This patient history form collects information about a patient's personal details, medical history, lifestyle, and current symptoms to assist a practitioner in evaluating the patient's health and developing a treatment plan. It requests identifying information, measurements, contact information, occupation, allergies, dosha analysis, diagnoses, medical/surgical history, medications, labs, daily routine including sleep, exercise, diet, stress levels, bowel habits, and menstruation, as well as any other relevant details the patient wishes to provide.
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Patient History Form
1. Patient History Form
Name: .Date:
Date of Birth: .......Height: ..Weight: ...
BMI:... ...
Address: ...
Occupation: .
Allergies: ..
Dosha Analysis: ..
Current Symptoms:
2. List all Diagnoses: ..
Medical and Surgical History: ...
Current Medications: ..
Recent Labs: ...
Lifestyle / Daily Routine:
Wake up: ..
Breakfast: .
Lunch: ...
Dinner: ..
3. Sleep:
Exercise: ..
Alcohol use: .
Tobacco use: ...
Family Life: ..
Recreation: ..
Social life: .
Stress: ..
Energy: .
Bowel Habits: ..
Travel: ..
Any other information you would like to share:
Please print this form, fill it to the best of your knowledge.
Fax it to 832-201-7711 or email it to
Turning Ancient Wisdom into Personalized Wellness