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Activating Paradigm Shift in Nigerian Health Sector|info@aesculapiusvn.com|+234-8052064317|+234-8023277559
COURSE TITLE TeamSTEPPS Patient Safety Strategies
SYNOPSIS TeamSTEPPS is an Evidence-Based Comprehensive Teamwork Training System
designed to improve quality and safety in healthcare, was developed by the US
Department of Defence Patient Safety Program, in collaboration with the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
TeamSTEPPS is rooted in over three decades of research in high-stress, high-risk
industries, such as military aviation.
TeamSTEPPS provide specific team-related knowledge, skills, and outcomes, which
is delivered using a Train-the-Trainer model, resulting in instructors who in turn
train and coach staff in targeted work units.
OBJECTIVES Main Objective of TeamSTEPPS is Building a core of Patient Safety Advocates in
your Hospital, with the requisite skills, knowledge and behaviour change strategies
to ensure Patient Safety Culture in your Hospital
We accomplish this by:
 Fundamentals Course for Hospital Leadership
 Implementation Workshop for Steering Committee
 Assessing your Hospital in Patient Safety and Healthcare Team Functioning
 Training your Healthcare Professionals in TeamSTEPPS Strategies
 Developing your Quality Champions as TeamSTEPPS Coaches
 Regular Assessment and Onsite Support
CONTENT Knowledge
 Shared Mental Model
 Mutual Trust
 Team Orientation
DESIGNED FOR Healthcare Teams
METHODOLOGY Lectures, Case Studies and Class Exercises
DURATION Two (2) days
VENUE CDF Training Centre, 1 Kayode Odusola Crescent, Ikosi GRA, CMD Road, Shangisa

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Patient safety strategies training

  • 1. Activating Paradigm Shift in Nigerian Health Sector|info@aesculapiusvn.com|+234-8052064317|+234-8023277559 COURSE TITLE TeamSTEPPS Patient Safety Strategies SYNOPSIS TeamSTEPPS is an Evidence-Based Comprehensive Teamwork Training System designed to improve quality and safety in healthcare, was developed by the US Department of Defence Patient Safety Program, in collaboration with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). TeamSTEPPS is rooted in over three decades of research in high-stress, high-risk industries, such as military aviation. TeamSTEPPS provide specific team-related knowledge, skills, and outcomes, which is delivered using a Train-the-Trainer model, resulting in instructors who in turn train and coach staff in targeted work units. OBJECTIVES Main Objective of TeamSTEPPS is Building a core of Patient Safety Advocates in your Hospital, with the requisite skills, knowledge and behaviour change strategies to ensure Patient Safety Culture in your Hospital We accomplish this by: Fundamentals Course for Hospital Leadership Implementation Workshop for Steering Committee Assessing your Hospital in Patient Safety and Healthcare Team Functioning Training your Healthcare Professionals in TeamSTEPPS Strategies Developing your Quality Champions as TeamSTEPPS Coaches Regular Assessment and Onsite Support CONTENT Knowledge Shared Mental Model Attitudes Mutual Trust Team Orientation Performance Adaptability Accuracy Productivity Efficiency Safety DESIGNED FOR Healthcare Teams METHODOLOGY Lectures, Case Studies and Class Exercises DURATION Two (2) days COURSE FEE N40, 000 VENUE CDF Training Centre, 1 Kayode Odusola Crescent, Ikosi GRA, CMD Road, Shangisa