This document summarizes Dockerizing a Django application. It describes the speakers' experiences moving from a non-Dockerized setup with many issues, like outdated images and long recovery times, to a Dockerized setup with improved scalability, documentation, and development workflows. Key aspects of the new setup include using Docker Compose to run multiple services, Docker Machine to provision environments, and Docker Swarm for production deployments across multiple instances.
2. Who are we?
Michael Dougherty
Senior Front-end Engineer
CrowdStreet, Inc.
Hannes Hapke
Software Engineer
Talentpair, Inc.
3. Our pre-Docker World
Single instance world
(e.g. celery ran on the web
Outdated Amazon machine
No documentation about the
setup, consultancy work
Live data monkey patching
Scaling/Recovery time > 8 hours
Clunky QA setup > bottleneck
4. Our post-Docker World
Single instance world
(e.g. celery ran on the web
Outdated Amazon machine
No documentation about the
setup, consultancy work
Live data monkey patching
Scaling/Recovery time > 8 hours
Clunky QA setup > bottleneck
One service per container,
redundancy of instances
One common base image shared
across all instances
Explicit, declarative server setup
Immutable infrastructure (mostly)
Scaling/Recovery time ~ 20min
As many QA instances as we
6. Docker containers
wrap a piece of software in a complete 鍖lesystem that
contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system
tools, system libraries anything that can be installed on a
server. This guarantees that the software will always run
the same, regardless of its environment. *
Basically a virtual env for your operating system.
* from
10. Create a Docker鍖le
Build the Docker image and push it to the docker registry
Plain Docker
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN pip install Django
COPY requirements.txt .
$ docker build -t your_project/your-whale .
$ docker images
$ docker tag {image_hash} your_project/your-whale:latest
$ docker push
11. Plain Docker
Run a shell in a docker container
-i start an interactive container
-t creates Pseudo interface with stdin and stdout
Run the Django server in a container
-d run container in detached mode
-P maps all ports to the host machine
$ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
$ docker run -d -P my-container python run server
12. What if we need
multiple services?
Docker Compose Machine Swarm
13. Docker Compose
Compose is a tool for orchestrating the building,
running, and intercommunication of
multi-container Docker applications.
14. How does it work?
1) De鍖ne a Docker鍖le for every service
2) De鍖ne a Docker compose description of the environment
3) Use docker-compose build/up to start all services
version: '2'
build: .
- "5000:5000"
- .:/code
image: redis
15. How can I easily
provision a server with
the containers?
Docker Compose Machine Swarm
16. Docker Machine
is a great tool which creates Docker hosts anywhere.
Yes, anywhere.
Locally, AWS EC2, Digital Ocean, MS Azure, you name it.
No Ansible, Puppet, Chef, fabric, etc. required.
17. What if I need multiple
instances with multiple
Docker Compose Machine Swarm
20. If you start from scratch
Docker documentation includes a great Django
Too much work? The Django Cookie Cutter
template includes a great Docker setup
Other projects:
django-docker on github
23. Normalize folders
Create folders for every service
docker-compose-{env}.yml go into the project root
Docker鍖les go into every service folder scripts go into the service folders
Keep your local folder structure similar to the folder
structure within the container(s) - for sanity
26. Base Image
Create one (or more) base Docker鍖le(s) with all
common packages
Service containers can use this base image - this
will increase build speed
If you store the base image(s) in a separate git
repo, the docker registry will build them
automatically for you
27. Base Image
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install -y vim # Install some useful editor
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential git software-properties-common
RUN apt-get install -y python python-dev
python-setuptools build-essential
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs npm
RUN npm install -g n # upgrading the npm version
RUN n stable
29. Set up Docker compose
for the different
30. Docker Compose
For every environment, local, QA, staging,
production, de鍖ne a docker-compose-{env}.yml 鍖le
The 鍖les describe the environment stack
Each service within the docker-compose 鍖le can
have its own Docker鍖le
33. Docker Compose
Build your service stack with
Start the container stack with
Access a single container with
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml up
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml run django bash
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml
run container name command
38. Docker Machine
will provision you an AWS instance
Activate the instance with
Afterwards, any docker-compose command will be
executed on the active machine
Easy to start/stop/terminate machines
$ docker-machine create --driver amazonec2
--amazonec2-region [e.g. us-west-2]
--amazonec2-vpc-id [YOUR_VPC_ID vpc-xxxxxx]
--amazonec2-instance-type [e.g. t2.small]
$ docker-machine env [INSTANCE_NAME]
41. Or... how to cowboy code
with Docker
Sometimes you just need to manually change
Docker provides ways to get a shell inside a
running instance and copy 鍖les back and forth
Your changes will of course be lost next time you
spin up a new container
42. The Disciplined Way:
The Cowboy Way:
$ docker-compose run django bash
$ docker exec -it {container_id} bash
43. How does QA work with
No QA bottleneck anymore
No database gridlock anymore
Each feature branch gets its own instance
Once feature is tested, instance gets terminated
44. How can I access the shell/migrate?
Access the bash of the django container with
Continue as usual with
Some for migrations, make_migrations, etc.
Or run it from outside of the container stack with
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml run django bash
# ./ shell
docker-compose -f run django python migrate
45. Help, ipdb doesnt work
Start the Django container with the service ports
If no command is speci鍖ed, then Docker will default
to the command in the docker-compose.yml 鍖le
$ docker-compose -f dev.yml run --service-ports django
46. How to run tests?
Start the Django container with your test command
$ docker-compose -f run django test
47. CI Testing is convenient
Setup for Circle CI
- curl -sSL
| bash -s -- 1.10.0
- docker
- sudo pip install docker-compose
- docker login -e $DOCKER_EMAIL -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-circle.yml build
- npm install -g jshint
- sudo killall postgres # not sure why, but port 5432 is already taken up sometimes!
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-circle.yml up -d postgres
- jshint ~/your_project/django/static/js/your_project*
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-circle.yml run django
/your_project/ test --verbosity=2
48. WTF, the 鍖les I copied into
my container are missing??
If a volume is mounted at the same directory
where you copied other 鍖les, you will essentially
overwrite those 鍖les
49. Sharing Docker Machine
Docker machine is great, but there is no concept
of sharing credentials
All credentials are simple text 鍖les, no magic
npm tool `machine-share` solved the problem
Lets you export and import machine credentials
50. General Troubleshooting
Con鍖rm that the correct docker-machine environment is active
Rebuild your container stack
Rebuild with the --pull and/or --no-cache options
Restart the docker daemon
Restart your docker machine with docker-machine restart
Restart your docker machine VirtualBox VM
Remove and recreate your docker machine (essentially recreates
your dev environment from scratch)
52. Dev Environment
You can use the same image as in your production
All services run at once, all output piped to a single
log stream (which we saw earlier)
You can still have live reloading via Docker Volumes
(but be careful!)
53. How does the deployment
work now?
Create AWS instance with docker-machine
Activate the docker machine
Use docker-compose to build the stack
Use docker-compose up -d
Switch the load balancer
54. Summary of technologies
Learned about Docker
How to use docker to de鍖ne images and containers
Learned about Docker-compose to de鍖ne
relationships between containers
Learned about Docker-machine to seamlessly work
with containers on local/remote machines
55. Summary of bene鍖ts
Explicit, declarative server setup
Zero down time deployments
All dev services in one "window" and start with one
Easy provisioning of multiple QA instances
Quick onboarding for new devs