This document provides guidance for creating project-based learning (PBL) experiences and outlines key ingredients and steps to consider. The summary is:
1) The key ingredients for PBL include up-front planning, integrating standards, using imagination, and optionally collaborating with others.
2) Planning is important, including starting with the desired outcomes and selecting an engaging driving question and scenario for students.
3) The framework involves hooking students with a compelling introduction, grouping students, establishing group contracts, assessing prior knowledge, and providing feedback and support throughout.
Start With Up-Front Planning
Add Standards to Taste
Mix in a Pinch of Imagination
(Optional Add-in) Friends/Colleagues
Fold in Experience
You May Want to Add More Planning
4. Start With The End In Mind
The Buck Institute For Education
Manor ISDs Think Forward Institute
5. So, Lets Create a Project
Pick a Topic (and 3 or 4 standards)
Select a scenario (well brainstorm with
does a ________ do _________ by _______
(Well make this when the time comes)}
6. Were Still Planning
Pick a Time Frame (1?2?3?more? weeks)
Want to work with another content?
Create a Rubric(s)
Heres the Frame work ----------
7. Framework For Success
The Hook (Video/Letter/Document/etc)
Grouping (3 or 4 per group works best)
Group Contracts
What Do they know? What must they
8. Got It? Then Do It!
Start simple/small
Think short time period (5 to 10 days)
Choose a topic you know cold
Wait for them to ask you (We need to
know how to do _____)