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IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Courses - Workshops
La Redonda Cultural Center
Santa Fe
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Puerto Montt - Chile
That is why I preferred to
tell you about this short
but intense experience in
Santa Fe
Workshop - 2th floor
Puerto Montt
Despite all the possibilities
available to me, quality raw
materials, carder, felting
machine, staff ... Time was
I have just lived 3 years by
administering a sales office
wool and craft of a friend,
Angel, in Angelmó, Puerto
Montt (1,000 km south of
2IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Santa Fe - Argentina
Puerto Montt
Santa Fe
I left by bus from Puerto
Montt, where I lived until
recently. I have been to
Santiago de Chile, Mendoza
and Córdoba (3 days of travel)
3IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
The Triptych of Imagination
These areas, which are under the
juridiction of the Ministry of
Innovation and Culture of the Province
of Santa Fe, have been conceived
since the logic of childhood and youth,
but are open to all. "With the children
and the young, for all", it is customary
to explain the minister Chiqui
La Redonda
Art and Daily Life
The Esquina Encendida
Three years ago, I led
a workshop of Tinctures
Natural in this space
during one week
See Annexes
El Molino
Cultural Factory
4IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
La Redonda
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
See Appendix
It is the former train repair workshop
"Santa Fe Cambios" of Ferrocarril
Belgrano, which could hold up to 40
locomotives. Today a space for the
arts, Cultural Center and Permanent
Museum, with various ludo-cultural
"A child who spends his
childhood playing creatively,
learns that everything is
changeable," says Minister
Chiqui Gonzalez.
5IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
La Redonda
ht t ps://www.santafe.gov.ar/index.php/web/cont ent /view/f ull/113884
These dye workshops were a first experience and
also served as training for the animators of La
Redonda, Molino and Esquina Encendida.
Usually in La Redonda they do rather animations
of shorter duration on themes.
- Construction of wings based on the flying
machine of Leonardo da Vinci,
- Reading and writing rings,
- Pots with words,
- Textile entanglements (weaving),
- Forest of paper (origami, aeromodelism),
- "Mythoforms" (clay)
- The colors of life (games with colors)
All this is constantly evolving thanks to the
permanent workshops of wood, textile which
elaborate these structures.
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
The participants 7
There were 2 workshops in La Redonda and a one-day workshop in Arroyo
Leyes, about 10 km from Santa Fe. Participants were from a wide variety
of backgrounds, which increased the variety of experiences. There was :
All this variety of public has greatly enriched the workshops ...
We stayed in touch with a group called Whatsapp
- Several ceramists,
- 2 women who made felt and ecoprint (one was a pharmacist)
- a woman made soaps and beauty products
- a woman made tattoos
- a woman gave courses in embroidery
- a woman and a young man painted and practiced various graphic techniques: marbling,
linography, engraving ...
- 2 dressmakers
- a craftsman, who had followed the workshop of the Esquina Encendida and uses what
she learned in her plant fiber knits
- a chemist who was also there at the Esquina Encendida
- a man who came fromRosario (city at 170km), who worked on the design of the play
devices of the Tríptico
- several animators of the Esquina Encendida, Molino and La Redonda ...
- in Arroyo Leyes a woman made facades with lime, another sewed accesories especially
for children, an occupational therapist
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Preparation of workshops
Just arrived in Santa Fe, we go with Lucrecia,
coordinating in the La Redonda, to look for
materials... Plants, water from the Salt River,
alum stone...
We found a
passionflower, called
here Mburucuya, we
take advantage to try
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
One of the rivers
In Santa Fe is very salty,
That's why I wanted to
Try to dye with
Its water, see if it modifies
This beach of the River
Salty is very popular
To rest and fish
8IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We tested the different cloths supposed to be cotton, to see if
they were going to dye well, for that the samples were soaked
overnight in two cups of very strong tea. We also burned them.
Preparation of workshops
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Mulberry tree
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We also picked up a lot of plants in the green
spaces around La Redonda, because the
trainees were interested in using dyes that
were easy to find in their surroundings.
Which explains we also worked a lot with
cotton. It was very hot and there is little wool
in the area.
We have soaked what we collected to be able
to dye the next day
Preparation of workshops
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Preparation of products, balance,
containers ... which we will use
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We have soaked
the cochineal
Books set to
Knitting and weaving
natural dyes
Preparation of workshops
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
First Workshop - La Redonda
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
On the first day, it rained in the morning, so we stayed
in the room looking at the plants they had brought and
the theoretical information and we saw the presentation
I had made at the ISEND in Kuching, we were pressed
to light the fire, which we did when the rain stopped
There were two ladies who
made felt and
ecoprint, they made us
a small demonstration
with eucalyptus
See Appendix
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
of Mburucuya
We have
the results of
testing on linen
We prepared
of cotton fabrics
The day was very busy, all wanted to try
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We have also dyed
taper, beads
wood and ceramic,
feathers ...
We took out the dyes the next day, and rinsed
them, before starting a new series of dyes,
while it was heating, we tested the transfer of
leaves by crushing
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We have also dyed
taper, beads
wood and ceramic,
feathers ...
We took out the dyes the next day, and rinsed
them, before starting a new series of dyes,
while it was heating, we tested the transfer of
leaves by crushing
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
They went out to look for plants of all kinds
and crushed them between two cotton fabrics.
They had a lot of fun ...
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Then, the fabrics are washed,
they are dipped in the nail soup
(Vinegar with old nails) and
rinsed again
Indigo did not
appear but
many tannins
could be seen
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
We made several cochineal baths, one after the other,
with different modifiers
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Second bath, in addition
to aluminum sulfate;
Cream of tartar
Iron Sulfate
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
We prepared a bath of indigo, for that we saw the
video of Michel Garcia. So we did a 1-2-3 vat, but
we did not find fructose, we did it with honey
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We initially did
some shibori and
trials with wool
and cotton
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
First Workshop - La Redonda
In addition, the reserve technique with
clay, magnesium and gum arabic attracted
the trainees a lot, so we tried it. As there
were several ceramists in the group, they
proposed to test with a Spanish red clay
that they appreciated very much. It
worked better, maybe the white was not
concentrated enough
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We tried to dye by
superimposing the
baths, a woman
tried to dye the tip
of her hair
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
We also tested with a tattoo
machine on fabrics, felt and
leather, since we had a
Iron Sulfate with water
First Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
The first workshop in La Redonda was followed by a one-
day workshop at the Predio Ferial in Arroyo Leyes, where
craft fairs, music festivals are held ... Where the
inhabitants of Santa Fe with their Children use to go.
There, 4 women were , we brought a lot of
things already ready because there was not much time.
waiting for me
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
22IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
We begin immediately to prepare the fire, to look for
plants, to prepare the mordenting of the cotton ...
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
23IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
As the fire warmed up, we took the
opportunity to do some shibori using the rest
of the indigo
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
24IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Indigo with clay reserves
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
25IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
When the fire was extinguished, we pulled out
the pans to cool, then we took out the fabrics
and wools for rinsing, washing and drying
Iron Sulfate
26IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
27IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
We played hammer and tried stencils with
indigo candle wax
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes
28IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
We missed alum stone or aluminum sulfate,
totally disappeared from the city, one of the
trainees who was a chemist helped us out. We
tried to use aluminum filings to replace, the
problem is that it hung in the wool
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Second Workshop - La Redonda
This time,
we used
cloth pockets
to isolate the
wool plants
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Orange leaves
are not
dead leaves
We have
by moths filled
with medicinal
Second Workshop - La Redonda
As for the first workshop, we harvested
plants and used what was left of the first
workshop with new people, but there
were other experiments and the
production of test sheets
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
This group is very different from the first one,
we took more time to watch the video of
Michel Garcia and they wanted to try the
mordants with different dilutions of iron and
Second Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Second Workshop - La Redonda
We also played the hammer
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
pH paper
Second Workshop - La Redonda
We made a new bath of indigo, this time with
fructose, but we had to supplement with
honey, we dyed with reserves
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Reserves and other tests
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Second Workshop - La Redonda
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile
Second Workshop - La Redonda
With viscose and wool
IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
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Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar
Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar

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Pdf anglais ifpeco 2017 madagascar

  • 1. IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar Courses - Workshops La Redonda Cultural Center Santa Fe Argentina Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 1
  • 2. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Puerto Montt - Chile That is why I preferred to tell you about this short but intense experience in Santa Fe Workshop - 2th floor Puerto Montt (Chile) Chiloe Despite all the possibilities available to me, quality raw materials, carder, felting machine, staff ... Time was lacking I have just lived 3 years by administering a sales office wool and craft of a friend, Angel, in Angelmó, Puerto Montt (1,000 km south of Santiago) 2IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 3. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Santa Fe - Argentina Puerto Montt (Chile) Santa Fe (Argentina) I left by bus from Puerto Montt, where I lived until recently. I have been to Santiago de Chile, Mendoza and Córdoba (3 days of travel) 3IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 4. The Triptych of Imagination These areas, which are under the juridiction of the Ministry of Innovation and Culture of the Province of Santa Fe, have been conceived since the logic of childhood and youth, but are open to all. "With the children and the young, for all", it is customary to explain the minister Chiqui González La Redonda Art and Daily Life The Esquina Encendida Three years ago, I led a workshop of Tinctures Natural in this space during one week See Annexes El Molino Cultural Factory 4IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 5. La Redonda Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile See Appendix It is the former train repair workshop "Santa Fe Cambios" of Ferrocarril Belgrano, which could hold up to 40 locomotives. Today a space for the arts, Cultural Center and Permanent Museum, with various ludo-cultural activities. "A child who spends his childhood playing creatively, learns that everything is changeable," says Minister Chiqui Gonzalez. 5IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 6. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile La Redonda 6 ht t ps://www.santafe.gov.ar/index.php/web/cont ent /view/f ull/113884 https://www.facebook.com/laredonda.triptico/ These dye workshops were a first experience and also served as training for the animators of La Redonda, Molino and Esquina Encendida. Usually in La Redonda they do rather animations of shorter duration on themes. - Construction of wings based on the flying machine of Leonardo da Vinci, - Reading and writing rings, - Pots with words, - Textile entanglements (weaving), - Forest of paper (origami, aeromodelism), - "Mythoforms" (clay) - The colors of life (games with colors) All this is constantly evolving thanks to the permanent workshops of wood, textile which elaborate these structures. IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 7. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile The participants 7 There were 2 workshops in La Redonda and a one-day workshop in Arroyo Leyes, about 10 km from Santa Fe. Participants were from a wide variety of backgrounds, which increased the variety of experiences. There was : All this variety of public has greatly enriched the workshops ... We stayed in touch with a group called Whatsapp - Several ceramists, - 2 women who made felt and ecoprint (one was a pharmacist) - a woman made soaps and beauty products - a woman made tattoos - a woman gave courses in embroidery - a woman and a young man painted and practiced various graphic techniques: marbling, linography, engraving ... - 2 dressmakers - a craftsman, who had followed the workshop of the Esquina Encendida and uses what she learned in her plant fiber knits - a chemist who was also there at the Esquina Encendida - a man who came fromRosario (city at 170km), who worked on the design of the play devices of the Tríptico - several animators of the Esquina Encendida, Molino and La Redonda ... - in Arroyo Leyes a woman made facades with lime, another sewed accesories especially for children, an occupational therapist IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 8. Preparation of workshops Just arrived in Santa Fe, we go with Lucrecia, coordinating in the La Redonda, to look for materials... Plants, water from the Salt River, alum stone... We found a passionflower, called here Mburucuya, we take advantage to try it Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile One of the rivers In Santa Fe is very salty, That's why I wanted to Try to dye with Its water, see if it modifies colors This beach of the River Salty is very popular To rest and fish 8IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 9. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 9 We tested the different cloths supposed to be cotton, to see if they were going to dye well, for that the samples were soaked overnight in two cups of very strong tea. We also burned them. Preparation of workshops IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 10. Cypress Jacajanda Avocado Mulberry tree Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We also picked up a lot of plants in the green spaces around La Redonda, because the trainees were interested in using dyes that were easy to find in their surroundings. Which explains we also worked a lot with cotton. It was very hot and there is little wool in the area. We have soaked what we collected to be able to dye the next day Artichoke 10 Preparation of workshops IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 11. Preparation of products, balance, containers ... which we will use Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We have soaked the cochineal Books set to disposition trainees Knitting and weaving natural dyes 11 Preparation of workshops IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 12. First Workshop - La Redonda Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile On the first day, it rained in the morning, so we stayed in the room looking at the plants they had brought and the theoretical information and we saw the presentation I had made at the ISEND in Kuching, we were pressed to light the fire, which we did when the rain stopped There were two ladies who made felt and ecoprint, they made us a small demonstration with eucalyptus 12 See Appendix IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 13. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Preparation of Mburucuya We have commented the results of testing on linen We prepared mordenting of cotton fabrics 13 The day was very busy, all wanted to try First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 14. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We have also dyed taper, beads wood and ceramic, shellfish, feathers ... Shibori Carrots tops 15 We took out the dyes the next day, and rinsed them, before starting a new series of dyes, while it was heating, we tested the transfer of leaves by crushing First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 15. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We have also dyed taper, beads wood and ceramic, shellfish, feathers ... Shibori Carrots tops 15 We took out the dyes the next day, and rinsed them, before starting a new series of dyes, while it was heating, we tested the transfer of leaves by crushing First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 16. They went out to look for plants of all kinds and crushed them between two cotton fabrics. They had a lot of fun ... Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Then, the fabrics are washed, they are dipped in the nail soup (Vinegar with old nails) and rinsed again Indigo did not appear but many tannins could be seen 16 First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 17. We made several cochineal baths, one after the other, with different modifiers Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Second bath, in addition to aluminum sulfate; Cream of tartar Iron Sulfate 17 First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 18. We prepared a bath of indigo, for that we saw the video of Michel Garcia. So we did a 1-2-3 vat, but we did not find fructose, we did it with honey Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We initially did some shibori and trials with wool and cotton 18 First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 19. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 19 First Workshop - La Redonda In addition, the reserve technique with clay, magnesium and gum arabic attracted the trainees a lot, so we tried it. As there were several ceramists in the group, they proposed to test with a Spanish red clay that they appreciated very much. It worked better, maybe the white was not concentrated enough IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 20. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We tried to dye by superimposing the baths, a woman tried to dye the tip of her hair 20 First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 21. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile We also tested with a tattoo machine on fabrics, felt and leather, since we had a specialist Iron Sulfate with water 21 First Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 22. Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes The first workshop in La Redonda was followed by a one- day workshop at the Predio Ferial in Arroyo Leyes, where craft fairs, music festivals are held ... Where the inhabitants of Santa Fe with their Children use to go. There, 4 women were , we brought a lot of things already ready because there was not much time. waiting for me Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 22IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 23. Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes We begin immediately to prepare the fire, to look for plants, to prepare the mordenting of the cotton ... Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 23IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 24. As the fire warmed up, we took the opportunity to do some shibori using the rest of the indigo Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes 24IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 25. Indigo with clay reserves Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes 25IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 26. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes When the fire was extinguished, we pulled out the pans to cool, then we took out the fabrics and wools for rinsing, washing and drying Iron Sulfate 26IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 27. Indigo Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes 27IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 28. We played hammer and tried stencils with indigo candle wax Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Predio Ferial Arroyo Leyes 28IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 29. We missed alum stone or aluminum sulfate, totally disappeared from the city, one of the trainees who was a chemist helped us out. We tried to use aluminum filings to replace, the problem is that it hung in the wool Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 29 Second Workshop - La Redonda This time, we used cloth pockets to isolate the wool plants IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 30. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile Orange leaves are not dead leaves Sandrago Clover We have recycled herbs small cushions attacked by moths filled with medicinal 30 Second Workshop - La Redonda As for the first workshop, we harvested plants and used what was left of the first workshop with new people, but there were other experiments and the production of test sheets IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 31. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile This group is very different from the first one, we took more time to watch the video of Michel Garcia and they wanted to try the mordants with different dilutions of iron and aluminum 31 Second Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 32. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 32 Second Workshop - La Redonda We also played the hammer IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 33. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile pH paper 33 Second Workshop - La Redonda We made a new bath of indigo, this time with fructose, but we had to supplement with honey, we dyed with reserves IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 34. Reserves and other tests Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 34 Second Workshop - La Redonda IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar
  • 35. Francoise Raffi - La Francesa Bigotuda - Chile 35 Second Workshop - La Redonda With viscose and wool IFPECO 2017 - Madagascar