2013.-In cxercise of the powers conferrcd by
sub-scction (l) of section 2 of thc Kcrala public Services Act,
1968 (19 of 1968), rcad with section 3 thereod the.Govsrnmcnt of Kcrala hcrcby
makc the following, rules furthcr to amcnd thc Kcrala Servicc
Rulcs, namcly:
1. short titlc und commencement. -(l) '[hcsc rulqs may bc callcd the Kcrala
Scrvicc (-lhird Amcndmcnt) Rulcs, 2013.
(2) 'l'hcy shall bc deemed to have comc into forcc on the 26th day of
l;cbruary, 201l.
27th Pousha 1934
1934 a"mrw 2'l
No. 'l
rnmrd J
2. Amendment of Rules. ,In part I of thc Kcrala Scrvicc Rulcs, .-
(t) in sub-rulc (ii) of rue77, after thc words,.matcmigr lcavc,', tbc words
"patcrnity lcavc" shall bc inscrtcd;
(2) aftcr rulc 102A, thc following shall bc irscrtcd, namcly:
"scction IX ll
102 B. Thc compctcnt authority may lrant patcmity lcavc for a pcriod up to
l0 days to.male State Govcmment I:mployccs during thc confincmcnt of his wifc
for two dclivcrics, with full pay and allowances as admissiblc undcr rulc 92 of
Part I, Kerala Scrvice Rulcs. 'fhc grant of sirch lcavc shall be subjcct to thc
following fuither conditions, namely:- -
(a) that thc lcave will bc grantcd fo. u p..iod up to l0 days bcforc or.
within tfuce months allcr thc datc of dclivcry.
(b) that the lcavc will be grantcd only if thc rcqucst for lcave is supportcd
by a ccrtificatc from thc Mcdical Officcr showing eithcr thc cxpcctcd
date of delivery or the exact datc of dclivcry dcpcnding on whcthcr thc
leave commcnccs beforc or aftcr thc dclivcry as thc casc may bc.
(c) that thc lcavc .*iitt ue allowcd ro bc combincd with othcr kindr oi i.ou"
' axcept leave without allowance undcr Appcndix XII A/XII I]/XII C,
Part I, Kerala. Servicc Rulcs.
(d) that such leavc will not bc debitcd against thc lcavc accounr but its
dctails shall be cntcrcd in thc Scrv'icc Book of thc employce".
By ordcr of thc Govcrnor,
Dn. V. P. Jov,
Itrincipal Secretarv to Government.
Explanatory Notc
('I'his docs not form part of thc notification, but is intcndcd to indicate its
gcncral purporl.)
As pcr tho G. O. (P) No. 3421201l/Irin. datcd llth August,2011, thc
Govcrntneni havc granted thc bcncdt of patcrnity leavc to the male Governrncnt
cmployccs for l0 days.cach for two child birth at the tirnc of dclivcry of his
wifc. In ordcr to givo statutory validity to thc said Govcrnment Ordcr,
(iovcmrncnt havc dccidcd to amcnd thc Kcrala Scrvicc Rulcs.
'l'hc notification is intended to achidve the above object.
'['hc Principal Accountant Gencral (Audit), Kcrala,'l]riruvananthapuram.
'lhc Accountant Gcncral (A & l1), Kcrala, Thiruvananthapuram.
AII Ileads of Deparfincnts and Officcs.
All l)cpartmcnts and Scctions of thc Sccrc(ariat.
'l'hc l)ircctor of 'l'rcasuries, lhiruvananthapuram.
'l'hc Socrctary, Kcrala I'ublic Scrvicc Commission,'I'hiruvananthapuram
(with C, I..).
'l'hc (icncral Managcr, K. S. R. 't. C.,'l'hiruvananthapuram.
'thc ltcgistrar, Iligh Court of Kqrala, tirnakulam (with C. L.).
'l'hc llcgistrars, Universiry of Kcrala/l(ochilCalicut/Mahafrna GandhilKannur
(with C. L.).
'I'hc Rcgistrar, Kerala Lok Ayukta, 'Ihiruvananthapuram.
thc Regisnar, Kcrala Agricultural University, Maruruthi,'I'hrissur.
'Ihc Sccrclary Ombudsman for Local Self Govemmcnt, '[hiruvananthapumm.
'[hc Advocatc (icncral, Kcrala, Ernakulam (with C. L.).
'lhc Sccrctary, K. S. I:. l)., 'Ihiruvananlhapuram (with C. 1..).
All Principal Sccrctarics/Sccrctaries/Special Sccretarics/Additional Sccrctarics/
Joint Sccrctarics/Dcputy Secretarics/Undor Sccretaries to Governmcnt.
'lte Socretary to Covemor, {pj Bhavan.
'Ihc Privatc Sccrctary to Spcakcr/Deputy Spcaker of thc t,cgislativc
fhe Additional Sccrctary to thc Chicf Sccretary.
the Sccrctary lluman Rights Commission,'lhiruvananthapufirm.
'lhc Regishar, Sree Sankara Sanskrit Linivcrsity, Kalady (with C. I-.).
'fhe Private Sccretarics to thc Chicf Mrnister and othcr Ministers.
fhc Private Secretary to the l-eadcr of Opposition.
The State Election Commissioncr, Kerala,'lhiruvananthapuram
'Ihe State Chicf Information Commissioncr (with C. I.).
The Nodal Officcr, wwwfinancc.kcrala.gov.in.
thc Director, Public Rclations I)cpartmcnt.
Stock Filc/Offrce Copy.

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Paternity leave go(p) no 27 2013-fin dated 15-01-2013

  • 1. o (iovcrnmcnt of Kcrala ca,og mrdoocr0 2013 Regn. No. KtiRllll.20 I 2/45073 datcd 5-9-2012 with RNI Rcg. No. oMl. m<nlr6 Kr-/'rv( N)t 63 4 I 2Ot 2-t 4 KERALA GAZICTTE Geog om)od EXTRAORDINARY GnffuC(l)C@5IDo PUBT,ISIIT]D BY AU'II{ORITY rurgtr.fl o,co1a ac co.r'l Lo-rmfl rilo gls]<on'rlcmcfi Vrrl, It otcnSo 2 'fhiruvananth&puram, lTth .Ianuary 20I3 Thursdar* 2013 ut<n:orc1 17 roilo;orn<oror]tbo, o$cl9o GOVERNMHNT OI; KLRAI-A l'inancc (Rules-B) Department NO'TIFICATION G. O. (P) No. 27l20134in. Dated, Thiruvananthctpuram, Iilth January, 2013. S. }l. O. No. 33/2013.-In cxercise of the powers conferrcd by sub-scction (l) of section 2 of thc Kcrala public Services Act, 1968 (19 of 1968), rcad with section 3 thereod the.Govsrnmcnt of Kcrala hcrcby makc the following, rules furthcr to amcnd thc Kcrala Servicc Rulcs, namcly: Rur-rs 1. short titlc und commencement. -(l) '[hcsc rulqs may bc callcd the Kcrala Scrvicc (-lhird Amcndmcnt) Rulcs, 2013. (2) 'l'hcy shall bc deemed to have comc into forcc on the 26th day of l;cbruary, 201l. 33300/2013DTP 27th Pousha 1934 1934 a"mrw 2'l No. 'l Irrs rnmrd J
  • 2. w", 2 2. Amendment of Rules. ,In part I of thc Kcrala Scrvicc Rulcs, .- (t) in sub-rulc (ii) of rue77, after thc words,.matcmigr lcavc,', tbc words "patcrnity lcavc" shall bc inscrtcd; (2) aftcr rulc 102A, thc following shall bc irscrtcd, namcly: "scction IX ll PAUjIINI'IY I.LAyIi 102 B. Thc compctcnt authority may lrant patcmity lcavc for a pcriod up to l0 days to.male State Govcmment I:mployccs during thc confincmcnt of his wifc for two dclivcrics, with full pay and allowances as admissiblc undcr rulc 92 of Part I, Kerala Scrvice Rulcs. 'fhc grant of sirch lcavc shall be subjcct to thc following fuither conditions, namely:- - (a) that thc lcave will bc grantcd fo. u p..iod up to l0 days bcforc or. within tfuce months allcr thc datc of dclivcry. (b) that the lcavc will be grantcd only if thc rcqucst for lcave is supportcd by a ccrtificatc from thc Mcdical Officcr showing eithcr thc cxpcctcd date of delivery or the exact datc of dclivcry dcpcnding on whcthcr thc leave commcnccs beforc or aftcr thc dclivcry as thc casc may bc. (c) that thc lcavc .*iitt ue allowcd ro bc combincd with othcr kindr oi i.ou" ' axcept leave without allowance undcr Appcndix XII A/XII I]/XII C, Part I, Kerala. Servicc Rulcs. (d) that such leavc will not bc debitcd against thc lcavc accounr but its dctails shall be cntcrcd in thc Scrv'icc Book of thc employce". By ordcr of thc Govcrnor, Dn. V. P. Jov, Itrincipal Secretarv to Government.
  • 3. lo o Explanatory Notc ('I'his docs not form part of thc notification, but is intcndcd to indicate its gcncral purporl.) As pcr tho G. O. (P) No. 3421201l/Irin. datcd llth August,2011, thc Govcrntneni havc granted thc bcncdt of patcrnity leavc to the male Governrncnt cmployccs for l0 days.cach for two child birth at the tirnc of dclivcry of his wifc. In ordcr to givo statutory validity to thc said Govcrnment Ordcr, (iovcmrncnt havc dccidcd to amcnd thc Kcrala Scrvicc Rulcs. 'l'hc notification is intended to achidve the above object. '['hc Principal Accountant Gencral (Audit), Kcrala,'l]riruvananthapuram. 'lhc Accountant Gcncral (A & l1), Kcrala, Thiruvananthapuram. AII Ileads of Deparfincnts and Officcs. All l)cpartmcnts and Scctions of thc Sccrc(ariat. 'l'hc l)ircctor of 'l'rcasuries, lhiruvananthapuram. 'l'hc Socrctary, Kcrala I'ublic Scrvicc Commission,'I'hiruvananthapuram (with C, I..). 'l'hc (icncral Managcr, K. S. R. 't. C.,'l'hiruvananthapuram. 'thc ltcgistrar, Iligh Court of Kqrala, tirnakulam (with C. L.). 'l'hc llcgistrars, Universiry of Kcrala/l(ochilCalicut/Mahafrna GandhilKannur (with C. L.). 'I'hc Rcgistrar, Kerala Lok Ayukta, 'Ihiruvananthapuram. thc Regisnar, Kcrala Agricultural University, Maruruthi,'I'hrissur. 'Ihc Sccrclary Ombudsman for Local Self Govemmcnt, '[hiruvananthapumm. '[hc Advocatc (icncral, Kcrala, Ernakulam (with C. L.). 'lhc Sccrctary, K. S. I:. l)., 'Ihiruvananlhapuram (with C. 1..). All Principal Sccrctarics/Sccrctaries/Special Sccretarics/Additional Sccrctarics/ Joint Sccrctarics/Dcputy Secretarics/Undor Sccretaries to Governmcnt.
  • 4. 4 'lte Socretary to Covemor, {pj Bhavan. 'Ihc Privatc Sccrctary to Spcakcr/Deputy Spcaker of thc t,cgislativc Assembly. fhe Additional Sccrctary to thc Chicf Sccretary. the Sccrctary lluman Rights Commission,'lhiruvananthapufirm. 'lhc Regishar, Sree Sankara Sanskrit Linivcrsity, Kalady (with C. I-.). 'fhe Private Sccretarics to thc Chicf Mrnister and othcr Ministers. fhc Private Secretary to the l-eadcr of Opposition. The State Election Commissioncr, Kerala,'lhiruvananthapuram 'Ihe State Chicf Information Commissioncr (with C. I.). The Nodal Officcr, wwwfinancc.kcrala.gov.in. thc Director, Public Rclations I)cpartmcnt. Stock Filc/Offrce Copy. PRJNTED AND ruBLISHED BY'[IIE SUPERINTENDENT OT COVI:RNMf!'T PRGSSFS A]"T}IE GOVERNMENT CENTML PRESS, tHIE,T'VANANIHAruMU. 2013.