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*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
VISION: To understand nuclear physics through the study of the impact on our society and world.
Teacher(s): University of Vermont Department of Education
Project Title: Science and Society: Exploring the Role of Nuclear
Physics on the World (modified from a lesson written by UVM
Noyce Scholar, Heather Cutler)
Grade Level(s): 7-12
Subject(s): How can you incorporate interdisciplinary subjects into this project
?? Coordinate with humanities and art instructors to look at the social justice,
history, and art surrounding nuclear physics.
?? Consider creating some sort of art for social change project.
?? Connect with the librarian and media specialist or journalist to further explore
the topics.
Timeframe: From 1 week - 1 month, depending on student interest
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: What big ideas or real-world
dilemma will drive this project?
?? Politics, power, voice: science and society are inextricably
o Whose voices matter science?
o Whose voices matter society?
?? Social stigmas have dictated who was published in science and
how accessible certain fields are/were to certain people.
o Has nuclear science excluded certain
o There were specific individuals selected to develop the
field of nuclear physics. Who were they and why were
they selected?
o What is the best way to decide who gets to practice
science, or who gets credit for discoveries?
o Why were there so few women and people of color
involved in the Manhattan project?
?? What is nuclear physics?
o History: What is the history nuclear physics?
o What were the main events in nuclear physics history?
o Whose stories get preserved? Told? Why?
?? What are the benefits and ramifications of an advanced nuclear
physics program?
o Who are the stakeholders impacted by nuclear physics
and what do they have to say? Do they have voice?
o Are there people who benefit or are harmed by their
voice/lack of voice?
Essential Questions: What essential questions will drive the project?
Consider the themes that will focus the unit and ones that integrate social justice
issues (preferably local ones/issues that are meaningful to student audience).
NOTE: This is a great activity to do with your students but it is usually helpful to
already have some ideas in the hopper
Essential Social Justice Questions
?? How does society influence science?
?? How does science influence society?
?? What implications do social standards have on who is involved in science and
what is studied and how was/is the study of/development of nuclear physics
?? Where is nuclear physics today? How did we get there?
?? How do the ideas we have talked about in a historical context apply to today? Is
science today different than it was in the 1940's? Is it "fair"?
Overall Nuclear Physics Questions
?? Where are nuclear physical reactions and how do they work?
?? How did scientists come to understand nuclear physics and what sorts of
experiments/reactions did they carry out?
o What materials/equipment were needed in order to accomplish this?
o How was this endeavor funded?
o Is it "fair" or "right" to allocate funds to scientists who are designing
weapons that will harm other people?
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Content & Concepts:
What will Students know or need to know?
What skills will students need or need to acquire?
Standards Addressed
?? Describe how a neutron can give energy to a
nucleus and cause it to fission.
?? Explain the byproducts of a fission event and give
examples from history.
?? Explain how a chain reaction works and describe
the requirements for a sustained chain reaction
large enough to make a bomb.
?? Explain how a nuclear reactor works and how
control rods can be used to slow down the reaction.
?? Terminology of nuclear physics and social justice
(e.g. fission, chain reaction, alpha radiation,
plutonium, uranium, containment vessels, social
status, hierarchy, privilege, status quo, etc.).
?? Conducting labs and thinking like scientists in
order to understand the content/concepts in
nuclear physics; engage in the scientific process
(hypothesizing, experimenting and design,
analysis, presenting, and, as Einstein said, ¡°act¡±.)
?? Deciphering and presenting information to
various stakeholders from officials to community
?? Determining the accuracy and level of bias in the
information researched and presented.
?? Understanding personal levels of status and
privilege and how that informs/alters one¡¯s work
in science and society.
USA- NAS- Science Education
Standards National Academy of
Science Content Standard G:
Fundamental Concept and Principle:
Scientists are influenced by societal,
cultural, and personal beliefs and ways
of viewing the world. Science is not
separate from society but rather
science is a part of society.
Next Generation Science Standards
HS-PS1-1:Use the periodic table as a
model to predict the relative properties
of elements based on the patterns of
electrons in the outermost energy level
of atoms.
HS-PS1-8: Develop models to
illustrate the changes in the
composition of the nucleus of the
atom and the energy released during
the processes of fission, fusion, and
radioactive decay
HS-PS2-6: Communicate scientific
and technical information about why
the molecular-level structure is
important in the functioning of
designed materials.
Any additional concepts or ideas that may not be the focus but are worth being familiar with.
?? Exploring the connection between nuclear science and society
?? Ethics of science¡ªwho decides what gets funded to study and why? Is this acceptable?
?? How was the bomb conceived of and made?
o Where did this happen and what was required to make it happen (knowledge, resources, etc.)?
?? Exploring the concept of privilege
?? Who has it? What does it take to get it? What happens to people who do not have it?
?? How is education a form of privilege?
?? How does science fit into this equation?
?? What are our responsibilities as educated members of this community who have access to knowledge and
?? Exploring techniques for handling information
?? What are ways to stay organized?
?? How can we maintain confidentiality and grace around sensitive, politically charged issues?
?? How do we understand bias and accuracy in sources?
?? What if this makes me feel uncomfortable¡ªhow should I handle myself?
?? Exploring techniques for collaboration
?? What if peers/community member have different opinions, work ethics, ideas and approaches?
?? What if I struggle with my partner/group?
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
INQUIRY: What is the desired result and how will students know when they have reached it? What is acceptable evidence?
assessment that will be useful to the stakeholders/problem identified?
Other Evidence that can be Assessed
What useful data, measurements, survey information, etc. might be helpful
to the cause? How will you help students generate realistic, challenging,
relevant final projects?
?? Where are students starting from? Begin with an formative assessment
of prior knowledge by starting with a photo essay and/or short
audio/video clip and having students write thoughts and comments on
post-it notes and debrief in pairs then as a group. Guiding questions:
What do you know about that atomic bomb? What do you know about
nuclear physics?
o Secretly Working To Win The War In 'Atomic City' Audio
Clip from NPR:
o The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project Video:
o Manhatten Project Voices:
?? How familiar/comfortable are students with unpacking social justice
concepts? Assess entry point for students¡ªbuild from there.
?? Students will be assessed on their:
?? Nuclear physics labs
?? Quality of participation in mini-lectures, and on individual/group
?? Reflections on articles, speakers, media, and interviews
?? Correspondence with a scientist who is currently working in the
field of nuclear physics
?? The quality portfolio organization in a portfolio
?? The last 10 minutes of each lesson will be devoted to a quiet time of
writing/reflection. Students will reflect on how society and science
influence each other, particularly on what the science is used for and
who is involved in it.
Examples could include but are not limited to: challenge projects, problem
solving tasks, lab design/write-ups, presentations/performances,
cooperative group work, models, quizzes, tests, observations, dialogues,
work samples/drafts, logs, data collected, self/peer assessments, interviews
with experts, etc.
Students will select and research a historical figured involved with the
Manhattan Project, either political or scientific. Options include but are not
limited to: Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein,
Robert Oppenheimer, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Leona Woods, Elizabeth
Riddle Graves, FDR, Howard Truman, and Leslie Richard Graves.
NOTE: A good resource for a list of people involved is mphpa.org
(http://www.atomicheritage.org/) and
Students will be responsible for researching their individual and the role
that they played in the development of the atomic bomb. Together with the
students, we will create a rubric to assess our projects. Students will be
asked to research the individual using the guiding questions below and
compile a presentation about their individual.
Students will present and submit (hand in) a compilation of the results of
their research. This can be submitted in a variety of forms including but not
limited to: a puppet show, a piece of art, dressing in character and giving an
oral presentation, a song or poem, or an essay. Note: these suggestions are
simply that¡ªsuggestions. Students may develop other creative ways to
present their research. Following each student 10-15 minute presentation,
we will have a class discussion, facilitated by students, focusing on the
following questions: 1) How does science influence society and/or politics?
2) How do politics and/or society influence science? 3) Who can be involved
in science? How is that determined?
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
BUILD: How will the learning experiences be developed?
What is the background and context of the project? What is the relevancy
and importance of the project? What is the authentic challenge/problem
being addressed?
?? The FAA¡¯s house relocation program: students can look look into the
history/background of this
?? When did this program begin?
?? Why did it start?
?? Does it have bi-partisan support?
?? What are their definitions, (e.g. of ¡°loud¡±)
?? Why is it relevant? Important? A challenge for our community?
Following the Chalk Talk, there will be a brief mini-lecture (<3 min)
covering the following points
? The atomic bomb was developed during WWII in the United
? The project was rushed along because of a fear (rumor) that the
Germans were close to a breakthrough on a massive weapon
? The project was called The Manhattan Project and it utilized a huge
number of scientists in America
? Many scientists and laborers were not aware of specifically what
they were working on
? There was a lot of controversy over whether or not to drop the
bomb on Japan
How can you hook your students? What would create buy-in? Who might
they get involved with that is an expert in this field?
?? Start with a fieldtrip to the airport
?? Set up interviews with the various stakeholders or have a panel
?? connect them with real people who are being negatively
affected by the noise, the need to move, etc. especially if they
themselves are young people
?? Involve the media
?? Listen to broadcasts and read lots and lots and lots articles with
varied opinions
?? Dissect articles¡ªexplore how this one made you feel versus
the other and why that was so
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
Begin to design your project board: Outline specific tasks, milestones/timelines that students will complete early on, during, and at the end of the project.
Who might they get involved with that is an expert in this field? Remember to emphasize problem posing, problem solving, and other meaningful tasks in
the design.
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
BUILD, cont.
List preparations necessary to address needs for differentiated instruction: How this project meet everyone¡¯s needs?
(Remember to consider any ELL students, special-needs students, students with diverse learning styles, students who many struggle with reading and need
varied levels, students who need clear expectations and scaffolding, students who need constant challenge, etc.)
List preparations for multicultural, socially-conscious classroom: How will all voices and points of view be heard with this project? How will the
classroom promote the values of democracy?
List reflection and evaluation techniques: How will you and your students reflect on and evaluate the project? (E.g. Class discussion, Fishbowl, Student-
facilitated formal debrief, individual evaluations or rubric work, peer/group evaluations, etc.) Develop a project rubric (or several mini-rubrics) that assesses
the learning intentions for this project.
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
Student Literature Classroom Materials Web sites & Technology Field Trips and Field Work
The Moment in Time: The
Manhattan Project:
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
Think about the different lessons/activities that will be needed to demonstrate the key knowledge and skills for this project.
How will students work autonomously and build on their learning to ensure continual improvement?
Week 1 - Dates: Week2 - Dates: Week 3 - Dates:
Week 4 - Dates: Week 5 - Dates: Week 6 - Dates:
*Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/)
Throughout and especially at the end of the project, consider what went well and what changes you would make for the next time.

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  • 1. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 1 VISION: To understand nuclear physics through the study of the impact on our society and world. Teacher(s): University of Vermont Department of Education Project Title: Science and Society: Exploring the Role of Nuclear Physics on the World (modified from a lesson written by UVM Noyce Scholar, Heather Cutler) Grade Level(s): 7-12 Subject(s): How can you incorporate interdisciplinary subjects into this project design? ?? Coordinate with humanities and art instructors to look at the social justice, history, and art surrounding nuclear physics. ?? Consider creating some sort of art for social change project. ?? Connect with the librarian and media specialist or journalist to further explore the topics. Timeframe: From 1 week - 1 month, depending on student interest Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: What big ideas or real-world dilemma will drive this project? ?? Politics, power, voice: science and society are inextricably interwoven. o Whose voices matter science? o Whose voices matter society? ?? Social stigmas have dictated who was published in science and how accessible certain fields are/were to certain people. o Has nuclear science excluded certain groups/individuals? o There were specific individuals selected to develop the field of nuclear physics. Who were they and why were they selected? o What is the best way to decide who gets to practice science, or who gets credit for discoveries? o Why were there so few women and people of color involved in the Manhattan project? ?? What is nuclear physics? o History: What is the history nuclear physics? o What were the main events in nuclear physics history? o Whose stories get preserved? Told? Why? ?? What are the benefits and ramifications of an advanced nuclear physics program? o Who are the stakeholders impacted by nuclear physics and what do they have to say? Do they have voice? o Are there people who benefit or are harmed by their voice/lack of voice? Essential Questions: What essential questions will drive the project? Consider the themes that will focus the unit and ones that integrate social justice issues (preferably local ones/issues that are meaningful to student audience). NOTE: This is a great activity to do with your students but it is usually helpful to already have some ideas in the hopper Essential Social Justice Questions ?? How does society influence science? ?? How does science influence society? ?? What implications do social standards have on who is involved in science and what is studied and how was/is the study of/development of nuclear physics funded? ?? Where is nuclear physics today? How did we get there? ?? How do the ideas we have talked about in a historical context apply to today? Is science today different than it was in the 1940's? Is it "fair"? Overall Nuclear Physics Questions ?? Where are nuclear physical reactions and how do they work? ?? How did scientists come to understand nuclear physics and what sorts of experiments/reactions did they carry out? o What materials/equipment were needed in order to accomplish this? o How was this endeavor funded? o Is it "fair" or "right" to allocate funds to scientists who are designing weapons that will harm other people?
  • 2. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 2 KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Content & Concepts: What will Students know or need to know? Skills: What skills will students need or need to acquire? Standards Addressed ?? Describe how a neutron can give energy to a nucleus and cause it to fission. ?? Explain the byproducts of a fission event and give examples from history. ?? Explain how a chain reaction works and describe the requirements for a sustained chain reaction large enough to make a bomb. ?? Explain how a nuclear reactor works and how control rods can be used to slow down the reaction. ?? Terminology of nuclear physics and social justice (e.g. fission, chain reaction, alpha radiation, plutonium, uranium, containment vessels, social status, hierarchy, privilege, status quo, etc.). ?? Conducting labs and thinking like scientists in order to understand the content/concepts in nuclear physics; engage in the scientific process (hypothesizing, experimenting and design, analysis, presenting, and, as Einstein said, ¡°act¡±.) ?? Deciphering and presenting information to various stakeholders from officials to community members. ?? Determining the accuracy and level of bias in the information researched and presented. ?? Understanding personal levels of status and privilege and how that informs/alters one¡¯s work in science and society. USA- NAS- Science Education Standards National Academy of Science Content Standard G: SCIENCE AS A HUMAN ENDEAVOR Fundamental Concept and Principle: Scientists are influenced by societal, cultural, and personal beliefs and ways of viewing the world. Science is not separate from society but rather science is a part of society. Next Generation Science Standards HS-PS1-1:Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms. HS-PS1-8: Develop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of the atom and the energy released during the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay HS-PS2-6: Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials. Any additional concepts or ideas that may not be the focus but are worth being familiar with. ?? Exploring the connection between nuclear science and society ?? Ethics of science¡ªwho decides what gets funded to study and why? Is this acceptable? ?? How was the bomb conceived of and made? o Where did this happen and what was required to make it happen (knowledge, resources, etc.)? ?? Exploring the concept of privilege ?? Who has it? What does it take to get it? What happens to people who do not have it? ?? How is education a form of privilege? ?? How does science fit into this equation? ?? What are our responsibilities as educated members of this community who have access to knowledge and resources? ?? Exploring techniques for handling information ?? What are ways to stay organized? ?? How can we maintain confidentiality and grace around sensitive, politically charged issues? ?? How do we understand bias and accuracy in sources? ?? What if this makes me feel uncomfortable¡ªhow should I handle myself? ?? Exploring techniques for collaboration ?? What if peers/community member have different opinions, work ethics, ideas and approaches? ?? What if I struggle with my partner/group?
  • 3. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 3 INQUIRY: What is the desired result and how will students know when they have reached it? What is acceptable evidence? ASSESSMENT/PERFORMANCE TASKS: What is relevant assessment that will be useful to the stakeholders/problem identified? Other Evidence that can be Assessed What useful data, measurements, survey information, etc. might be helpful to the cause? How will you help students generate realistic, challenging, relevant final projects? ?? Where are students starting from? Begin with an formative assessment of prior knowledge by starting with a photo essay and/or short audio/video clip and having students write thoughts and comments on post-it notes and debrief in pairs then as a group. Guiding questions: What do you know about that atomic bomb? What do you know about nuclear physics? o Secretly Working To Win The War In 'Atomic City' Audio Clip from NPR: http://www.npr.org/player/v2/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1 &islist=false&id=172908135&m=173350701 o The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwpgmEvlRpM o Manhatten Project Voices: http://www.manhattanprojectvoices.org/oral-histories ?? How familiar/comfortable are students with unpacking social justice concepts? Assess entry point for students¡ªbuild from there. ?? Students will be assessed on their: ?? Nuclear physics labs ?? Quality of participation in mini-lectures, and on individual/group projects ?? Reflections on articles, speakers, media, and interviews ?? Correspondence with a scientist who is currently working in the field of nuclear physics ?? The quality portfolio organization in a portfolio ?? The last 10 minutes of each lesson will be devoted to a quiet time of writing/reflection. Students will reflect on how society and science influence each other, particularly on what the science is used for and who is involved in it. Examples could include but are not limited to: challenge projects, problem solving tasks, lab design/write-ups, presentations/performances, cooperative group work, models, quizzes, tests, observations, dialogues, work samples/drafts, logs, data collected, self/peer assessments, interviews with experts, etc. Students will select and research a historical figured involved with the Manhattan Project, either political or scientific. Options include but are not limited to: Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Leona Woods, Elizabeth Riddle Graves, FDR, Howard Truman, and Leslie Richard Graves. NOTE: A good resource for a list of people involved is mphpa.org (http://www.atomicheritage.org/) and http://www.manhattanprojectvoices.org/oral-histories. Students will be responsible for researching their individual and the role that they played in the development of the atomic bomb. Together with the students, we will create a rubric to assess our projects. Students will be asked to research the individual using the guiding questions below and compile a presentation about their individual. Students will present and submit (hand in) a compilation of the results of their research. This can be submitted in a variety of forms including but not limited to: a puppet show, a piece of art, dressing in character and giving an oral presentation, a song or poem, or an essay. Note: these suggestions are simply that¡ªsuggestions. Students may develop other creative ways to present their research. Following each student 10-15 minute presentation, we will have a class discussion, facilitated by students, focusing on the following questions: 1) How does science influence society and/or politics? 2) How do politics and/or society influence science? 3) Who can be involved in science? How is that determined?
  • 4. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 4 BUILD: How will the learning experiences be developed? DESCRIBE THE PROJECT CREATE BUY-IN What is the background and context of the project? What is the relevancy and importance of the project? What is the authentic challenge/problem being addressed? ?? The FAA¡¯s house relocation program: students can look look into the history/background of this ?? When did this program begin? ?? Why did it start? ?? Does it have bi-partisan support? ?? What are their definitions, (e.g. of ¡°loud¡±) ?? Why is it relevant? Important? A challenge for our community? Following the Chalk Talk, there will be a brief mini-lecture (<3 min) covering the following points ? The atomic bomb was developed during WWII in the United States ? The project was rushed along because of a fear (rumor) that the Germans were close to a breakthrough on a massive weapon ? The project was called The Manhattan Project and it utilized a huge number of scientists in America ? Many scientists and laborers were not aware of specifically what they were working on ? There was a lot of controversy over whether or not to drop the bomb on Japan How can you hook your students? What would create buy-in? Who might they get involved with that is an expert in this field? ?? Start with a fieldtrip to the airport ?? Set up interviews with the various stakeholders or have a panel discussion ?? connect them with real people who are being negatively affected by the noise, the need to move, etc. especially if they themselves are young people ?? Involve the media ?? Listen to broadcasts and read lots and lots and lots articles with varied opinions ?? Dissect articles¡ªexplore how this one made you feel versus the other and why that was so
  • 5. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 5 Begin to design your project board: Outline specific tasks, milestones/timelines that students will complete early on, during, and at the end of the project. Who might they get involved with that is an expert in this field? Remember to emphasize problem posing, problem solving, and other meaningful tasks in the design.
  • 6. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 6 BUILD, cont. List preparations necessary to address needs for differentiated instruction: How this project meet everyone¡¯s needs? (Remember to consider any ELL students, special-needs students, students with diverse learning styles, students who many struggle with reading and need varied levels, students who need clear expectations and scaffolding, students who need constant challenge, etc.) List preparations for multicultural, socially-conscious classroom: How will all voices and points of view be heard with this project? How will the classroom promote the values of democracy? List reflection and evaluation techniques: How will you and your students reflect on and evaluate the project? (E.g. Class discussion, Fishbowl, Student- facilitated formal debrief, individual evaluations or rubric work, peer/group evaluations, etc.) Develop a project rubric (or several mini-rubrics) that assesses the learning intentions for this project.
  • 7. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 7 CURRICULUM UNIT RESOURCES Student Literature Classroom Materials Web sites & Technology Field Trips and Field Work http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulatio n/nuclear-fission The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw pgmEvlRpM http://www.ushistory.org/us/51f.asp nuclearweaponarchive.org/USA/Med /Med.html
  • 8. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 8 PLAN LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES AND SEQUENCE INSTRUCTION Think about the different lessons/activities that will be needed to demonstrate the key knowledge and skills for this project. How will students work autonomously and build on their learning to ensure continual improvement? Week 1 - Dates: Week2 - Dates: Week 3 - Dates: Week 4 - Dates: Week 5 - Dates: Week 6 - Dates:
  • 9. PBIS PROJECT PLANNER* *Modeled after and adapted from Vermont secondary PROJECT Science Partnership and Buck Institute for Education (www.bie.org/) 9 REFLECTION: Throughout and especially at the end of the project, consider what went well and what changes you would make for the next time.