Patient surveys and real-time feedback will be used to improve healthcare services and enable patients to rate departments and clinics based on the quality of care received. This feedback from patients, families, and staff will help people choose the right hospital or department and encourage providers to be more responsive to patients. The goal is to collect 100,000 patient stories on Patient Opinion each year to help train professionals, empower communities to lead local change, direct stories to regulatory bodies, and help providers make service improvements based on patient experiences.
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2. The patient experience is the most powerful lever here - and will be used for service improvement Lord Darzi, June 2008
3. We will also encourage more widespread use of patient experience surveys and real-time feedback . We will enable patients to rate services and clinical departments according to the quality of care they received Equity and Excellence, 2010
4. Feedback from patients, carers and families, and staff will help to inform the right choice of hospital or clinical department and will encourage providers to be more responsive Equity and Excellence, 2010
19. Better professionals HEIs use stories to train and develop professionals Feeling better People sharing stories feel better, and create social solidarity Empowered communities NHS Nudge will help people lead local service change Better governance Stories are directed to CQC, commissioners, MPs etc Better choices Stories used for choose and book Better services NHS providers use stories make 1,000 changes every year Our goal 100,000 stories donated to Patient Opinion each year
20. Involving everyone Our web site Your web site Links and widgets Postal and phone Digital TV Mobile phones