This document is a presentation on advanced Cassandra data modeling techniques. It discusses time series modeling, user modeling, using collections like sets, lists and maps, indexing strategies like keyword indexing and bitmap indexing. It encourages the audience to go beyond basic modeling and take advantage of Cassandra features to create "super" models that are fast and efficient. It promotes experimenting with different partitioning and clustering strategies. The presentation concludes by advertising an upcoming modeling competition at the Cassandra summit and sharing a discount code for attendance.
How you can contribute to Apache CassandraYuki Morishita
Yuki Morishita discusses how to contribute to the Apache Cassandra project, including submitting code patches as a programmer or contributing in other ways such as reporting bugs, testing patches, sharing use cases, and helping others on mailing lists and IRC channels. Programmers are instructed on tools, coding style, testing using ccm and cassandra-dtest, and submitting patches via JIRA. Non-programmers are encouraged to report bugs, test patches, blog/tweet experiences, and assist others on forums.
Cassandra v3.0 at Rakuten meet-up on 12/2/2015datastaxjp
Cassandra v3.0 sessions at Cassandra Meet-up at Rakuten Tokyo, Fall 2015. New Functionality (support of JSON, new storage engine, Mview, UDF, UDA etc..)
Investigation of Transactions in Cassandradatastaxjp
Cassandra can be used for more than just big data applications, including global applications and transactions. The presentation discusses how to achieve consistency, atomicity, and isolation in Cassandra transactions. Consistency can be tuned on a per-transaction basis. Atomicity can be achieved using Cassandra BATCH statements. Isolation can be handled using lightweight transactions with IF conditions. An example demonstrates tracking bottlecap balances with transactions in a single table.
This document discusses Apache Spark and Cassandra. It provides an overview of Cassandra as a shared-nothing, masterless, peer-to-peer database with great scaling. It then discusses how Spark can be used to analyze large amounts of data stored in Cassandra in parallel across a cluster. The Spark Cassandra connector allows Spark to create partitions that align with the token ranges in Cassandra, enabling efficient distributed queries across the cluster.
[db tech showcase Tokyo 2015] A27: RDBエンジニアの為のNOSQL, 今どうしてNOSQLなのか?datastaxjp
ここ20年、データベースと言えば、RDBを主に利用してきましたが、ビッグデータ、クラウド、IoTにおいて、データベースは大きく変化してきています。これから技術者は何を知らなくてはいけないのか、NOSQLは、何故今必要なのか? RDBの技術者の為に、Oracle, Netezza, IBM とRDBMS畑を歩んできて、昨年からNOSQLを始めた講師が、NOSQLとは何か?どのようなものがあるのか?どうやって、どこで利用するのか?を説明いたします。
English follows Japanese.
筑波技術大学アレクサスキル開発チームがJAWS のユーザグループで登壇した内容です.視覚障害者の開発についても少しだけ触れています.
This is a presentation given by the Tsukuba University of Technology Alexa Skills Development Team at a JAWS user group. It also touches briefly on development for visually impaired people.
Guidance for beginners and experts on how to set up a Windows driver developm...Atomu Hidaka
This explains how to build a Windows driver development environment that can be used immediately by beginners and experts alike. The author, who has extensive experience developing various Windows drivers, shows the latest and simplest ways to use Visual Studio and WDK.
Cassandra v3.0 at Rakuten meet-up on 12/2/2015datastaxjp
Cassandra v3.0 sessions at Cassandra Meet-up at Rakuten Tokyo, Fall 2015. New Functionality (support of JSON, new storage engine, Mview, UDF, UDA etc..)
Investigation of Transactions in Cassandradatastaxjp
Cassandra can be used for more than just big data applications, including global applications and transactions. The presentation discusses how to achieve consistency, atomicity, and isolation in Cassandra transactions. Consistency can be tuned on a per-transaction basis. Atomicity can be achieved using Cassandra BATCH statements. Isolation can be handled using lightweight transactions with IF conditions. An example demonstrates tracking bottlecap balances with transactions in a single table.
This document discusses Apache Spark and Cassandra. It provides an overview of Cassandra as a shared-nothing, masterless, peer-to-peer database with great scaling. It then discusses how Spark can be used to analyze large amounts of data stored in Cassandra in parallel across a cluster. The Spark Cassandra connector allows Spark to create partitions that align with the token ranges in Cassandra, enabling efficient distributed queries across the cluster.
[db tech showcase Tokyo 2015] A27: RDBエンジニアの為のNOSQL, 今どうしてNOSQLなのか?datastaxjp
ここ20年、データベースと言えば、RDBを主に利用してきましたが、ビッグデータ、クラウド、IoTにおいて、データベースは大きく変化してきています。これから技術者は何を知らなくてはいけないのか、NOSQLは、何故今必要なのか? RDBの技術者の為に、Oracle, Netezza, IBM とRDBMS畑を歩んできて、昨年からNOSQLを始めた講師が、NOSQLとは何か?どのようなものがあるのか?どうやって、どこで利用するのか?を説明いたします。
English follows Japanese.
筑波技術大学アレクサスキル開発チームがJAWS のユーザグループで登壇した内容です.視覚障害者の開発についても少しだけ触れています.
This is a presentation given by the Tsukuba University of Technology Alexa Skills Development Team at a JAWS user group. It also touches briefly on development for visually impaired people.
Guidance for beginners and experts on how to set up a Windows driver developm...Atomu Hidaka
This explains how to build a Windows driver development environment that can be used immediately by beginners and experts alike. The author, who has extensive experience developing various Windows drivers, shows the latest and simplest ways to use Visual Studio and WDK.