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Seeking assignments in water quality Analysis, Process Improvement and Research &
Development with an organisation of high repute in Power Industry.
Career Abstract
 Result oriented professional with 13 years & ten month of experience in
Strategic Planning, Analysis, Process Improvement, and Control Lab
Operations of water, cooling tower,coal analysis & high capacity of RO
Plant operation as well as PT Plant,ETP,Thickener,Oil separator system in
the Power Industry.
 AT present working: Jindal Steel & Power Limited,Angul,Odisha.The Power
plant capacity is 6X135 MW. One of the big Capacity RO Plant in power
plant sector.
 I have completed the commissioning of overall plant is given below & Now I am
looking after the overall operation of RO Plant capacity is (3 X 400 m3/hrs)1200
m3/hrs. with Brackish water,Water treatment plant capacity 9900 m3/hrs.with
cascade aerator, stilling chamber,parshall flume & distribution chamber,clarifier
(2475m3/hrs. x 4).CWST tank capacity 2 X 25000m3. Duel media filter capacity
(245m3/hrs. x 7),continuous micron filtration system(Ultra Filtration)capacity 3X450
m3/hrs. MB capacity 7X220 m3/hrs. Make M/S Triveni water Projects Ltd/ Thermax
India limited .Side stream filter 18 X 330m3/hrs. for cooling Tower.DMF for portable
water 65 X 2m3/hrs.ETP plant capacity 2 X 550 m3/hrs.Sludge thickener &
centrifuge capacity 1020 m3/hrs. ,Oil separator system as well as chlorine gas
system 10 kg/hrs.For PT plant & 140 kg/hrs. for Cooling Tower.
RO membrane loading & unloading.CIP of RO & UF Plant & coal analysis of different
& imported coal.
 DM plant is based on DCS SYSTEM
I have done the chemical cleaning, acid & alkali bailout, steam blowing,
Passivation, of 6X135 MW boilers, each CFBC boiler capacity is 450 ton.
 I am working here on SAP system, to make the PR,reservation,booking of production
consumption, transfer of water/dm water,power,chemical,booking of raw chemical
quality,coal quality,stock verification,GRN etc
 Documentation :preparation of water & steam test report,Data entry of overall plant like RO
Plant,ETP Plant,PT Plant etc,handling of man power,preparation of MIS Report, specific water
consumption report,total water consumption report like service water potable water,dm water
UF water,RO water clarifier water,treated water from ETP Plant,oil separator,ORT
report.chemical consumption report etc. .
 I am working here on lab instrument like Spectrophotometer,Atomic absorption
spectrophotometer,Turbiditimeter,pH Metre and Conductivity Metre,Millipore distilled water
system,centrifuge,and handling of SWAS system.
 OIL analysis like LDO,EH oil MOT oil(TAN,viscosity,NAS,moisture,density)by PODS, Viscosity
(Redwood Viscosity Meter-1),Karl-Fischer Auto Titrator
 Coal analysis like Surface Moisture, Inherent Moisture, GCV, Ash %, Fix Carbon and Volatile
Matter & sieve analysis of coal & ash, unburned carbon of coal by Muffle Furnace, Bomb
calorimeter make IKA,oven,Proximate analyser from different mines & imported coal also.
 Boiler water and cooling tower analysis & maintain the parameter, like
pH,conductivity,hardness,Silica, Phosphate, o2 , Alkanity,Hydrazine in Feed/
Boiler,Condenser,saturated steam, main steam & analysis of Cooling Water,Waste Water,Raw
Water like Free Chlorine,ph,Iron,Chloride,Alkanity,sio2,total hardness,magnesium,calcium
etc,DDM,corrosion coupon,TPC,SRM
 I have worked in BHUSHAN ENERGY LIMITED ANGUL (ORISSA).It is an integrated
steel plant of capacity of 3.5 million ton per annum. Now the first phase is completed which
having capacity of 1.5 million tons per annum. For the first phase the power plant capacity
2X150 MW (4X250TPH) CFBC Boiler & 110MW (33MW + 77MW) is completed & running
condition .It consisting project of four WHRB and one AFBC. Now another project are going of
165x2MW (4X250TPH) CFBC Boiler.
 Power Plant Capacity 300 MW
Energy Limited.
 About DM Plant:
 DM plant capacity 77,000 x 2 Litre/hrs make (Thermax Limited)
 DM plant capacity 77,000 x 3 Litre/hrs make (Thermax Limited)
 DM plant capacity 23,000 x 3 Litre/hrs make (Thermax Limited)
 With Dual media filter, activated carbon filter, strong acidic cation,strong base anion, Mix bed
& Ultra filtration system.
 I am looking after the total plant operation as well as I have completed the commissioning of
DM Plant also.
 DM plant is based on DCS SYSTEM
 I have done chemical cleaning,Acid & alkali boilout, steam blowing, passivation in
2X150 MW boiler capacity 250 ton CFBC boilers.
 I have work here on SAP system, to make PR,reservation,purchaging of some equipments
maintain the plant record, handling of man power
 I have work here for coal analysis,water analysis(raw water, clarifier water,
feed/boiler/saturated steam/main steam/condensate water)cooling tower water etc.
 I have already worked in DM plant capacity 20,000 Litre/hrs make (Ion exchange)
 I have work on RO system capacity 90,000 Litre/hrs (make Aquatech eng. Membrane
 ORION plant capacity 6,000 Litre/hrs (including RO, CDI system (continuous electro
deionisation) ultrafiltration system) make Elga eng.
 Documentation like preparation of MIS report send the mail,preparation of PR,reservation
MWP,MWR,booking of DM water,raw water,chemical consumption data entry in sap system
,follow up for chemicals,equipments,to make MWR, maintenance of equipments.to maintain
the water quality & parameter.
 Leads the outside & Inside audit team
 I have also work in beverages plant as a quality controller, chemist &
 Familiar with the lab equipments such as Oven, Incubator, BOD Incubator,
Spectrophotometer, Turbiditimeter, Autoclave, pH Metre and Conductivity,handling of man
 The operational & technical knowledge of RO capacity, 8000 litre/hrs (make, Ions Exchange )
 Leading BIS Visit and granting ISI Mark of Beverages Plant & Rubber Industries.
 Well technical & operation knowledge about ACF (ActivatedCarbon Filter), MGF (Multigrade
Sand Filter), Softener,RO membrane, degasser,UV tube,ozonater
 DM PLANT: Strong Acidic Cation, Strong Base Anion, Mix Bed,Knowledge of water treatment
plant.& their dosing & operation system
 Testing known about DM & beverages PLANT (a new amendment method from( BEAURO OF
INDIAN STENDARD )physical testing :pH, TDS,Conductivity, Alkanity, Odour, test, turbidity .
 Microbiological testing: aerobic migrobialcount, pseudomonos, coliform,
colistridai,yeast&moult, e.coli
Career Scan
Jindal steel & Power limited Asst. Manager Feb.10 to till
 M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry) from Dr.R.M.L. Awadh University,Faizabad
(U.P.) in 2001
 B.Sc. from G. K. P. University, Gorakhpur (U.P.) in 1999.
 Bagged the NCC `B Certificate from Defence Ministry of India.
 Diploma in mechanical engineering (appear)from Institution of mechanical
engineering Mumbai
IT Skills: Well versed with MS Office, MS Word, Excel, Power point and Internet
Personal Dossier
Date of Birth : 17th May, 1980
Present Address : Jindal Steel & power Limited,
Flat no-SF1/4,Jindal Nagar,
Chhindipada Road,Angul,Orissa
Permanent Address : Vill  Budhapar,Post  Udairaj Gang,
Distt  Siddarth Nagar
(UP) India
Marriage status : Married
Current CTC : 8. 5 LAKHS per nm (Approx.)
Expected salary : Negotiable
Name- Pawan Srivastava
Place- Angul
Pavan resume-09.02.16)

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Pavan resume-09.02.16)

  • 1. PAWAN SRIVASTAVA Mobile: 9777443432/09452304758 ~ e- mail:pavansrivastavjspl@gmail.com Seeking assignments in water quality Analysis, Process Improvement and Research & Development with an organisation of high repute in Power Industry. Career Abstract Result oriented professional with 13 years & ten month of experience in Strategic Planning, Analysis, Process Improvement, and Control Lab Operations of water, cooling tower,coal analysis & high capacity of RO Plant operation as well as PT Plant,ETP,Thickener,Oil separator system in the Power Industry. AT present working: Jindal Steel & Power Limited,Angul,Odisha.The Power plant capacity is 6X135 MW. One of the big Capacity RO Plant in power plant sector. I have completed the commissioning of overall plant is given below & Now I am looking after the overall operation of RO Plant capacity is (3 X 400 m3/hrs)1200 m3/hrs. with Brackish water,Water treatment plant capacity 9900 m3/hrs.with cascade aerator, stilling chamber,parshall flume & distribution chamber,clarifier (2475m3/hrs. x 4).CWST tank capacity 2 X 25000m3. Duel media filter capacity (245m3/hrs. x 7),continuous micron filtration system(Ultra Filtration)capacity 3X450 m3/hrs. MB capacity 7X220 m3/hrs. Make M/S Triveni water Projects Ltd/ Thermax India limited .Side stream filter 18 X 330m3/hrs. for cooling Tower.DMF for portable water 65 X 2m3/hrs.ETP plant capacity 2 X 550 m3/hrs.Sludge thickener & centrifuge capacity 1020 m3/hrs. ,Oil separator system as well as chlorine gas system 10 kg/hrs.For PT plant & 140 kg/hrs. for Cooling Tower. RO membrane loading & unloading.CIP of RO & UF Plant & coal analysis of different mines & imported coal. DM plant is based on DCS SYSTEM I have done the chemical cleaning, acid & alkali bailout, steam blowing, Passivation, of 6X135 MW boilers, each CFBC boiler capacity is 450 ton. I am working here on SAP system, to make the PR,reservation,booking of production consumption, transfer of water/dm water,power,chemical,booking of raw chemical quality,coal quality,stock verification,GRN etc Documentation :preparation of water & steam test report,Data entry of overall plant like RO Plant,ETP Plant,PT Plant etc,handling of man power,preparation of MIS Report, specific water consumption report,total water consumption report like service water potable water,dm water UF water,RO water clarifier water,treated water from ETP Plant,oil separator,ORT report.chemical consumption report etc. . I am working here on lab instrument like Spectrophotometer,Atomic absorption spectrophotometer,Turbiditimeter,pH Metre and Conductivity Metre,Millipore distilled water system,centrifuge,and handling of SWAS system. OIL analysis like LDO,EH oil MOT oil(TAN,viscosity,NAS,moisture,density)by PODS, Viscosity (Redwood Viscosity Meter-1),Karl-Fischer Auto Titrator Coal analysis like Surface Moisture, Inherent Moisture, GCV, Ash %, Fix Carbon and Volatile Matter & sieve analysis of coal & ash, unburned carbon of coal by Muffle Furnace, Bomb calorimeter make IKA,oven,Proximate analyser from different mines & imported coal also. Boiler water and cooling tower analysis & maintain the parameter, like pH,conductivity,hardness,Silica, Phosphate, o2 , Alkanity,Hydrazine in Feed/ Boiler,Condenser,saturated steam, main steam & analysis of Cooling Water,Waste Water,Raw Water like Free Chlorine,ph,Iron,Chloride,Alkanity,sio2,total hardness,magnesium,calcium etc,DDM,corrosion coupon,TPC,SRM I have worked in BHUSHAN ENERGY LIMITED ANGUL (ORISSA).It is an integrated steel plant of capacity of 3.5 million ton per annum. Now the first phase is completed which
  • 2. having capacity of 1.5 million tons per annum. For the first phase the power plant capacity 2X150 MW (4X250TPH) CFBC Boiler & 110MW (33MW + 77MW) is completed & running condition .It consisting project of four WHRB and one AFBC. Now another project are going of 165x2MW (4X250TPH) CFBC Boiler. Power Plant Capacity 300 MW I HAVE ALSO PROJECT KNOWLEDGE FOR COMMISNING OF DM PLANT in Bhushan Energy Limited. About DM Plant: DM plant capacity 77,000 x 2 Litre/hrs make (Thermax Limited) DM plant capacity 77,000 x 3 Litre/hrs make (Thermax Limited) DM plant capacity 23,000 x 3 Litre/hrs make (Thermax Limited) With Dual media filter, activated carbon filter, strong acidic cation,strong base anion, Mix bed & Ultra filtration system. I am looking after the total plant operation as well as I have completed the commissioning of DM Plant also. DM plant is based on DCS SYSTEM I have done chemical cleaning,Acid & alkali boilout, steam blowing, passivation in 2X150 MW boiler capacity 250 ton CFBC boilers. I have work here on SAP system, to make PR,reservation,purchaging of some equipments maintain the plant record, handling of man power I have work here for coal analysis,water analysis(raw water, clarifier water, feed/boiler/saturated steam/main steam/condensate water)cooling tower water etc. I have already worked in DM plant capacity 20,000 Litre/hrs make (Ion exchange) I have work on RO system capacity 90,000 Litre/hrs (make Aquatech eng. Membrane Filmtech-30) ORION plant capacity 6,000 Litre/hrs (including RO, CDI system (continuous electro deionisation) ultrafiltration system) make Elga eng. Documentation like preparation of MIS report send the mail,preparation of PR,reservation MWP,MWR,booking of DM water,raw water,chemical consumption data entry in sap system ,follow up for chemicals,equipments,to make MWR, maintenance of equipments.to maintain the water quality & parameter. Leads the outside & Inside audit team I have also work in beverages plant as a quality controller, chemist & microbiologist. Familiar with the lab equipments such as Oven, Incubator, BOD Incubator, Spectrophotometer, Turbiditimeter, Autoclave, pH Metre and Conductivity,handling of man power. The operational & technical knowledge of RO capacity, 8000 litre/hrs (make, Ions Exchange ) Leading BIS Visit and granting ISI Mark of Beverages Plant & Rubber Industries. Well technical & operation knowledge about ACF (ActivatedCarbon Filter), MGF (Multigrade Sand Filter), Softener,RO membrane, degasser,UV tube,ozonater DM PLANT: Strong Acidic Cation, Strong Base Anion, Mix Bed,Knowledge of water treatment plant.& their dosing & operation system Testing known about DM & beverages PLANT (a new amendment method from( BEAURO OF INDIAN STENDARD )physical testing :pH, TDS,Conductivity, Alkanity, Odour, test, turbidity . Microbiological testing: aerobic migrobialcount, pseudomonos, coliform, colistridai,yeast&moult, e.coli Career Scan Jindal steel & Power limited Asst. Manager Feb.10 to till date Angul,Odisha
  • 3. Scholastics M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry) from Dr.R.M.L. Awadh University,Faizabad (U.P.) in 2001 B.Sc. from G. K. P. University, Gorakhpur (U.P.) in 1999. Bagged the NCC `B Certificate from Defence Ministry of India. Diploma in mechanical engineering (appear)from Institution of mechanical engineering Mumbai IT Skills: Well versed with MS Office, MS Word, Excel, Power point and Internet Applications. Personal Dossier Date of Birth : 17th May, 1980 Present Address : Jindal Steel & power Limited, Flat no-SF1/4,Jindal Nagar, Chhindipada Road,Angul,Orissa PIN-759111 Permanent Address : Vill Budhapar,Post Udairaj Gang, Distt Siddarth Nagar (UP) India Marriage status : Married Current CTC : 8. 5 LAKHS per nm (Approx.) Expected salary : Negotiable Name- Pawan Srivastava Place- Angul