BTO 2015 Side TWO | Gioved 3 dicembre
#4 Focus Hall Travel italiano. Vinci online con instant win!
Innovazione ICT, cultura digitale, marketing di relazione centrato sullutente: queste le coordinate che hanno guidato nel restyling della piattaforma ecommerce B2C, per lacquisto di esperienze di viaggio.
Nicoletta Polliotto introduce i protagonisti di questa avventura tecnologica, per lanciare la nuova O.L.T.A. tutta italiana, nella sua veste rinnovata a partire da questi giorni, che si conferma rivoluzionaria grazie al suo sistema di vincita istantanea.
Una consolidata metodologia di vendita che si distingue per tariffe concorrenziali e percorsi congeniali allutente nellesperienza di ricerca e di acquisto.
Entriamo nel mondo parlando con il responsabile IT del rivoluzionario sistema di vincita istantanea che attraverso un algoritmo appositamente sviluppato e controllato consente ad ogni utente di provare a vincere ci che sta per acquistare.
Incontriamo la filosofia di, frutto di lunga esperienza di accoglienza e di viaggio, unita ad un nuovo modello di business ed allidea dellInstant Win: offrire allutente unesperienza vantaggiosa, originale ed emozionante!
Scopriamo, insieme agli ideatori del progetto e ai fondatori dellazienda, come unesperienza dacquisto del prodotto legato allimmaginazione e alla fantasia e denso di aspettative come il viaggio, possa essere affidabile e sicuro; innovativo, multi-channel e mobile friendly, ma soprattutto costruito sulle esigenze e sulle emozioni dei viaggiatori. Che diventano i veri protagonisti condividendo recensioni ed esperienze vissute, con un sistema di rating, gestito da TrustYou nella partnership con jollyticket. fa il tifo per lutente, nella speranza che possa raccontare sui social media Questa volta Parto Gratis!
Introduzione e moderazione
Nicoletta Polliotto C Project manager, consulente, content curator e strategist Muse Comunicazione
Walter Magnano di San Lio C CEO
Livia Magnano di San Lio C Co-founder
Salvatore Toro C IT Manager
Antonietta Labisi C Project manager
Social Media B2B ed Employee Advocacy: il caso Landis+GyrCoppa+Landini
Al Social Case History Forum 2015 abbiamo presentato il progetto di social media B2B ed employee advocacy che stiamo portando avanti con la societ Landis+Gyr, leader di mercato nella produzione e commercializzazione di smart meter e soluzioni per le smart grid.
Michele Riccio, Lead Generation Specialist, Stratego Studio e Pasquale Bracale, Direct Response Copywriter, Sales Copywriter, Stratego Studio - #schf15
This document outlines the agenda for a live Q&A session with Prof. Atul Singh from UC Berkeley on communication, pitching, and body language for entrepreneurs. The session discusses why body language is important for networking, hiring, negotiating, and managing as an entrepreneur and tips for making a good first impression, finding the right employees, feeling in control, and being approachable. General tips are provided for pitching that include looking confident and warm, regulating hand gestures, and controlling eye contact and movement. The document concludes with an open Q&A section.
African Union and Protection of Children in Armed Conflictrmcpu
The document outlines the African Union's strategic framework for protecting children in armed conflict over 3 years. It identifies 4 priority areas: 1) integrating child protection into strategic decision making and policy, 2) strengthening capacity building and knowledge management, 3) improving accountability of AU member states to treaties, and 4) ensuring peace support operations better protect children. The framework calls for involvement from member states, AU departments, regional economic communities, UN agencies, NGOs, and donors to implement child protection initiatives in a complex environment that bridges civilian and military domains.
The document discusses tourism in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. Ajay Chandrakar is the Tourism Minister of Chhattisgarh who aims to develop tourism by leveraging the state's natural assets such as ancient monuments, wildlife, forests, waterfalls and caves. Chhattisgarh has a rich biodiversity with 80% of its area under forests and is working to improve tourism infrastructure at its various destinations and circuits.
Panchayat and rural development ministerAaditSharma
The Ministry of Rural Development under the leadership of Panchayat and rural development Minister assumes a critical part in the general advancement technique of the nation.
The document discusses various topics related to education including teaching methods, learning processes, and student outcomes. It notes that effective teaching requires understanding students' backgrounds and tailoring instruction to their needs. When students are actively engaged in learning through participation and applying knowledge, they tend to achieve better results.
This document provides an introduction to the concepts explored in the book "The 3 Essential Strengths For Inner & Outer Success" by Andrew Papageorge and Craig Marshall. It discusses how the book aims to identify the three unique strengths possessed by all highly successful individuals who achieve both personal fulfillment and professional achievement. The introduction profiles the authors, Andrew Papageorge as a successful businessman and innovator, and Craig Marshall as a longtime yoga monk, and how they have collaborated to develop a system for applying these three strengths. It presents endorsements from public figures about how the authors' work has helped people manifest their dreams.
Social Media B2B ed Employee Advocacy: il caso Landis+GyrCoppa+Landini
Al Social Case History Forum 2015 abbiamo presentato il progetto di social media B2B ed employee advocacy che stiamo portando avanti con la societ Landis+Gyr, leader di mercato nella produzione e commercializzazione di smart meter e soluzioni per le smart grid.
Michele Riccio, Lead Generation Specialist, Stratego Studio e Pasquale Bracale, Direct Response Copywriter, Sales Copywriter, Stratego Studio - #schf15
This document outlines the agenda for a live Q&A session with Prof. Atul Singh from UC Berkeley on communication, pitching, and body language for entrepreneurs. The session discusses why body language is important for networking, hiring, negotiating, and managing as an entrepreneur and tips for making a good first impression, finding the right employees, feeling in control, and being approachable. General tips are provided for pitching that include looking confident and warm, regulating hand gestures, and controlling eye contact and movement. The document concludes with an open Q&A section.
African Union and Protection of Children in Armed Conflictrmcpu
The document outlines the African Union's strategic framework for protecting children in armed conflict over 3 years. It identifies 4 priority areas: 1) integrating child protection into strategic decision making and policy, 2) strengthening capacity building and knowledge management, 3) improving accountability of AU member states to treaties, and 4) ensuring peace support operations better protect children. The framework calls for involvement from member states, AU departments, regional economic communities, UN agencies, NGOs, and donors to implement child protection initiatives in a complex environment that bridges civilian and military domains.
The document discusses tourism in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. Ajay Chandrakar is the Tourism Minister of Chhattisgarh who aims to develop tourism by leveraging the state's natural assets such as ancient monuments, wildlife, forests, waterfalls and caves. Chhattisgarh has a rich biodiversity with 80% of its area under forests and is working to improve tourism infrastructure at its various destinations and circuits.
Panchayat and rural development ministerAaditSharma
The Ministry of Rural Development under the leadership of Panchayat and rural development Minister assumes a critical part in the general advancement technique of the nation.
The document discusses various topics related to education including teaching methods, learning processes, and student outcomes. It notes that effective teaching requires understanding students' backgrounds and tailoring instruction to their needs. When students are actively engaged in learning through participation and applying knowledge, they tend to achieve better results.
This document provides an introduction to the concepts explored in the book "The 3 Essential Strengths For Inner & Outer Success" by Andrew Papageorge and Craig Marshall. It discusses how the book aims to identify the three unique strengths possessed by all highly successful individuals who achieve both personal fulfillment and professional achievement. The introduction profiles the authors, Andrew Papageorge as a successful businessman and innovator, and Craig Marshall as a longtime yoga monk, and how they have collaborated to develop a system for applying these three strengths. It presents endorsements from public figures about how the authors' work has helped people manifest their dreams.