In 2014, United Way of Greater Knoxville had several successes including exceeding their historic fundraising goal of $13 million and helping to fund a housing project for 20 homeless veterans. The organization focused on strategic priorities like raising more money, strengthening partnerships, and increasing community awareness. Tommy Schmid concluded his two-year term as Board Chair, thanking volunteers and donors for their contributions to helping citizens through community programs and services.
Curriculum Vitae of Gary Stephen CuttingGary Cutting
Gary Stephen Cutting has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, holding positions from Apprentice Carpenter to Senior Site Manager. He has managed numerous projects ranging from ?500k student housing to ?6.5m military building conversions. Notable qualifications include Advanced City & Guilds in Carpentry & Joinery, CSCS Card, SMSTS, and First Aid. References are available from his most recent employers Lengard Ltd and St Michaels School.
HariBabu K's resume summarizes his educational and professional background in 3 sentences:
He has over 40 years of experience in the textile industry, holding roles such as Works Manager and Head of Quality Control. He is currently a proprietor providing consultancy services to textile companies in India and abroad. He has extensive experience working with Japanese, Italian and other international textile firms and has visited countries like Japan, Thailand, and Sri Lanka for his work.
03 - Session, Viewstate e Controles de Valida??ofilipe-lemos
O documento discute o gerenciamento de estado, incluindo Session e ViewState, e controles de valida??o em ASP.NET. Ele explica o que s?o e objetivos do gerenciamento de estado e dos principais controles de valida??o como CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, RequiredFieldValidator e ValidationSummary.
Inexpensive, commonly used NaI:TI scintillators have 50% of the market share, but due to mediocre light output of 44,000 photons/MeV and 6.5% energy resolution (at 662 keV) their application is limited. Proposed technology promises to improve NaI:TI-based scintillators' properties by providing unparalleled output while maintaining low costs. To do so a combinatorial approach was used for the discovery of scintillation materials yielding the highest luminescence and lowest energy resolution. In testing, the engineered crystals of NaI:Tl attained a light output of 52,000 photons/MeV and energy resolution of 4.9% (at 662 keV). Crossing below the 5.0% energy resolution mark provides a specific direction for the development of even better future samples.
Talk was presented by I.V.Khodyuk and SCINT15
2015 Renault Clio RS+ gets a more macho body kit to give it an aggressive stance, distancing it from the regular Clio.
The document contains certificates of participation from a webinar course on teaching English run by the U.S. Department of State. Four certificates are presented, each certifying that an individual completed 10 hours of professional development work by participating in Webinar Course 15 from January to March 2015. The course was run by the Office of English Language Programs within the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
In 2014, United Way of Greater Knoxville had several successes including exceeding their historic fundraising goal of $13 million and helping to fund a housing project for 20 homeless veterans. The organization focused on strategic priorities like raising more money, strengthening partnerships, and increasing community awareness. Tommy Schmid concluded his two-year term as Board Chair, thanking volunteers and donors for their contributions to helping citizens through community programs and services.
Curriculum Vitae of Gary Stephen CuttingGary Cutting
Gary Stephen Cutting has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, holding positions from Apprentice Carpenter to Senior Site Manager. He has managed numerous projects ranging from ?500k student housing to ?6.5m military building conversions. Notable qualifications include Advanced City & Guilds in Carpentry & Joinery, CSCS Card, SMSTS, and First Aid. References are available from his most recent employers Lengard Ltd and St Michaels School.
HariBabu K's resume summarizes his educational and professional background in 3 sentences:
He has over 40 years of experience in the textile industry, holding roles such as Works Manager and Head of Quality Control. He is currently a proprietor providing consultancy services to textile companies in India and abroad. He has extensive experience working with Japanese, Italian and other international textile firms and has visited countries like Japan, Thailand, and Sri Lanka for his work.
03 - Session, Viewstate e Controles de Valida??ofilipe-lemos
O documento discute o gerenciamento de estado, incluindo Session e ViewState, e controles de valida??o em ASP.NET. Ele explica o que s?o e objetivos do gerenciamento de estado e dos principais controles de valida??o como CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, RequiredFieldValidator e ValidationSummary.
Inexpensive, commonly used NaI:TI scintillators have 50% of the market share, but due to mediocre light output of 44,000 photons/MeV and 6.5% energy resolution (at 662 keV) their application is limited. Proposed technology promises to improve NaI:TI-based scintillators' properties by providing unparalleled output while maintaining low costs. To do so a combinatorial approach was used for the discovery of scintillation materials yielding the highest luminescence and lowest energy resolution. In testing, the engineered crystals of NaI:Tl attained a light output of 52,000 photons/MeV and energy resolution of 4.9% (at 662 keV). Crossing below the 5.0% energy resolution mark provides a specific direction for the development of even better future samples.
Talk was presented by I.V.Khodyuk and SCINT15
2015 Renault Clio RS+ gets a more macho body kit to give it an aggressive stance, distancing it from the regular Clio.
The document contains certificates of participation from a webinar course on teaching English run by the U.S. Department of State. Four certificates are presented, each certifying that an individual completed 10 hours of professional development work by participating in Webinar Course 15 from January to March 2015. The course was run by the Office of English Language Programs within the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Este documento lista los clientes de una farmacia en Fortaleza, Brasil, incluyendo su c¨®digo, nombre, direcci¨®n, c¨®digo postal, barrio y ciudad. Se proporcionan detalles de m¨¢s de 100 clientes en varios barrios de Fortaleza.
Implementing Land Husbandry Best Management Practices in Hillside Areas ACDI/VOCA
The document discusses land husbandry best practices for hillside areas in Jamaica. It notes that agriculture is an important sector but has faced losses from climate events. RADA aims to support sustainable agricultural production through several initiatives:
RADA's Land Husbandry Unit provides training and tools to promote sound land husbandry. They use farmer field schools and demonstrations of techniques like agroforestry. Unsustainable practices that degrade land are identified, along with recommended crops and stabilization methods for different slopes. RADA collaborates with other groups and uses various communication methods to disseminate this information. The overall goal is to minimize environmental damage and losses to agriculture through adoption of sustainable land management.
Facebook reunited the author with old coworkers from the 1970s. After reconnecting on Facebook with a former coworker, they arranged to meet up at their old mall. At the reunion, they enjoyed catching up and sharing memories from their time working together over 25 years ago at Sears. They bonded over reminiscing about their jobs in the lingerie department, fun events outside of work, and photos from the 1970s. The author was grateful to Facebook for helping her reconnect with long-lost friends and bringing back fond memories from her youth.
O poema descreve as a??es de um "amigo de verdade" de forma ir?nica e negativa, como vingar quando o amigo estiver triste ou explicar coisas de forma simpl¨®ria por achar o amigo burro. A mensagem final sugere que um verdadeiro amigo n?o separa brigas, mas chega dando voadora, e que se for beber, deve chamar o amigo para dirigir.
ÇàÄêÊðTEDº†ˆóÁ¦·ÖÏí£ºWhat's the secret?Yu-cheng Liu
The document provides tips for giving an effective talk or presentation. It recommends focusing on one key idea or message to convey to the audience and explaining the "why" behind it. It also suggests using stories to engage the audience and convey meaning, and to refine ideas by getting feedback from others. The document emphasizes keeping the talk rhythmical and concise using techniques like starting with an anecdote and ending with a call to action.
Eksperimen ini menunjukkan bagaimana detergen dapat membunuh bebek jika minyak di tubuhnya terkena detergen, karena detergen akan membuat minyak larut dan bebek tak dapat mengambang. Detergen yang terbuang ke sungai dapat mencemari perairan dan menumpuk di tubuh ikan, menyebabkan berbagai masalah lingkungan dan kesehatan.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Mobilitas Pekerjaan Para Pekerja W...STIE Rahmaniyah Sekayu
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kompleks PTC dan toko-toko disekitarnya yang diketahui terjadi arus mobilitas pekerjaan para pekerja wanita yang cukup besar. Hal ini diperoleh dari hasil pendataan beberapa toko/tempat usaha yang bersedia dimintai bantuannya menjadi responden. Penelitian ini bersifat studi kasus untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya mobilitas pekerjaan para pekerja wanita. Variabel terpilih yang diduga mempengaruhi terjadinya mobilitas pekerjaan para pekerja wanita adalah pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, jenjang karir, upah, dan usia. Data dijaring menggunakan kuesioner, selanjutnya diolah menggunakan tabulasi silang dilanjutkan dengan uji chi square. Hasil tabulasi silang untuk arus mobilitas vertikal naik menunjukkan bahwa peringkat persentase peluang yang diraih responden pada setiap variabel terpilih adalah variabel jenjang karir untuk jabatan supervisor sebesar 70,59 persen, variabel jenis pekerjaan untuk pekerjaan tenaga kepemimpinan sebesar 70,59 persen, variabel pendidikan untuk jenjang sarjana sebesar 58 persen, variabel upah untuk kategori upah naik sebesar 43,84 persen, dan variabel usia untuk kelompok 18-24 tahun sebesar 27,78 persen. Berdasarkan hasil uji chi square menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 (lima) variabel terpilih yang diduga mempengaruhi terjadinya mobilitas pekerjaan para pekerja wanita ternyata hanya ada 4 (empat) variabel yang dinyatakan terbukti secara berpasangan terdapat pengaruh dalam mempengaruhi terjadinya mobilitas pekerjaan para pekerja wanita dan hasil penelitian dapat digeneralisasikan terhadap seluruh populasi dilokasi penelitian, karena hasil chi square dengan derajat kebebasan tertentu nilai chi square hitung lebih besar dari chi square tabel dan tingkat signifikansinya lebih kecil dari 0,05 (tingkat kesalahan) dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan sebesar 0,05 (5%). Variabel yang dimaksud adalah pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, jenjang karir, dan upah. Sedangkan variabel usia tidak terbukti berpengaruh atau ada hubungan secara berpasangan dengan variabel lainnya untuk mempengaruhi terjadinya mobilitas pekerjaan para pekerja wanita dan hasil penelitian tidak dapat digeneralisasikan pada seluruh anggota populasi dilokasi penelitian karena hasil chi square hitung lebih kecil dari chi suare tabel dan tingkat signifikansi lebih besar dari 0,05.
1) The author reminisces about her teenage years in the late 1960s and early 1970s, a time of innocence and discovery. She anticipates a visit with her two best friends from junior high, reminiscing about their teenage adventures.
2) The author reflects on why friendships formed during adolescence tend to last a lifetime, noting the unique freedom and sense of excitement of that era.
3) When together, the author and her friends still feel like the teenagers they were in the 1970s, bonded by their shared memories and musical tastes of that time period. They continue to add new memories to their lifelong friendship.