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Project Based Learning
Course Instructor: Durga Sharma
Civil Engineering Department, IARE
 Why we should know PBL
 Essentials of PBL
 PBL in Civil Engineering
 Sustainable Development Goals
 SDG 6 (Water)
 Innovative Projects and Ideas
 Projects and Startup related to WATER
 Upcoming Conferences related to WATER
Project Based Learning
Project-based learning
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student
centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic
classroom approach in which it is believed
that students acquire a deeper knowledge
through active exploration of real-world
challenges and problems. (Wikipedia definition)
PBL in Civil Engineering
Project Based Learning Books
Sustainable Development Goals
The Report highlights the severity and magnitude of the challenges before us.
The confluence of crises, dominated by COVID-19, climate change, and
conflicts, are creating spin-off impacts on food and nutrition, health,
education, the environment, and peace and security, and affecting all the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Domain : Water
(Sustainable Development Goal 6)
Domain : Water
(Sustainable Development Goal 6)
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 6
and Hygiene
Means of Implementation
and capacity
PBL Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
1 Pervious concrete as a
sustainable material
Collection &
Investigation &
2 Start-up Related to
Solid Waste
3 Start-up Related To
Water Resources
4 Home for Homeless
5 Geo-spatial Start up
Solid Waste Management
New-Age Waste
Companies in
India To Watch in
Agricultural Waste Management
companies and startups in India
Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
companies and
startups in India
Water Resources Management
Start-up Related To WRM
Start-up Related To WRM
Start-up Related To WRM
 FLUID  Smart Water Metering
 Compared to their conventional counterparts, smart water meters possess
a vast array of benefits, including leak detection and prevention, energy
reduction, real-time information disclosure, higher precision, as well as a
description of water consumption patterns. Besides, wireless networking
and two-way remote communications with a local utility eliminate the
need for any manual checks as well as reflect relevant and accurate online
data 24/7. US-based FLUID develops and manufactures ultrasonic smart
water meters, which enable intelligent alarms and have no moving parts,
thus, they are unaffected by wear and tear. The peculiarity of this solution
implies an easy clamping-on of the meter without a plumber. In addition,
it allows setting water goals and receiving insights about water usage
habits in order to learn more and increase savings.
Start-up Related To WRM
 Lishtot  Drinking Water Quality Control
 Maintaining a high quality of potable water is one of the sustainability
challenges nowadays and it poses many doubts. Advanced control and
testing devices enable smart city residents to get their drinking waters
safety checked based on various important parameters, e.g, conductivity,
pH, temperature, or chemical properties to increase awareness and health
confidence. Israeli startup Lishtot offers a testing as a service solution
named TestDrop Pro. This portable device utilizes differential signaling in
an electrical circuit that assists in accurate detecting of various
contaminants, heavy metals, chemicals and bacteria at different levels of
purity. Furthermore, the app presents immediate results, as opposed to
lab testing.
Start-up Related To WRM
 Elentec  Onsite Wastewater Reuse
 Mass amounts of effluent disposal in many parts of the globe bring
attention to the question of water onsite reuse cycle in smart cities.
Wastewater recycling and polishing removes all contaminants from
residential sewage and industrial waters, includes primary, secondary or
tertiary stages of purification, and returns water back in the system for
groundwater restoring or onsite reuse in agriculture and industry.
British Elentec facilitates the implementation of electro-coagulation (EC)
in secondary wastewater treatment and tertiary polishing, which proves to
produce less footprint, be more safe and stable, compared to traditional
chemical reclamation. Its off-the-grid and modular reactors are mostly
applied in the following industries: automotive, municipal sewage,
aquaculture, mining, brewing, dairy, etc.
Start-up Related To WRM
 WaterGen  Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG)
 Atmospheric water generation systems are a new technology trend called
to increase drinking water supply in the world and, especially, in
indigenous and water-scarce communities. Typical AWGs convert rain, fog,
dew, vapor, and natural air humidity into potable water by continuously
replicating a natural process of condensation and carefully storing the
outcome. Originating from Israel, WaterGen and its heat-exchange GENius
technology provide a room for more cost-efficiency, that is, generating
clean water at relatively low energy usage (250Wh per liter) at affordable
prices (around 2 cents per liter). The company manufactures scalable
AGW products to meet various needs: from a separate household to big
smart cities.
Start-up Related To WRM
 WaterFX  Eco-Friendly Desalination
 High salinity water treatment is also a crucial trend towards tackling a
water scarcity problem in smart cities, increasing freshwater coverage and
pursuing zero liquid discharge. As usual, desalination of the sea or brackish
waters requires substantial amounts of energy and powerful brine
disposal facilities. In contrast to traditional practices, eco-friendly
desalination focuses on advanced evaporation with the use of
renewables. WaterFX, a startup from the USA, addresses these challenges
based on solar energy, which ensures lower operation costs and larger
amounts of freshwater received. The companys solutions spread over the
treatment of seawater, groundwater, and impaired salty waters, leaving no
liquid byproducts. Besides, WaterFX introduced a beta-version of LQUID, a
decentralized platform for desalinated water trade and analytics.
1 Project
 The Indian Rivers Inter-link is a
proposed large-scale civil
engineering project that aims
to effectively manage water
resources in India by
linking Indian rivers by a
network of reservoirs and
canals to enhance
irrigation and groundwater
recharge, reduce persistent
floods in some parts
and water shortages in other
parts of India.
 Water and adaptation to climate change
 Impacts of climate change and variability on transboundary basins are evident in many regions
in the world and increasing floods and droughts pose a challenge to water managers around
the globe. Transboundary cooperation in adaptation is necessary to prevent maladaptation and
increase the overall effectiveness of adaptation. The Water Convention and its Task Force on
Water and Climate, led by the Netherlands and Switzerland, support countries in developing
transboundary adaptation strategies and implementation of priority adaptation measures
though guidance, projects on the ground and exchange of experience.
2 Project
3 Project
Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) was an IAHS initiative operating
throughout the decade of 2003-2012, established with the primary aim
of reducing uncertainty in hydrological predictions.
4 Project
The general objective of this Sao Paulo Water Quality and Pollution Control Project is
to assist Brazil in developing a cost-effective approach to control water pollution. The
project also proposes policy and institutional reforms which minimize allocative
distortions. The project consists of investments and institutional support for two water
pollution control components covering water basins in two of the most congested and
polluted metropolitan areas in Brazil
5 Project
6 Project
Upcoming Conferences

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  • 1. Project Based Learning Course Instructor: Durga Sharma Civil Engineering Department, IARE
  • 2. Outline Why we should know PBL Essentials of PBL PBL in Civil Engineering Sustainable Development Goals SDG 6 (Water) Innovative Projects and Ideas Projects and Startup related to WATER Upcoming Conferences related to WATER
  • 4. Project-based learning Project-based learning (PBL) is a student centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. (Wikipedia definition)
  • 5. PBL in Civil Engineering
  • 7. Sustainable Development Goals The Report highlights the severity and magnitude of the challenges before us. The confluence of crises, dominated by COVID-19, climate change, and conflicts, are creating spin-off impacts on food and nutrition, health, education, the environment, and peace and security, and affecting all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • 26. Domain : Water (Sustainable Development Goal 6)
  • 27. Domain : Water (Sustainable Development Goal 6)
  • 29. Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Goal 6 6.1 Drinking Water 6.2 Sanitation and Hygiene 6.3 Water quality 6.4 Water-use Efficiency 6.5 Water resource managem ent 6.6 Eco- systems Means of Implementation 6.A International cooperation and capacity development 6.B Local participation
  • 30. PBL Lab Sl No PBL Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 1 Pervious concrete as a sustainable material Data Collection & Explore Investigation & Theoretical Background Application 2 Start-up Related to Solid Waste Management 3 Start-up Related To Water Resources Management 4 Home for Homeless 5 Geo-spatial Start up
  • 31. Solid Waste Management 10 New-Age Waste Management Companies in India To Watch in 2022
  • 32. Agricultural Waste Management companies and startups in India Solid Waste Management
  • 36. Start-up Related To WRM FLUID Smart Water Metering Compared to their conventional counterparts, smart water meters possess a vast array of benefits, including leak detection and prevention, energy reduction, real-time information disclosure, higher precision, as well as a description of water consumption patterns. Besides, wireless networking and two-way remote communications with a local utility eliminate the need for any manual checks as well as reflect relevant and accurate online data 24/7. US-based FLUID develops and manufactures ultrasonic smart water meters, which enable intelligent alarms and have no moving parts, thus, they are unaffected by wear and tear. The peculiarity of this solution implies an easy clamping-on of the meter without a plumber. In addition, it allows setting water goals and receiving insights about water usage habits in order to learn more and increase savings.
  • 37. Start-up Related To WRM Lishtot Drinking Water Quality Control Maintaining a high quality of potable water is one of the sustainability challenges nowadays and it poses many doubts. Advanced control and testing devices enable smart city residents to get their drinking waters safety checked based on various important parameters, e.g, conductivity, pH, temperature, or chemical properties to increase awareness and health confidence. Israeli startup Lishtot offers a testing as a service solution named TestDrop Pro. This portable device utilizes differential signaling in an electrical circuit that assists in accurate detecting of various contaminants, heavy metals, chemicals and bacteria at different levels of purity. Furthermore, the app presents immediate results, as opposed to lab testing.
  • 38. Start-up Related To WRM Elentec Onsite Wastewater Reuse Mass amounts of effluent disposal in many parts of the globe bring attention to the question of water onsite reuse cycle in smart cities. Wastewater recycling and polishing removes all contaminants from residential sewage and industrial waters, includes primary, secondary or tertiary stages of purification, and returns water back in the system for groundwater restoring or onsite reuse in agriculture and industry. British Elentec facilitates the implementation of electro-coagulation (EC) in secondary wastewater treatment and tertiary polishing, which proves to produce less footprint, be more safe and stable, compared to traditional chemical reclamation. Its off-the-grid and modular reactors are mostly applied in the following industries: automotive, municipal sewage, aquaculture, mining, brewing, dairy, etc.
  • 39. Start-up Related To WRM WaterGen Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) Atmospheric water generation systems are a new technology trend called to increase drinking water supply in the world and, especially, in indigenous and water-scarce communities. Typical AWGs convert rain, fog, dew, vapor, and natural air humidity into potable water by continuously replicating a natural process of condensation and carefully storing the outcome. Originating from Israel, WaterGen and its heat-exchange GENius technology provide a room for more cost-efficiency, that is, generating clean water at relatively low energy usage (250Wh per liter) at affordable prices (around 2 cents per liter). The company manufactures scalable AGW products to meet various needs: from a separate household to big smart cities.
  • 40. Start-up Related To WRM WaterFX Eco-Friendly Desalination High salinity water treatment is also a crucial trend towards tackling a water scarcity problem in smart cities, increasing freshwater coverage and pursuing zero liquid discharge. As usual, desalination of the sea or brackish waters requires substantial amounts of energy and powerful brine disposal facilities. In contrast to traditional practices, eco-friendly desalination focuses on advanced evaporation with the use of renewables. WaterFX, a startup from the USA, addresses these challenges based on solar energy, which ensures lower operation costs and larger amounts of freshwater received. The companys solutions spread over the treatment of seawater, groundwater, and impaired salty waters, leaving no liquid byproducts. Besides, WaterFX introduced a beta-version of LQUID, a decentralized platform for desalinated water trade and analytics.
  • 41. 1 Project The Indian Rivers Inter-link is a proposed large-scale civil engineering project that aims to effectively manage water resources in India by linking Indian rivers by a network of reservoirs and canals to enhance irrigation and groundwater recharge, reduce persistent floods in some parts and water shortages in other parts of India.
  • 42. Water and adaptation to climate change Impacts of climate change and variability on transboundary basins are evident in many regions in the world and increasing floods and droughts pose a challenge to water managers around the globe. Transboundary cooperation in adaptation is necessary to prevent maladaptation and increase the overall effectiveness of adaptation. The Water Convention and its Task Force on Water and Climate, led by the Netherlands and Switzerland, support countries in developing transboundary adaptation strategies and implementation of priority adaptation measures though guidance, projects on the ground and exchange of experience. 2 Project
  • 43. 3 Project Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) was an IAHS initiative operating throughout the decade of 2003-2012, established with the primary aim of reducing uncertainty in hydrological predictions.
  • 44. 4 Project The general objective of this Sao Paulo Water Quality and Pollution Control Project is to assist Brazil in developing a cost-effective approach to control water pollution. The project also proposes policy and institutional reforms which minimize allocative distortions. The project consists of investments and institutional support for two water pollution control components covering water basins in two of the most congested and polluted metropolitan areas in Brazil