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 Professor Stephen Quinn
 The University of
 Nottingham Ningbo,

* Mojo = mobile journalism	

Apologies to movie Austin Powers:
The Spy Who Shagged Me
About Stephen Quinn
≒ 1975-95: reporter, producer and editor in 5 countries	

≒ 1996-now: university journalism professor	

≒ published 16 books and 3 teaching manuals	

     Another book due out this year	

     Since 2000: >170 presentations in 33 countries	

     Trained journalists in 11 countries	

≒ former consultant with WAN/Ifra, Newsplex and
   Innovation International	

≒ Online News Associations international committee	

≒ Return to journalism in November
8,000 word mojo report
             ≒ 2008 report for IFRA
                and World Association
                of Newspapers	

             ≒ Title: From backpack
                to pocket journalism
My latest book
≒ Mojo: Mobile Journalism in the
   Asian Region (Konrad Adenauer
   Foundation: Singapore) 	

≒ First edition December 2009	

≒ Second edition January 2011	

≒ Third edition November 2011	

≒ Available as a free pdf download
Remember the Linotype?
What is the termite holding?

                           From an
Reuters a pioneer
Reuters mojo kit 2007
Massive change
since 2007
≒ Moores Law and
   Hwangs Law	

≒ Show BBC mojo
   examples, Sep 2007	

   Introduce Robert Hall	

≒ Compare 2007 with
   now  and imagine
   what could happen in
   next few years, based
   on Hwangs Law
Remember Hwangs Law

The computer in your mobile phone today is a
    million times cheaper and a 1,000 times more
    powerful than the one built at Massachusets
    Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1965. It is also
    about a 100,000 times smaller. What used to 鍖t
    in a building now 鍖ts in your pocket.	

What 鍖ts in your pocket now will 鍖t inside a
 blood cell in 25 years. 	

US futurist Ray Kurzweil
Some theory and history
≒ My PhD: Relationship between
   innovation, journalists and tools
   they use (technology)	

≒ 2 key adoption factors: speed
   & ease-of-use	

≒ Deadlines: journalists appreciate
   tools that accelerate ways to get
   the story	

≒ Tools need to be easy to use so
   they do not get in way of telling
   the story (journalists still see
   themselves as storytellers)	

≒ Early mojos: New York 1999
   (top); Hanover 2000
Why is mojo important?
≒ Mojo delivers multi-media forms of breaking
   news almost live (delay of few seconds) 	

≒ From the 鍖eld to the TV newsroom or web sites	

≒ Multi-media builds audiences online	

≒ Bigger audiences mean higher advertising

     ≒ 85% online news sites use video (33% rise since 2010)	

     ≒ Source: DS Simon web in鍖uencers survey, May 2011
Quinn is a mojo 

≒ September 2008: I got
   the only individual
   interview with player 	

≒ Minders thought I was
   just chatting 	

≒ I streamed live video to
   newspaper web site
   seconds later	

≒ It was an exclusive
Welcome to the	

Getting visuals for television 
Big outside broadcast vans	

                                VJs with hand-held cameras	

                                                                Moblogs (reporters send
                                                                still photos via MMS)
Outside broadcast vans
             ≒ Expensive to operate	

             ≒ Require a crew	

             ≒ Limited number
VJ=video journalist          Mojo=mobile journo
 Backpack reporting kit	

     Mobile phone reporting kit
Iran June 2009: major turning point

Hamed is an Iranian
refugee living in the
Netherlands. From there
he put video of the death
of 27-year-old Nada Khan
on Facebook.	

I am no hero, Hamed         This video won a Polk journalism award	

said. The real hero is my
friend* who risked his life   * A Facebook friend, that is. Hamed
taking the video.	

         never met the person who shot the 鍖lm
                              except on the social networking site.
Warning: Images of violent death	

Video of death of Nada Khan
We are all online journalists now

≒ Anyone in room NOT
   have a mobile phone?	

≒ With mobile phones
   anyone can get video,
   stills and audio of
   breaking news online
   almost live 	

≒ How many mobile
   phones on the planet?
Pdi day01

Summary: free versus pay
≒ FREE (basic)	

         ≒ PAY (full)	

≒ Mojo via Qik, etc	

      ≒ Mojo with 1st Video	

≒ Free software	

          ≒ Pay for apps ($4-60)	

≒ Can use wi-鍖 or 3G	

     ≒ Can use wi-鍖 or 3G	

≒ Works on most phones	

   ≒ Only on iPhone	

≒ Video goes to web so      ≒ Video sent to dedicated
   anyone can watch	

          server so exclusive	

≒ Easy to use/minimal       ≒ Day of training needed
   training needed	

           to learn software
But always remember
≒   Tools like those mentioned today put
     powerful newsgathering equipment in
     your pocket or handbag 	

≒   but pointless unless a good brain is
     using the technologies.	

≒   These tools give journalists new ways
     to connect with their publics  and
     publics new ways to connect with
All software I mention in this first
section is a four-letter word
starting with f

How to get started
 ≒ Register (mobile       USA	

                           ≒ http://qik.com/ 	

    number, user name      ≒ http://www.livestream.com/
    and password)	


 ≒ Download software	


                           ≒ http://www.kyte.com/	

 ≒ Allocate buttons	

 ≒ Start reporting 	


                           ≒ http://bambuser.com/ 	


                           ≒ http://鍖ixwagon.com/
Go to Qik.com web site
Check if phone is supported
Find list of supported phones
Go to Qik.com web site
Register online (password!)
An example from Africa


≒ Streaming video involves lots of data and
   you will be charged for those data	

≒ Option: Use free wi-鍖	

≒ Where to 鍖nd wi-鍖?
This approach better for newsrooms because
stories sent to dedicated server  means you
can have exclusives
1st   video by Vericorder
            Vericorder a Canadian
            company that creates
            sophisticated software for
            iPhones (soon Android)	

            Create radio reports or
            podcasts; slideshows or
            video news stories on
            iPhones, with multi-track
            sound editing. 	

            1st video app launched at NAB
            in Las Vegas April 2010, and
            updated since then
Vericorder software
Three options in one app:	

1. Radio reporting	

2. 際際滷shows	

3. Video/TV reporting
Students at University of Missouri

     Erica Zucco and Brian Pellot, April 2010
Erica and Brian in Vancouver
2010 Winter Olympics
               ≒ Brian Pellot
                  reports with a
                  slideshow from
                  Mountain, a
                  two-hour drive
                  from the
                  newsroom in
                  February 2010
Practical mojo research,
 March-April 2010
≒ Covered city-wide
   elections for radio	

≒ Filed from 鍖eld	

≒ Observed and trained
   new users	

≒ Determined mojos
   value for newsroom
Quality critique: Audio

Sara Wittmeyer, news
                  director at KBIA,

                 Listened to audio in

                 Impressed with level of
                   audio quality
Quantitative research

                  ≒ Time	

                  ≒ Cost
Production time: 際際滷show
Cost comparison: 際際滷show

             NB: Prices in $US
How slideshow was made
≒ Ashley and Nicks video about making slideshow
   at 2010 Winter Olympics, Vancouver:
Vericorder software
Three options in one app:	

1. Radio reporting	

2. 際際滷shows	

3. Video/TV reporting
iPhone video quality varies

≒ iPhone 3GS = SD (standard de鍖nition) quality	

≒ iPhone 4 = HD2 (high de鍖nition) quality
Now high definition (HD) video
≒ Meet Ivo Burum, one
   of my PhD students.
   He trained indigenous
   mojos in Australias
   Northern Territory	

≒ They created mojo
   packages and put them
   on YouTube in HD
Tools of the trade video
Pdi day01
Pdi day01
MOJO course UNNC June 2011
Vericorders advantages
≒ Editing platform	

≒ Ease of use	

≒ Exclusive content
Hardware: OWLE Bubo

    The OWLE Bubo
    means steady video
    & sharper pictures
Feature movie filmed with iPhone

                            Link to video
Lens improves image quality
Now high definition (HD2) video
 ≒ Meet Ivo Burum, one
    of my PhD students.
    He trained indigenous
    mojos in Australias
    Northern Territory	

 ≒ They create packages
    and put them on
    YouTube in HD	

 ≒ Also trained at schools
    and my university
iPhone video quality varies

≒ iPhone 3GS = SD (standard de鍖nition) quality	

≒ iPhone 4 = HD2 (high de鍖nition) quality
Good versus bad of iPhone


≒ Compact/discreet	

   ≒ Battery life	

≒ Convenient	

         ≒ Data charges	

≒ Connected always	

≒ Easy to use
Battery options: Digipower
Spare battery: Mophie Juice
Holding your iPhone


≒ Streaming video involves lots of data and
   you will be charged for those data	

≒ Option: Use free wi-鍖	

≒ Where to 鍖nd wi-鍖?
Finding/getting wi-fi

Personal wi-鍖 router	

   Apple AirPort Extreme
Huawei mi-fi device
             ≒ Huawei E5830 mi-鍖	

             ≒ Weights 90gm. Add
                3G enabled SIM card
                and you have a roving
                wi-鍖 spot	

             ≒ 2Gb of data a month
                costs about $US 12*	

             ≒ Device costs about
                $US 80
Latest development

≒ iPhone for newsgathering in the 鍖eld	

≒ iPad 2 for editing
Prices in $US	

What mojo costs 
≒ Phone: $600*	

                 * iPhone 4 but iTouch or
                                   iPhone 3GS cheaper	

≒ OWLE Bubo: $160	

≒ Microphone: $20	

≒ Software: $10 (1st Video; 1st Video Net = $60)	

≒ SIM card: $2	

≒ Mi-鍖 device: $80	

≒ Data charges = free is using wi鍖	

≒ Battery charger: $100	

Total: under $1,000
To learn more
≒ Mojo tools guide:

≒ Vericorder site for training videos:

≒ Quinns book (free pdf online from

≒ Quinns mojo blog: http://Globalmojo.org
Thank you for your time

≒ Questions	


More Related Content

Pdi day01

  • 1. I FOUND MY MOJO* Professor Stephen Quinn The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China * Mojo = mobile journalism Apologies to movie Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
  • 2. About Stephen Quinn ≒ 1975-95: reporter, producer and editor in 5 countries ≒ 1996-now: university journalism professor ≒ published 16 books and 3 teaching manuals Another book due out this year Since 2000: >170 presentations in 33 countries Trained journalists in 11 countries ≒ former consultant with WAN/Ifra, Newsplex and Innovation International ≒ Online News Associations international committee ≒ Return to journalism in November
  • 3. 8,000 word mojo report ≒ 2008 report for IFRA and World Association of Newspapers ≒ Title: From backpack to pocket journalism
  • 4. My latest book ≒ Mojo: Mobile Journalism in the Asian Region (Konrad Adenauer Foundation: Singapore) ≒ First edition December 2009 ≒ Second edition January 2011 ≒ Third edition November 2011 ≒ Available as a free pdf download
  • 6. What is the termite holding? From an electron microscope
  • 9. Massive change since 2007 ≒ Moores Law and Hwangs Law ≒ Show BBC mojo examples, Sep 2007 Introduce Robert Hall ≒ Compare 2007 with now and imagine what could happen in next few years, based on Hwangs Law
  • 10. Remember Hwangs Law The computer in your mobile phone today is a million times cheaper and a 1,000 times more powerful than the one built at Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1965. It is also about a 100,000 times smaller. What used to 鍖t in a building now 鍖ts in your pocket. What 鍖ts in your pocket now will 鍖t inside a blood cell in 25 years. US futurist Ray Kurzweil
  • 11. Some theory and history ≒ My PhD: Relationship between innovation, journalists and tools they use (technology) ≒ 2 key adoption factors: speed & ease-of-use ≒ Deadlines: journalists appreciate tools that accelerate ways to get the story ≒ Tools need to be easy to use so they do not get in way of telling the story (journalists still see themselves as storytellers) ≒ Early mojos: New York 1999 (top); Hanover 2000
  • 12. Why is mojo important? ≒ Mojo delivers multi-media forms of breaking news almost live (delay of few seconds) ≒ From the 鍖eld to the TV newsroom or web sites ≒ Multi-media builds audiences online ≒ Bigger audiences mean higher advertising revenues ≒ 85% online news sites use video (33% rise since 2010) ≒ Source: DS Simon web in鍖uencers survey, May 2011
  • 13. Quinn is a mojo ≒ September 2008: I got the only individual interview with player ≒ Minders thought I was just chatting ≒ I streamed live video to newspaper web site seconds later ≒ It was an exclusive
  • 14. Welcome to the MOJO R/EVOLUTION
  • 15. Getting visuals for television Big outside broadcast vans VJs with hand-held cameras Moblogs (reporters send still photos via MMS)
  • 16. Outside broadcast vans ≒ Expensive to operate ≒ Require a crew ≒ Limited number
  • 17. VJ=video journalist Mojo=mobile journo Backpack reporting kit Mobile phone reporting kit
  • 18. Iran June 2009: major turning point Mobile+Facebook Hamed is an Iranian refugee living in the Netherlands. From there he put video of the death of 27-year-old Nada Khan on Facebook. I am no hero, Hamed This video won a Polk journalism award said. The real hero is my friend* who risked his life * A Facebook friend, that is. Hamed taking the video. never met the person who shot the 鍖lm except on the social networking site.
  • 19. Warning: Images of violent death Video of death of Nada Khan
  • 20. We are all online journalists now ≒ Anyone in room NOT have a mobile phone? ≒ With mobile phones anyone can get video, stills and audio of breaking news online almost live ≒ How many mobile phones on the planet?
  • 23. Summary: free versus pay ≒ FREE (basic) ≒ PAY (full) ≒ Mojo via Qik, etc ≒ Mojo with 1st Video ≒ Free software ≒ Pay for apps ($4-60) ≒ Can use wi-鍖 or 3G ≒ Can use wi-鍖 or 3G ≒ Works on most phones ≒ Only on iPhone ≒ Video goes to web so ≒ Video sent to dedicated anyone can watch server so exclusive ≒ Easy to use/minimal ≒ Day of training needed training needed to learn software
  • 24. But always remember ≒ Tools like those mentioned today put powerful newsgathering equipment in your pocket or handbag ≒ but pointless unless a good brain is using the technologies. ≒ These tools give journalists new ways to connect with their publics and publics new ways to connect with journalists
  • 25. All software I mention in this first section is a four-letter word starting with f FREE
  • 26. How to get started ≒ Register (mobile USA ≒ http://qik.com/ number, user name ≒ http://www.livestream.com/ and password) http://www.shozu.com/ ≒ Download software CANADA ≒ http://www.kyte.com/ ≒ Allocate buttons ≒ Start reporting SWEDEN ≒ http://bambuser.com/ ISRAEL ≒ http://鍖ixwagon.com/
  • 27. Go to Qik.com web site
  • 28. Check if phone is supported
  • 29. Find list of supported phones
  • 30. Go to Qik.com web site
  • 32. An example from Africa
  • 34. WARNING, WARNING !! ≒ Streaming video involves lots of data and you will be charged for those data ≒ Option: Use free wi-鍖 ≒ Where to 鍖nd wi-鍖?
  • 35. NOW THE PAY METHOD This approach better for newsrooms because stories sent to dedicated server means you can have exclusives
  • 36. 1st video by Vericorder Vericorder a Canadian company that creates sophisticated software for iPhones (soon Android) Create radio reports or podcasts; slideshows or video news stories on iPhones, with multi-track sound editing. 1st video app launched at NAB in Las Vegas April 2010, and updated since then
  • 37. Vericorder software Three options in one app: 1. Radio reporting 2. 際際滷shows 3. Video/TV reporting
  • 38. Students at University of Missouri Erica Zucco and Brian Pellot, April 2010
  • 39. Erica and Brian in Vancouver
  • 40. 2010 Winter Olympics ≒ Brian Pellot reports with a slideshow from Whistler Mountain, a two-hour drive from the newsroom in Vancouver, February 2010
  • 41. Practical mojo research, March-April 2010 ≒ Covered city-wide elections for radio ≒ Filed from 鍖eld ≒ Observed and trained new users ≒ Determined mojos value for newsroom
  • 42. Quality critique: Audio Sara Wittmeyer, news director at KBIA, Columbia Listened to audio in newsroom Impressed with level of audio quality
  • 43. Quantitative research ≒ Time ≒ Cost
  • 45. Cost comparison: 際際滷show NB: Prices in $US
  • 46. How slideshow was made ≒ Ashley and Nicks video about making slideshow at 2010 Winter Olympics, Vancouver:
  • 47. Vericorder software Three options in one app: 1. Radio reporting 2. 際際滷shows 3. Video/TV reporting
  • 48. iPhone video quality varies ≒ iPhone 3GS = SD (standard de鍖nition) quality ≒ iPhone 4 = HD2 (high de鍖nition) quality
  • 49. Now high definition (HD) video ≒ Meet Ivo Burum, one of my PhD students. He trained indigenous mojos in Australias Northern Territory ≒ They created mojo packages and put them on YouTube in HD
  • 50. Tools of the trade video
  • 53. MOJO course UNNC June 2011
  • 54. Vericorders advantages ≒ Editing platform ≒ Ease of use ≒ Exclusive content
  • 55. Hardware: OWLE Bubo The OWLE Bubo means steady video & sharper pictures
  • 56. Feature movie filmed with iPhone Link to video
  • 58. Now high definition (HD2) video ≒ Meet Ivo Burum, one of my PhD students. He trained indigenous mojos in Australias Northern Territory ≒ They create packages and put them on YouTube in HD ≒ Also trained at schools and my university
  • 59. iPhone video quality varies ≒ iPhone 3GS = SD (standard de鍖nition) quality ≒ iPhone 4 = HD2 (high de鍖nition) quality
  • 60. Good versus bad of iPhone GOOD BAD ≒ Compact/discreet ≒ Battery life ≒ Convenient ≒ Data charges ≒ Connected always ≒ Easy to use
  • 63. Holding your iPhone Gorillapod HandGrip
  • 64. WARNING STILL NEEDED ≒ Streaming video involves lots of data and you will be charged for those data ≒ Option: Use free wi-鍖 ≒ Where to 鍖nd wi-鍖?
  • 65. Finding/getting wi-fi Personal wi-鍖 router Apple AirPort Extreme
  • 66. Huawei mi-fi device ≒ Huawei E5830 mi-鍖 ≒ Weights 90gm. Add 3G enabled SIM card and you have a roving wi-鍖 spot ≒ 2Gb of data a month costs about $US 12* ≒ Device costs about $US 80
  • 67. Latest development ≒ iPhone for newsgathering in the 鍖eld ≒ iPad 2 for editing
  • 68. Prices in $US What mojo costs ≒ Phone: $600* * iPhone 4 but iTouch or iPhone 3GS cheaper ≒ OWLE Bubo: $160 ≒ Microphone: $20 ≒ Software: $10 (1st Video; 1st Video Net = $60) ≒ SIM card: $2 ≒ Mi-鍖 device: $80 ≒ Data charges = free is using wi鍖 ≒ Battery charger: $100 Total: under $1,000
  • 69. To learn more ≒ Mojo tools guide: http://www.rjionline.org/fellows-program/ sullivan/stories/mobile-tools/index.php ≒ Vericorder site for training videos: http://vericorder.com/training-videos ≒ Quinns book (free pdf online from November) ≒ Quinns mojo blog: http://Globalmojo.org
  • 70. Thank you for your time ≒ Questions ?