This document discusses building price prediction models. It covers using k-nearest neighbors algorithms to estimate wine prices based on rating and age. It describes calculating distances between data points and finding the k nearest neighbors. Weighted k-nearest neighbors and Gaussian weighted averages are also covered. The document concludes with discussing techniques like training and test set validation, and cross-validation to evaluate algorithm performance.
Architecture for scalable Angular applications (with introduction and extende...Pawe? ?urowski
Architecture for applications that scales. It uses redux pattern and ngrx implementation with effects and store.
It's refreshed (but still 2+) presentation from my inner talk for colegues.
It's refreshed again and extended by quick and dirty introduction to Angular with verbose example.
Interacting with the Qt Quick scene graph is a good bonus skill for any Qt developer to have. In this introductory webinar we will present this component: a graphical representation of the Item scene and an alternative method to QML coding. Proper use of the underlying scene graph can save performance at runtime. We will explore how to interact with the scene graph through a simple example and suggest when it is appropriate to use.
Architecture for scalable Angular applicationsPawe? ?urowski
Architecture for applications that scales. It uses redux pattern and ngrx implementation with effects and store.
It's refreshed (but still 2+) presentation from my inner talk for colegues.
CodeMash - Building Rich Apps with Groovy SwingBuilderAndres Almiray
This document discusses using SwingBuilder in Groovy to create Swing applications. It covers the basics of SwingBuilder, including building a simple UI, handling events with closures, and defining reusable actions. It also discusses more advanced topics like threading, binding, custom components, and graphical rendering with GraphicsBuilder. The goal is to learn how to simplify and speed up Swing development using Groovy features.
Angelique Ellerman is a customer service professional with over 15 years of experience in roles such as customer service representative, waitress, and personal care attendant. She has strong skills in Microsoft Office, POS systems, and customer service. Currently she works as an AT&T customer service representative, providing world-class service and meeting sales quotas. She is detail-oriented, adapts well to changes, and is looking for advancement opportunities.
Aprendizajecooperativo 1226646191287169-9Heidi Villa
Este documento presenta tres mitos comunes sobre el aprendizaje cooperativo y proporciona informacin para desmitificarlos. Primero, el aprendizaje cooperativo no se basa solo en dinmicas grupales o recompensas, sino que requiere componentes como la interdependencia positiva y el procesamiento grupal. Segundo, los estudiantes avanzados no son necesariamente perjudicados por trabajar en grupos heterogneos. Tercero, no es adecuado dar solo una calificacin grupal sin considerar los resultados individuales. El documento tambin of
Tema 6.2 oposicin al rgimen de la restauracin-cristian y samueljjsg23
La oposicin al rgimen de la Restauracin en Espa?a estaba compuesta por diversos grupos heterogneos como los carlistas, republicanos, anarquistas y movimientos nacionalistas. Los carlistas y republicanos estaban divididos en facciones moderadas y radicales. Los anarquistas se oponan a la participacin poltica y practicaban el terrorismo individual. Los movimientos nacionalistas cataln y vasco reivindicaban la autonoma cultural y administrativa de sus regiones.
Este documento describe las caractersticas de diferentes grupos de animales. Los mamferos tienen pelo, son vivparos y alimentan a sus cras con leche. Las aves tienen plumas, ponen huevos y muchas pueden volar. Los peces viven en el agua, respiran por branquias y ponen huevos. Los reptiles se desplazan reptando y son ovparos. Los anfibios pasan por una metamorfosis y respiran por pulmones en tierra aunque nacen en el agua.
Tema 4.1 las regencias y el problema carlista-cristina y elisajjsg23
Este documento describe las guerras carlistas y las regencias en Espa?a entre 1833-1843. Resumiendo: 1) Hubo tres guerras carlistas entre carlistas tradicionalistas y liberales isabelinos; 2) La regencia de Mara Cristina introdujo reformas liberales como el Estatuto Real de 1834 pese a la oposicin carlista; 3) La regencia de Espartero entre 1840-1843 continu las reformas liberales pero enfrent revueltas.
Tema 6.2 oposicin al sistema de la restauracin-marta e irenejjsg23
El documento describe las diferentes ideologas polticas que surgieron en Espa?a durante el siglo XIX, incluyendo carlistas, republicanos, anarquistas, socialistas y diferentes movimientos nacionalistas. Los carlistas defendan el tradicionalismo y la monarqua divina, mientras que los republicanos promovan ideas liberales como el sufragio universal. Tambin surgi el anarquismo, el socialismo y diferentes movimientos nacionalistas como el catalanismo y el vasquismo.
Tema 5.1 el sexenio democrtico-natalia y mnicajjsg23
Este documento resume el perodo histrico conocido como el Sexenio Democrtico en Espa?a entre 1868 y 1874. Tras la Revolucin de 1868 que derroc a Isabel II, se estableci un gobierno provisional y se redact una nueva constitucin que estableca un sistema parlamentario y amplias libertades. Sin embargo, hubo problemas polticos y sociales que llevaron a intentar establecer una monarqua con Amadeo I, la cual tampoco tuvo xito. Finalmente, se proclam la Primera Repblica pero
Tema 11.3 oposicin poltica al rgimen de franco (1959-1975)-sergio y ngeljjsg23
El documento resume las diferentes fuentes de oposicin poltica al rgimen franquista en Espa?a, incluyendo grupos de centro-derecha, trabajadores, estudiantes universitarios, vecinos y la iglesia catlica. Tambin menciona la oposicin poltica tradicional como el PCE y ETA, as como los movimientos terroristas como FRAP y GRAPO. El rgimen franquista respondi a esta oposicin con represin a travs del Tribunal de Orden Pblico.
Tema 5.2 economa y sociedad en el s. xix-desire y mari carmenjjsg23
Espa?a en el siglo XIX experiment un descenso de la mortalidad y el mantenimiento de altas tasas de natalidad, con el 80% de la poblacin viviendo en zonas rurales. La sociedad estaba dividida en clases altas, medias y bajas. Las desamortizaciones de 1836-1855 consolidaron la estructura latifundista y aumentaron la superficie cultivada pero no la productividad. La industrializacin se vio impulsada por recursos como el hierro, el carbn y el ferrocarril, aunque la agricultura sigui
Deepak uikey introduces himself, stating his name is Deepak uikey and his father's name is K.R. uikey and his mother's name is S. uikey. He notes that his hometown is the village of Poama in Chhindwara.
Rosa Barrios has over 20 years of experience in human resources, recruiting, and program administration. She is currently a Program Administrator at Telford Aviation, where her responsibilities include timekeeping, travel arranging, expense reporting, facility maintenance, finance liaison duties, and serving as a HR liaison. Previously, she worked as a Human Resources Representative at Northrop Grumman/California Microwave Systems, where she handled recruiting, hiring, relocations, and employee issues. She also has experience as a Customer Service Specialist and HR Recruiter at other companies.
The document summarizes Wittenberg University's Master of Science in Analytics program. The program provides networking opportunities and skills to solve real-world problems with minimal impact on work and family responsibilities. It combines analytics techniques with organizational leadership and ethics. The program is designed to provide critical skills for tackling challenging business problems and prepare students for high-paying data analyst roles that offer quick returns on tuition investment.
IBM offers a professional certification program for cloud and mobility skills, as shown by a sample certificate. The certificate recognizes Apurba Chakraborty for successfully completing the program requirements for IBM Cloud Certified Application Developer certification in Cloud Platform v1 as of September 20, 2016, as signed by Robert LeBlanc, Senior Vice President.
El museo contiene la habitacin del mito de Siss, los aposentos imperiales y exhibe un retrato de la emperatriz y una rplica de su vestido de coronacin.
Conceptos fundamentales de web analytics para tener en cuenta desde el lado de la empresa.
El documento est pensado para acercar las nociones de Web Analytics a Brand Managers, Marketing Managers, Online Media Managers y todo aquel que requiera informacin sobre la performance online de una marca o una compa?a.
En el documento no se hablan de tecnologas en particular pero se utilizan capturas de Google Analytics y Omniture SiteCatalyst.
Tema 11.1 el 2? franquismo. evolucion politica.robi y yeniferjjsg23
La LOE de 1967 separ los cargos de presidente del gobierno y jefe de estado. Franco design a Juan Carlos como sucesor en 1969 para garantizar la continuidad del franquismo tras su muerte. En los a?os siguientes surgieron los aperturistas, que queran una liberalizacin econmica y poltica limitada, y los tecncratas e inmovilistas, que se oponan a estos cambios. Franco finalmente apoy a los tecncratas y el gobierno se volvi ms restrictivo. Tras la muerte de Franco en 1975, Juan Carlos
Learning to Spot and Refactor Inconsistent Method NamesDongsun Kim
To ensure code readability and facilitate software maintenance, program methods must be named properly. In particular, method names must be consistent with the corresponding method implementations. Debugging method names remains an important topic in the literature, where various approaches analyze commonalities among method names in a large dataset to detect inconsistent method names and suggest better ones. We note that the state-of-the-art does not analyze the implemented code itself to assess consistency. We thus propose a novel automated approach to debugging method names based on the analysis of consistency between method names and method code. The approach leverages deep feature representation techniques adapted to the nature of each artifact. Experimental results on over 2.1 million Java methods show that we can achieve up to 15 percentage points improvement over the state-of-the-art, establishing a record performance of 67.9% F1-measure in identifying inconsistent method names. We further demonstrate that our approach yields up to 25% accuracy in suggesting full names, while the state-of-the-art lags far behind at 1.1% accuracy. Finally, we report on our success in fixing 66 inconsistent method names in a live study on projects in the wild.
Boost delivery stream with code discipline engineeringMiro Wengner
Gang Of Four has done an amazing job of summarising and identifying common challenges that business has faced in the past. The evolution of application design has brought their work into a new context, much like the improvements to Java that have been added to the platform in recent years. Such progress leads to the conclusion that design patterns and anti-patterns need to be reconsidered. This presentation reveals how to increase delivery flow and improve the fast-feedback loop while identifying bottlenecks and removing obstacles from the codebase. During the presentation, we will uncover the nature of several anti-patterns and smoothly translate them into design patterns as required by everyday business. Together, we explore similar approaches provide by another JVM languages like Kotlin or Scala to reveal the power and simplicity of Java. This helps increase productivity while improving the quality of daily decisions supported by proper visualisation from Java Flight Recorder
This document provides an overview of JavaScript design patterns based on Addy Osmani's book "Essential JavaScript & jQuery Design Patterns". It begins with background on design patterns and defines what a design pattern is. It describes the structure of design patterns and discusses anti-patterns. It then covers common JavaScript design patterns including creational, structural, and behavioral patterns as well as MV* patterns like MVC, MVP, and MVVM. Specific patterns like Module, Observer, Command, Constructor & Prototype, and examples using Backbone.js, Spine.js, and Knockout.js are summarized.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for modeling, analyzing, and designing a 10-story reinforced concrete building using ETABS. It describes creating the model grid and defining material properties. It also details drawing structural members like beams, columns, slabs, and shear walls and assigning section properties. The document specifies loading cases, analysis options, and design codes. It concludes with running analyses, design, and checking story drift. The overall objective is to demonstrate modeling and design of a reinforced concrete building using static lateral force procedure.
Augmenting Machine Learning with Databricks Labs AutoML ToolkitDatabricks
<p>Instead of better understanding and optimizing their machine learning models, data scientists spend a majority of their time training and iterating through different models even in cases where there the data is reliable and clean. Important aspects of creating an ML model include (but are not limited to) data preparation, feature engineering, identifying the correct models, training (and continuing to train) and optimizing their models. This process can be (and often is) laborious and time-consuming.</p><p>In this session, we will explore this process and then show how the AutoML toolkit (from Databricks Labs) can significantly simplify and optimize machine learning. We will demonstrate all of this financial loan risk data with code snippets and notebooks that will be free to download.</p>
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) is an intentional online Journal in English monthly publishing journal. This Journal publish original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in engineering and Technology.
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Tema 4.1 las regencias y el problema carlista-cristina y elisajjsg23
Este documento describe las guerras carlistas y las regencias en Espa?a entre 1833-1843. Resumiendo: 1) Hubo tres guerras carlistas entre carlistas tradicionalistas y liberales isabelinos; 2) La regencia de Mara Cristina introdujo reformas liberales como el Estatuto Real de 1834 pese a la oposicin carlista; 3) La regencia de Espartero entre 1840-1843 continu las reformas liberales pero enfrent revueltas.
Tema 6.2 oposicin al sistema de la restauracin-marta e irenejjsg23
El documento describe las diferentes ideologas polticas que surgieron en Espa?a durante el siglo XIX, incluyendo carlistas, republicanos, anarquistas, socialistas y diferentes movimientos nacionalistas. Los carlistas defendan el tradicionalismo y la monarqua divina, mientras que los republicanos promovan ideas liberales como el sufragio universal. Tambin surgi el anarquismo, el socialismo y diferentes movimientos nacionalistas como el catalanismo y el vasquismo.
Tema 5.1 el sexenio democrtico-natalia y mnicajjsg23
Este documento resume el perodo histrico conocido como el Sexenio Democrtico en Espa?a entre 1868 y 1874. Tras la Revolucin de 1868 que derroc a Isabel II, se estableci un gobierno provisional y se redact una nueva constitucin que estableca un sistema parlamentario y amplias libertades. Sin embargo, hubo problemas polticos y sociales que llevaron a intentar establecer una monarqua con Amadeo I, la cual tampoco tuvo xito. Finalmente, se proclam la Primera Repblica pero
Tema 11.3 oposicin poltica al rgimen de franco (1959-1975)-sergio y ngeljjsg23
El documento resume las diferentes fuentes de oposicin poltica al rgimen franquista en Espa?a, incluyendo grupos de centro-derecha, trabajadores, estudiantes universitarios, vecinos y la iglesia catlica. Tambin menciona la oposicin poltica tradicional como el PCE y ETA, as como los movimientos terroristas como FRAP y GRAPO. El rgimen franquista respondi a esta oposicin con represin a travs del Tribunal de Orden Pblico.
Tema 5.2 economa y sociedad en el s. xix-desire y mari carmenjjsg23
Espa?a en el siglo XIX experiment un descenso de la mortalidad y el mantenimiento de altas tasas de natalidad, con el 80% de la poblacin viviendo en zonas rurales. La sociedad estaba dividida en clases altas, medias y bajas. Las desamortizaciones de 1836-1855 consolidaron la estructura latifundista y aumentaron la superficie cultivada pero no la productividad. La industrializacin se vio impulsada por recursos como el hierro, el carbn y el ferrocarril, aunque la agricultura sigui
Deepak uikey introduces himself, stating his name is Deepak uikey and his father's name is K.R. uikey and his mother's name is S. uikey. He notes that his hometown is the village of Poama in Chhindwara.
Rosa Barrios has over 20 years of experience in human resources, recruiting, and program administration. She is currently a Program Administrator at Telford Aviation, where her responsibilities include timekeeping, travel arranging, expense reporting, facility maintenance, finance liaison duties, and serving as a HR liaison. Previously, she worked as a Human Resources Representative at Northrop Grumman/California Microwave Systems, where she handled recruiting, hiring, relocations, and employee issues. She also has experience as a Customer Service Specialist and HR Recruiter at other companies.
The document summarizes Wittenberg University's Master of Science in Analytics program. The program provides networking opportunities and skills to solve real-world problems with minimal impact on work and family responsibilities. It combines analytics techniques with organizational leadership and ethics. The program is designed to provide critical skills for tackling challenging business problems and prepare students for high-paying data analyst roles that offer quick returns on tuition investment.
IBM offers a professional certification program for cloud and mobility skills, as shown by a sample certificate. The certificate recognizes Apurba Chakraborty for successfully completing the program requirements for IBM Cloud Certified Application Developer certification in Cloud Platform v1 as of September 20, 2016, as signed by Robert LeBlanc, Senior Vice President.
El museo contiene la habitacin del mito de Siss, los aposentos imperiales y exhibe un retrato de la emperatriz y una rplica de su vestido de coronacin.
Conceptos fundamentales de web analytics para tener en cuenta desde el lado de la empresa.
El documento est pensado para acercar las nociones de Web Analytics a Brand Managers, Marketing Managers, Online Media Managers y todo aquel que requiera informacin sobre la performance online de una marca o una compa?a.
En el documento no se hablan de tecnologas en particular pero se utilizan capturas de Google Analytics y Omniture SiteCatalyst.
Tema 11.1 el 2? franquismo. evolucion politica.robi y yeniferjjsg23
La LOE de 1967 separ los cargos de presidente del gobierno y jefe de estado. Franco design a Juan Carlos como sucesor en 1969 para garantizar la continuidad del franquismo tras su muerte. En los a?os siguientes surgieron los aperturistas, que queran una liberalizacin econmica y poltica limitada, y los tecncratas e inmovilistas, que se oponan a estos cambios. Franco finalmente apoy a los tecncratas y el gobierno se volvi ms restrictivo. Tras la muerte de Franco en 1975, Juan Carlos
Tema 4.1 las regencias y el problema carlista-cristina y elisajjsg23
Tema 6.2 oposicin al sistema de la restauracin-marta e irenejjsg23
Tema 5.1 el sexenio democrtico-natalia y mnicajjsg23
Tema 11.3 oposicin poltica al rgimen de franco (1959-1975)-sergio y ngeljjsg23
Tema 5.2 economa y sociedad en el s. xix-desire y mari carmenjjsg23
Learning to Spot and Refactor Inconsistent Method NamesDongsun Kim
To ensure code readability and facilitate software maintenance, program methods must be named properly. In particular, method names must be consistent with the corresponding method implementations. Debugging method names remains an important topic in the literature, where various approaches analyze commonalities among method names in a large dataset to detect inconsistent method names and suggest better ones. We note that the state-of-the-art does not analyze the implemented code itself to assess consistency. We thus propose a novel automated approach to debugging method names based on the analysis of consistency between method names and method code. The approach leverages deep feature representation techniques adapted to the nature of each artifact. Experimental results on over 2.1 million Java methods show that we can achieve up to 15 percentage points improvement over the state-of-the-art, establishing a record performance of 67.9% F1-measure in identifying inconsistent method names. We further demonstrate that our approach yields up to 25% accuracy in suggesting full names, while the state-of-the-art lags far behind at 1.1% accuracy. Finally, we report on our success in fixing 66 inconsistent method names in a live study on projects in the wild.
Boost delivery stream with code discipline engineeringMiro Wengner
Gang Of Four has done an amazing job of summarising and identifying common challenges that business has faced in the past. The evolution of application design has brought their work into a new context, much like the improvements to Java that have been added to the platform in recent years. Such progress leads to the conclusion that design patterns and anti-patterns need to be reconsidered. This presentation reveals how to increase delivery flow and improve the fast-feedback loop while identifying bottlenecks and removing obstacles from the codebase. During the presentation, we will uncover the nature of several anti-patterns and smoothly translate them into design patterns as required by everyday business. Together, we explore similar approaches provide by another JVM languages like Kotlin or Scala to reveal the power and simplicity of Java. This helps increase productivity while improving the quality of daily decisions supported by proper visualisation from Java Flight Recorder
This document provides an overview of JavaScript design patterns based on Addy Osmani's book "Essential JavaScript & jQuery Design Patterns". It begins with background on design patterns and defines what a design pattern is. It describes the structure of design patterns and discusses anti-patterns. It then covers common JavaScript design patterns including creational, structural, and behavioral patterns as well as MV* patterns like MVC, MVP, and MVVM. Specific patterns like Module, Observer, Command, Constructor & Prototype, and examples using Backbone.js, Spine.js, and Knockout.js are summarized.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for modeling, analyzing, and designing a 10-story reinforced concrete building using ETABS. It describes creating the model grid and defining material properties. It also details drawing structural members like beams, columns, slabs, and shear walls and assigning section properties. The document specifies loading cases, analysis options, and design codes. It concludes with running analyses, design, and checking story drift. The overall objective is to demonstrate modeling and design of a reinforced concrete building using static lateral force procedure.
Augmenting Machine Learning with Databricks Labs AutoML ToolkitDatabricks
<p>Instead of better understanding and optimizing their machine learning models, data scientists spend a majority of their time training and iterating through different models even in cases where there the data is reliable and clean. Important aspects of creating an ML model include (but are not limited to) data preparation, feature engineering, identifying the correct models, training (and continuing to train) and optimizing their models. This process can be (and often is) laborious and time-consuming.</p><p>In this session, we will explore this process and then show how the AutoML toolkit (from Databricks Labs) can significantly simplify and optimize machine learning. We will demonstrate all of this financial loan risk data with code snippets and notebooks that will be free to download.</p>
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) is an intentional online Journal in English monthly publishing journal. This Journal publish original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in engineering and Technology.
The Ring programming language version 1.3 book - Part 8 of 88Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document provides instructions for building Ring from source code on different platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It describes how to obtain the Ring source code from GitHub, install any required libraries, generate code for Ring extensions, and build the Ring compiler and virtual machine. The document also notes that Ring is open source under the MIT license and welcomes community contributions in areas like documentation, testing, samples, applications, editor support, libraries, and the compiler/VM code itself.
A product family with a common platform paradigm can increase the flexibility and responsiveness of the product- manufacturing process and help take away market share from competitors that develop one product at a time. The recently developed Comprehensive Product Platform Planning (CP3 ) method allows (i) the formation of sub-families of products, and (ii) the simultaneous identification and quantification of platform/scaling design variables. The CP3 model is founded on a generalized commonality matrix representation of the product-platform-plan. In this paper, a new commonality index is developed and introduced in CP3 to simultaneously account for the degree of inter-product commonalities and for the overlap between groups of products sharing different platform variables. To maximize both the performance of the product family and the new commonality measure, we develop and apply an advanced mixed-discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (MDPSO) algorithm. In the MDPSO algo- rithm, the discrete variables are updated using a deterministic nearest-feasible-vertex criterion after each iteration of the conventional PSO. Such an approach is expected to avoid the undesirable discrepancy in the rate of evolution of discrete and continuous variables. To prevent a premature stagnation of solutions (likely in conventional PSO), while solving the high dimensional MINLP problem presented by CP3, we introduce a new adaptive diversity-preservation technique. This technique first characterizes the population diversity and then applies a stochastic update of the discrete variables based on the estimated diversity measure. The potential of the new CP3 optimization methodology is illustrated through its application to design a family of universal electric motors. The optimized platform plans provide helpful insights into the importance of accounting for the overlap between different product platforms, when quantifying the effective commonality in the product family.
These are slides from the Dec 17 SF Bay Area Julia Users meeting [1]. Ehsan Totoni presented the ParallelAccelerator Julia package, a compiler that performs aggressive analysis and optimization on top of the Julia compiler. Ehsan is a Research Scientist at Intel Labs working on the High Performance Scripting project.
David Bilk: Anko C modern way to build your layouts?mdevtalk
The document discusses Anko, a library that aims to simplify Android development using Kotlin. It consists of multiple parts that provide helpers for common tasks like building layouts, SQLite queries, and coroutines. Anko uses a domain-specific language to allow building layouts in a type-safe way without XML, which can improve performance compared to traditional layout inflation. The document provides an example comparing the speed of building a layout with Anko versus XML, finding Anko to be up to 4 times faster in some cases. It also demonstrates creating a sample layout using both traditional Android code and Anko's DSL approach.
Qualcomm Webinar: Solving Unsolvable Combinatorial Problems with AIQualcomm Research
How do you find the best solution when faced with many choices? Combinatorial optimization is a field of mathematics that seeks to find the most optimal solutions for complex problems involving multiple variables. There are numerous business verticals that can benefit from combinatorial optimization, whether transport, supply chain, or the mobile industry.
More recently, weve seen gains from AI for combinatorial optimization, leading to scalability of the method, as well as significant reductions in cost. This method replaces the manual tuning of traditional heuristic approaches with an AI agent that provides a fast metric estimation.
In this presentation you will find out:
Why AI is crucial in combinatorial optimization
How it can be applied to two use cases: improving chip design and hardware-specific compilers
The state-of-the-art results achieved by Qualcomm AI Research
Discovering Your AI Super Powers - Tips and Tricks to Jumpstart your AI ProjectsWee Hyong Tok
In this session, we will share about cutting-edge deep learning innovations, and present emerging trends in the AI community. This session is for data scientists, developers who have a keen interest in getting started in an AI project, and wants to learn the tools of the trade. We will draw on practical experiences from working on various AI projects, and share the key learning, and pitfalls
This document provides an overview of machine learning and the scikit-learn library. It discusses predictive modeling using historical data to build executable models for making predictions on new data. It describes how scikit-learn provides machine learning algorithms and tools through a simple API using Python, NumPy and SciPy. It highlights improvements in scikit-learn 0.15, including reduced training times for ensemble methods and optimized memory usage. It demos income classification using scikit-learn with Census data in an IPython notebook.
pyjamas22_ generic composite in python.pdfAsher Sterkin
This document discusses a generic composite design pattern in Python. It begins with an introduction to design patterns and the composite pattern. It then describes the limitations of a traditional object-oriented implementation of the composite pattern. The document proposes an alternative implementation using decorators, iterators, and other patterns. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how this generic composite pattern can be applied to build templates for cloud infrastructure and Kubernetes manifests.
Joseph Donnelly has an engineering degree from Newcastle University. His projects include designing a Formula 1 car suspension and wheel, building a lightweight paper bridge, and developing a growing spinal rod to help correct scoliosis in children. He is proficient in various engineering software such as AutoCAD, ANSYS, and MATLAB. Joseph also has strong programming skills, including experience with Python, JavaScript, C/C++, and web development frameworks like Flask and Django. He has created several games, simulations, and a self-driving car prototype to demonstrate his technical abilities.
Introduction to cython: example of GCoptimizationKevin Keraudren
This document discusses using Cython to interface Python with C/C++ code to improve computational performance. It provides two examples: (1) wrapping an entire C++ graph cut library in Cython, resulting in an 18 second runtime; and (2) using Cython to call a C++ graph cut function as a black box, achieving a runtime of 0.37 seconds, nearly 50 times faster. The document emphasizes that Cython can provide large speedups with relatively little code by leveraging existing optimized C/C++ implementations.
Bryce Harrington, Senior Graphics Engineer with the Samsung Open Source Group, compares two 2-D drawing libraries (Cairo and Skia), including showcasing work on a testing framework (Caskbench) for measuring performance of these two systems
For the full video of this presentation, please visit:
Hyunjin Kim, Senior Staff Engineer at DEEPX, presents the State-of-the-art Model Quantization and Optimization for Efficient Edge AI tutorial at the May 2023 Embedded Vision Summit.
Extremely efficient edge AI requires more than efficient processors; it also requires tools capable of generating superefficient software. In this talk, Kim explains and demonstrates how DEEPXs DXNN SDK utilizes state-of-the-art optimization techniques to generate extremely efficient, accurate code for DEEPXs new M1 neural processor.
Kim begins by describing how the DXNN SDK uses hardware-aware, selective quantization to maintain high accuracy while achieving efficient DNN implementations. Next, he explains how the SDK maps DNN layer operations into processor micro-operations to provide both efficiency and flexibility. Kim also shows how the DEEPX SDK conserves memory by utilizing tiling, layer fusion and feature reuse. Finally, he illustrates the ease of use of the SDK by demonstrating the use of the DXNN SDK to implement a state-of-the-art model on the M1 NPU.
65. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
66. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
67. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
68. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
69. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
70. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
71. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
72. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
73. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
74. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
75. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
76. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
77. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
def dividedata(data,test=0.05):
return trainset,testset
78. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
def testalgorithm(algf,trainset,testset):
79. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
def testalgorithm(algf,trainset,testset):
? 2
80. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
def testalgorithm(algf,trainset,testset):
? 2
def crossvalidate(algf,data,trials=100,test=0.05):
return testalgorithm trials
81. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
def testalgorithm(algf,trainset,testset):
? 2
def crossvalidate(algf,data,trials=100,test=0.05):
return testalgorithm trials
algf gaussian
82. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
? technique
? Training set Test set
1.Training set
2.Test set
def testalgorithm(algf,trainset,testset):
? 2
def crossvalidate(algf,data,trials=100,test=0.05):
return testalgorithm trials
algf gaussian
154. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
155. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
156. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
157. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DD
158. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
159. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set
160. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
161. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
162. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
163. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
164. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
165. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
166. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
167. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
168. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
169. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
? DD
170. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
? DD X-Y 60%
171. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
? DD X-Y 60%
172. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
? DD X-Y 60%
173. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
? DD X-Y 60%
174. Chapter 8, Building Price models
Programming Collective Intelligence
DD k
DD DDGaussian
? DDCross-Validation
? Training set test set &
? DD
? DD X-Y 60%