The document discusses the Patterns Module, which allows for automated and shared site configuration in Drupal. It describes how the module works by saving configuration in XML files called "Patterns" and programmatically submitting forms. The presentation demonstrates using Patterns to quickly set up a fresh Drupal install. It also outlines the module architecture and components, as well as how Patterns can be defined, executed, and used by developers and site builders.
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Patterns Drupal Camp Pune09
1. Drupal Camp, Pune 2009
Patterns Module
Managing and automating site configuration
Vojislav Jovanovic |
Jonathan Hebel |
2. The Problem
Drupal site configuration is:
time consuming
lacking a streamlined approach
4. How it works
Basic outline:
site configuration is saved in XML files
called Patterns
Patterns module handles programmatic
form submissions using configuration
defined in the XML Pattern file
5. Demo
Let's begin with a fresh install of Drupal 6:
add Patterns module
add any/all required modules
run a Pattern
oooh! aaah!
6. Patterns
A closer look at Patterns and how to create them:
essential tags: <pattern>, <info>,
<modules> and <actions>
defining functionality
calling other Patterns
Patterns form helper
9. Patterns execution workflow
A closer look at how the module works:
enable all required modules
execute all actions in the order they were
defined in the Pattern file
each action emulates one form submission
build $form_values array and additional
params and pass it to drupal_execute()
10. The Future
What's in store for the future:
pattern exporter, recorder
configuration framework
pluggable input format support (YAML)
make it easier to write components
Integration with install profiles
possible inclusion of configuration
framework in Drupal Core
11. Getting started
A few helpful resources:
Get the Patterns module
Check out the documentation
12. User involvement
use module and report bugs, request
help improve documentation
Pattern user group on D.O.
14. Module Maintainers
Possible ways to take advantage and/or help:
write components for your own module
consider using patterns for defining your
module configuration or example setups
15. Questions, please.
If any questions, ideas etc. came to your mind
during the presentation, feel free to ask/share!