PD-5 is a fuel conditioner made in Northern Ireland that can improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. It works by making fuel burn more completely through a pre-combustion process. The document provides numerous case studies and examples showing that PD-5 can reduce fuel consumption by up to 20% and cut emissions by up to 40% across a wide range of applications including vehicles, generators, marine engines, and heating systems. PD-5 is a cost-effective solution that improves air quality while providing significant savings on fuel costs over time.
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PD-5 FUEL BOOST information slides - Oct 29 2014 ver 6
1. Cut smoke and emissions.
Improve fuel consumption.
be greener
..by using PD-5 fuel conditioners
made in Northern Ireland
3. PD-5 improves fuel efficiency
PD-5 improves the environment
PD-5 improves return on investment
PD-5 shows improves air quality
PD-5 can remove excess water from fuel
4. PD-5 is the ethical answer to environmental
PD-5 is non-toxic and non-flammable (see note)
PD-5 makes fuel burn more efficiently
The more complete the burn ..
..less fuel is wasted
..less smoke is produced
..lower emissions are produced
Please note: PD-5 FuelBoost+ contains propanol and should be handled carefully as it
is flammable. Open the bottle in a well-ventilated space. Store Standard PD-5 and PD-
5 FuelBoost+ in the shade between 5c and 30c.
What is PD-5?
5. PD-5 is a pre-combustion fuel conditioner
Keep using Ad-Blue if required
Add PD-5 to fuel storage tank at a 1:2000 ratio (add before
refuelling so it splash-mixes). 1 litre of PD-5 treats 2000
litres of fuel
For cars 30 50 ml of PD-5 is used for each tank of fuel. A
bottle of PD-5 lasts a long time.
There is no change to fuel specification with PD-5
RON / MON & cetane values unchanged in PD-5
What is PD-5?
6. Annual fuel savings of up to 20% have been achieved
Smoke & emissions of up to 40% have been achieved
So what?
7. An example:
100000 km per yr. per truck @ 30 L/100km
= 30000 L of diesel per truck per yr.
at up to 20% PD-5 saves up to 6000 L of diesel / yr.
(remember individual results can be different)
In a fleet of 100 vehicles = 600000 L saved per year
.PD-5 saves more than fuel
How much money can PD-5 save?
8. PD-5 can help deliver:
cleaner air
cleaner water
Bring back clean skies
9. Ricardo UK, Cranfield University and other
RoN and Mon readings unchanged
Certificates available as PDFs
PD-5 is tested
10. Is PD-5 approved?
No however neither are other fuel
Your equipment, your choice
Fuel specifications are changing: B5 > B10.
Who covers those warranties? No-one
11. If PD-5 is so good why..?
Why dont oil companies put PD-5 into
their fuel?
Why dont oil distributors offer PD-5 in
the heating oil?
For the most part they want to sell more
oil and fuel not less
Cut-throat market; just a few of them
recognise the benefits of PD-5
12. How does PD-5 help?
All engines develop coke / soot deposits over time
(older engines are the worst)
These subtle effects increase over time
Evidence of these subtle includes poor fuel
consumption, black exhaust smoke, poor
emissions, fouled spark plugs and difficultly with
engine start-up.
PD-5 radically reduces smoke and carbon
Why is PD-5 needed?
13. PD-5 in refrigeration units
PD-5 in boats
PD-5 in oil-fired heating / steam systems
PD-5 in tarmacadam / aggregate plant
PD-5 in generators, pumps & cement mixers
PD-5 in buses, coaches & mini-vans
PD-5 in taxis, cars & light-goods vehicles
PD-5 in reclaiming & using oil spillages
Where is PD-5 used?
14. Use PD-5 in any liquid fossil fuel
Use PD-5 in reclaimed kerosene
PD-5 is safe to use in bio-fuel or mixture
PD-5 gently cleans injector nozzles
Use PD-5 with every tankful of fuel to see the
benefits of PD-5 continue
PD-5 FuelBoost+ can gradually absorb water
in your fuel tank
Where is PD-5 used?
15. Montracon refrigerated trailers with
Carrier Vector refrigeration units
41% smoke
5% reduction in fuel
PD-5 in refrigeration units
16. 12%reduction in fuel used. The
boat owner saved 贈20,000 / yr..
PD-5 in Icelandic boats
17. Port 2. 9.feb. 2012 Port 2. 7.mar. 2012
Soot in piston chamber cleaned by PD-5 in just 28 days
Before After
PD-5 in Icelandic boats
20. saving on fuel oil by
up to 6% = 贈9000 per
ship / yr..
and soot problems are
extra 3% saving on
engine oil = 贈19000
total / ship / yr..
PD-5 in Icelandic boats
27. PD-5 in oil-fired plant
The best result for fuel consumption was with the application of PD-5 Boiler Boost+ with a 6.5%
reduction in the amount of kerosene burned, David Brown Petroleum Chemist (Feb 2014) full
details available in separate Information Booklet pages 13-14.
A sample of kerosene is burned in a test lamp under specified conditions for 24 hours. Precision parameters
apply in the determination of the test results obtained. Please refer to ASTM D 3244, IP 367 and appendix E of IP
Standard Methods of Analysis & Testing
28. 07 Jan 2006 20 Jan 2006
PD-5 cleans engines & connected parts in less than 2 wks.
PD-5 in bio-diesel and rapeseed oil plant
29. Now starts first time
17% cost reduction
Worth $34000 m.a.t.
United Materials
of Great Falls
PD-5 in tarmacadam plant
31. 9% reduction in fuel
5.3% improvement in
overall efficiency
equals approx.
贈350,000 saving per
year across all sites.
PD-5 in tarmacadam plant
39. UK Auto repairs fleet:
70% reduction in smoke
PD-5 in cars, taxis & light-goods
40. Up to 16.9% range
improvement; average
12.6% improvement
PD-5 in cars, taxis & light-goods
41. 600
581 582
580 16.9% 573 16.9%
568 15.3%
570 14.1% 560
558 12.6%
560 12.3% 553
549 11.3%
550 10.5%
538 541
540 8.2% 8.9%
500 498 502
495 493
Without PD-5 With PD-5 Without PD-5
Apr June July / August Sept Oct / Nov / Dec Jan
Up to 16.9% range improvement;
Average 12.6% improvement
PD-5 in cars, taxis & light-goods
42. 9% improvement in fuel
consumption for Icelandic
taxi / limousine company
Taxi driver: Perth, Scotland. After 4 weeks on PD-5
diesel knock reduced on cold starts and engine
quieter, no clouds of smoke from exhaust
10% improvement in fuel consumption
PD-5 in cars, taxis & light-goods
43. 2006 Mercedes C220cDi, auto
100,000 miles on Odometer
obtained a 20% improvement in
fuel consumption with PD-5
19% improvement in fuel
consumption with PD-5
PD-5 in cars, taxis & light-goods
47. PD-5 does its work
Top-dead centre refers
to the highest point in the
pistons travel before it
starts down again. PD-5
pushes the piston down
harder and faster by
burning your fuel more
Use the improvement to
reduce throttle and save
fuel or .. make fire
pumps work better..
How does a four stroke engine work?
48. PD-5 in refrigeration units
PD-5 in boats
PD-5 in oil-fired heating / steam systems
PD-5 in tarmacadam / aggregate plant
PD-5 in generators, pumps & cement mixers
PD-5 in buses, coaches & mini-vans
PD-5 in taxis, cars & light-goods vehicles
PD-5 in reclaiming & using oil spillages
Where is PD-5 used?