Provide technical documentation solutions to corporate, governmental, and private individuals to meet needs and requirements.
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Paula Horn—Technical Writer
Education → Entertainment
for Every LifeStyle Paula Horn, PhD—Résumé 818.762.7444
1575 Spinnaker Drive 105B, Ventura, Ca 93001
Extensive experience in custom development of Technical Documentation, Marketing Communications, and High Tech
solutions in print, electronic, multimedia, and Web-based tools that are clear, well designed, accurate, visually appealing, and
instructionally sound to meet organizational goals in corporate, high tech, bioscience, healthcare, training, marketing, utility,
research, government, military, and entertainment organizations. Systematic, structured, cost-efficient approach to content
management of documentation including technical documentation (user guides, Standard Operating Procedures [SOPs],
policy/procedure guides, manuals, proposals, reports, flyers, brochures, guidelines, and business processes); web-based
multimedia including mobile training, smart media, eLearning, FAQs, white papers, one sheets, blogs, wikis, slideshows,
and videos); and regulatory compliance (Sarbanes–Oxley [SOX], ISO, and FDA). High level of energy, curiosity, creativity,
business analysis, organization, communication, customer focus, flexibility, and information management skills in providing
technical solutions to management, business analysts, end users, customers, vendors, and the public. Consulting Services
are described below followed by Publications and Productions and Skill Sets.
Project Job Functions
Ventura County Area
Agency on Aging
May 2012–present
Designed, developed, and supported bilingual marketing media, training, and documentation
for Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) for Medicare, Covered CA (CC), and
Adult Disability/Benefit Enrollment Center (ADRC/BEC); participated in Outreach/Education:
▼ Designed, developed, and published bilingual documentation, training, and
marketing media in including eLearning, presentations, intakes, reports, flyers,
brochures, photos and videography for Outreach Events (internal/external Educational
▼ Participated in Medicare and Medicaid Enrollments as CDA/California Department of
Aging as Certified Counselor (Plan Finder, intakes, reports, tracking, and customer
▼ Participated in CC (Covered CA) Outreach as CC Certified Educator / Enrollment
Counselor (Call Center, touchpad, smartphone, tracking, reporting, customer service)
▼ Participated in ADRC/BEC (Adult Disability Resource Center/Benefit Enrollment
Center) Outreach for MIPPA Services (MSP, Medicaid, Cal Fresh, and LiHEAP)
Research articles
3/09–3/11 (P/T)
Technical Editor (Medical Science)
Edited, proofread, formatted, desktop published, and localized upcoming online scientific
research and web content with rapid turnaround (~100) from Far East to American/British
English using databases in medical science, bioscience, and IT / IS. Content included clinical
trials LIS / HIS, FDA/ISO/IEEE/MS, ICD, radiology, biotech, pharma, and diseases, and
Dako (Denmark)
Professional Services
Research Department
Lead Technical Writer (Medical Devices)
Lead international matrix team in analysis, design, development, publication, production,
localization, and compliance of web-based documentation for new biomedical robotic device:
▼ Developed documentation system of Basic, Advanced, and Administration guides for
Research and Histotechnology Departments for use by hospitals and research facilities.
▼ Documented FDA / ISO safety guidelines for medical device compliance: FDA 21 CFR Part
820 (Quality System Regulation); 21 CFR Part 82 1 Device Tracking; 21 CFR Part 806
Medical Device Reporting; and 21 CFR Part 11 (Electronic Records and Electronic
Signatures). ISO 9000 Series of Standards; ISO 13485:2003; Council Directive 93/42/EEC
June 1993 (Medical Device Directive); Canadian Medical Device Regulations; 21 CFR Part
11 (Electronic Records / Electronic Signatures).
IBM Corporation (cgs)
Application Services,
Learning Development
Technical Writer / eLearning
Instructionally designed WBT (web-based training) from Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to update
two telecommunication courses for AT&T service personnel on Virtual IBM ThinkPad. Content
included all project simulations (MS Office, SharePoint, IBM Mail, MS NetMeeting)
Thalassemia Support
ThalaPedia 4/07–9/07
Wikipedia Writer/Editor
With Interactive Multimedia Professor from USC, produced Thalapedia wiki for Thalassemia
parents and pediatric patients on characteristics, severity, and treatment
Amgen (Hudson)
Training Department
Technical Writer / eLearning (Pharma)
Instructionally designed, developed, and produced eLearning modules for AMGEN Orientation
in AMGEN style (ISO, SOX, FDA/21 CFR Part 11, and pharmacopoeia compendia).
2. Paula Horn PhD—Résumé, p 2 of
2 eLearning modules
▼ Quality Agreements, Performance Level (LMS exam) on legal guidelines for FDA
compliance and policy/procedures for generating supplier contractual agreements.
▼ Supplier Audit/Quality Management Database, Awareness Level (Introduction of
series) from technical documentation and SME’s (IT managers and DBA).
Project Job Functions
MetLife Investors
IT Application
Development Department
2004 and 2005
(2 projects)
IT Technical Writer
Researched, designed [mapped], developed, validated, and produced documentation,
training, process flows, and functional specs for web-based n-tier MS.NET infrastructure
(Adobe Premium, MS Office, Visio, Rationale Suite, and Clearcase) with AMA Manual of
Style, Chicago Guide, and IEEE /MS Style Guidelines:
▼ Documented the IT Application Department infrastructure including network
security, backup, and disaster recovery with ISO Best Practices (2004).
▼ Designed/developed IT functional specs and requirements docs (VBA, C#)
Allianz Global Risks
IT Client Services/
Security Department
SOX Technical Writer
Produced documentation and marketing tools for the IT Security Department (MS Office,
Visio, Lotus Notes, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/Acrobat):
▼ Designed/developed documentation, training, and marketing documents
including Awareness document, Announcement, Procedure Guide, and collateral
media to market, train, and support new Shred-It program in the U.S (Acrobat, HTML).
▼ Designed/developed Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) documentation for Assistant Vice
President documenting enterprise infrastructure including security, viruses, netbackup,
and disaster recovery for MS.NET architecture (VBA, C+, C#, Perl).
▼ Designed/developed IT documentation function, including documentation
repository, policy / procedures, master documents, templates, charts/diagrams,
Kinko’s / KODAK
Kinko’s Digital Photo
Technical Writer (Hardware)
Instructionally designed, developed, and desktop published documentation training for the
KODAK Digital Photo Center for Kinko/KODAK joint venture. Documentation included staff
procedure guides and training for store personnel, business, financial, and sales/-
marketing (MS Office/PowerPoint, Adobe Suite [Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, HTM]).
▼ Produced KODAK Digital Photo Center Policy & Procedure Guide using
information mapping, along with current advances in business analysis and digital
▼ Produced the Kinko Digital Workstation Procedure Guide and the Kinko Digital
Center Maintenance Guide, a competitive system to the KODAK Digital Photo Center.
▼ KODAK Digital Photo Center is still used by many vendors in similar configuration.
Canon Medical Systems
IT Marketing
Canon PACS / Picture
Archiving Communications
Technical Writer (Medical Device)
Developed and desktop published initial documentation and notebook presentations for
supporting and marketing Canon PACS hospital teleradiology system (MS Office
with PowerPoint and Adobe Suite) with FDA (21 CFR Part 11 and ISO 9000):
▼ Designed/mapped, developed, validated, and published Canon PACS System
Integration Guide and Canon PACS Policy/Procedure Guide for Canon teleleradiology
system (MS Server and VB applications).
▼ Produced training tools, graphics, and Canon digital photos for system integrators,
sales reps, developers, hospital staff, scientists, and management.
Apex Fitness Group
Dietary Supplementation
2004 and 1999
Science Editor/Writer
Instructionally designed, produced graphics, edited, desktop published validated, and
pitched to publisher An Evaluation of Popular Fitness Enhancing Supplements for Neil
Spruce, a 500-page biochemistry textbook and educational publisher’s proposal. Proposal
accepted and long-term relationship established, leading to additional books using AMA
Manual of Style, CBE Scientific Style and Format Mosby’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary.
(Western Digital Corp)
QIS / Quality Information
System Data Warehouse
Technical Writer
Established multimedia training function, working with V.P., training, mechanical
engineers, and IT/IS to produce modular 20+ V.P. presentations for Fortune 500
executives during initial 2-year phase of 5-year, Web-based, data warehouse to track hard
disk components for suppliers, vendors, and OEMs (MS PowerPoint, Adobe suite):
▼ Analyzed, mapped, developed, and produced V.P. [QIS] presentations and
training. Developed Board of Director presentations for executives’ /
3. Paula Horn PhD—Résumé, p 3 of
stakeholders’ quarterly budget approval meetings; QIS became major profit center,
then independent subsidiary center
▼ Analyzed, developed, and desktop published annual reports and quarterly budget
approval meetings for Board of Directors; QIS budget/project approved during
▼ QIS became major profit center, turned around company with contract (re)-extended.
Southern CA Edison
SCE TAS/Task Accounting
Technical Writer
Designed, developed, edited, and desktop published workshops for SCE TAS/Task
Accounting System, Fujitsu 500 pentop and remote proxima for SCE matrix organization:
▼ Produced TAS Simulation workshop, including Facilitators' Guide, Users' Guide,
and presentations to train SCE employees from prototype and specs.
▼ Collaborated with external programmers in updating MS Windows 3.1 version to
MS Windows 95 version to make the application intuitive and easy to learn and use.
Paula Horn (, Facebook, LinkedIn, ݺߣShare)
Paula Horn/VeyeSite (YouTube, MySpace, Twitter, BlogSpot, Picasa)
Horn Studio (Buzzfeed, Digg)
Bilingual medical reports, slideshows, flyers, brochures, photos, videos (Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, 2012–2014)
Medical documents edited and localized for submission, including ~25 clinical trials (~100, 2009–2010)
Basic, Advanced, and Administration Guide for diagnostic robot and reagent kits, DAKO, 2008 [Sony camcorder]
Web-based eLearning with LMS simulations for Nortel/OPTera, IBM Corporation, 2007
Thalapedia Patient Website, Thalassemia Support Foundation, 2007 [Sony digital camera]
AMGEN Supplier Quality Agreements [Legal Contacts], Performance Level, Captivate eLearning, 2006)
AMGEN Supplier Audit/Quality Management Database, Awareness Level, Captivate eLearning (2006)
SHRED-IT Awareness Document, Announcement, and Procedure Guide (Allianz IT Security/Client Services, 2004)
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance documentation (Allianz IT Security/Client Services, 2004)
20+ WDC V.P presentations for executives (Western Digital Corp Data Warehouse) [KODAK digital camera]
Evaluation of Popular Fitness Enhancing Supplements, biochemistry textbook and proposal [Sony digital camera]
Canon PACS [Teleradiology] System Integration Guide and interactive presentations [Canon digital cameras]
Task Accounting System (TAS) Workshop, Southern California Edison (SCE) [Disposable cameras]
QAD Annual Report and Survey, QAD, Carpenteria, CA
KODAK Digital Photo Center Policy & Procedure Guide [Canon digital camera]
Eight award-winning catalogs and newsletters for five Fortune 500 companies, Catalog Manager, Merisel
Mosaic Browser Guide, Quarterdeck Systems, Santa Monica, CA
WITS (Warranty Information Tracking System) User Guide, Metrolink/SCRRA, Los Angeles, CA
dBASE User Guide and dBASE MAC User Guide (InfoWorld “A” rating)
Xerox Consultants' Handbook [Xerox Star]
Xerox Instructional Design and Development Procedures (Mager workshops/2 instructor-led and one self-paced)
Army TacFire Artillery System (A/V and WBT drill and practice), RAND/System Development Corporation, CA
HMO/PPO Virtual Nursing Hospital Presentations (hospitals/internal staff)
Who’s Who Listings including American/International Women and Business Women, including 2013
Local Groups including STC, ASTD, ISPI, Phi Delta Kappa, LAMG, AFI, MENSA, .MAC, and AVID
PhD Education (Instructional Technology) major, Evaluation minor, Spanish / Statistics languages, USC, CA
MA Educational-Psychology major, Reading minor, NYU, NY
MS Secondary English Education, Hofstra University, NY
BA English major (Psychology and Spanish minors), Albany State University, NY
Technical Documentation
Full scope writing / editing (Eng-Span)
Technical documentation
Infrastructure/functional specs
Document design /development
Instructional design / development
Evaluation/ user test
Manuals/user guides
Standard Op. Procedures (SOPs)
Job aids / crib sheets
Desktop publishing (DTP
Graphics / multimedia /new media
Podcasts, BLOGS, new media
Style guides/templates/macros
4. Paula Horn PhD—Résumé, p 4 of
Marketing Communications
Full scope media production
Integrated sales / marketing / PR
Technology marketing
Business analysis / R&D
Annual Reports / Proposals
Focus groups/ field tests
Global presentations (Eng-Span)
Sales / marketing communications
Business communications
Web content / white papers / FAQs
Vendor catalogs / data sheets
Newsletters / house organs (10)
AVID/Final Cut, Final Draft + A/V
Multimedia CD-Rs/DVD-Rs
High Tech
OS: IBM mainframe, Sun UNIX, AS/400, MS
Windows 8.1, Mac OS X, smart media
Multimedia: Digital camcorders and
cameras, SnagIT, Adobe Suite
(FrameMaker, Photoshop, Illustrator,
InDesign, Acrobat, Adobe Studio
(DreamWeaver/ Flash/ FireWorks), Final
Draft, Final Cut
MS Office 2003/4/7/8: Word, PowerPoint,
Visio, Excel, Access, Project, SharePoint,
FrontPage, Publisher, Paint
MS.NET Web-based enterprise systems
ECOs, .NET, SQL server, 2003 enterprise,
2000 client server/ NT / VBA
Telecommunications (Military, Telecoms
+, C#, Perl