The document discusses trends in home entertainment and opportunities in the cinema/home video business. It provides ideas and opinions from various individuals on topics like: watching movies at home versus in theaters; legal and technical issues with downloading content; the need for easy, standardized distribution systems; and how consumer preferences are shifting towards on-demand access on multiple devices. New technologies will provide more flexibility in how users consume media, like wearable screens, but distribution challenges must still be addressed.
Web Accessibility: What it is, Why it's importantGraham Armfield
際際滷s from a presentation I gave to an ISTC group meeting on November 12th 2013. The audience consisted mainly of technical authors - most of whom were not technically orientated.
The presentation is an introduction to web accessibility, and as well as a definition for web accessibility I presented some reasons why it's important to take it seriously. I looked at various types of disability and impairment, some examples of assistive technology, and some simple things that content authors can do to help keep their articles and posts accessible.
2010: MyDisplay - Accessibility Preferences Aren't for SissiesJonathan Hassell
Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Head of Audience Experience & Usability) at IMS Global Learning Impact Awards, Long Beach CA; Unitech 2010, Oslo; Interagency Dialogue on Cloud Computing and Auto-Personalization, Washington DC; BCS HCI workshop on
Accessibility, User Profiling & Adaptation, Dundee; and Access to digital content for education workshop, Troms淡 in 2010.
Covers: how disabled people might be excluded from digital participation; disabled people's use of the web, compared to what it could be; if there's so much to gain, what's getting in the way; how current inclusion models don't help; how the BBC have learnt from our past attempts to provide information on assistive technologies and accessibility settings of browsers and operating systems; how the BBC have learnt from our attempts to provide site-based accessibility personalisation; how we've researched other people's 'AAA' tools and found 5 guidelines which successful tools need to follow; how we used those guidelines to direct the creation of our new 'MyDisplay' accessibility personalisation system which we have rolled out across; what early users think about MyDisplay and how we are testing it more widely; how global collaboration initiatives like GPII can help adoption of such tools and enable more disabled and elderly people to participate in the digital economy
WordPress and Web Accessibility: Why It's Important. WordCampUK 2012Graham Armfield
An introduction to web accessibility - including a look at the different types of disability and the difficulties some people have in using websites.
So can WordPress be used to create accessible websites? There's good news and bad news.
And what about the WordPress admin screens, are they accessible? Well, that's a bit of a problem as we'll see.
This presentation was given at WordCamp UK in Edinburgh on Sunday July 15th 2012.
Some of our key accessibility ideas are back to front. The most important aspect of the accessibility of images isn't 'alt-text'. The number of disabled people who use assistive technologies is tiny compared with those who don't. And for many people video is more accessible than text, not less accessible.
In this CSUN 2014 talk, Professor Jonathan Hassell exposes 16 foundational things that all advocates know about accessibility as myths, using real user-research to show how they need to be replaced to properly serve todays tablet and mobile-obsessed disabled and older users.
This document discusses some of the challenges of developing Internet of Things (IoT) products and services. It notes that IoT is difficult to develop, sell, and update compared to software. Hardware must be physically shipped and is hard to update. Investors are cautious about IoT due to its risks. The document provides recommendations for getting involved in IoT, including meetups, accelerators, makerspaces, and courses. It also lists topics covered in an IoT workshop and emphasizes the importance of considering ethics and data issues with IoT.
1. The document describes the journey of Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino in developing Good Night Lamp, an IoT product meant to help families stay connected across long distances.
2. Good Night Lamp was first conceived in 2005 but faced barriers like lack of funding and challenges commercializing an academic concept.
3. Over years of prototypes, partnerships, and pivots, lessons were learned around technology choices, intellectual property protection, and the realities of crowdfunding and incubators for early-stage companies.
Leonardo Ram坦n presenta su proyecto de vida, en el cual realiza un autoan叩lisis para definir su sentido de vida, valores e intereses. Su objetivo principal es formarse como profesional e iniciar una microempresa para contribuir a su comunidad. Establece metas anuales como aprobar asignaturas, construir un router CNC y egresar como ingeniero para cumplir su misi坦n de desarrollarse profesionalmente. Se compromete a mantener constancia en el esfuerzo para alcanzar sus objetivos a pesar de las dificultades.
El documento define la observaci坦n como un proceso complejo que comienza con la percepci坦n sensorial pero requiere un mayor an叩lisis para comprender. Explica que la observaci坦n debe reconocer tanto las caracter鱈sticas como las variables de lo observado, dando ejemplos de caracter鱈sticas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Finalmente, pide enumerar las caracter鱈sticas y variables de un aula y completar una tabla con las caracter鱈sticas y variables de un gr叩fico.
Finmeccanica: Israele seleziona laddestratore italiano M-346 di Alenia Aerma...Leonardo
Finmeccanica, attraverso la societ controllata Alenia Aermacchi, 竪 stata selezionata in esclusiva dal Ministero della Difesa di Israele per la fornitura del velivolo M-346 per addestrare i piloti della propria Forza Aerea.
Bcu Social Enterprise Event Weds 21st March 2012yambab
A social enterprise conference was being held on March 1st from 6pm to 8pm in the North Campus Suite at City University. The event was open to all staff, students, and alumni interested in social innovation and entrepreneurship. It provided an opportunity for a variety of individuals passionate about social enterprise from across the university and beyond to meet the social entrepreneurship team.
El documento habla sobre un examen pr叩ctico de computaci坦n para el segundo bimestre. Incluye secciones sobre gesti坦n ambiental, cuidado del h叩bitat de los animales, y variedad de flora en el pa鱈s. Est叩 bajo una licencia Creative Commons que permite el uso no comercial compartiendo igual.
This document provides an overview of regular and irregular verbs. It explains that regular verbs follow a consistent pattern of adding "-ed" or "-d" to change to the past tense, while irregular verbs do not follow a consistent pattern and sometimes their spelling does not change or changes entirely. The document provides examples of regular and irregular verbs and recommends memorizing irregular verbs by sight. It also notes that there are fewer irregular verbs than regular verbs and they typically only change by one sound when converting to the past tense.
Conversion Summit - Daniel Falc坦n (Neo Consulting) Neo Consulting
El documento habla sobre c坦mo crear experiencias agradables para los consumidores. Sugiere conocer mejor a los consumidores, su proceso de decisi坦n de compra y los puntos de contacto m叩s importantes. Propone dos enfoques: 1) Identificar a las personas y arquetipos de consumidores. 2) Crear mapas del viaje del consumidor para comprender mejor su experiencia.
Este documento describe c坦mo fabricar una caja cuadrada optimizando los recursos. Explica los objetivos, la metodolog鱈a y los materiales necesarios. La metodolog鱈a incluye calcular el ancho 坦ptimo de la caja utilizando una f坦rmula de volumen para minimizar los costos. El ancho calculado es de 5 cm y la caja mide 30 cm x 30 cm.
The document discusses key aspects of software project planning including process planning, effort estimation, schedule and resource estimation, and quality planning. It emphasizes that effective project management is important for project success. Project planning aims to create a plan to meet commitments by defining processes, estimating effort, creating a schedule and milestones, and defining quality objectives and risk plans. Estimation models like COCOMO are discussed for estimating effort based on project size and characteristics.
El documento contiene 4 problemas relacionados con l鱈mites y as鱈ntotas de funciones. El primer problema pide comprobar si una funci坦n tiene una as鱈ntota vertical en x=2. El segundo problema pide determinar si una funci坦n tiene as鱈ntotas horizontal y vertical y expresarlas algebraicamente. El tercer problema pide calcular 3 l鱈mites. El cuarto problema pide calcular el valor de a para que un l鱈mite sea igual a un valor dado.
Caso de 辿xito: Calidad de los Prospectos en una empresa de serviciosNeo Consulting
Paul Fervoy, analista digital de la empresa Mi Web (Costa Rica), comparti坦 el caso de 辿xito de Grupo MedLegal, una empresa de servicios que genera ventas a trav辿s de prospectos.
El documento describe c坦mo combinar fracciones mediante la operaci坦n combinada. Explica que para combinar fracciones se debe encontrar el m鱈nimo com炭n m炭ltiplo (MCM) del numerador y denominador de cada fracci坦n y luego dividir los numeradores entre el MCM para obtener la fracci坦n combinada equivalente. El MCM de los denominadores de las fracciones dadas en el ejemplo es 80.
Class assignment for Year 2 Film & Television students at Unitec New Zealand's Department of Performing and Screen Arts: In teams, create a presentation pitching an integrated media strategy which combines the specialisations of the students involved (Production, Camera, Sound and Editing). Collaboratively brainstorm and create this presentation using a wiki document on Google Docs, and deliver the work on Google Docs Presentation, combining your efforts to build and present the piece to your classmates.
1) The document proposes the EDU Plan to provide broadband internet access to all of America within 6 months by accelerating buildout and hiring workers. This would stimulate the economy.
2) The plan would connect rural areas via wireless networks and fiber optic cables to cities. Business incubators across the western states would help connect areas and startups.
3) Providing nationwide high-speed internet access would allow for improved online education through video libraries and interactive learning games accessible on-demand. This could help retrain unemployed workers and high school dropouts.
Disruption, Decentralisation and a Debrief of the rest. A round up of the key themes from The Next Web, Amsterdam, May 2014 given as talks to Sky TV, UK.
Includes Duolingo, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Digital Darwinism, Game changers today, Free is a lie, Post-Snowden Web and the Future of shopping.
Me, Myself and Mine is an Atticus award winning presentation and marketing framework. I've toured the globe speaking about computer/human interaction in the digital age.
Or basically how everyone is selfish on the internet.
Presentazione del minicorso Creativit nelle PR: optional o necessit?, parte dei Venerd狸 della Comunicazione di Text 100, che si 竪 tenuto il 23 aprile 2010.
Digital Natives - Session 1 - The Digital RevolutionBart Muskala
The Internet's only been around for 15 years. However, historians are already comparing it with the Renaissance and the industrial revolution. And even though 15 years isn't a long time, the Internet has evolved dramatically. Resulting in very significant changes in the lives of both consumers and advertisers. This introductory session describes the impact the Internet has had on different sectors, several of which we highlight. We delve deeper into some of these during the other sessions.
Technological convergence is dramatically changing the media industry and audiences' consumption of content. Various media platforms are starting to replace one another as people can now access books, newspapers, TV, films, music, and more through their smartphones and other Internet-connected devices. This poses a major threat to traditional media industries as audiences no longer need separate devices for different media and can access content conveniently and cheaply. The media industry must adapt to this new converged landscape by offering legitimate online services in order to compete with piracy and illegal downloading.
If you love your content, set it free (v3.0) Mike Ellis
The document discusses how the internet and digital networks have changed our relationship with content and its value. It argues that with reduced distribution costs and ubiquitous piracy opportunities, the value of content has shifted from scarcity to openness. It suggests that in this new environment, content creators should recognize that their valuable content cannot truly be protected, and instead should embrace openness by freely sharing their content and finding new ways of creating value through attention, authenticity and personalization.
Leonardo Ram坦n presenta su proyecto de vida, en el cual realiza un autoan叩lisis para definir su sentido de vida, valores e intereses. Su objetivo principal es formarse como profesional e iniciar una microempresa para contribuir a su comunidad. Establece metas anuales como aprobar asignaturas, construir un router CNC y egresar como ingeniero para cumplir su misi坦n de desarrollarse profesionalmente. Se compromete a mantener constancia en el esfuerzo para alcanzar sus objetivos a pesar de las dificultades.
El documento define la observaci坦n como un proceso complejo que comienza con la percepci坦n sensorial pero requiere un mayor an叩lisis para comprender. Explica que la observaci坦n debe reconocer tanto las caracter鱈sticas como las variables de lo observado, dando ejemplos de caracter鱈sticas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Finalmente, pide enumerar las caracter鱈sticas y variables de un aula y completar una tabla con las caracter鱈sticas y variables de un gr叩fico.
Finmeccanica: Israele seleziona laddestratore italiano M-346 di Alenia Aerma...Leonardo
Finmeccanica, attraverso la societ controllata Alenia Aermacchi, 竪 stata selezionata in esclusiva dal Ministero della Difesa di Israele per la fornitura del velivolo M-346 per addestrare i piloti della propria Forza Aerea.
Bcu Social Enterprise Event Weds 21st March 2012yambab
A social enterprise conference was being held on March 1st from 6pm to 8pm in the North Campus Suite at City University. The event was open to all staff, students, and alumni interested in social innovation and entrepreneurship. It provided an opportunity for a variety of individuals passionate about social enterprise from across the university and beyond to meet the social entrepreneurship team.
El documento habla sobre un examen pr叩ctico de computaci坦n para el segundo bimestre. Incluye secciones sobre gesti坦n ambiental, cuidado del h叩bitat de los animales, y variedad de flora en el pa鱈s. Est叩 bajo una licencia Creative Commons que permite el uso no comercial compartiendo igual.
This document provides an overview of regular and irregular verbs. It explains that regular verbs follow a consistent pattern of adding "-ed" or "-d" to change to the past tense, while irregular verbs do not follow a consistent pattern and sometimes their spelling does not change or changes entirely. The document provides examples of regular and irregular verbs and recommends memorizing irregular verbs by sight. It also notes that there are fewer irregular verbs than regular verbs and they typically only change by one sound when converting to the past tense.
Conversion Summit - Daniel Falc坦n (Neo Consulting) Neo Consulting
El documento habla sobre c坦mo crear experiencias agradables para los consumidores. Sugiere conocer mejor a los consumidores, su proceso de decisi坦n de compra y los puntos de contacto m叩s importantes. Propone dos enfoques: 1) Identificar a las personas y arquetipos de consumidores. 2) Crear mapas del viaje del consumidor para comprender mejor su experiencia.
Este documento describe c坦mo fabricar una caja cuadrada optimizando los recursos. Explica los objetivos, la metodolog鱈a y los materiales necesarios. La metodolog鱈a incluye calcular el ancho 坦ptimo de la caja utilizando una f坦rmula de volumen para minimizar los costos. El ancho calculado es de 5 cm y la caja mide 30 cm x 30 cm.
The document discusses key aspects of software project planning including process planning, effort estimation, schedule and resource estimation, and quality planning. It emphasizes that effective project management is important for project success. Project planning aims to create a plan to meet commitments by defining processes, estimating effort, creating a schedule and milestones, and defining quality objectives and risk plans. Estimation models like COCOMO are discussed for estimating effort based on project size and characteristics.
El documento contiene 4 problemas relacionados con l鱈mites y as鱈ntotas de funciones. El primer problema pide comprobar si una funci坦n tiene una as鱈ntota vertical en x=2. El segundo problema pide determinar si una funci坦n tiene as鱈ntotas horizontal y vertical y expresarlas algebraicamente. El tercer problema pide calcular 3 l鱈mites. El cuarto problema pide calcular el valor de a para que un l鱈mite sea igual a un valor dado.
Caso de 辿xito: Calidad de los Prospectos en una empresa de serviciosNeo Consulting
Paul Fervoy, analista digital de la empresa Mi Web (Costa Rica), comparti坦 el caso de 辿xito de Grupo MedLegal, una empresa de servicios que genera ventas a trav辿s de prospectos.
El documento describe c坦mo combinar fracciones mediante la operaci坦n combinada. Explica que para combinar fracciones se debe encontrar el m鱈nimo com炭n m炭ltiplo (MCM) del numerador y denominador de cada fracci坦n y luego dividir los numeradores entre el MCM para obtener la fracci坦n combinada equivalente. El MCM de los denominadores de las fracciones dadas en el ejemplo es 80.
Class assignment for Year 2 Film & Television students at Unitec New Zealand's Department of Performing and Screen Arts: In teams, create a presentation pitching an integrated media strategy which combines the specialisations of the students involved (Production, Camera, Sound and Editing). Collaboratively brainstorm and create this presentation using a wiki document on Google Docs, and deliver the work on Google Docs Presentation, combining your efforts to build and present the piece to your classmates.
1) The document proposes the EDU Plan to provide broadband internet access to all of America within 6 months by accelerating buildout and hiring workers. This would stimulate the economy.
2) The plan would connect rural areas via wireless networks and fiber optic cables to cities. Business incubators across the western states would help connect areas and startups.
3) Providing nationwide high-speed internet access would allow for improved online education through video libraries and interactive learning games accessible on-demand. This could help retrain unemployed workers and high school dropouts.
Disruption, Decentralisation and a Debrief of the rest. A round up of the key themes from The Next Web, Amsterdam, May 2014 given as talks to Sky TV, UK.
Includes Duolingo, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Digital Darwinism, Game changers today, Free is a lie, Post-Snowden Web and the Future of shopping.
Me, Myself and Mine is an Atticus award winning presentation and marketing framework. I've toured the globe speaking about computer/human interaction in the digital age.
Or basically how everyone is selfish on the internet.
Presentazione del minicorso Creativit nelle PR: optional o necessit?, parte dei Venerd狸 della Comunicazione di Text 100, che si 竪 tenuto il 23 aprile 2010.
Digital Natives - Session 1 - The Digital RevolutionBart Muskala
The Internet's only been around for 15 years. However, historians are already comparing it with the Renaissance and the industrial revolution. And even though 15 years isn't a long time, the Internet has evolved dramatically. Resulting in very significant changes in the lives of both consumers and advertisers. This introductory session describes the impact the Internet has had on different sectors, several of which we highlight. We delve deeper into some of these during the other sessions.
Technological convergence is dramatically changing the media industry and audiences' consumption of content. Various media platforms are starting to replace one another as people can now access books, newspapers, TV, films, music, and more through their smartphones and other Internet-connected devices. This poses a major threat to traditional media industries as audiences no longer need separate devices for different media and can access content conveniently and cheaply. The media industry must adapt to this new converged landscape by offering legitimate online services in order to compete with piracy and illegal downloading.
If you love your content, set it free (v3.0) Mike Ellis
The document discusses how the internet and digital networks have changed our relationship with content and its value. It argues that with reduced distribution costs and ubiquitous piracy opportunities, the value of content has shifted from scarcity to openness. It suggests that in this new environment, content creators should recognize that their valuable content cannot truly be protected, and instead should embrace openness by freely sharing their content and finding new ways of creating value through attention, authenticity and personalization.
This document discusses factors to consider when moving to a new neighborhood, such as crime rates, quality of education, and amenities. It then describes analyzing data from 45 Denver neighborhoods to study correlations between 6 factors and population. Multiple regression models are used to test relationships between population, crime rates, housing prices, distance to city center, and more. Statistical tests are performed to determine significance of coefficients and the intercept in the regression models.
How to build digital experiences using video online?Olgierd Cygan
The document discusses how companies can use online video to engage customers. It notes that people now expect to access content on their own terms via the internet. Traditional push marketing does not work online. The document then provides statistics on growing online video viewership. It suggests that video is popular because people can access what they want whenever they want. It lists some examples of company video campaigns and provides tips for using video to interact with viewers rather than just publishing passive content.
What technology will look like in 2025 acards28222
The document discusses predictions for communication technology in the year 2025. It outlines how communication has advanced greatly from the past with technologies like smartphones that allow fast, worldwide connections. It explores theories of how people use media to meet needs and learn from others. Predictions for 2025 include more immersive video games, cellphones that can control smart homes, and continued shifts to on-demand streaming services over centralized media. Communication technologies will be replaced over time but continue to advance.
The document discusses predictions for communication technology in 2022 AD. It describes how communication has advanced from the past with technologies like smartphones that allow fast, worldwide connections. It explores how people use media to meet needs and relax, and may one day control smart home devices with just their phone. Video games could offer fully immersive experiences. Popular media may shift away from big hits to more personalized content access. In conclusion, communication technologies are constantly changing and being replaced by newer, more advanced options.
Right here, right now when technology, interaction design and fashion convergeSami Niemel辰
Sami discusses the convergence of interaction design and fashion. Interaction design involves designing products and services for how people will use them. As technology becomes more integrated into daily life through wearables, connected devices, and quantified self-tracking, it is blurring boundaries with fashion. This opens opportunities for designers to create new types of interactive garments, accessories, and experiences. However, the impacts of emerging technologies are difficult to predict and may have unintended consequences that should be considered.
The document discusses how to develop an internet of things (IoT) economy at the local community level. It suggests starting an IoT meetup to help shape a local vision and support network for IoT entrepreneurs. This can help new businesses emerge and support local manufacturing. The document also calls for training more technologically-engaged designers, encouraging open source practices, and establishing a dedicated fund to help early-stage IoT ideas develop and find support.
This document is a transcript of a presentation on the changing landscape of documentary filmmaking given by the director of EDN. In the presentation, the director discusses their experience first as a documentary producer, then as a commissioning editor at a public broadcaster. As a producer, they were able to build a career relying on public and television funding. However, as a commissioning editor, they saw the industry changing - competition was increasing, public broadcasters were prioritizing more commercial content, and commissioning editors had less autonomy. Meanwhile, the internet was emerging as a new platform that broadcasters wanted to control through rights, though its potential was not yet realized. The director argues that the industry is facing disruption but also opportunities to adapt
Three things that will change the world and five things you can do about it.Erik Arvedson
Technology is changing the world faster than ever. And people too are changing faster than ever. This presentation describes three main trends that will change the world in the coming years and five strategies to meet the challenges.
Pay with a tweet to download it, just go to this page:
This document discusses various technologies and trends. It begins by discussing how GitHub is becoming a platform for open source projects for all, including lawyers, with one law firm posting legal documents for startups. It then discusses an SMS-based therapy support tool called Buddy. The document later speculates that the Apple iWatch may actually be targeting the TV market, which represents a large opportunity. It concludes with a Kevin Spacey quote about providing people content in a convenient way at a fair price.
1. Ideas of the Cinema/Home Video business
February 26th 2010
2. Here We Go
First of all, there兵s no single solution, there are many. A
classical postmodern collage illustrates this perfectly. Today
the consumer mixing old with new, cheap with expensive
The growing trend for consumers looking for cheaper ways
to maintain the good life they have become accustomed to
have led to a new term being coined "homedulgence". THE
Consumers around the globe are looking at new ways to maintain the good life
they兵ve come to treasure, without the expense of going out all the time. This is not
quite the indulgent,cocooning trend of a few years ago, but a savvy and convivial way
to style - out the credit crunch.
The Homedulgence and localism trends or lifestyle can be tracked back to the
shocking 9/11. Before everyone looked forward, travelled all over and where
everywhere. After many retreated back home, to the familiar space, to local society,
to the neighbourhood. Safety and security was the new mantra and all and everyone
(at least in Sweden) started to build and/or restore their homes. A couple of years
later, when 鍖nished inside, they continued outside with their garden. Now the safe
area is expanded; the local and small-scaled produced products and services are in
focus concerning food etc.
But to maintain this Homedulgence and my home is my
Castle spirit, music and 鍖lm are vital ingredients. The
question is how to get them? Download or buy in a shop
or what?
I will say that this trend is a very good picture of many
Swedes and their homes. Today everyone have an own
Home-Cinema, a broadband connection and have of
course an iPhone.
In order to 鍖nd out and get some information, I have asked different people of their
thought of today and the future in the cinema/home video 鍖eld. I will say that the only
way to 鍖nd out is to get out there and ask, and combine that with desk research.
The question was:
Give examples of trends, cool products/services and existing as well as forth-coming
business possibilities for the Cinema/Home Video business?
3. Idea 1 and information from a Ericsson employee in New Delhi, India
Watching Avatar with real active 3D glasses in a gold class cinema here in Delhi was
really great. Maybe there is a market for 1st class cinemas in Europe as well?
Business opportunity
This is a very good Idea I will say. Today we have democratizied all and everything in
Sweden and also in other Nordic countries in some ways.
Then we see this democratisation fade slowly: the educated/richer/xx get more
educated/richer/xx and the poorer going even poorer. Individuals want to separate
from others, and some want to show it, and having a luxury Cinema salon must be a
good and cool thing to show off in. And, at least, in Stockholm it must be a success.
Idea 2 and information from a 鍖lm maker in Sweden/Denmark
I兵m only watching movies at Vimeo. Who isn兵t out there at a torrent? But don兵t ask
me which one :D
A really interesting thing to solve is who do advertise when downloading from torrents
etc. I can兵t understand why this hasn兵t been solved yet??? I mean:
1: We don兵t want to pay
2: We don兵t want to be fooled by others (big corporations)
3: Welcome into my head!!!!!
I don兵t watch TV. The cable-network has a bad technique and bad/old
Business opportunity
Solve the technical issue with advertising on bittorents. It must be a way. Start/Find a
new category - don兵t be another record company desperate holding on to the
Idea 3 and information from a former head of telecom infra structure at Nokia,
that have lived abroad over 10 years in Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Belgium,
Ukraine and many more countries.
As I see it, physical media is dying. I haven兵t bought a DVD, CD etc since 2002.
Today, but not in Sweden yet, you can rent a movie in iTunes. All cable-TV
companies serve you with video-on-demand. Voddler stream it for free...
If you want to download it via bittorrent there are lots of media servers that you can
connect with your TV - popcornhour ( ) is one.
Business opportunity
Strategical law and order. Just solve the iTunes dilemma with music and 鍖lm in
4. Idea 4 and information from a computer technician and musician
First of all: The content is all.
And the only way is digital. But if they only can make it easy to download....
Ex. Voddler had an own system that didn兵t work, so now they develop for a web
The distributers must do it easy and simple, so that average person easy can
download. Learn from iPhone. iPhone is today the Svensson or mr Smith phone in
Sweden, and think of that behaviour the user learn. And then iPhone is a perfect
pedagogical artefact for iPad. When the user is known to iPhone, why not an iPad
with possibilities to read a book or magazine in the same artefact!
The problem today is that the distribution system online doesn兵t work (perfect). To
may different systems... Then there are legal aspects that must be solved as
geographical rights etc. This obstacles must be solved, and it must be crystal clear
and distinct licence rules. If that comes, everyone can have an own shop and be
specialised in XY.
One funny thing is that today all video game had their own system, but today they
got a standard: DVD.
The content is all - so 鍖nd a smart way of distribution that WORK!
Business opportunity
Develop a Bonnier social interaction tool and start a new category!
Don兵t forget the human impact. We are still mammals with a long way to learn and
act. The way is digital, but with a social agenda. Despite all technique we human
need the social interaction.
Idea 5 and information from a sales assistant in a Video/DVD Shop
The sales have increased this year both for rentals and sale of DVD etc. And the
total market as increased for the 鍖rst time in eight year.
One thing is the legislation, many are afraid to download today. But I will say that the
main reason is that folks want to go out, leave the couch, take a walk, go to the shop
and in the shop look, feel and get info with the product in their hand. They are not
satis鍖ed to choose from a list at their computer.
Business opportunity
Service rules. More than ever I will say. Develop much deeper going service to end-
customer for a better and more complete experience. In Sweden we not that good at
this at all.
5. Idea 6 and information from a sales assistant in a Video Game Shop
We haven兵t noticed any decrease or increase in sales, bur maybe our customers are
special. The kids and students are price sensitive, others not.
Our game often have a book were rules and characters are described. This book
often downloads illegal, but after a while the buy this book. They can兵t have several
PDF兵s to read from and play at the same time, they want the book ... So the social
pattern is to download and check it out, and if it兵s ok they buy it.
Another thing is the question of free or not free. Video game had always cost
something, direct or in-direct. But many kids have been used to download music
and 鍖lm for free. In their world Internet, and what you 鍖nd there is free. Trying to
charge for this services afterwards make no sense to them - just a question: Why!!
I know many friends that downloaded before and don兵t now. Many of them have
better economy and buy, but mostly they don卒t have the time and interest anymore to
download illegal.
Today we don兵t compete with downloading, it兵s Supermarket chains that兵s our worst
competitors. They sell everything, and had been much better in their knowledge in
鍖lm, books, video games etc.
WALMART enter movie distribution
STATOIL sells more music (SE)
Business opportunity
Other distribution channels for the old stuff. Supermarkets selling more 鍖lms...
Idea 7 and information from a consumer
I want to go to the video store and choose there. I don兵t want to sit in front of the
computer and choose. Maybe I兵m old-fashion, but I want it in my hand before I rent/
Business opportunity
Once again, service and hands-on rules. According to the
consumer the physical movement is vital. See what the
Sales assistant in a Video store above mention. Act harder
and deeper in the distribution, despite all the new technique
the consumer want it in its hand before buying/rental. Old
fashion psychology!
6. Bonnier should own the video/DVD shops, and thereby have full control = have the
whole product-chain, from A to Z. To let other sell the products - you let go of the
Idea 8
According to Danish Film Industry their effort in new Danish Film had given a rise in
viewers. http://www.d鍖.dk/English/FILM-Magazine/Artikler-fra-tidsskriftet-FILM/
Business opportunity
So here is one thing for Bonnier to do. They own SF and other end-businesses, and
in order to supply the whole chain, feed them that make the start products! Or, don兵t
cut of the arm that feed you, so to say.
Idea 9
The nano-technique and other inventions offer new possibilities. Soon a screen will
be soft and 鍖exible and maybe glued to your arm, or built-in in your glasses, for
example. This together with faster mobile connections
nyhetsbrev/ps-morgon-kvall/2010/02/23/62747723/index.xml (SE) will give us new
ways to see 鍖lms. But as always with new inventions, the pre-early technical
adopters will be 鍖rst.
Business opportunity
What does Bonnier do here? Again, develop new ways to looking at 鍖lms. Bonniers
need to take the lead in R&D, just don兵t sit and own the rights of 鍖lms etc.
I will say that the there are to ways to act in the Cinema/home video business in the
future: the digital and the traditional. And both will work!
The digital must get it work easy; otherwise it will not be adopted of the mass. The
traditional ways will remain, we are still that old biological creature, and our genes
have not developed that much the last couple of thousand years.
Just compare with the explosion of Internet and all said that Newspaper and books
soon will only be digital. This was only 15 years ago. What happened was that we got
more newspapers and magazines!
The main point is to have the holistic approach, and a collage strategy: both in digital
and in traditional artefacts. And in order to hold control over the whole chain, product
portfolio, Bonniers (may) need to go into new areas such as digital development. As
one respondent said: The content is all, but to serve the right content you may
need to go outside your core business.
7. Some Facts & info
Some shops in USA etc
http://www.game鍖 spel mm
Some actors in the rental-post-back-business as Redbox
http://www.net鍖 (LOVEFILMS??)
Some actors in the streaming business
Some actors in the download business
Some 鍖gures
Runt 42% av Net鍖ix 11,1 miljoner kunder anv辰nde sig av deras streamingtj辰nst (i
minst 15 minuter) under det tredje kvartalet (2009). Det 辰r en 旦kning med 22% mot
samma kvartal f旦rra 奪ret. (
Some thoughts of the Homedulgence trend
Social (changed attitudes and social patterns)
More easy-to-use technical products
Internet and buying behaviour: my girlfriend hates computers! A few months ago
she said: I just love internet! I can sit at home and buy whatever I want when I
Locked doors before you didn兵t locked the door when you left home, today we
use two
Stress the stress factor increases every year: Today children at age ten are
stressed due to society 鍖xation to thinness, getting the highest grade to enter
university etc. At age 10!!!!
Stress if you got a job today it includes more duties.
8. Stress - not having a job, unemployment,
Travelling = new insights. OK, they can do X or Y s well, and they do it in another
and better way. The 鍖nding out that other兵s also can
Tired of the career: You can兵t do all simultaneously: career, have children, be a
good parent, build a house, ski holiday in the mountains, sailing courses in the
NO, NO, NO! You have to choose. Some choose career (the common way at least to
men. But today we see younger females (they got higher grades, higher education
etc than males but still lower wages!), especially with not a Swedish background,
over-achieve to get a position in the Swedish society. They are lowest in the
hierarchy (female, young, foreign etc) and have to 鍖ght hardest - and they do!
Modern life sucks: i.e stress, stress, stress It兵s simply not worth it. Not seldom
career dropouts leave cities and move to small villages and start an own web-shop, a
caf辿 or whatever (often a combination) despite losing 50-75% of their income. They
simply want quality in life, quality to feel and live the life. Artefacts are not important,
experiences and time are. The possibility to decide your own time is the luxury of
Today in most developed high-tax societies it兵s possible to drop out Before you
couldn兵t afford it today you can choose to work part-time, sell the car, live in a
smaller 鍖at etc
Today materialism is less important to younger. Ok, elder still want to compensate
for their poor childhood without items, but
The caf辿 culture moves home! Be your own barista!
Tired hanging in bars/restaurants/etc - family establishments
Technical improvements
Undercover lifestyles can socialites a bit. (There兵s no end to out-coming
lifestyles today :D)
The human race is a herd animal. Can兵t you 鍖nd your herd in the city - create it
yourself back home! (doers getting more..)
More egoistic: It兵s mine! The MeWe generation combine egoism with a collective
mindset interesting combination. Two opposites in a conjunction. Collage!
Narcissism: A possibility to get the self a veri鍖cation - both your own self and of
your home. In your home you got lots of identity carriers We see more examples of
a social narcissism.
Safety - a logical action (re-action) to 9/11: Out there is war back home I safe. I
鍖x my home, stay there and daydream with take-away, internet, chatting
Safety - Swedish/Volvo vs Italian/ AlfaRomeo etc. Anecdote: Volvo say they made
cars that you can crash with and survive - Italian says: we made cars to avoid
Home, sweet home - Home is best!
Stress, economical crises, war etc makes you hide in your own world. Lots of
possibilities to hide in a 鍖ctive world where you can live out feelings, emotions and
dreams etc. Second Life and many more
Regionalism: We vs. them. All kind of foreign people or objects is bad. A raising
pride of own local culture. Why travel when it兵s better home? (but this is mostly them
that have travelled the globe for xx years that come to this conclusion, so I think it兵s
more of a kind of maturing getting new angles in life etc )
Children. When raising a family a focus is established caring for the family (in the
9. home/garden)
Psychologist: Normally, we react to the problem nearest to us, animals dying or
airplanes crashing never mind. It兵s the most local thing that shouts out loudest (with
or with-out PR agencies) that get most attention. But if this danger is in鍖ltrating as
the 9/11/Taliban/islam/?? with connections all over the world this comes to all.
The localism trend or lifestyle can be tracked back to the shocking 9/11. Before
everyone looked forward, travelled all over and where everywhere. After many
retreated back home, to the familiar space, to local society, to the neighbourhood.
Safety and security was the new mantra and all and everyone (at least in Sweden)
started to build and/or restore their home. A couple of years later, when 鍖nished
inside, they continued outside with their garden. Now the safe area is expanded;
the local and small-scaled produced products and services are in focus =
Homedulgence in a nutshell?
The economy turns down, but behavioural patterns are established. X don兵t want to
go down in the consumption patterns, but can兵t proceed the outgoing city life at bars
and restaurants etc. downtown. What remains is to create it at home!
Better and cheaper technical products
The old fashion marketing mix of 4 P is gone! There are just 2 left - Product and
Promotion (Price and Place is totally gone). In a transparent world there we can
instantly, with help of internet, see the price all over the world, and order something
from home it兵s just 2 P:s left to compete with for the producer/seller.
Today we have more millionaires and billionaires the world than ever. We CAN buy
a perfect home